
A Final Battle Arises! (Part 1 of 5)

"Hey, long time no see, Alyx." Annie smiled.

I walked over and hugged her, "Glad to see that you're back, Annie!"

"Alright, we're gonna debrief all of you on what's going on." Mirko told us.

She informed everyone about what's going on with Doe Setsuko. I already knew about most of everything, I was right about her digging up All For One's body. Or well, finding his head, I guess.

"So, she's been worshiping a dead guy's head? Fan-fucking-tastic." Bakugo sighed.

"I think it goes beyond that, Bakugo. She's practically glorified him, beyond Shigaraki level, which I didn't think was possible." I replied.

"We'll be patrolling the city during the night while you guys rest up. You won't have to worry about patrolling until tomorrow." Mirko continued.

Annie handed us only two room keys. Does she not realize that there's six of us?

"F-Fourth Gear, there's only two keys, is there another spot that some of us are sleeping in?" Deku observed.

"We only managed to snag two rooms, one being a family room and the other a single room." Annie explained.

"That fucking single room better have two beds or I'm gonna lose it." Bakugo fumed.

"It's called a single room for a reason, Dynamight." Annie responded.

Bakugo looked over at Kirishima who seemed to be ecstatic. He put his hand on his face and slid it down. He took the key out of Deku's hand before looking at it. Annie nodded to let him know that the one he held belonged to the single room.

"Well, it looks like we'll have the family room then!" Momo chirped.

We all headed to our rooms to get adjusted to our new location. I couldn't help but notice that my suitcase was a lot heavier than before. I didn't bring a hero costume with me, did I? We made it up to our room, I plopped my suitcase down onto my bed.

"Ow." I heard from the inside.

I opened up my suitcase and found Luna?! What in the hell was she doing in there?

"Luna?! How in the hell did you get in there?" I exclaimed.

"I wanted to come with you! I hate being alone at the dorms so I hid inside your suitcase." She beamed.

"Good grief... I guess there's no point in taking you home." I mumbled.

Then, she went on an excited rambling spree. Once you're not paying attention to it, it sounds like a lot of "neko's". I don't think I've ever seen anyone that excited to be around me before. I finally zoned back in to what she was saying.

"-And then we could do all sorts of stuff together like a real family! T-Then, I could be like your sidekick and stuff I think! Ooo! What if I made my own costume like yours? That'd be super-duper ultra-cool!" She exulted.

Luna jumped up and hugged me, her tail flew around faster than an engine belt!

"Maybe we can make one for you some other time. I'm happy to see you as well, Luna!" I smiled.

"Speaking of hero costumes, where's yours at, Alyx?" Uraraka wondered.

"Oh! That should be on its way here, I can't wait to show you all!" I answered.

There was a drone floating outside of the room window. I opened it up and it flew inside with a package. It dropped it on the bed, a light started glowing from underneath it, and a hologram of Melissa appeared.

"Heya! I hope you like the hero costume! We put a loooot of work into it to make sure it's the best of the best. This thing is practically indestructible, trust me, we tested it on nearly everything. Your hero costume'll get dirty, but it's not getting damage anytime soon! Well, see you soon! Call me when you get the chance!" Her hologram relayed.

The drone flew out of the window. I opened the case that was placed on the bed next to me. My eyes widened with delight; it was everything I've ever dreamed of! I exploded my school uniform off of me by entering Gear One.

"H-Holy shit! Why'd you do that?!" Uraraka shouted.

"Hero costume." I replied.

In a flash, I put my hero costume on, it was super comfy! The colors and look of it... I loved it!

"Ooo... Very pretty!" I beamed.

"Wow! That looks amazing, Alyx! I like the look change!" Deku complimented.

Uraraka held my kimono-like sleeves, "Yeah, this is definitely cool looking! Wait, what's that empty spot for on your belt?"

"That? Hold on, let me show you." I replied.

I reached into my suitcase to grab the matryoshka doll that I packed just in case my hero costume arrived. I placed it into the spot and put my closed fists on my sides.

"Lovely Doll Holder!" I grinned.

"Aww! That thing's adorable!" Luna purred.

Momo started blushing and she put her hand up to her mouth. I didn't realize that she was still kind of bashful about stuff like this.

"Darling... Y-You didn't have to do that!" She simpered.

"Well, I figured it'd be a good luck charm! Besides, I honestly really wanted to have something that you made with me." I explained.

"That's sweet, Alyx. Speaking of sweet... Who's sleeping on what bed?" Deku chimed in.

[Later That Night...]

When Deku asked "Who's sleeping where", I'm sure he meant "Which bed are we sleeping in Uraraka and what bed are you & Yaoyorozu sleeping in, Alyx?" The girls were snoring away in the bed next to Deku and I.

"Did they seriously kick us out of bed because they could actually have a king size to themselves?" I wondered.

"I guess so, doesn't Yaoyorozu have a bed bigger than that?" Deku replied.

I nodded at him and crossed my arms, "Yeah, she does. Trust me, I don't even know how they moved that bed into her dorm room, I wonder that like every day."

"Well, Uraraka finally got a new bed! I helped her out with it being that she almost had enough money saved up for it." He told me.

"Ah, that's cool. Is she a heavy sleeper?" I chuckled.

"Kind of? Normally when I bring food into her room, she wakes up automatically. It's kind of cute to see her perk up as soon as I walk in." Deku smiled.

"Have you met her parents yet? I've met Momo's already, they're really nice people, I'm glad that they didn't think I was some sort of idiot." I wondered.

"Uh huh, her parents are really nice as well. They live in a small house, it's nice and cozy, definitely a place I'm sure my Mom, Dad and I would live in." He answered.

I moved upward a bit, "So, I've been meaning to ask you this, One For All... Is it actually derived from All For One? It's a stupid question, I know, but it might answer another question of mine."

"Yes, it is. I had a talk recently with the past One For All users. Nana Shimura mentioned your name, she wasn't specific, but she hinted at some sort of awakening. I'm not sure what she meant by that though." Deku responded.

An awakening? I'm not sure what she's talking about either. Maybe I'll be able to use Infinite Mode at full power soon? I stayed quiet for a bit and Deku turned away from me, pulling the blanket over his shoulder. I laid there for quite a while; I was sure that Deku was asleep but I decided to break the silence.

"Hey, thank you, Izuku. I really have you to thank for helping me out with... Well... I guess all of my fuck ups, if that's what you'd want to call them. That whole Amnesia problem wouldn't have been so easy if I hadn't met any of you guys, maybe I wouldn't even been alive if that was the case. But I don't think I've told anyone what I'm about to tell all of you. I made a promise, one that I guess I haven't lived up to, and that was to be stronger than my parents. I'm not talking physically either, I'm not sure if I'll ever live up to it, considering everything that's happened so far." I spoke up.

I pulled the blanket closer to me and laid my head back onto my pillow. It was gonna be a long day tomorrow, I had that feeling already. I saw Luna pop her head up and rest it on the edge of my bed.

"You've already lived up to it, Alyx!" She whispered.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I wondered.

She crawled up to me and got close to my face.

"Sorry, I don't want to wake everyone else up but like... You've already lived up to it! You're still here, right? You haven't given up yet, so that means you're strong mentally, which also means you've lived up to that promise. It might not seem like it, but for someone to keep going even though doubt runs in their mind, that's pretty strong to me." Luna whispered back.

I faced her and smiled at her. Her words really made me feel a lot better. I guess I never actually thought about it like that before.

"Oh, come here you precious little thing." I chuckled.

I hugged her and rolled onto my back, taking her with me. I didn't truly realize the size difference between the both of us. It was like I was holding a child size teddy bear. I guess I forgot that she was only about 4'9, or 149 centimeters if we're wanting to get technical!

"Uh... You really are small, aren't you!" I giggled.

"Small, but I know at least 4 to 5 places that I can scratch that can kill you instantly." She replied.

"Aaand now we're going to bed. Goodnight, Luna." I told her.

She nuzzled her face into my chest before falling asleep. Hopefully tomorrow was a stress-free day.

[The Next Day...]

I stood atop some roof that overlooked a part of the town. I surveyed the area, now if I were a psychotic, power crazed woman, where would I be? I guess there really wasn't too many places in this town that someone like her could hide. What business would she have coming to this town anyway? There's not much here to destroy or even benefit from destroying. Hopefully she wasn't trying to track down Rei, I don't think any of the First-Years or the Second-Years would even have a chance against Doe. But I do have faith that Sota and Selina would know what to do.

"Leonidus, you got a copy?" Kirishima asked.

I placed two fingers on my earpiece, "Loud and clear, Red Riot, what's up?"

"Have you found anything suspicious yet? Also, I just wanted to say hi!" He wondered.

"Well, hello! And I haven't found anything yet. I'm still looking around town for anything out of the ordinary. What about you?" I replied.

"I haven't found anything either, this place really is quiet! I'll let you know if anything comes up." Kirishima remarked.

I returned my focus to the area I was patrolling. For the next hour or so, I found nothing unusual. It kind of felt like I was just sitting on my thumbs doing a whole lot of nothing. I felt the smell of death hit my nose, it was faint, but it was coming from behind me. I turned around and saw the darkened sky behind me. I put my fingers on my earpiece to relay to everyone else.

"Guys, she's here." I informed them.

I activated Gear Five and took off towards Setsuko. From what it looked like; she was near the Aoba Ward River! That area was decently far from civilization, hopefully, we could at least contain the situation around that area.

"I need you guys to start evacuating citizens while I deal with Setsuko. I can give you more than enough time to get everyone to safety. Don't lead them near the Aoba Ward River, alright?" I relayed to everyone.

"Got it! We'll be over as soon as we can!" Mirko replied.

I raced towards the smell of death, this was gonna be a long day, I could just feel it... I landed down in front of the river, where was she at? I heard impacts in the dirt to the right of me, Setsuko came lingering down the hill, she stopped and stared at me. She scuttled like a spider until she got about 8 feet away from me.

"So, here we are at last, Leonidus. Father told me you'd be here. He never makes a mistake." She told me.

"It seems as if that Father and your real Father made a real big mistake, given that it's standing right in front of me." I retorted.

"Clever words for a human, Leonidus." She smirked.

"What? Are you branding yourself as some kind of God? Some ugly deity you are, normally they'd let sane people into Godhood, but I guess they're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel." I mocked.

She glared at me, her neck muscles started to twitch, the blood going through her veins pulsated more than before. I shifted gears into Infinite Mode, I needed to stall time so that everyone could make their way here. I guess it's time to test out how durable this hero costume really is! She fired off those claws at me, they hit me right on my chest and stomach, but they didn't impale me! It hurt though, but at least I wasn't impaled!


Alyx went flying backwards into the ground, he rebounded and shot forward, slamming an Overdrive Fist into Setsuko's face. She went flying into the air and Alyx chased after her.

"Pretty weak for a 'God'! I've fought tougher!" Alyx remarked.

Doe rebounded in midair and fired off a high-pitched scream that caused Alyx to guard himself. Her arm shot out towards him, stretching all the way out towards him, Alyx dodged it before it reached him. He pulled her towards him and delivered a hellacious headbutt! Alyx followed up with a right hand to the face, a knee to the stomach, then he clasped his hands and sent it straight down to the back of Setsuko's skull. She retaliated by sending a huge force of wind straight into his stomach, making him crash down into the hill below. Setsuko began to fly down towards him until she was sent down to the ground by a lingering Flash Cannon!

Alyx wiped blood off his face before pursuing his target. Meanwhile in Morioh, Midoriya and the others were still evacuating the civilians around the main city and surrounding areas. Huge sounds of explosions and thunderous collisions were heard in the distance!

"Are there others on the way? Alyx can only hold her for so long!" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Every Pro in Japan is making their way here! Keep going, we've got just a few more people to go!" Annie replied.

Deku looked back towards the river, his eyes showed signs of worry, he returned to his task of escorting civilians outside of the city.

"Alyx... Please be careful..." He thought to himself.

Leonidus held his hands out in front of him, "Fuck you, asshat! Stardust Shoot: Ten Fingers!"

Dozens of beams of Overdrive shot out of his fingertips. They shot straight through Setsuko and she screamed out of pain and anger. She charged towards him, Alyx dodged an attempt at her grabbing his face, and put his fist right through her arm! It went flying into the air but rebounded and slammed into Alyx's back! Setsuko sent more of her Rivet Stab tendrils at Alyx, he grabbed them before smirking at Doe.

"Chargebolt Style: Overdrive Shock!" He shouted.

Alyx sent a wave of Overdrive into Setsuko, sending her writhing in pain, much like how Kaminari uses his Quirk! He amplified it by using his Boost Fire at times 60 magnification. Leonidus shattered the tendrils and threw the pieces of shattered tendrils into Setsuko. Steam billowed outward as Setsuko absorbed the Rivet Stab tendrils.

"How dare you... Father wanted to give you ultimate power but you refused! You could've made the world your own just like he showed you!" Setsuko screamed.

"Sorry, but I've had my fair share of people like All For One, Setsuko. I'm ending this, today! I hope you're ready, Setsuko, because I'm gonna beat the holy fucking shit out of you! I promise you that!" Alyx shouted back.

Her head twitched and snapped hard to the left. Her mouth gaped open and black smoke flourished out.

"You are but a fool, Alyx Leonidus, do you think you can stop us? She's not the only one apart of this vessel. Setsuko is one with me." All For One's voice boomed.

Alyx lowered one of his eyebrows, "So, you're telling me Setsuko's joined with you? Huh... No wonder you can take some hits. Alright, if that's the case, I guess I should do the same as well!"

"Oh? You're joining with me?" All For One chuckled.

"Allow me to show you the true power of fusion, All For One!" Leonidus smirked.

Mikaboshi phased out of Alyx, Setsuko furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and frustration, Leonidus turned over and smiled at Mikaboshi.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Power to Victory" from Super Dragon Ball Heroes)

Alyx and Mikaboshi put their hands together, in a blinding swirl of blue and white light, a warrior was reborn! The aura around him crystallized off of him and blew away, revealing the result of Spirit Fusion!

"Heh heh... LET'S GO!" Leoboshi cackled.

"W-What...? What are you?" Setsuko questioned.

"We are the Spirit Fusion between Alyx Leonidus and Amatsu Mikaboshi, you can call us... Leoboshi! Since you decided to foolishly tell us your secrets, we decided to join together as well. I hope you're well prepared, the last person that called themselves a God ended up getting their asses whopped." He grinned.

Back in Morioh, the others saw the bright light of hope in the sky, Yaoyorozu's eyes lit up with excitement as she realized what happened.

"They did that combination technique! Incredible... We might just have this in the bag!" Momo exulted.

"Combination technique? Are you fucking telling me he merged with that damn spirit of his? For fuck's sake, just when I thought he didn't have any more moves..." Bakugo responded.

Annie looked up at the sky as she delivered the last citizen to safety. Her smile widened as she realized what was going on.

"Fuck yeah! Now there's no way she can win!" Annie beamed.

Leoboshi popped his neck and cracked his knuckles, "So, where to start first? I'm pretty sure your head needs a good beating, maybe I can knock some sense back into you, unless that's already long gone. I can tell this'll be real fun, unless I'm just overestimating you."

With the battle of both good and evil beginning, who would come out on top? Slowly but surely, the other Pro Heroes and students from U.A. High approached the town of Morioh, but will it be too late when they get there? Can the fused duo of Alyx Leonidus and Amatsu Mikaboshi prove to be a threat against the seemingly powerful Doe Setsuko and All For One?

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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