
A Well-Deserved Night Out! Happy Birthday, Yaoyorozu!

I, once again, got adjusted to the dorms. After spending a week or so in the hospital, it kind of makes you take in your surroundings again.

"Hey, Momz! Do you wanna head out tonight?" I asked.

"Sure! What did you have in mind?" Momo replied.

"Aw, what? Why don't you ever take us anywhere?" Kaminari whined.

I looked over and saw Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero and Mina all making some sort of unified sad face. I put my hand over my face and sighed.

"Good grief... If it makes you guys feel better, I can take you out for McDonald's in a bit." I replied.

The four of them hooted and hollered with excitement! Momo simply shook her head and laughed.

"You guys have fun now, okay?" Momo yelled over to us as we left the dorms.

As we were walking, the four of them were chanting "McDonald's" over and over and over again. Is this why Bakugo's mad all the time?

"So, a bit of an awkward question, do any of you know where we're going?" I wondered.

"We should be heading west! Do you know where that is, Kaminari?" Mina responded.

"Yeah, let me pull out my menu." Kaminari replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "W-What? Where'd you find that?"

"Oh, I got it off that raccoon over there, he's a nice guy!" Kaminari pointed behind him towards an alleyway.

"R-RACCOON?!" I shouted as I saw it.

The damn thing was wearing a top hat and sat beside a small bundle of Yen.

"Awesome, bro! Can you tell us where we're going?" Kirishima asked.

Kaminari studied his "map" and shook his head, "Nope, I've got no idea how to read this!"

Sero grabbed it from him, I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. How hard could this be? We're looking for one huge yellow "M", it shouldn't be that difficult! After about 15 minutes, we finally found it. The line wasn't as long as I thought though, being that it was lunch hour, which was honestly nice! We sat down and waited for our number to be called. As we were talking, I realized something. The sudden realization hit my face.

"Are you alright, Alyx? You look scared." Sero asked.

"I forgot." I whispered.

They all looked confused.

"Forgot what?" Mina whispered back.

I whispered it to them, they all looked at me. How could I forget something so important?! Again?!

"You guys have been dating for two years and you forgot her birthday was today?!" Mina exclaimed.

I nodded my head quickly, "Wait, I think if I just take her out tonight like I said, then we won't have to worry about it!"

"Right, good thinking!" Kaminari told me.

We finally got our food and we ate. We reminisced on our first year at U.A. and how bat shit crazy it was!

"Yeah! Remember when I like, died but came back? That was the first time I used Infinite Mode. Hard to believe that all happened only a few months ago." I reminisced.

"Dude, that shit was awesome! You were like 'woosh' but faster than that!" Kirishima exclaimed.

[45 Minutes Later...]

We got back to the dorms after chilling in McDonalds. It was definitely not an ideal hang out spot, but it was nice nonetheless.

"We're home!" I shouted as we walked into the dorms.

"GYAH!!!" We heard both Uraraka and Deku shout.

We stood in the doorway confused, Deku's face was completely bright red and Uraraka was floating in the air.

"Woah! You guys made a whole bunch of Soba!" I exclaimed.

Sitting in the middle of the kitchen table was a gigantic bowl of Soba, alongside other things. Momo and Tokoyami came downstairs after Deku & Uraraka screeched.

"Oh, you must've walked in on one of their lunch dates." Momo told us.

"LUNCH DATES?!" All five of us shouted.

"You guys are a thing?!" Kaminari yelled.

"Kaminari, just leave them be. It'd be easier if we didn't have to make them explain it to us." Mina recommended.

I walked over to the bowl of Soba; how much did they make? It looked like they made enough to feed a family of 8!

"Hey, is it alright with you guys if I show you a trick I can do with those Soba noodles?" I asked them.

Deku nodded, "O-okay! Sure!"

I scooped out a bit of Soba and put it into a bowl, everyone was watching me and I looked up at them.

"Now, watch this!" I exclaimed.

Like a whirlwind, my tongue flipped and wrapped around every single noodle in the bowl. In one go, I ate the Soba!

"H-Holy shit! That was manly! Do it again, do it again!" Kirishima shouted.

"Woah! Did you know he could do that?" I heard Mina ask Momo.

"Oh, I knew he could do something like this way beforehand!" Momo insinuated.

I nodded in agreement, "Oh, yeah! Remember that time we did that Special Training and I used my tongue to-"

Momo's face went red and she immediately cut me off, "THAAAAT'S RIGHT! I remember! You don't have to remind me!"

"Oh? 'Special Training' huh?" Mina elbowed Momo and winked at her.

Momo glanced over at Mina, "Yes... We worked on our Quirks. That's what we did to prepare for the Sports Festival."

"Aw, what? How come we didn't get to do training like that, Mina?" Kirishima whined.

"You didn't do that? I thought everyone was doing that?" I questioned.

Now both of their faces turned red!

"Anyways," Deku piped in, "What are you guys doing for your internships?"

"I'm most likely interning with Mt. Lady. I really want to learn more techniques from different Pro Heroes!" I told Deku.

"Ooo, that's interesting. I would've thought you'd intern with Mirko again or you'd intern with someone like Endeavor!" Uraraka noted.

Everyone talked about who they were going to intern with. We sat there for hours talking about our future internships. After, I got ready for that date with Momo. I waited outside for her, I had no idea where we were going, so i was planning on making it up as we go. Momo walked out of the dorms shortly after I did.

"You ready to go?" I wondered.

"Uh huh, I'm ready!" She replied.

I turned around and bent down, "Alright, hop on!"

She climbed onto my back, I activated Mode Three, and we took off into the sky.

"Where are we going?" Momo questioned.

"Wherever you want to go, you decided it last year, remember?" I replied.

She smiled, "You remembered, didn't you?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Oh, down there! Land there!" She exclaimed.

I looked towards where she was pointing, it was the rooftop of some old, rustic looking building. We flew down to the building and landed on the rooftop. I walked over to the edge and looked out towards the town. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me. Momo grabbed my hand and looked out towards the town with me.

"This was the place, wasn't it?" I asked.

"Yep, where we first met. It's hard to believe that was almost two years ago." Momo responded.

We took in our surroundings and the sunset. People were laughing and smiling all over the market square. Children were being told stories by their grandparents, quirks were being shown off in dazzling displays, much like how street performers would showcase their talents. But there was one thing missing, one major thing that would make this night much more special than it already was.

"Do you remember what you told me, how you wanted to stay together, no matter what happens to us?" I questioned.

Momo looked at me, "Yes, I do. What brought that up?"

"Well, I've been thinking about it..." I told her.

I turned and faced her. I held both of her hands.

"...I truly think that I want to be with you. Honestly, you've made me a better person." I finished.

Momo giggled, "Well, I figured as much! We've been together for 2 years now!"

"No, no! I mean like... Long term, you know?" I laughed.

I pulled a box out of my back pocket and I gave it to her. She opened it, then she looked back up at me.

"T-This... This is that ruby necklace I've wanted, it was ¥155,000! How did you...?" Momo was dumbfounded.

"I have my ways, I may or may not've gotten help from some friends." I smiled.

Momo gave me a big hug and she looked at me, "Thank you!"

That feeling came over us again, just like how it did when we looked at each other's eyes during that Halloween dance and our first dinner date. Everything was going exactly how I planned! Except for the location, which was fine either way. I had to stall so that way everyone could make it down here. I felt Deku's Heat Energy, they were here! Momo and I kissed, I activated Mode Three to signal everyone to start the light show! Momo and I flew into the air, fireworks erupted in the sky! Momo and I looked at the fireworks, Momo looked stunned and surprised.

"Weonidas! Kweati!" A little boy yelled up to us.

I smiled at him as he waved at us, I looked over at Momo, tears of happiness streamed down her face.

"Happy birthday, my love." I quietly said.

The fireworks lit up our faces, we kissed again, it was honestly worked out well! I always wanted to do something like this for her, I guess I didn't know when.

"Forever and always." I whispered in her ear as we hugged.

"Forever and always." She whispered back.

We landed onto the ground and met up with everyone else. Sato made a huge birthday cake, way bigger than what I thought it was gonna be! There was music, people dancing, confetti and streamers strewn about all over the place! I pulled Deku to the side to ask him something.

"Hey, do you have the thingy?" I asked.

"The... Oh, wait! Yeah, I have it, here!" Deku nodded as he gave me a small square box.

"Thank you, Deku!" I responded.

I walked up to Momo and everyone stopped what they were doing and watched. I hid the box behind my back.

"So, I've got one more thing to give you, Momz." I told her.

I had to stop by Mr. And Mrs. Yaoyorozu's today to get this, it was a family heirloom bracelet, a silver and gold bracelet with small diamonds encrusted on the top. I handed her the box and she looked at it.

"You didn't have to spend much on me, darling." She smiled.

"Oh, I didn't spend anything on this, exceeept I had to promise someone something, and I guess I have their blessing now as well." I replied.

Momo gave me a peculiar look, then she looked down at the box and opened it. She stared at the box, dumbfounded and surprised.

"Y-You... This... This was my family heirloom, my parents told me they'd pass it down to me once I found..." Momo looked at me.

"Yeah, from everything your parents told me, you did." I cooed.

Momo and I hugged each other, and everyone started clapping and cheering. I haven't the slightest clue why, but it made the mood warm and fuzzy feeling. I'm glad that I could make this night special for her, which was something I wish I did last year! After the party, we helped clean up the market and went back home.

"I can't believe you planned all of this! I loved it so much!" Momo exclaimed.

"It took a while to set up, especially since we started to set it up a few hours before! I'm glad you loved it, Momo." I beamed.

"Hey, Alyx, didn't you tell us that we couldn't buy that necklace?" Tsuyu questioned.

I tensed up, "W-Well, I-uh..."

"You had my parents buy it for you, didn't you?" Momo asked.

"Yes, BUT I'm paying them back by doing maintenance on their house, so it's all good." I reassured her.

Momo chuckled and we all continued our walk home. All in all, tonight was an amazing night!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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