
Meeting Dr. Rhiannon! Alyx Leonidus: Origin

I woke up this morning to get ready for this appointment with Dr. Rhiannon. I made my way downstairs after and saw Deku, Momo, Mina, and Kirishima all standing by the door.

"Hey! Morning bro!" Kirishima smiled.

"Oh, hey! What are you guys doing here? I thought Momo was just going with me?" I wondered.

"We figured you'd want the extra company!" Mina replied.

[28 Minutes Later...]

We all arrived at Dr. Rhiannon's office. It was quite the building, although it was a little smaller than the surrounding ones. We walked in and entered her office.

"Ah, you must be Alyx Leonidus! I assume you're here for your 9:30 appointment?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am!" I answered.

"Alright, sit down over here and we'll begin the evaluation." Rhiannon instructed.

I laid down on this weird couch chair thing and stared up at the ceiling. She sat on a chair next to me and held a notebook.

"So, Nemuri told me that you had been stressing out about your secondary Quirk? Is that true?" She questioned.

"Yeah, that's correct. I'm assuming she's told you a bit more than that?" I answered.

"Indeed, she has told me a bit. How about we start off with you telling me about your life? Just give me every detail that you can remember. If you stumble upon something uncomfortable, do your best to describe it to me." Dr. Rhiannon instructed.


Alyx Sienna Leonidus was born on July 24th in Las Vegas, Nevada to Darren and Marie Leonidus. He was the third child the Leonidus Family had. He grew up in wealth as his mother and father were both Pro Heroes. They had nurtured Alyx into a very strong, respectful and helpful young man. He started developing his Quirk at the age of 4.

"Mama! Daddy! Look!" Alyx exclaimed.

To his parent's surprise, Alyx had developed the strongest variant of Darren's Overdrive Quirk, as it shined a bright violet-blue. From there, Darren had helped Alyx work his Quirk out. As he entered elementary school, Alyx quickly made friends with his classmates. Specifically, Sheyenne Cortez, Karson Barr, and Joshua Turner. He later discovered his Rage Quirk after defending Laura Whitson from a group of bullies. As they grew older, the five grew to be inseparable! During his middle school years, Alyx had developed a relationship with Laura Whitson. Laura Whitson was a tanned skin girl with long, bright red hair that faded into yellow. She had cherry red eyes and had a small scar on her lip. The two had seemed perfect together.

Unfortunately, a couple weeks before Alyx the end of the school year, tragedy struck. Black-Heart had begun a large-scale attack against the city of Las Vegas.

"L-LAURA!!" Alyx shouted.

Black-Heart held Laura by her neck as Alyx laid on the ground, beaten and helpless.

"I-It's... Okay... Alyx... I-I Lo... Love you..." Laura cried.

Black-Heart then stripped away the life from Laura Whitson, right in front of Alyx's eyes. This event was ultimately the catalyst that led to Alyx's scar above his left eye and his Retrograde Amnesia. During Laura's funeral, Alyx began to feel a deep-seated hatred for Black-Heart, one that would appear once more after his father's death. Alyx Leonidus was recommended to U.A. High School after Toshinori Yagi, All Might, was contacted by both Darren Leonidus and Cynthia Warlock, co-founder of the World Hero Association. All Might had brought Leonidus' declining mental condition to Shota Aizawa and the rest of the staff at U.A. Principal Nezu had granted Alyx a recommendation after being shown what all Alyx has done over in America and a quick summary of his Quirk.

"So, what exactly are we going to do about his head injury?" Shota asked.

"Well, I believe we need to have a plan in place. Have you been in contact with Mrs. Warlock recently, All Might?" Nezu responded.

All Might nodded, "I have, but she said that she'll get back to me soon. Darren and Marie had him record some sort of message to himself in case his injury gets worse. I still don't believe those doctors brushed it off as something minor."

"Maybe they had some sort of resentment? I mean, they were former high ranking Pro Heroes, I'd imagine they'd have their fair share of unseen enemies." Snipe suggested.

"Still, that's no excuse to improperly diagnose a child, if that is the case." Thirteen replied.

Once they arrived in Japan, and once they got settled down, Darren had contacted All Might to tell him the bad news about his son's head injury.

"It's gotten... Much worse, way worse than expected. I've tried using my healing on him in the past, but it didn't work one bit. It felt like it slowly made it worse." Darren fretted.

"I'm sure there's some sort of way we can fix this. Cynthia still hasn't gotten back to me yet, I'm hoping she can send you the recording, but that could be weeks or months before she manages to get time to do it." All Might responded.

After their conversation, Marie sat down with Annie Leonidus and her husband Darren to discuss the matter at hand.

"So, what are we going to do? We can't just do nothing about this." Marie argued.

"I know, I'm trying everything I can, Marie. I've just been coming up short." Darren told her.

Annie piped in, "Well, he managed to keep his memory of Kariya, if that's a plus."

When he came home from U.A., he often attempted to heal himself once Annie taught him how to. As he did, he grew more upset as it only made him exhausted, instead of helping him regain his lost memories. He further grew into resenting himself. Instead of feeling down on himself, Alyx had grown a very selfless nature, which masked his inner thoughts. This nature had ultimately allowed him to feel closer to death and could be viewed more as reckless than selfless.


"...And if I'm gonna be honest, I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for my family and everyone else, I just felt so lost and alone. Once I moved to the dorms, I guess Momo was really the one that kept me together for quite a while." I finished.

Dr. Rhiannon looked up from her notebook, "Ah, I see... Anything else you'd like to tell me?"

"Well, I guess I never really liked fighting. I was always scared of it, but ever since Laura died, I hated myself for being scared. If I wasn't so scared of it, maybe she'd still be here." I added.

She wrote more things down on her notebook and set it down on her lap.

"Well, that concludes our time for today. I'll be giving Nemuri a call to see if she'd like to set up further appointments. So, how are you feeling?" She questioned.

"I think I feel a little better talking it out. Thank you, Dr. Rhiannon, I really appreciate it!" I smiled a bit.

"Don't mention it, it's what I'm here for, after all! Anyways, I should have a proper diagnosis by the end of the week. I would have it sooner, it's just that I have others that must be attended to. Thank you for coming, Alyx." She nodded.

I nodded and thanked her as I left the room. The others got up and crowded around me.

"Sorry about this, guys. I guess you didn't really expect to hear my entire life story and then some." I apologized.

"Don't stress it, man! Letting someone know how you feel is probably the manliest thing in the world!" Kirishima grinned.

"Yeah! Being healthy in the brain is pretty important, right Midoriya?" Mina added.

Deku and I looked at each other, he gave me one of those looks a mother of 5 children would give if they've been up with an infant since 3 in the morning. He stopped giving me the look and we laughed. We walked out of the building and started walking back to the dorms.

"So, did all that stuff really happen? I heard most of it, it sounds like you had it rough for a while there." Mina inquired.

"Yep, I guess there wasn't any sense in hiding it anymore. Speaking of that, I'm awfully hungry!" I replied.

Momo looked at me, "Besides fighting, is that really all you think about?"

"W-Well... No! Food yes, but fighting, not really. I think about you too! And everyone else, it's just that those two things are on my mind more often than not, that's all." I reassured her.

Mina looked at me and smirked, "So, what's more important, Yaoyorozu or food?"

"Psshh... That's easy! Kirishima, cover Deku's ears please." I scoffed.

"W-What? Why?" Deku asked.

Kirishima did it and I looked at Mina and then back forward.

"When it comes to that, let's just say that Momo's beyond a 5-star meal, trust me. I'd take her over food any day! In Kaminari Talk, she's a snack." I responded.

Momo started blushing and she gasped, "A-Alyx!"

A spring came out of her elbow and bounced down the street. I watched as it bounced off a parked car and hit someone on the back of the head.

"Oh, shit!" Mina exclaimed.

"We should probably go!" Deku quickly replied.

We hastened our pace and turned the corner down the block. Momo grabbed my hand and tapped my wrist with her thumb. I activated my Overdrive in the palm of my hand and used my telepathy.

"What's up, babe?" I asked.

"So, I've got a question. I didn't want to ask you out loud since I didn't want to cause you to feel embarrassed or overwhelmed. But did you talk to Dr. Rhiannon about your Rage Quirk?" Momo responded.

"No, I didn't. I wasn't sure how to tell her. I did tell her about my Rage Quirk, just not that I was scared of it. I think I'd rather tell her if Midnight schedules another appointment. My mother already knows about it as well, so there's no need to worry about it." I told her.

"Oh, alright! Do you want to discuss it in private? I understand if you don't wish to, darling." Momo wondered.

"Sure, I don't think it'd be good to just keep it in the entire time." I replied.

[20 Minutes Later...]

After we all ate lunch, I sat down with Momo in my room to talk, I sat on my bean bag chair and Momo sat on my bed.

"You know, this chair never ceases to amaze me, I'm still sinking into the damn thing!" I laughed.

Momo smiled and laugh, "Seriously? That thing must be a bottomless pit of some sort!"

"So, did you want me to explain my whole life story again or did you just want me to explain the whole Quirk stuff?" I joked.

"Just explain the Quirk stuff, darling." Momo told me.

"Alright so... The time I really got scared of using it was when I hurt my Mother with it on accident. I don't remember much from it; all I remember was her helping me out with some type training and then seeing her laying on the ground. I felt so terrible about it, so I just locked myself in my room for a couple of days, my Mother told me that it was okay and that she knew I didn't mean it, but I haven't been able to forgive myself since." I explained.

I continued talking, "I never meant to hurt her, which after the same thing happened to you and then Midnight, I didn't want to use it anymore. In all honesty, I hate who I am because of it. That's what I told Midnight after what happened yesterday. But, it's really why I try to be so positive and it's why I'm never angry at anything."

Momo got up from my bed and hugged me.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to make you feel okay about it, I promise." She cooed.

I put my head on her shoulder and hugged her back, "Thank you, Momz."

"Alyx, I apologize." Mikaboshi's voice echoed.

Out of everything that I didn't expect, I never thought I'd hear him utter those words.

"Are you two going to engage in those vile acts once more? If so, I'm returning to my lair." Mikaboshi cringed.

"No, we aren't! I promise, Boshi." I laughed.

I snickered out loud, "What's so funny?"

"Mikaboshi just apologized to me and then asked if we were going to 'engage in those vile acts' again." I told her.

"Didn't you say that he caused some of your trauma?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, but he just apologized so-" I tried to say.

Momo put her lips on mine, which took me by surprise and we fell out of my bean bag chair.

"Y-Yowch!" I exclaimed as a hit my head on the floor.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you, darling?" Momo quickly apologized.

I sat up and rubbed the back of my head, "N-No! I'm okay!"

"Good, so, shall we continue?" Momo smirked.

[Some Time Later...]

I sat up as Momo rolled off of me, she spread her arms and legs out, her legs were slightly shaking under the covers.

"Geez, did I take it a little too far? I went into training mode there just a bit." I laughed.

"N-No... You did beyond expectations, darling... I-I haven't felt like that in forever!" Momo smiled.

"Hey, so, why are you out of breath? I was doing most of the work." I questioned.

"Not to beat around the bush, but you practically pounded the Quirk out of me." Momo told me.

I chuckled and shook my head, "Good grief..."

My door started to open and I activated Mode Four. In a flash, I put one of my shirts over Momo and put underwear on and returned to my bed.

"Yo, I was just checking in! How you feeling?" Kirishima asked.

"O-Oh, I'm doing... Good! Really good!" I nervously laughed.

Kirishima squinted his eyes, "Woah, is that a bruise on your neck? You've got some too, Yaoyorozu!"

We both tensed up internally, but we kept our composure on the outside.

"Yeah... They're just bruises, Kirishima. You didn't notice them at all today?" Momo questioned.

"Oh, okay, I guess I didn't! Do you guys wanna come downstairs? Sato and I are gonna have an arm-wrestling contest!" Kirishima grinned.

I nodded, "Sure! We'll be down in a bit."

Kirishima nodded back and closed my door as he left.

"Phew, that was extremely close!" Momo exclaimed.

"Yeah, glad we kept our cool there. I can thank Toga for teaching me how to lie!" I replied.

I looked over at saw that Momo was glaring at me. I put my hand on her chest, we both stared at each other for a bit.

"Squaaaaaank." I uttered as I squeezed her right boob.

She kept glaring at me, but quickly made a "pfft" noise and started laughing.

"We should probably get dressed and go see this arm-wrestling contest." Momo giggled.

In all honesty, my bet was on Sato, if he actually had eaten things with sugar before it. Then again, Kirishima is really strong! I remember last year during the Sports Festival, he won against Tetsutetsu during an arm-wrestling contest! This should be quite the interesting matchup!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! A huge shout out to one of my best friends for allowing me to implement one of their characters (Stevie Rhiannon) into the story!

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