
The Great Hosu City Massacre

"Listen, I'm giving you a chance to walk away. I don't want to do this." I pursuaded.

He licked his blade and Momo tensed up, what was he doing?

"That's not an option, Leonidus. You see, now that you know what I look like, I can't allow you to escape. So, why don't you just sit back and make this a lot easier on me, eh? Before you die, you can call me Stain." He grinned menacingly.

He approached Momo and I, "I suggest you stay back, unless you're really wanting to be a stain."

He smiled and charged forward, holding his sword up high! I activated Mode Four and blocked his sword with my forearm. Stain looked shocked that he didn't draw any blood.

"I warned you, now prepare to say your prayers!" I shouted.

I slammed an Overdrive Fist right into his face, I sent him through a wall to my left. I turned my attention to Momo.

"Are you alright, can you stand?" I asked.

"N-No, his Quirk... It... It paralyzes you if he gets your blood!" Momo informed me.

I nodded and I grabbed Momo and we took off. Momo tried to move but she just couldn't.

"Look out!" Momo shouted.

I looked down and saw a combat knife coming straight for me! Momo somehow stuck her leg out to block it from impaling my side. She gritted her teeth and winced in pain. I threw down a couple Flash Cannons to make a smoke screen and darted to the left. We landed on the rooftop and I laid Momo down.

"This is gonna hurt like hell, are you ready?" I asked.

She nodded and she grabbed my hand. I quickly pulled the knife out and she squeezed my hand and winced in pain. I healed her wound and looked at the knife. The dripping blood was almost... Mesmerizing. I felt my teeth start to sharpen and the horn on my head started to come out. I shut my eyes and threw the knife to the side.

"Alyx, are you...?" Momo's voiced trailed off.

I'm not sure why, but the blood on that knife... I just couldn't control myself.


[In the Seventh Plane...]

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Upper Moon (Alt Version)" from Demon Slayer!)

"T-Tanjiro, this is bad! I can't get through to Alyx, something's wrong!" Nezuko shouted.

Tanjiro closed his eyes, he tensed up as his eyes shot open, "O-Oh... Oh no... His Demon Form, it's making him feel starved!"

[In the Real World...]

Alyx's Demon Form took full control, he quickly turned his attention to the bloody knife. He rushed over to it and picked it up. In a matter of moments, the knife was licked clean of blood. Momo looked on, terrified. Stain found his way onto the rooftop. Alyx, still hunched over, looked back at Stain.

"My, my, it seems as if someone's hungry." Stain laughed.

In a matter of seconds, Alyx pounced on Stain, knocking them both off the roof. Momo created a phone and called someone.

"Please, pick up, please..." Momo was on the verge of tears.

"Hello? Who in the hell is this?" Bakugo answered.

"Bakugo, I need help!" Momo cried.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Alyx and Stain were engaged in a fierce fight! Alyx rammed Stain into a parked car. He tried to bite at Stain's neck but was met with a sword. Alyx broke through the sword and bit down on Stain's neck. Instead of Stain drawing blood, he was getting a dose of his own medicine! He kicked Alyx backwards and clutched his neck.

"Y-You damn freak! Stay the hell away from me!" Stain pleaded.

Alyx let off a bloody grin and closed his eyes. The blood taken from Stain's neck triggered a further evolution in Alyx! As he opened his eyes, 4 others appeared above and below them. Sharp spikes now shot out of both of his arms and back! He tackled Stain through a window that led into a small store. The people inside panicked and screamed! Alyx tore at Stain as he pleaded for his life.

Blood covered Alyx's face and he licked every drop of it. Stain was out cold from the blood loss and pain, in a surprising act, Alyx turned his attention to the citizens of the town! His shriek was heard throughout the entire town! He rushed out of the store, in mere moments, 4 civilians fell to Alyx's bloodlust. Soon, the entire town would be in a panic. Hosu City soon became a bloody landscape due to Alyx's carnivorous rampage. Bodies littered the streets as a red mist soon enveloped the city. A grand total of 1,498 people had met their unfortunate fate due to Alyx's lust for blood. During this time, Class 2-A were heading straight for Momo and Alyx's location in Hosu City!

[40 Minutes Later...]

The rest of Class 2-A rushed to Momo's aide. They had no idea what was going on, as Momo seemed too panicked to accurately describe the situation. They shortly arrived at Hosu City, Deku sensed something was wrong.

"Where is everybody? This place is like a ghost town." Deku remarked.

They stopped as they reached the crest of the city, Kaminari stopped dead in his tracks.

"G-Guys... Do you smell that?" He asked.

"What? Wait..." Bakugo replied.

The smell of blood filled the air. Whatever had happened here must've been a massacre. Was Alyx alright? They shouted Momo and Alyx's names, but got no response. They split up to search for them. Deku, Uraraka, Mina, and Iida eventually found Alyx and Momo.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Message to a Friend" from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!)

"Alyx! Momo! We're..." Deku stopped in his tracks.

Alyx was sitting on his knees, covered in blood, they slowly approached him. Alyx stared down at his hands, and like a statue, he didn't move a muscle. Deku put his hand on his shoulder.

"W-What... What happened?" Deku questioned.

"I... I... I killed them..." Alyx muttered.

The repercussions of Alyx's Demon Form washed over everyone, Momo didn't let go of Alyx, she too stared down at the pool of blood surrounding them. Mr. Aizawa made his way over with the rest of the students. As the others rushed over, Mr. Aizawa stopped.

"My God... Alyx, what in the hell did you do?" He thought.

[Three Days Later...]

The news was nothing but "The Great Hosu City Massacre!" and "Leonidus: Hero or Villain?" U.A. High was under heavy fire due to this incident, and many staff members attended various press conferences.

"Eraser Head! Do you have any sort of explanation as to why Leonidus acted the way he did?" A reporter asked.

"It wasn't his fault. I'm not sure how many times I must repeat myself, but none of this was on purpose. We're still undergoing an investigation on Alyx's mental well being. Rest assured, we'll find out what caused this, and we'll act rationally on the subject." Aizawa responded.

Over the past three days, The bright, cheery young man never once left his room. He sat there, in a fetal position on the floor, as the Hosu City incident replayed in his mind. In one last attempt, Momo knocked on his bedroom door.


"A-Alyx... Please... Let me in." Momo begged.

I looked at the door and extended my hand outward. I used an Overdrive Whip to unlock the door. Momo slowly opened the door. She rushed over to me and hugged me.

"Alyx, it's not your fault... It's not your fault!" She repeated.

This didn't feel real, I felt like withering away, never to be heard from again. This bloodline isn't a gift, it's a damn curse!

[3 Hours Later...]

I went under multiple psychological evaluations, the only thing they found was the preexisting issues that I was already suffering from. Mr. Aizawa knew that my Demon Form was behind this, but he wasn't sure why. There's one thing for certain, there wasn't a single thing I could do to repay back the families of Hosu. That's what ate at me the most, the fact that something subconscious screwed those families over. The clock was ticking, and the ball was in U.A.'s court because of me. Momo stayed by my side the entire time, dozens of people were trying to get an interview with me, which U.A. denied. Momo could tell that I was getting frustrated with this whole ordeal.

"Why'd it have to be then? Why couldn't it have been in some secluded base or something? What in the fuck is wrong with me?!" I shouted as I slammed my fist on my desk.

I leaned forward and held my head in my hands, "What in the hell is wrong with me...?"

Momo comforted me as best as she could, but it felt as if nothing was working. Just then, Mr. Aizawa came into the room.

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "Tragedy" From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!)

"Alyx, we've got some people here that want to see you." Mr. Aizawa spoke up.

"Let me guess, more doctors that want to tell me things I already know? Or is it people that'll interview me and call me a goddamn freak?" I questioned.

He shook his head and I followed him downstairs. In the common room were people. Dozens of them... I looked around the room at their blank, stern expressions.

"Leonidus, there won't be a single way that you can repay us back. What you did to our families, nothing will be able to repair it, not money, nothing." An elderly lady stepped forward and said.

"But we know that wasn't really you, son. We've seen the real you, the pure, kindhearted young man you really are! That's the Leonidus we know, so please, don't hate yourself for what happened. The actions you did were done by unseen forces, and we understand it." She continued.

Tears streamed down my face, those words... Those were the words I needed to hear. I fell to my knees and hugged her. I couldn't stop crying... The lady rubbed the back of my head and I felt Mr. Aizawa place his hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked at him, for the first time, I saw him genuinely smile. I fell into him and cried my eyes out into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry!" I sobbed.

The dorm doors opened and Eri and Midnight walked in.

"Eraser Head, Ms. Midnight-" Eri stopped talking.

She ran over to me and looked at me, "Mr. Leonidus, why are you crying?"

I looked at her and wiped my nose. Eri looked at the people in the room and immediately noticed what was going on. Eri grabbed my hand and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Mr. Leonidus, please don't cry! Mr. Deku told me that my Quirk was a blessing, so yours is too! Please, don't cry anymore!" Eri reassured.

Eri gave me a hug, I didn't feel alone anymore. This entire time I thought that everyone had thought of me differently. I got up and through my tears, I apologized and thanked everyone. I went back upstairs into my room where Momo was still sitting on my bed. She got up and looked at me, noticing my slightly improved mood. She ran over and hugged me, we stood there, not saying a single word.

"You can still be a hero... I promise..." Momo whispered to me.

[The Next Day...]

I was actually dressed up in a suit today. I was headed to a press conference to discuss the Hosu City incident. Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Midnight decided to drive me there. Momo came with me as well. I looked out of the car window; the falling snow turned into blood. The surrounding area was littered with bodies. I tensed up a bit, but Momo's hand brought me back into reality.

"Hey, we'll get through this, okay?" Momo cooed.

"Right." I slightly smiled and nodded.

We arrived at this office looking building. We walked inside and tons of cameras flashed, dozens of reporters were attending. There were two cameras to the sides, most likely used to broadcast this to T.V., maybe this'll be live? I stood in front of a podium stand.

"Good afternoon everyone, as you know, my name is Leonidus. I've come to... Clarify what happened in Hosu City. At the time, I wasn't aware of my actions, but that is no excuse for the harm and irreparable damages to the families in Hosu. I, and U.A. High, take full responsibility for what happened on that day." I announced.

A reporter stood up, "Leonidus, what exactly happened on that day, if you can recall?"

"I was making my way to Hosu City after Creati hadn't shown back up to Heights Alliance. I was worried. Once I found her, she was bleeding out, nearly dead. That's when I made contact with the Hero Killer: Stain. We had a brief fight that led to Creati being punctured with a combat knife. The blood on the knife mesmerized me for some reason, then I lost consciousness. I woke up about 30-35 minutes later covered in blood." I responded.

"Excuse me, Leonidus, was your Quirk responsible for this?" Another reporter asked.

I shook my head, "No, it wasn't. There's something I haven't come out about yet that I'll talk about now. What happened in Hosu City wasn't the result of a Quirk. My family tree houses entities called, 'Demons'. They aren't your generic, stereotypical demons. As a matter of fact, some of them can look like they're normal humans, just with different aspects to their features like paler colored eyes and sharper teeth. What happened there was a result of my genetics."

"So, what does this mean for your position at U.A.?" A reporter questioned.

"I can't really say. It's up to the faculty at U.A. to decide, whatever happens however, I fully understand their decision." I replied.

"One more thing I'd like to address, the people of Hosu City have forgiven me for my actions. But that does NOT mean that everything is said and done, we all are still figuring things out." I added.

I stepped of the podium and dozens of people started talking and tried to ask questions. Mr. Aizawa waved them off as we left the building.

"You handled that well, simple and to the point, now they won't have to be asking the major questions." Mr. Aizawa complimented.

We entered the car and drove back to the dorms. I think there's still a lot of unanswered questions though, a lot of those questions were mine. As we got back home, I went up to my room and changed into some more comfortable clothes. I saw my Demon Form in the reflection of the balcony door. I turned away and quickly walked out of my room. I walked down to the common room and sat on the couch. Everyone was watching the news.

"...Hero Killer: Stain, the infamous murderer of Hosu City, has been pronounced dead this morning after a wild attack from U.A. High Student, Alyx Leonidus, we've got a..." The reporter's voice trailed off.

We watched my press conference, which it only showed bit and pieces of.

"So, what now?" Kirishima asked.

"Since U.A. is handling the situation, and that I've been pardoned by the people of Hosu, I guess I'll just have to try and live normally somehow." I assumed.

"And we'll help you. You can't exactly do that by yourself, Amnesia." Bakugo added.

Kaminari leaned over the couch and held out a donut, "You want one? I made them myself."

"If I die from food poisoning, I'm coming back from the Seventh Plane to haunt you." I replied.

I took the donut from him and ate it; it was surprisingly good!

"Hey, Kaminari! Are these donuts from HOCUS POCUS yours?" Deku said out loud.

"Oh shit, a secret has been revealed!" Kaminari jumped up and ran towards the kitchen.

Mineta tapped my shoulder, "Hey, I've got something to show you!"

I followed Mineta all the way up to the 5th floor and into one of the bathrooms, he pulled aside an obvious hideaway for a peephole.

"I made this baby myself! Take a look!" Mineta proudly exclaimed.

I looked inside the peephole.

"Hey, Mineta, did you just so happen to notice whose room this is?" I questioned.

"Of course! It's Yaoyorozu's and-" He stopped.

This was the final straw.

[Five Minutes Later...]


"AAAAAAAH! HELP ME HELP ME!!!" Mineta pleaded.

Deku held me back with Blackwhip and Sero held me back with his tape. Kirishima and Bakugo held me back as well.


"Personally, I would've let him do it but..." Mina muttered.

Kaminari watched on, "So, what he do?"


"Oooh... Feel free to let him loose then." Momo replied.

Mineta cowered behind Kaminari, "Please! DON'T LET HIM HURT ME!"

"What do you want me to do? Just apologize to him, bro!" Kaminari shouted.

Mineta gulped and slowly walked up to me, his entire being was shaking!

"I-I'm s-s-sorry! Please don't turn my head into grape juice!" He apologized.

I deactivated my Rage Quirk and smiled at him.

"It's alright! Just make sure you patch that hole up, please!" I replied.

Deku released Blackwhip and Sero unwrapped his tape from around me. Mineta quickly nodded and ran up the stairs.

"Huh, it looks like you put him in his place. Maybe if you try hard enough, he'll stop being so perverted." Jiro chuckled.

"Eh, as unfortunate as this'll sound, it honestly makes him unique. Albeit extremely annoying to you girls, it's somewhat a part of his personality." I responded.

[Later That Night...]

After I got ready for bed, I stood outside on my balcony. A flash of light appeared out of the corner of my left eye and I turned to face it. Aunt Nezuko and Grandpa Tanjiro ran out of the portal. Nezuko had tears in her eyes as she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry! I should have warned you, Alyx!" Nezuko exclaimed.

I hugged her back, "It's alright! I understand, it's my fault anyway, I should've listened to you guys more."

"So, the whole situation's been resolved, yes?" Great Grandpa asked.

"I'm not sure, I'm definitely going to have to make it up to everyone though. I start my patrols with Uraraka at Endeavor's agency tomorrow. I'm preparing for people to look at me differently, which is fine, I guess." I replied.

Aunt Nezuko stopped hugging me, "There's just one thing that's bothering me. Why did it start now?"

"That's a good question, I'm not entirely sure, what do you think?" Grandpa responded.

I sat there and thought for a bit. Then, an idea hit me!

"It might've been because I'm more focused on fighting than anything else. But when I fought Stain, I wasn't exactly focused on anything." I suggested.

"Maybe so... That definitely is plausible." Aunt Nezuko noted.

I heard my balcony door slide open and Great Grandpa and Aunt Nezuko disappeared.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Shoto asked.

"I'm okay I guess." I responded.

"Are you aware that it's snowing out, Alyx?" He questioned.

I smiled and lightly laughed, "Yeah, I know."

"Yaoyorozu's been worried about you. She thinks that they're going to kick you out from U.A. We've all been thinking the same as well." Shoto noted.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Violet's Letter" from Violet Evergarden)

I nodded and we left my room. Shoto went to his room and I walked over to Momo's. I slowly opened her door; she had her blanket around her and she was clutching a pillow tightly. I could tell that she's been crying for some time now, since her eyes were slightly red. I climbed onto her bed and hugged her, she hugged me tightly, which kinda took me by surprise a bit.

"T-They aren't going to kick you out, a-are they?" She sniffled.

"No, Momz, they aren't. I promise, okay? You've got nothing to worry about." I cooed.

Her grip tightened on my shirt, "But... But what if they incarcerate you in Tartarus?"

"If that happens, so be it. I'd imagine that they'd still want me to be held accountable for my actions. But I want you to promise me something, please?" I asked.

She looked up at me and nodded.

"Whatever happens to me, I want you to never blame yourself, no matter what. Okay?" I smiled as I held her hands.

"I... Okay, I promise." She replied.

I tilted my head a bit and softly smiled at her. In the moonlight, I could see a single tear fall down her face as she mustered a smile back at me. I closed my eyes and put my forehead on hers.

"You're a lot stronger than you realize, Momo." I whispered.

She didn't say a word, but I could tell she was feeling somewhat better. I leaned back and she opened her eyes. We looked at each other for a bit before we kissed. After we kissed, we both drifted off to sleep, for what felt like our last time together.

Hey everybody, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! We're in for one heck of a ride, there WILL be an unexpected "death" here soon. One more thing, the feature to send power stones for my story has been temporarily blocked (in a sense)! Apparently, you can not use Japanese or Chinese in your story, something that I wasn't aware of or even heard of. Rest assured, that option will be back up soon!

LeoLyonWritingcreators' thoughts