
A Trip Down Memory Lane (Movie Saga)

"Hey, wake up... Alyx... Wake up!" Ms. Warlock shouted.

I shot up quickly, "I'm up!"

"Good! Now, you don't need to get dressed, but I need you to come with me." Ms. Warlock smiled.

I nodded and got up out of bed, I wonder what she wanted? I followed her out of the hotel and into her car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're heading to the W.H.A. facility that's located here. There's one in every country on this planet!" Ms. Warlock told me.

"Well, I kind of figured being that it kind of has 'World' in its name." I laughed.

It was about a 20 Minute drive, once we got there, it was swarming with people in suits! I got out of the car and Ms. Warlock guided me through the sea of ties. She led me into some huge conference room, there was a computer in the middle of the room. Ms. Warlock walked over to it and I sat down in one of the chairs. It projected a hologram image of... me? She started the recording from the computer.

"I think this thing is on? Dad! Is this thing on?" Video me asked.

My Father said something and I nodded, "Alright, so, one of his work friends told me to make a video about myself. I got this head injury that I don't really remember too much about. I even got this cool looking scar too! But anyways, I'm supposed to talk about myself, I guess? So, my name is Alyx Leonidus, I'm currently 16 years old and I attend Nevada Regional Junior High! My Quirks are Overdrive and Rage! Although I really don't know how to use my Rage Quirk, I guess it's because I really don't get mad."

"Oh! Uh... I've got 3 siblings, Annie, Liz, and Kariya! Mom and Dad told me that Kariya's moved out, apparently, he's studying abroad in Japan! We're also moving to Japan, since I've been recommended to U.A. High. I'm super excited! I've been studying Japanese for the past month now and I think I've gotten a hang of it! I really can't wait to see what kind of Quirks the other kids'll have!" I continued.

In the video, I looked back towards my Mother, "Hey, Mom, didn't you say you'd help me out with the videos and stuff? Isn't it like stuff from when I was younger?"

The video cut to various images and videos from when I was younger. The last picture that was shown before the video ended was a picture of Laura and I. Everything was slowly processing in my mind. A huge wave familiarity and nostalgia overcame me.

"That's why I wanted you to come with me. I've been meaning to show you this." Ms. Warlock explained.

I sat there and took everything in, that was almost everything I've ever done, all within an hour. I looked up at Ms. Warlock.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I spoke softly.

[25 Minutes Later...]

(I.R.P.: Listen to EmuEmi's cover of "Live and Learn", End after Alyx leaves the Seventh Plane)

I sat on my bed looking through all of my forgotten memories. I came across the last picture yet again, the picture of Laura and I. I wonder... I closed my eyes and entered the Seventh Plane. I didn't want to go anywhere specific, just somewhere that feels right. I opened my eyes and in front of me was a pretty looking lake. There were trees, animals running amuck, and birds cheerfully chirping away. I stood up and looked around, I saw a girl wearing a sun hat. She was playing a guitar and singing softly, I walked over at sat down next to her.

"You waiting for someone?" I asked as I looked over at her.

She stopped singing turned to look at me, "As a matter of fact, they just arrived."

She set down the guitar and turned to face me again.

"I never thought I'd see you again!" Laura exclaimed as she hugged me.

I hugged her back, "Geez, was your hair always this hot? It's on fire!"

"Of course! It's because of my Quirk, silly!" She giggled.

We stopped hugging and looked at each other. Laura put her hand on my face and a look of concern came over her.

"You've been through so much, you haven't been sleeping, have you?" Laura asked.

"Well, once you've gone through a whole heaping pile of trauma, you get used to not sleeping." I responded.

She shook her head, "You need to take it easy for a day, you know stress isn't good on the body.

"Trust me, I should be taking it easy for at least an entire year at this point!" I laughed.

She smiled and looked back at the lake. Now that I'm looking at it, this place does seem familiar.

"You don't remember this place, do you?" Laura questioned.

"I'm afraid not, it feels familiar though." I admitted.

Laura grabbed my hand but she still looked out across the lake. She didn't say a word to me, we sat there in silence and I took in our surroundings.

"How long has it been since we were last here together?" I wondered.

"It's been years now, Alyx. Too many, quite honestly." Laura replied.

She put her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"Where would we be if I was still alive, Alyx? Do you think that we would've met again in London?" She asked.

I looked down, "Maybe. But maybe if I was fast enough, it wouldn't be an 'If I was', hopefully. I'm so sorry, Laura. I just wish that I wasn't such a baby when it came to fighting."

"You don't need to be sorry about my choices, Aly. I'd risk my life again if it meant saving you. You shouldn't put the blame on yourself, remember what Katsuki told you?" Laura cooed.

"Yeah, I remember. But that's the thing I'm still scared about, not being fast enough. There's been so many close calls... So many... If I was just a second slower, Deku, Momo, Yosetsu, Mr. Aizawa... There's just too many of them." I responded.

Laura scooted closer to me, "If you focus on not being fast enough, it's bound to happen, sweetheart. You can't be everywhere all at once, there's always one person that you won't be able to save. Even Batman can't save 'em all."

"You mean Superman?" I questioned.

"No, silly! Have you even read the recent comics?" Laura responded.

We both laughed, I guess she was right. I'm definitely no Superman and there's no way I'll be someone like him. Even Batman can't save them all, eh? Those words sparked something new in me. I felt myself start to phase out of the Seventh Plane, I gave her one more hug before I left.

"I'll come back again! I promise!" I told her.

She smiled and nodded. I closed my eyes and opened them once more. It was about 3:00 now, I really need to get a grip on the time frame of that place! The sensation of heat from her hair was still on my hand.

"Darling, we're- OH MY GOODNESS! SHOTO, COME QUICK!" Momo shouted.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I asked.

I started to smell burnt cloth, I turned around and saw that my back was on fire!

"HOLY SHIT!!" I shouted.

Shoto rushed into the room, "What's- Oh no."

He blasted me with ice without warning! He could've at least said something before he did that!

"Shoto! You could've killed him! Are you alright, Alyx?" Momo exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah! J-Just a bit c-c-cold!" I responded.

Shoto thawed me out and then melted the rest of the ice. Let's just say my room was hotter than Death Valley at Noon. Thankfully, my air conditioner didn't get damaged and I turned it on to its lowest temperature.

"I heard screaming, what's going on?" Shinso asked.

"Oh, nothing now! My shirt was on fire and Shoto came in and iced my room. Then he melted said ice and now my room is as humid as a swamp." I replied.

Shinso gave me a look that Mr. Aizawa would be proud of, "First of all, why in the hell was your shirt on fire?"

"Oh... Well... I think I'd rather tell you guys all at once! It's not anything bad, it's actually some really great news!" I told him.

"Really? Interesting. Speaking of great news, it seems as if you're the talk of the town, again." Shinso answered.

As we walked downstairs, Shinso showed me hundreds of articles talking about what happened in Hurlingham. I couldn't believe the amount of eye witness statements they took! We entered the dining hall where everyone was having an early dinner. I'm surprised they were back this early.

"Yo! Hey guys!" Kaminari greeted us.

I sat down next to Monoma and Bakugo. I could tell I eased the tension in the room just by doing that. I was honestly feeling extremely happy for once!

"Wow, you look a lot better! Did something happen?" Mina asked me.

"Well, there's one big thing that happened. It took me some time and repetition, but..." I stopped.

I gave the biggest smile I've ever shown, "I've got my memory back... Somewhat!"

"WHAT?!" The entire room outburst.

There were dozens of questions being asked all at once, I couldn't answer any, Bakugo got the room to settle down by shouting "shut the fuck up" at the top of his lungs.

"Okay, first things first. Kaminari, what's your question?" I asked.

"So, since you have your memory back, what's your opinion on capitalism?" He questioned

"Money make monkey smile. Now, next question, Momo." I pointed to her.

"How'd you get it back? Also, what?" She questioned.

I nodded at her, "Ms. Warlock showed me a video I was asked to record about myself after I sustained my head injury. I can show you guys the video in a bit, and to answer your other question; yes."

"Hey! I've got a question! What about your Quirk? Did you learn anything new about it?" Kirishima asked.

"Nope, I didn't. If I never went up to Mode Two, then I would've. But then again, I probably wouldn't be here if I never accessed my other Modes." I told him.

I pointed to Kendo, "So, why exactly do you call them Modes? Isn't there a better thing you can call your transformations?"

That was honestly a pretty good question. I guess I never really thought about it until now!

"Honestly, I've got no idea. I guess because it's easier to say during battle?" I guessed.

"Well, why don't you just call them 'Gears' again? It's about the same as what you call them now." Sheyenne added.

"Yeah, but like, that sounds too much like Luffy from One Piece and-" I sighed.

"Woah! You watch One Piece?!" Sero blurted.

"Yes, and I'm reading the manga, I would not recommend doing both at the same time. ANYWAYS! I've been thinking about changing them, but I'm not sure to what..." I responded.

"Well, what about Limit Breaker? That sounds pretty cool! Limit Breaker Three sounds kinda neat!" Uraraka suggested.

Hmm... Limit Breaker? Limit. Breaker. That might work!

"Eh, that kinda sounds a bit weird to me. What about Gear Shift? I mean, you did call them Gears before, so it could work." Joshua added.

"Those could work! Now, can I imagine myself saying them, that's the question." I responded.

"I mean, it's not like you HAVE to, this is your Quirk we're talking about." Jiro noted.

I nodded in agreement, there were so many ideas being thrown out! I mainly liked what Joshua and Uraraka suggested. I think I'll try them both out just to see which one I like best. After dinner, we all returned to our hotel rooms, thankfully mine wasn't damp anymore. It was cold as hell, however! I turned off the A/C and turned on the heat. I tried to wrap myself with a blanket, but those were frozen stiff! I used my Quirk to warm myself up until I felt Laura's presence, the area around me immediately warmed up. I laid back in my bed and smiled softly. I heard a knock at my door, I got up to answer it.

"Hey, Deku! What's up?" I smiled.

"Do you mind if we hang out with you?" He asked.

I peered out of the side of my doorway, Iida, Uraraka, Shoto, and Tsu were standing next to him.

"Of course! Come on in!" I agreed.

They came in and Tsu immediately went into hibernation. I totally forgot about that!

"How about we move to my room instead?" Deku asked.

I left my room, "It'd be better than mine, that's for sure!"

We made our way to Deku's hotel room, as we entered, Tsu came out of hibernation.

"So, Alyx, what was that video you were talking about?" Deku questioned.

"Oh, the video! I almost forgot. Let me show you." I told him.

I pulled out the little hologram Ms. Warlock gave me and played it. They sat there, looking intrigued.

"Aw, look at that, it's baby Alyx!" Uraraka laughed.

"Hey! I wasn't that young. I just turned 16 then!" I laughed with her.

As the video went on, they learned more and more about me, just like I did with Ms. Warlock. The video ended on that picture of Laura and I once more.

"Alyx, who was that girl in the video?" Tsu asked me.

I went back to the picture, "That was Laura, the girl I fell in love with back in Nevada."

"Oh, how cute! She must miss you!" Uraraka beamed.

"Yeah, do you two still talk to each other?" Deku questioned.

"I talked to her today, for the first time in nearly 3 years. She... She was murdered by Black-Heart, which was why I suffered that Retrograde Amnesia." I lamented

"Oh..." Iida muttered.

Shoto walked over to me, "Would you like a hug, Alyx? They usually make me feel better when I'm sad."

I smiled at him, "Sure."

Shoto hugged me, and then the others joined in. I started floating off of the ground, which they all suddenly realized.

"Oh lord! Hang on! Release!" Uraraka quickly exclaimed.

I fell back to the ground, "Thanks! I can cross off 'Be a Balloon' off of my bucket list now."

She giggled and so did Deku. We talked about how our patrols were going, and it turns out, it wasn't as bad as I thought! Except for that whole Hurlingham stuff and the Nomus in Kensington. It was about 9:00 before I headed back to my hotel room.

"Excuse me, are you Alyx Leonidus?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I started to turn around, "Oh, yes I-"

Before I could finish, I realized that I couldn't move! It was like time stopped. I finally got a look at who was behind me, that marking, it was a Kuwahara!

"I have to hand it to you, Leonidus, you must have some serious strength if you managed to take care of my Father." She complimented.

I tried to move, but I just couldn't! I couldn't even activate my Quirk!

"Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to... Thank you, for what you've done. Unlike other members of my family, I can recognize a maniac, which so happens to be almost 99% of my family. I froze the space around you just as a precaution." She explained.

She lifted her hand and turned it; I could finally move again!

"Who are you? I know you're a Kuwahara but I don't remember your name." I asked.

"My name is Evelyn Kuwahara. It's a pleasure to finally meet you again, Alyx." She told me.

"So, you aren't going to kill me?" I doubted.

She shook her head, "I would've killed you a couple of seconds ago if I was."

"Ah, that makes sense. What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I've come to warn you about the coming days ahead. My grandfather, he's starting to wake up. As soon as he does, it won't bode well for any of us. But if you help me, I can help you." Evelyn replied.

I tilted my head a bit, "Oh? How can I help you?"

"Back in Hurlingham, my father was trying to harvest a plant that could wake my grandfather. When you killed him, they were damaged, making them deadly. I need you to find them and bring them to me." Evelyn instructed.

"And how will I know that you aren't just using me to speed up the process?" I wondered.

"Unlike my father, I care about the well being of my children. We can use those plants to weaken him and maybe even kill him if there's enough." She responded.

I nodded, "Alright, I see. I'll get 'em to you tomorrow, just meet me on the outskirts of Hurlingham."

"Deal, see ya!" In the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

I walked to my room to get ready for bed, as I entered, Momo was asleep in my bed. I smiled and got ready for bed. After about 20 minutes, I climbed into bed with her.

"Mr. Koala... I don't wanna... Go to bed..." She said in her sleep.

I smiled softly and cuddled up next to her. For the first time in a while, I actually slept happily!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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