
(No Longer Owned] Soul Eater: Unleashed

Story of a boy who gets transmitted in the world of Soul Eater, Simple.

MarshallTaTa · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs


Prologue: Part 1

"What the…? Where am I?" I gazed around my surroundings, Dark tree trunks, bushes, hanging limbs. It was cloudy and gloomy, streaks of cloud, the wind slipping through leaves and trees.


"Huh?" I gaze up seeing letters in mid air.

[Welcome to the system of destiny, chosen one! Speak your desires!]

[World: ???]

[Four desires: ???]

[Name: Judo Jackson (Optional)]

[Appearance: ??? (Optional)]

[Gender: Male/Female/More…(Optional)]

"…What?" I muttered. Conflicted by this display, inquisitive and haunting thoughts.

"World…?" I said.

[Choose the world you desire to be in!]

[Example: Dragon Ball Z]

[Example: Naruto

[Example: Marvel

[Example: DC

Example: ???

'…I think I now have a better understanding of what's going on. But it still doesn't explain how I exactly got here.' As far as I'm concerned. 'This is like one of these fanfic power's stories right? The main character goes to the world they love with cheats. If that's so then this is honestly too good to be true, what's the catch?'


Time limit: 00. 05.00.

Penalty: Death

'…Okay now that's just unnecessary. But fine I'll play along for now.' I thought.

"Now that's see…I could go to the Naruto world, but then again I'm not really a fan of it, so I should probably stick to something I like. Dragon ball Z is a good one but it's too basic, and I damn sure don't want to go to super. garbage ass show. Hm…" I muttered.

Silence. I then Lift my face, gazing back at the letters.

Time limit: 00.02.50

Penalty: Death

"Fuck it! Soul Eater!" I shouted.


[World Soul Eater has been chosen!]

'Okay, now that's out of the way, it's time for my appearance and character.' I Thought.

"System, in this world I want to be the step brother of Crona. For my appearance make it an androgynous mixture of 70% Crona and 30% of my appearance now. I want black hair, pale pink eyes and a well built thin body."


[Appearance completed!]

Time limit: 00.02. 09.

Penalty: Death

I quickly stood straight up off my legs ready for my five desires. I felt an uneasy shiver down my spine gazing at the time limit. Death was coming.

"Okay! For my four desires…

…I want to be a Powerful Primordial human. They are considered the parents of humanity. What they possess is strength greater then a normal human and that's not all. Because the personification of strength. I can feed off of others in strength in order to become stronger as well. Strength Incarnate sounds fitting to me, or Strength Embodiment.

But that isn't the only Embodiment I possess. I have Willpower Embodiment, Soul Embodiment which can into spiritual powers, or life force manipulation. Emotion Embodiment, and lastly Virtue Embodiment, which is good for me and my soul concerning that I can save a lot of people and their Soul's when they die from anything that could be harmful to them. To be the personification of the virtues of humanity.

I have enhanced condition, possessing capabilities, attributes, and aspects beyond that of the peak members of a human, and that also involves Enhanced Body and Mind. Did I forget Adaptation, allowing me surpass any opposition.

Also primordials human happened to live up very longer then normal human's, so I'm not so sure if I'm really okay with that, so I'll just say that I want to be able to manipulate my lifespan whenever I want for now. Some Primordial possibility many abilities, skills and let's no forget also magic, but I'm not about to name them all, I'm sure you can see that this is what I want for now.

Second, I want to have the ability to manipulate my body at will into anything I want. Obviously I have complete control over the bodies as I can create or grow anything on my body. It's like a combined version of blood, bone, flesh and many other manipulations related to the body. But I'm pretty sure that I can gain more strength through this ability.

My third wish is to have a magical music player in my head that I can listen to anytime I want. Can't live my new life without the one thing I love the most now can I? Yes it's stupid, but hey it's what I love. It's my wish not yours so don't judge me.


…And for my last wish, I want to have the ability of Attack Reversal, absorbing and revering any attack thrown at back at my enemies. And this could work for long range attacks and melee attacks. But in order for this to work I need a weapon or something to pull this ability off and I have to time it right, otherwise it won't work.…Actually Full counter fits more.


[Loading Complete!]

[Time Limit has been removed. There will be no death penalty for the chosen one.]

I sighed. Feeling relief I was no longer near death's door.

[How would the chosen one like to travel to this world?

1.Reborn as a baby

2.Transmitted later in their body at a certain time they want.

3. Vessel]

"Transmitted! I want to be transmitted in my body in this world Two weeks before the plot starts." I said.


[Loading Complete!]

[How old would the chosen one like to be in this world?]

"If Crona is fifteen, then I'm fourteen. A year after them."

[If chosen one was to see they're stats, say 'Stats']

"Stats!" My voice echoed.

[Name: Judo Jackson (Optional)]

[Appearance: (Complete)]

[Three Desires: (Complete)]

[Gender: Male (Optional)]

[Final Phase: Start of your journey. Say 'Start!']

I gazed at my stats. Heart was pounding, squealed with excitement. I am ready for my new life. A smile

"Start Phase!" I said. Everything is blackout.

Part 2:

I started to wake up, still half asleep. I slowly begin to open my eyes.

I awakened half asleep. I slowly begin to open my eyes letting the light hit them.


I stretch my arms and legs out feeling my bones loosening in satisfaction. I stood my upper body up glancing around a room I wasn't familiar with.

'I'm guessing that this is my home..' I thought. My eyes then widened as I jumped off my bed quickly into the bathroom glancing at the mirror as I froze. Mouth wide open like I just won the lottery, My heart was pounding. I was amazed by my new semblance, it was exactly how I desired it to be.

"Oh.My.God…Wow…!?" I almost really do look like Crona." I exclaimed, touching my face. I touched my hair, then touched my chest to my lower body realizingI was but ass naked. I slowly widened my eyes, lowering my gaze to my manhood and then gripped it. I felt relief as my worries disappeared. "Oh thank god! I thought the worse, like you getting smaller or something, but you're still with me baby."

I gazed back at the mirror still admiring my new look. I could see the Resemblance between me and Crona. I wonder how Medusa is gonna feel about this. I sat on the Bathroom toilet closing my eyes as I recollected my memories of this world. After some time of reminiscing about the past, I now had a clear understanding of my new life.

'I was born with no father, but a mother. She was calm, gentle and loved, but on the inside she was hurting. Everyday she looked out the window, waiting for beloved to return. But he never died. After a long time of waiting she decided to move on her own, along with a baby. Me.

One year ago, walking home late at night, she was attacked by an evil individual with the soul of a Kishin egg. A group weapon Meister arrived at the scene. It was already too late, she had already died. After the event happened I was on my own. I didn't have to worry about money since I had a construction job, until I was laid off… Despite all that in a year I still couldn't get over the fact that I lost my mother. The shock of my mother's death caused me to develop emotional anxiety. I started to eat less, and hardly interact with others anymore and I barely go outside now.' I thought.

"That was my life in this world before I was transmitted in this body of myself, however that ends today." I said, crossing my arms, leaning back on the toilet. "My mother has died and I've never met my father huh. My guess is that Medusa killed him after she had her ways with him. Sound like something she would do." I muttered.

I slowly opened my eyes as I stood up from the toilet. I walked out the bathroom to my room and opened one of my windows peaking my head out seeing the city of Death. This was a whole nother level.

"Watching it from the screen got nothing on this." I was amazed by this beauty. I continued to watch city feeling the breezing wind hit my face, I couldn't help but smirk.

—10 minutes later—

[Third Pov]

Judo spent some time messing around with his house. He notices he didn't have much clothing and some were bigger than him

'I'm guessing before the transmissions, I must have had weight on me before the accident.' He thought.

"I really need some new clothes." He said lowering his gaze at the big orange T shirt. It came all the way down to nearly his legs and shorts and jeans felt like they were about to fall off of him. After he put on my shoes he found his wallet laying out from his room, he was hoping It was enough for him to afford a couple of Clothes.

He checked the fridge for food which didn't look like much, but it was enough at least.

"The hell…? What is with all those fast food crap? I need the real thing!" He said feeling conflicted. "What the heck was I doing before I was transmitted?"

After he grabbed his wallet and keys he left the house and walked down the sidewalk.

He arrived at a random clothing store in the city. He had a part time picking and choosing. Because they were hardly any colorful clothing, he picked a few shirts, pants, sweater and shorts with the the color of Black, gray and brown. That wasn't the only thing he found troublesome. He needed to find the right size, which he didn't know.

He tried a few of the clothing he picked up in the dressing room. Some were big, so we're too tight, and others were just not to his liking.

"Good thing I decided to try them before buying them." He said.

After some time of trying on clothes he found a few that he could fit. He found one in particular to wear. A black slim fit turtleneck with black jeans. He was astonished how comfortable it was. He gazed at the mirror admiring his beauty.

"Not tight, and it's comforting. I know wearing all black isn't completely my style, but I look sexy. Maybe because it's the Crona in me…

…that sounds weird now that I think about it." He muttered.

After he tried the clothes he paid for them all. He was quite taken back by how cheap the clothes were all together. In his old world buying clothes together was like a whole month of rent money or more.

Nicolas left the store with his bags, he walked on the sidewalk back home. He then gazed at the city filled with people.

"Wow. They're a lot of people here, human's especially. I guess I was so focused on the academy and fights in the story I forgot all about the population of human's." He said, chuckling softly. "I wonder what my role is going to be here. I'm not a Meister nor am I a Demon Weapon. However I am different from normal humans, and I do have my abilities. So I need to be careful from here on out."

Nicolas gazed then turned to the big happy sun as continued to walk.

"It's been a while since I read the manga, so I don't completely remember everything, but that makes things all the more better."

"Hehehehehe…This could be interesting. Hey Music Player!?" I called.


[Yes Mr Jackson?]

"Put on I Wanna Be, by Stance Punks."


[Playing Soul Eater Ending. "I Wanna Be by Stance Punks"]


['…Kuzuhoshi kirameku yume no hoshi sa



Sekai ha kuroku somatteru haku

Iki ha shiroi mama nano ni

Ima wo bukkowashi ni ikoutte

Yakusoku shita ano hi kara

Oretachi ha nanika kawattandarou ka

Yoru no hassha okiba no katasumide

Ikareru kurai ni sakenda koe ha

Oto mo naku fukinuketeitta ne

Soredemo hanashi wo kiite kure

Kitto mada maniau hazu dakara

I WANNA BE massaona

Zetsubou to issho ni

Himei wo agetsukisasare

Subete ga kawaru mae ni!