
Rabbit Hero's New Sidekick? The End of Leonidus' Suffering!

"Do I really have to wear this thing? I don't mean to be rude but I prefer my costume over this one." I wondered.

"Isn't that what sidekicks are and shit?" Mirko responded.

I shook my head, "Oh, no! Basically, they're just people that you can rely on as backup!"

"Heh? Rely on? You ain't telling me that this whole sidekick shit's meant for people to just hang back until they're needed, are you?" Mirko lowered her eyebrow.

"I mean, I don't mind helping you kick ass, unless you want me to stay back." I suggested.

We both looked at each other in silence before laughing. She put her hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"Shit, that was a good one! So, why exactly did you want to become my sidekick?" She smiled.

"Well, I guess I'm having a bit of a 'family' issue, and I'm using the word 'family' very loosely. My Grandmother has apparently made her way here, she's responsible for making a spirit possess me and responsible for the string of bad things that has happened to me as well. I met with her a couple days ago, also, Happy birthday by the way!" I explained.

"Ah, I see, and thank you! What happened during this meeting?" Mirko responded.

"We had a brief fight, I didn't want her to escape, but she did just that. Now she's gone, I can't sense her Heat Energy. She must be masking it with her Quirk." I explained.

Mirko plopped down onto a chair and kicked her feet up, "Uh huh... What's this bitch's Quirk anyway?"

"It's called 'Witchcraft', it's pretty self-explanatory. It allows her to cast spells and curses that harm others, protect others, or protect herself. In this case, she's cast one on me, the only way I can break it..." I told her.

I walked over to the window and looked towards the city, "...Is to kill her."

"Killing her? Are you sure you can't just make her do some magic bullshit to get rid of the curse?" Mirko wondered.

"No, I'm afraid not. She can't be reasoned with whatsoever, so there's no point in trying to convince her to get rid of it, she shares a similar evil to Black-Heart. An evil that I can't save someone from." I sighed.

She got up from her chair, "Well, it makes no sense sitting around here, let's see if we can't find her!"

[2 Hours Later...]

We searched nearly the entirety of Musutafu but came up with nothing. No witnesses, no markings, absolutely no trace of anything witchcrafty anywhere!

"Where in the hell could this Witch Bitch've gone?" Mirko grumbled.

"I was just thinking the same thing, she could be anywhere in Japan at this point." I replied.

"This might be harder than we thought... Hmm... Wait a fuckin' second!" Mirko exclaimed.

"Oh, what is it?" I questioned.

She looked at me, "There's some fuckin' shop that we didn't even check! It's got all sortsa magical shit in there!"

"I don't think she'd be hiding in a Witchcraft shop. That'd be a little too obvious, don't you think?" I doubted.

"That's probably what she wants us to think!" Mirko countered.

Honestly, that was a pretty fair point. I nodded at her and we made our way towards this shop. We entered through a rather interesting looking wooden door, if Witchcraft had a central hub, this would be the place! It didn't look like anyone was in.

"Do you smell that?" Mirko whispered.

"Yeah... That smells like... Fire?" I whispered back.


Leonidus looked over and saw something smoking, he quickly shielded Mirko as it exploded, sending the two of them flying out of the shop! Leonidus hit the ground hard and looked towards the now burning building. He looked behind him and saw that a force shield separated him and Mirko. She pounded on the shield, trying to find some sort of way to break it.

"So, you went for the obvious location thinking that I wouldn't expect it, huh?" Daniela Leonidus laughed.

He stumbled up to his feet, not taking his eyes off of her. He wiped blood from his face as she slowly walked towards him.

"That cape... It looks adorable on you, it's a shame it'll be burned up once I've killed you, Alyx. You know, you look an awful lot like that Ms. America person." She remarked.

Leonidus charged forward, throwing a punch at her, she side stepped it and elbowed him in the back. She grabbed his cape and slammed him into the ground, then blasting him right into the force shield.

"Aww, you aren't using that damn Overdrive of yours, what's wrong? Did I have something to do with that?" Daniela feigned concern.

The blast exploded, sending Leonidus away from her, smoke rose off of his body. Back at the dorms, everyone returned from their Work-Studies, not knowing what was going on practically nearby! Sota and Selina sat in Sota's dorm room flipping through channels on his T.V. Their eyes widened as they stopped on a random news station, it broadcasted what was going on downtown! They sat there mortified that Leonidus was getting beaten to a pulp! Alyx struggled to stand on his feet as she continued to hit him with a barrage of spells. Right before she delivered another attack, Leonidus chucked a rock at her, causing it to explode right as she sent an attack to him.

The pieces of debris slammed into her eyes, she reeled back in pain, screaming out in agony. Leonidus made his way towards her, pulling out a Bo Staff that Momo created for him. He smacked it against her face, knee'd her in the stomach, and cracked the staff over her back. Daniela fell to the ground, anger took over Leonidus, he lifted up the staff and beat it against her repeatedly.

"How... Dare... You... Hurt... Me!" He fumed.

The tungsten staff snapped clean in half as Leonidus hit her once last time with it. Daniela screamed out of anger at him as she lingered up to her feet. The ground beneath Leonidus launched out towards him, he guarded his face as the concrete crashed into him! He rolled off the ground, he couldn't open his left eye after Daniela's attack. Leonidus saw someone stick their hand up from underneath a car, they were clearly injured, but not near death. Daniela flew into the air and multiple hex symbols appeared around her. The went flying towards Leonidus, the woman behind him screamed. Although he felt his arms begin to lose strength, he had to stop her attack!

"DORARARARA!!" He roared.

Without using his Overdrive, Leonidus defended himself and the woman against Daniela's attacks, the hexes burst against Leonidus' arms, leaving them rendered useless. He panted heavily as Daniela grinned at him.

"Huh... How pathetic, you wear that cape and yet you don't use your Overdrive..." She smirked.

"Shut... Your damn... Mouth..." Leonidus retorted.

"Didn't I say that it looked like Ms. America's? I should know, being that I killed her." Daniela responded.

Leonidus' eyes widened as he remembered Ms. America. Not a single person in America knew who killed her. His arms trembled as his Overdrive began to flare from his scar. The smile from his teacher flickered in his mind, reigniting a fire in both his heart and his soul.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!" Leonidus roared.

He burst into Gear Three and charged towards Daniela, he slammed his head into hers, grabbed her hair with his teeth, then sent her crashing into the ground. His fingertips lit up and he sprayed her down with hundreds of Stardust Shoot beams. Daniela appeared behind him, Leonidus was then zapped down to the ground hard! The attack burrowed him into the ground, creating smoke and fire in some areas. Sota and Selina trembled with fear as tears filled their eyes.

"L-Leonidus... LEONIDUS!!" They called out.

As the smoke cleared, Leonidus was still standing, he shakily lifted his head to look at his Grandmother.

"Why... Why won't you just stay the fuck down and die already?!" Daniela screamed.

"I-It's... Because... I-I... I have to... Teach them... Sota... Selina... Everything I know... Before I can think... About dying!" Leonidus responded.

He gave her a smile as his Overdrive aura grew intense around him. Sparks of hope surrounded him as Daniela began to look disgusted.

"Fine, have it your way then!" She shouted.

A red aura surrounded her as she flew straight towards Leonidus. He narrowed his eyes as he saw his Grandmother approach him. He quickly jumped out of the way as she went head first into the debris behind him. Leonidus rolled off the ground and faced where Daniela landed.

"It's okay, to be scared of yourself, Leonidus. But don't you ever forget that your Quirk is who you are, it's what makes you, you!" Ms. America told him.

Leonidus opened his eyes, he ignited into Gear Six as Daniela demolished the area around her.


"You shouldn't have been given life either, Daniela." Leonidus retorted.

She huffed loudly at him and charged towards him once more. Leonidus reeled his fist back, keeping his hand open, Ms. America stood behind him copying his pose. Alyx closed his eyes, Momo and Mabel entered his mind, Chiyoko's message from the future repeated in his thoughts.

"Papa! I wanna be an awesome hero just like you!" Mabel beamed.

His eyes shot open and filled with nothing but Overdrive. He closed his fist as his arm began to glow a neon blue. His hair faded into white and the ground beneath him indented as it poured out Overdrive from the cracks.

"I'll make this... The best Overdrive Fist... I've ever delivered!" Leonidus thought.

Daniela put a shield up and the two clashed. Her shield slowly began to break as the ground lit up with Overdrive. Leonidus began to push Daniela's shield back, he furrowed his eyebrows and grit his teeth. Momo's smiling face appeared in his head.

"ALYX!! GOOOOO!!!" Everyone shouted.


A mighty blue dragon burst out, slamming into Daniela! It carried her into the sky after dragging her through the ground. He shattered the force shield as it exploded into the sunset sky! The explosion covered the area for miles, Leonidus gave his Grandmother one last smile. The look on her face told him the whole story, Leonidus had truly won.

"Good riddance, you damn bitch..." He grinned.

She faded away in the explosion of Overdrive, Leonidus kept a tired smile as the explosion of energy finally settled, it had reconstructed the surrounding buildings and city streets! Alyx fell unconscious but slowly fell to the ground.

"You did well, Alyx." Ms. America smiled.

Alyx gently landed on the ground, Mirko dispatched the last of Daniela's henchmen with the help of other Pro Heroes. She made her way over to the unconscious Leonidus.

"You just keep surprisin' me, Leonidus." She chuckled.


I slowly opened my right eye, my vision started to clear up as it got adjusted to the light. Mirko was kneeling down next to me, a news helicopter flew by overhead, I wonder if they saw all of that? Mirko lifted me up and smiled at me.

"You really fucked yourself up kid! That right arm of yours ain't looking so good." She observed.

"A-And... Everything... Else... Does...?" I wearily joked.

"Hell no, you look like a mess! You can rest now, you've done enough, Leonidus." Mirko laughed.

I slightly nodded before losing consciousness.

"Alyx..." I heard Ms. America's voice.

I opened my eyes and found myself standing in front of her. She walked over to me and put her hand on the top of my head.

"You've grown, you've done everything you've promised me, and more. I always knew you'd be an exceptional hero... But this has just blown my expectations out of the water. You've made me proud, Leonidus. Not because of how much stronger you've grown, but because of your unbreakable resolve. You run off of the hopes of others, something that separates you from other people. I think it's time for me to give you something much like what your Father gave you." She warmly smiled.

Her arm started to glow multiple colors, what was she doing? She opened her eyes after taking her hand off my head.

"I've given you relief from all of the bad things that woman has put you through, no more will you have to remember those feelings of guilt and pain. The curse has been lifted, you no longer need to be so harsh on yourself, Alyx. From here on out, that pain you've experienced won't be severe as it was before." Ms. America continued.

I gave her a hug, my grip tightened on her cape, she gently hugged me back.

"I won't ever be able to repay you... Thank you so much for doing this." I sniffled.

"Just become the best hero you can be, Alyx Leonidus, that's all I ask in return." She told me.

I stopped hugging her and wiped my eyes, "Y-Yes, I promise! I'll do it for you, Ms. America, and I'll do it for everyone else!"

"Good, now rest, my boy. You deserve it." She spoke softly.

I felt myself fade out of wherever I was at. I woke up to the feeling of someone laying on top of me. I opened my right eye and looked down. Momo was sound asleep, she must've come by right after her Work-Study, since she was wearing her hero costume still. I looked out of the window; it was pouring rain pretty hard out there, which honestly made me feel a lot more relaxed. I thought about what Chiyoko showed me a few days ago. She promised me that everything would be alright, I honestly didn't believe her, since she told me that the coming days were unclear and that she couldn't see them. But now that I understand why they were. I started to put my left arm around Momo, but she already had it around her.

She stretched and let out a slightly shaky breath as she did. Momo yawned before looking up at me. She shook her head and sighed at me.

"Hospital visit number 100." She smiled.

"More like 1,000." I joked.

She quietly giggled as she put her forehead on mine.

"You know, I'm really glad that you used your Overdrive, Alyx. I missed seeing it." Momo cooed.

"I'd imagine you would, I had a lot to think about beforehand." I replied.

We kissed, she then put her head on my chest. She immediately moved up to my shoulder.

"Never have I felt broken bones before, neither do I wish to ever again." Momo remarked.

"I see you aren't accustomed to broken ribs, trust me, they don't feel the best either." I smiled.

"Do you want me to move over instead? If I'm hurting you then I can, darling." She wondered.

"No, no, you're fine. I don't care." I told her.

She snuggled up closer to me, this Work-Study with Mirko was gonna be long, I could just tell already.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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