
Infinite Mode & Creation! Momo & Alyx's Counter Attack!


(I.R.P.: Listen to Ashif N's Cover of "Mastered Ultra Instinct")

"There it is again, Infinite Mode." Bakugo pointed out.

Mr. Aizawa nodded and looked over at Midnight, "Give me a reading on his APs."

Midnight looked at the monitor in front of her and waited a couple seconds, her eyes widened as the results appeared. She turned over to Aizawa and the others and shook her head in disbelief.

"Without his Quirk, he's sitting at a mere 500 AP, b-but with this... it's 18,000 AP!" Midnight observed.

"18,000 AP... Alyx even stated himself that he hasn't used Infinite Mode to its maximum potential yet, so could this 18,000 AP be what he's outputting for now? That might just be the case." Iida theorized.

The others watched as Alyx seemingly appeared behind Deku and Shoto. He slowly turned around as his hair began to fade into white. His scar was glowing an almost neon blue! Alyx held his hands out behind him, almost as if he was expecting something. From behind him, Yaoyorozu jumped on Alyx's back and created a shield.

"Y-Yaoyorozu?! How'd you break out of those binds?" Izuku asked.

She smiled at him, "I have my ways, did you really think those things couldn't be broken?"

Mr. Aizawa watched closely and studied Alyx's blank expression.

"You see it too, don't you?" Bakugo wondered.

"See what? What do you mean?" Kirishima replied.

"He's not conscious, anyone with a trained eye can see that. From what it looks like, Yaoyorozu's going to be somewhat of a navigational system for Alyx, being that it seems he can only see what's in front of him." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"What I'm not getting is how he's not worn out, shouldn't his Quirk be overused at this point?" Sero questioned.

Midnight piped in, "Not quite, we've discovered that Alyx's Quirk is an unknown type of Quirk, so we can't say for certain why it's not taking a toll on his body. Usually, Quirks that put out high AP Levels can put a much greater strain on the person's body, but that doesn't seem to be the reason here."

"Whatever the reason, I sure as hell don't want to be in there with him right now! He looks kinda pissed!" Mina noted.

Alyx stood and stared at Izuku and Shoto. He then charged towards them with lightning speed! He kicked Shoto in the jaw, sending him flying backwards, and turned his attention to Izuku. He dodged a punch from him and Izuku dodged a kick from Alyx!

"Behind!" Momo yelled.

Alyx backflipped and dodged Shoto's Flashfire Fist – Jet Kindling, Midoriya wrapped his Blackwhip around Alyx's left arm as he made his way towards Shoto. Alyx turned his head and looked down at Midoriya menacingly, which somewhat intimidated him! This tactic allowed Alyx to pull Izuku forward and throw him right into Shoto! Momo created flashbangs that she threw out towards them. She covered Alyx's eyes and closed her own as they exploded!

As they opened them, the flash faded and they were gone. Alyx stayed quiet as he tried to listen for where they could be. Alyx heard something coming towards them, he turned around, Izuku was flying towards them! He reeled his fist back and Alyx got ready to dodge, but Izuku faked it and flicked one of his fingers! His Delaware Smash blasted Alyx backwards, Momo looked behind them and her eyes widened. Shoto had put up a huge wall of ice!

"Alyx, there's an ice wall! What do we-" Momo frantically asked.

Before she could say anything else, Alyx grabbed Momo and moved her to the front of him. Alyx's back slammed into Shoto's ice wall and both of them fell to the ground.

"I need to hit him with everything I've got! There's no way he'll be fast enough to dodge this!" Izuku thought to himself.

Alyx stumbled to his feet and Izuku reeled his fist back. Alyx slowly looked up as Izuku began his attack. Izuku started throwing his fists as fast as possible, it looked as if he was throwing hundreds of fists at Alyx all at once, but Alyx was dodging all of them!

"NO WAY! LOOK AT THAT!" Kaminari shouted.

Midnight kept her eyes on the monitor in front of her as Alyx's AP Levels rose. Back on the grounds, Alyx shot his head up at Izuku and stared directly at him. He blocked a punch from him and used the full power of his Infinite Mode all in one shot!

"DORA!!" Alyx roared.

He rammed his fist into Izuku's face and sent him flying backwards. He bounced off the ground as he was rendered unconscious. In the surveillance room, Midnight couldn't believe her eyes.

"I-I... That... How...?" Midnight mumbled.

"What? What is it?" Mr. Aizawa asked as he walked over to the monitor.

He saw the AP Level on the screen. His eyes widened as well as he saw the reading. Everyone made their way over to the screen.

"Holy shit..." Bakugo muttered.

"In that brief moment, his AP Level reached 39,500 AP... Incredible. I never thought I'd see anything like this in my lifetime." Mr. Aizawa marveled.

Leonidus' hair faded back into it's original brown color and he collapsed to the ground.


I opened my eyes and saw Momo holding me up. I looked over and saw Shoto standing over Deku.

"D-Did we... Win?" I questioned.

"No, there's still ten minutes left, Shoto's the only one left." Momo told me.

I made sure to render Deku unconscious with that last shot. I don't remember a whole lot about what happened, but I know for a fact I just improved our chances of survival! I had enough in me left to do one more move.

"M-Momo... Get ready...!" I panted.

Shoto looked over at us and started making his way towards us. Momo grabbed my shoulder and I used Overdrive: Breakdown to get us out of there. We appeared inside of another pipe, luckily though, it had an opening. With Deku out of the picture, we should be okay. Momo helped me walk as we went further into the pipe. It got darker and darker as we went. Momo stopped and looked behind her.

"A-Alyx... You didn't leave anything behind us, did you?" She fretted.

I looked behind me and my eyes widened. Shoto was strolling down the pipe with his flames ignited. We kept moving and we heard Shoto call out to us.

"Stop running, you're only making this harder on yourselves." Shoto yelled to us.

He sure was taking this hero role seriously! Momo stopped in her tracks and set me down on the ground.

"W-What... What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm tired of running, if he wants us, he can come get us. I'll handle him." Momo told me.

"N-No... That's... That's too dangerous. Let me... Help you...!" I replied.

"No, you're in no condition to fight, I got this. Please, let me help YOU!" Momo argued.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Sendai no Meiyuu" from My Hero Academia!)

I wiped blood from my mouth and smiled. I nodded and she turned her attention to Shoto. They both stood off and stared each other down.

"Whether you like it or not, you're both coming with me." Shoto demanded.

"How do you propose you'll do that?" Momo smirked.

Shoto's fire intensely ignited in his hand, "Like this!"

He fired off a Flashfire Fist towards Momo! I mustered all the strength I had and pushed Momo to the side. It hit me full force and slammed me against the pipe wall. Momo charged forward with a staff and smacked Shoto in the face! He shot ice out at her which she managed to avoid. She threw the staff at Shoto's stomach which made him bend over. Momo ran and jumped off his back and created a flashbang. She threw it and it lit up the entire pipeline. I blinked three times and Hatsume spoke on my Interface.

"Alyx? Your vitals are low, what's going on?" Hatsume asked.

"A... T-Test... Listen, g-give me a read... On Shoto... Please!" I answered.

The Interface Mode showed me his vitals and other things, but one major weakness I found was his stomach! Momo must've hit him in the right place, so if I time this right... Momo nearly dodged Shoto's ice wall and it cut her leg! She rolled on the ground in pain, but stumbled up to her feet.

"W-What did I say...? You're coming with me and I meant that." Shoto panted.

I pushed myself up and in the cover of darkness I readied an attack. Momo created a shield as Shoto let loose his flames.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Bombing King" from My Hero Academia)

"Five Minutes left, Heroes, start wrapping this up." Mr. Aizawa announced.

"Alright, here I come..." I muttered to myself.

I launched myself towards Shoto using my Stardust Shoot. I rammed my head right into his stomach! I wrapped my left arm around him as we blasted out of the pipe. Shoto grabbed me and headbutted me, but I returned the favor with a much stronger one! Thanks to his Flashfire Fist, my right arm finally thawed out! I grabbed his shirt and punched him in the face before we both crashed to the street below. I propelled myself into the air with a Flash Cannon and propelled myself towards him with a Kamehameha using my feet.

He put up a wall of fire, regardless of what happens, I was gonna charge right through it! A shield flew in front of my face and I grabbed it with my teeth. I went through the flames and ran right into Shoto. We bounced off the ground and landed a few feet apart from each other. Shoto quickly got up and stomped the ground with his right foot. A wave of ice came towards me as it grew higher and higher! I heard a cannon fire and Momo was flying towards me! She grabbed me just in time as the ice impacted against a bunch of pipes.

"N-Nice save!" I beamed.

"Midoriya, now!" Shoto shouted.

Deku burst out of a pipe and the huge piece of pipe came flying at us! I used the last bit of Overdrive I had and cut the piece of pipe in half. We landed hard on the ground and we crashed into a wall. Deku charged towards us and right before he could make a move an air horn sounded out the end of the test. Shoto made his way over to us as Deku and Momo helped me up to my feet. They put my arms around them and helped me walk back towards the entrance of the grounds.

[5 Minutes Later...]

"Holy smokes, Alyx! Are you alright, you look terrible!" Hagakure noticed.

I nodded, "Y-Yeah... I just need to sit down for a while."

Recovery Girl walked over to me and used her Quirk. I still couldn't get over how weird it looked whenever she used it!

"Thank you, Recovery Girl!" I smiled.

I stood back up and Midnight approached me.

"Hey, Eraserhead and I want to see you after the testing's been completed. You aren't in trouble or anything." She told me.

"Okay!" I replied.

I watched the rest of the tests closely and I observed everyone's Quirks. I watched their movements; they definitely have improved! Well, some people at least. Once the testing was done, I stayed behind to talk with Midnight and Mr. Aizawa. We walked back into U.A. where they led me into some sort of large room.

"We're going to need you to try to access your Infinite Mode again but at full power. Just go through your Quirk until you feel comfortable to get to that point." Mr. Aizawa instructed me.

I nodded and they went into an observation room. I took a deep breath and went straight into Mode Four. I took deep breaths in and out, I looked to the both of them and Midnight gave me a thumbs up. I closed my eyes and felt the feeling of Infinite Mode once more. I opened my eyes and the aura around me exploded outwards! I stood there for a few seconds as I exerted my full power. I looked over at Mr. Aizawa and Midnight for confirmation. They both nodded and I reverted out of Infinite Mode. They sent me back to the dorms since they needed to discuss somethings with the other teachers. Whatever they were doing, it must be important!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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