
Grandfather's Awakening! Last Second Gambit? (Movie Saga)

We luckily were assigned to patrol over Hurlingham today, so I made sure to find whatever plant Evelyn was talking about. I searched everywhere around Hurlingham, but I couldn't find a building that remotely looked like it housed plants! I stood on a rooftop and surveyed the area.

"Looking for something?" I heard Evelyn's voice.

I turned around, and she held up a bunch of those plants!

"Well, if you were just gonna find them anyway, why did you have me look all over town in the first place?" I asked.

"I figured I'd give you something to do to pass the time!" She giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "Good grief... So, how are these supposed to work?"

"Oh, it's simple. I just feed it to him. These things are damaged, so they won't sit well in his stomach." Evelyn explained.

"I see, well, you better get going before the others see you. Especially Sheyenne and Joshua." I told her.

She nodded and in the blink of an eye she disappeared. I returned to my patrol around the city. Not even a few minutes after, it felt like an earthquake was happening!

"What in the hell is going on?!" Sheyenne shouted.

A huge, bone-chilling roar echoed throughout Hurlingham! I looked towards London, I never thought I'd see something bigger than Gigantomachia, but right in front of me was a giant, hideous beast! Its lower half was sunk into the ground, but I could tell that thing was at least a good 2,000 feet bigger than Gigantomachia!

"Oh, come on!" Joshua exclaimed.

Without hesitation, I activated Mode Three and flew towards it! By the marking on its face, I could tell one thing was for certain, this was Grandfather! It took only a few minutes for me to arrive, right as I did, Grandfather tried to strike the ground below!

"Counter Burst!" I shouted.

His giant fist came flying back at him and walloped him in the eye! I didn't know where the others were, so it was just me fighting this thing! I charged up a Diamond Buster and sent it straight into its stomach. It blew a hole right through him!

"If it's gonna be that easy, you can kiss your ass goodbye!" I yelled.

The hole in his stomach quickly regenerated and he grinned at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and held my hands out in front of me. I didn't notice that he sent an attack to the right of me!

"...SMASH!!" Deku flew in and kicked the attack away!

"Nice save!" I exclaimed.

Shoto and Bakugo followed suite, "What in the fuck?!"

"Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing!" I agreed with Bakugo.

Grandfather slammed the ground and sent us flying backwards! I rolled off the ground and caught Shoto.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"There's a full-blown invasion! It seems as if this thing's stirred up a lot of its children." Shoto told me.

Shit, just what we need! Another damn war! I saw Bakugo fly up to Grandfather's face and let off a huge explosion! But Grandfather had retaliated with another fist! I quickly flew up to Bakugo before it could hit him and knocked him out of the way. The attack sent me burrowing through the street! I pulled myself out of the street and sighed.

"This is gonna be tough... I can already tell..." I muttered.

I blasted off the street with tremendous speed, I hit Grandfather with an earth-shattering Overdrive Fist! It didn't look like it affected him at all and he knocked me away. I rebounded in the air and fired off my Stardust Shoot at it. Shoto assisted me by using his flames, which made my Stardust Shoot burn into Grandfather's thick skin!

"What do we do? This thing's really durable!" Deku shouted to me.

I dodged a strike from Grandfather, "Try and find a weak point! It has to have one somewhere!"

Shoto zoomed by us with Bakugo in tow, he was holding a huge icicle!

"Eat this, shitbag!" Bakugo yelled as he stabbed the giant in the eye!

Grandfather roared in agony! This somehow supercharged him and he did some sort of explosive burst attack!


The heroes stumbled to their feet, bruised and bloody from Grandfather's fierce attack! Evelyn stood on a nearby rooftop, pleading with him to stop.

"That's enough! Please! I beg you!" Evelyn shouted.

Grandfather was transfixed on Evelyn as she held up the plants. Grandfather leaned over and looked at Evelyn. He smiled and she dropped the plants onto the ground. She ran as quick as she could as Grandfather ate the poisoned plants.

Bakugo stumbled up to his feet.

"W-What's the... Plan?" Bakugo asked.

Alyx stood straight up and held his right arm, "The plan? We don't have one."

"The only thing we need to do is to make sure that everyone stays safe. I have enough power to stop this thing, but... I don't think I'll be able to survive it." Alyx said as tears built up in his eyes.

"But that's okay... I'm fine with whatever happens next. I'm not gonna let this thing be the end of us. I won't let this stop us from being the heroes we wanna be!" Alyx continued.

"But, Alyx... you aren't wearing those earrings, whatever you're going to do, it'll kill you! There has to be another way!" Izuku replied.

Alyx looked back at them and smiled, tears fell down his face, "I know, and I've been spared too many times. It seems as if this time, fate won't be on my side. And that's fine, I'm not backing down now, no matter the cost. So, let's do this, one last time."


"I'm tired of being scared! All it's done was get people killed! I don't want to be scared anymore... Every time they needed me, I always clammed up, I don't want to be like that anymore! I want to save people, I wanna be a real hero! That's all I want!" Alyx shouted.

"You don't need to be sorry about my choices, Aly. I'd risk my life again if it meant saving you. You shouldn't put the blame on yourself..." Laura cooed.

[Back to Present]

Alyx opened his eyes and looked up at Grandfather. Alyx gave Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki his Overdrive. The stood at the ready with Alyx, knowing that only three of them were walking out of this battle alive. They darted towards Grandfather, who roared at them as they ran into battle!

Izuku flew in and slammed an onslaught of Detroit Smashes into Grandfather's face, and Katsuki lit up the back of its head. Shoto froze Grandfather's right arm and Alyx barreled through it with a Supernova Fist, shattering it completely! Grandfather fired back with a fierce roar that knocked Izuku backwards. Shoto created a huge ice spike that Katsuki propelled forward using an explosion. The attack impaled Grandfather's neck, which allowed Alyx to send a shockwave of Overdrive through it, exploding it into pieces!

Izuku wrapped Blackwhip around the base of Grandfather, Shoto froze the move to keep Grandfather in place. Bakugo zipped around it, Grandfather swatted at Bakugo with its left arm. Alyx kicked straight through Grandfather's stomach, making it screech in agony! Shoto froze the other arm of Grandfather in place, rendering it useless. Deku restrained Grandfather using more of his Blackwhip. Alyx shot of hundreds of his Stardust Shoot, weakening Grandfather even more.

Bakugo let off one more giant explosion in Grandfather's face. Alyx rolled off the ground and faced Grandfather for one last strike! He output all of his Overdrive and jumped into the air, reeling his fist back. The area around him was swarming with Overdrive, time seemingly slowed down and Alyx made his final move.

"We can do this, together!" Laura smiled as she grabbed Alyx's fist.

Through his tears, Alyx smiled, and turned to face Grandfather. Alyx flew through the smoke left by Bakugo's explosion.

"This is it... Everything I've done has led to this moment." Alyx thought.

The others watched on as Alyx grew closer to Grandfather, his aura now a mixture of blue and orange! Alyx's life flashed before his eyes, and he gave a grin that All Might would be proud of.

"This is everything I've got!" Alyx thought.

Overdrive completely filled Alyx's eyes as he entered Infinite Mode at full power, something his body wasn't even close to being ready for!

"OVERDRIVE... FIST!!!!" Alyx roared.

He connected with Grandfather's face, the area exploded into a bright blue and orange windstorm! Alyx fell from the sky, limp and seemingly lifeless. Deku jumped into the air and caught him, worrying that this was truly the end of Leonidus.

[10 Minutes Later...]

The others arrived and saw Izuku holding Alyx, they walked over to him and were in disbelief.

"De... Ku...?" Alyx mumbled.

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "From Me To You" From My Hero Academia)

"Alyx! Everything's gonna be okay! I promise!" Izuku cried.

"I-I... I'm so sorry... I wish... I-I could've done more... For you all..." Alyx quietly sniffled.

Tears streamed down Izuku's face, "You've done more than enough for us, Alyx! Thank you for everything!"

Alyx let off a smile, one last time, "T-Thank... You... I don't want... T-To... Leave you guys... Like... This..."

Alyx closed his eyes and let out one final breath. Izuku buried his head into Alyx's hair as he felt his friend's heartbeat come to a stop. Tears were shed by everyone.

"Please... Don't let this be the end... All Might... One For All... Please..." Izuku whispered.

Momo knelt down and held Alyx's hand. A sound of energy could be heard coming from Alyx. Midoriya looked up and saw that Alyx's left side of his chest was glowing. As the glow faded, a marking was revealed!

"T-That's... A phoenix!" Sheyenne shouted.

"Laura... S-She... I don't believe it!" Izuku muttered.

Through a great sacrifice, Laura seemingly exchanged her life in Alyx's place! Like a phoenix, she promised that Alyx would rise again! Alyx's heart began to beat and he began to steadily breathe! Izuku felt Alyx's heartbeat and smiled as more tears fell down his face.

"S-She... She did it! She saved him!" Izuku shouted.

Everyone immediately took action as first responders arrived on the scene. They waved and hollered to attract their attention! Evelyn stood atop a hill, watching as Alyx's friends beckoned for the first responders to hurry over.

"You really are something else, aren't you? No wonder why even villains can respect you, Alyx. Rest easy, my friend." She said to herself.


I slowly woke up; I wasn't sure where I was. I couldn't see out of my right eye, I felt it, and there were bandages and gauze wrapped around my head. I looked to my left; I saw Deku sleeping in a chair next to me. Momo was curled up next to me as well. I looked over to my right, Kaminari and Jiro were asleep on the floor, Bakugo was also asleep on a chair that was next to me as well. Kirishima and Mina were both asleep on a couch. I looked down at my right arm, gauze and bandages were wrapped around my arm. Ms. Warlock was also asleep at the edge of my bed, her head was at the foot of my bed and she was holding my hand. I looked out of the window, it looked like it was about morning. One thing was for certain; I was honestly really hungry!

As much as I tried, I couldn't really speak, I had to get someone's attention to let them know I was awake. I said the first thing that came into my mind.

"K-Ka... cchan..." I croaked.

Bakugo woke up and looked at me, he gave me soft smile. I pointed to my throat and signaled "No" with my hands. He nodded and got up, walked over Kami and Jiro, and walked out of the room. He shortly came back with a cup and walked back over to me. I couldn't move my right arm and Momo was laying on my left arm, so Bakugo helped me drink from the cup.

"Glad to see you're doing alright, Alyx." Bakugo told me.

I smiled and laid my head back down on my pillow.

"I'm not dreaming... Am I?" I asked.

Bakugo shook his head, "Nope. What? Just because I'm being helpful doesn't mean you're fucking dreaming, Amnesia."

"I guess you're right!" I lightly laughed.

I felt Momo's hand rub my chest, I looked at her and smiled.

"I want you to promise me that you won't do anything that ludicrously insane again, okay?" Momo frowned.

"Trust me, I've already decided that I don't want to sacrifice myself again. Dying three times won't exactly look good on my resume." I joked.

Soon, everyone woke up, they were super happy to see that I was awake!

"We were so scared! You were dead but then this thing started glowing on your chest and you were alive again! It was crazy!" Mina exclaimed.

"A-A glowing thing on my chest?" I questioned.

"Yeah, there was a phoenix marking on the left side of your chest. That's when your heart started beating again." Deku answered.

I looked down, "A phoenix marking? Oh... I see."

I closed my eye and sighed. Laura really did it, didn't she? A doctor came into the room.

"Well, good morning, everyone. Glad to see your doing well, Leonidus. Got a bit of some bad news, however." He announced.

"You're Quirk... It's been depleted. I'm sorry, son." The Doctor gloomily told me.

I was in disbelief! I was Quirkless now? I didn't know what to say.

"The good news is," He continued, "That was all a lie. You're just fine, lad!"

Everyone gave the doctor a look and he quickly broke the tension by continuing to speak.

"Anyways... You're actually doing rather fine, besides the damage to your right arm. It'll heal over time, but we've prescribed you a few things of medicine to treat the pain." He continued.

"How much is 'a few things' of medicine, Doctor?" Momo asked.

[2 Hours Later...]

"Yo! We've brought you food!" Kaminari yelled as he entered my hotel room.

"How are you feeling, darling?" Momo asked me.

I laughed at them, "Yeah."

"Hey, Yaoyorozu... How much medicine did we give him?" Kaminari questioned.

"Well, they prescribed him Tramadol and Oxycodone. Plus, he's taking Doxepin for his insomnia and Tylenol for the minor pains. They told me to have him take them all at once, which now that I'm looking at it, I'm not sure if that's a good idea." Momo explained.

"Hey, can... Can you turn up my T.V., Kami?" I asked.

He looked at the T.V., then back at me, "Alyx, your T.V.'s off."

"Whaaaat? I coulda sworn I turned it on. Oh well!" I giggled.

Momo helped me eat since I was basically drugged up and down to only one arm. I looked up and her and gasped.

"Holy hell, you're cute! Are... Are you single?" I wondered.

"No, I'm not. If you're wondering who it is, that person is sitting right in front of me." Momo giggled.

"No. Way! You're... You're Joking!" I beamed.

Momo picked the plate back up and returned to Kaminari.

"Alright, there. Rest up, darling, I'll be back to check on you after a while." Momo told me.

I smiled as Kaminari and her left the room. It didn't take me that long to fall asleep thanks to the medicine I took.

[6 Hours Later...]

Kaminari and I slowly peered out of my doorway.

"I think the coast is clear!" Kaminari whispered.

We slowly crept out of my room, right as we made our way to the stairs, I heard Jiro's voice.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, Alyx?" Jiro questioned.

Kaminari and I tensed up, I shot a look at Kaminari who turned and faced her.

"Oh, well, he's just... Uh... Going down to the food hall... Yeah!" Kaminari lied.

Jiro lowered one of her eyebrows, "At 3:00? When he's already eaten lunch not even an hour ago?"

"Yep! That's right!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Huh... Alright." Jiro mumbled and she walked to her room.

I blinked a few times, "Wow, that was easy."

We continued down the stairs and nearly got all the way down before I heard a very unsettling voice trailing closer to us from upstairs.

"AMNESIA!!!" Bakugo shouted.

After getting smacked in the back of the head by Bakugo, he dragged me back into my room. Whatever happened to Kaminari must've been quick, since when he screamed, it was cut quite short. I decided to check out that marking Mina and Deku told me about. I went into my bathroom and lifted up my shirt. There was a phoenix marking on my chest just like they said. I walked out of my bathroom and a feeling of warmth washed over me. I walked to my window and looked out of it, in the reflection, I saw Laura laying her head on my shoulder.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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