
A Trap For Bud:

The King passing through the Forest area at night,to check,how his men are doing,such a sense of simpathy and generosity for his men,he has.The King keeps on walking untile he sees Bud floating like,he was driven by something:

The King:(with a royal attitude):"Bud! Come here,down,don't you see your king is on the land and you are flying above me!."

Bud:(keeps on floating to some empty space area in the forest)

The King:(surprisingly follows him and there he sees a magician doing some spells to inslave him):"Ah! I guess the P.M hates to live,I shall provide him with rest for his whole life,once and for all."

The Magician:(suddenly raises his voice):"Ah! Stupid king,he made it a law,not to do anything like this? What does a king is supposed to know,how hard is it,to capture one of them,and to inslave him/her,a little mistake in these kinda spells can kill you,no one wants to be anyone's slave,though,I had to get these bones and stuff like this,so hardly to get this done and finally I have this nice one,pretty horrifying face,but I am not  afraid of these things anymore."

The Magician continues to recite his spells,Jabar:

Jabar:(suspiciously understanding):"So! It's not the king's mistake,but this one thinks he's above law,let's punish him accordingly,then."

Jabar wents on floating through air and tries to slap him onto his right check and as he succeeds:

Jabar:(laughingly and loudly):"Ah! Poor kid,mama doesn't even teach him to make a protective shield Hisaar before doing anything like this."

Magician:(frustrated):"Who's this! Who slapped me!."

Jabar:(in a distrubing voice):"I'm vengence!."

Bud:(now in his full senses and free as the magician has lost his focus on the spell):"Nice dialogue."


Bud:(swallowing fearfully)

Jabar:(now I punish you on the half of humans and our laws)

Jabar gets into his body,Bud gets back to his job,whatever he was doing during the very start.Jabar gets to police station:

Jabar:(in the Magicians body,in front of the cops,he yells while raising his hand):"Arrest me,officers!."

The Sergeant Major:"Umm…sorry sir,what did you said?."

Jabar:(in a funny sense hold the hands of the Sergeant Major,by rolling him in a circle,then leaves him and the S.M falls on other police men):"Arrest Me!."

The Other Cops:"Hands behind your back,right now!."

Jabar:(in the Magician's body,turns his hands entirely behind his back,not possible for a random human being and then finally leaves the body of the magician,he blackout and cops get him in custody)

Jabar:(gets back to the forest,clearing dust off his shoulders):"long night,was it! Never to mess with me again,will anyone."

He suddenly watches Bud floating again in the same way in a straight path:

Jabar:(yells in a rage and in frustration):"Buuuudddd!."