
Even All Might Denied/ Villain Attack!

"Well, you all want to be heroes!" The English teacher said. "You've all got great powers!"

Everyone in class started cheering and yelling. Bakugo suddenly stood up in his desk.

"I'm heading to UA, extras!" He started showing off. "I aced the mock test! I'm the best in this school!"

Evie stares out the window while Bakugo started bragging. The teacher finally mentioned something else.

"Oh, Midoryia, you applied for UA as well, right?"

Bakugo froze. He turned slowly toward Deku. "You wanna go to UA?! You're quirkless!"

Evie shifted to the sound of Bakugo denying Izuku's wishes.

"Pipe down, Kacchan." Evie stared at Bakugo.

Unfortunately for Bakugo, Evie wasn't happy at the sound of anything he had said. As a result, Bakugo was pulled back into his chair by Evie's ropes.

After class, Bakugo approached Evie and Deku. He wasn't at all happy when Evie had used her quirk in him.

"Hey, you damn extra!" He yelled at Evie in her face. "Why the hell are telling me to pipe down?!"

"Because you're super noisy," Evie rolled her eyes. "And don't badmouth Izuku."

"I'll do whatever the hell I want! You can take a swan dive off the roof for all I care, Deku!"

Deku froze in his spot, processing what Bakugo had just told him.

"Don't listen to that jerk, Izuku," Evie comforted. "He's a dumbass if he thinks you're talent is poor."

"Sure, I guess," Deku replied nervously.

Evie and Deku walked home together after classes. In their mind, Bakugo was now an enemy. After what he had told Deku, Evie was pissed.

As they walked through a tunnel, Evie tried once again, comforting Deku.

"Kacchan is an ass, Izuku. You shouldn't let him get you down." Evie mentioned.

"Yeah, you're right," Deku answered. "I won't listen to him."

The two laughed as they continued walking through the dark tunnel.

There was suddenly a shuffle. A bottle dropped on the ground.

"Did you hear that?" Evie asked.

When Evie turned to look at Deku, he wasn't there. Instead, there was a huge sludge villain attacking Deku. He was trying to take over Deku's body.

"Fufufu," the villain cackled. "A nice body for me to hide in."

'I can't breath!' Deku thought.

Evie yelled at the villain, trying to get its attention. "Hey! Ugly! Over here!"

The sludge villain paused. He re-thought what Evie just called him. All Evie needed was to look him in the eyes and it would all be okay.

The sludge villain turned toward Evie. "Ehh, what'd you call me, brat?"

The villain didn't even realize he made a huge mistake. Evie had grabbed the bottle that fell at first. She wrapped her ropes around the villain. She was able to guide the slime into the bottle.

"There," she sighed. "All done."

"That was terrifying!" Deku exclaimed. "It felt like I could hardly breath!"

"He was most likely trying to enter you're body. We better return this guy to the authorities."

Before Deku could answer, there was a yell.


A gust of wind blew their hair out of their face. It was All Might.

"Oh," All Might saw the bottle of slime in Evie's hand. "Amazing! You've already caught the villain yourselves."

Izuku stood in awe. After all, the No. 1 Hero, All Might, was standing right in front of him. He couldn't contain his excitement and started exploding with questions, asking for his autograph.

"A- All Might?!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Shush," All Might hushed. "Please, do not yell."

Evie rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, still playing with the bottle of slime. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. You don't want to deal with you're fans."

"Evie!" Izuku scolded. "You shouldn't do that to the No. 1 Hero. He does all these things to protect us everyday!"

"Pft, you don't think I'm aware, Izuku. I want to be a hero who protects others too. But all heroes are the same. They do it for popularity and fame."

"Evie, you say that about every hero. Anyway, can I please have your autograph?"

All Might studied the two middle schoolers in front of him. One was admiring him while the other just shrugged him off.

"Anything for a fan," He finally said. "Ah, but I don't have a pen."

"Oh," Izuku reached into his pocket. "Will this do?" He held a black sharpie.

"Absolutely!" All Might signed the book Izuku gave him.

Evie stood on a stone wall, watching her best friend talk to the giant muscular man. Izuku was a very thin boy. He didn't go to the gym like other boys. All he would do was walk around the city, looking for heroes at work and study their quirks.

"Now, I must be off!" All Might waved.

"Wait!" Izuku called. "I still have one more question-"

All Might flew through the air before Deku to finish his sentence. Evie sighed, knowing what was going to happen. She grabbed a building and flung herself, following All Might and Izuku in the sky, allowing her whips to catch her before she would fall.

Izuku was holding onto All Might leg as he flew through the sky. Evie was right next to All Might, watching the awkward scene.

"I have one more question!" Izuku yelled through a face that spooked All Might.

"And you need to take this guy to the police station." Evie gave the bottle to All Might.

"Oh, dear," All Might said. "All right, just cover your face until we land!"

When they landed, Izuku had to fix his face from the speed they were going at.

"Okay, please, make it quick." All Might said, making it seem like he was rushing.

"My question," Izuku started. "Can someone be a hero…even without a quirk?"

Evie leaned against a wall as they began talking.

All Might gave what seemed like a saddened look.

"It's just…I've loved heroes for a long time. I want to be someone who rescues others with a smile, the way you do."

Evie started to notice some steam that was coming from All Might's body. She tried to ignore it when she saw him struggling. Struggling with what, She wondered.

"No. 1 Hero or not, I feel like he's hiding something. Best to at least keep my guard up." Evie thought to herself.

All Might sighed. Surely he meant well, but he didn't want to break the kid's heart.

Before All Might could say a word, steam exploded from his body. Evie jumped at the sight. Deku fell over, surprised at what he had just seen.

When the steam cleared, a thin man stood before them. Deku was severely freaked out. His eyes got all big and he started asking questions and yelling.

"What the-" Deku exclaimed. "You're not All Might! You're an imposter! Who are you?!"

All Might sat against the wall. He couldn't get out of this one, no matter what he did.

"Fake? A fake?! Y- you deflated!" Deku continued freaking out.

Evie stomped over to All Might and grabbed his collar.

"What the hell is this?! Are you an imposter?!"

"I am All Might." Blood dripped from his mouth as he said this.

"No way!" Deku yelled.

"You know how guys at the pool are flexing and posturing constantly? It's kind of like that."


"But All Might is fearless," Deku mentioned. "He saves everyone with a smile."

"A fearless smile, huh? Now that you've both seen me like this, don't write anything online, even accidentally."

Evie and Izuku stood next to each other in silence. They couldn't believe their eyes when All Might lifted his shirt for them to see an unbelievable injury on the side of his torso.

"This is an injury I got from an enemy attack five years ago." All might explained. "Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed and I lost my whole stomach. I've become emaciated from repeated surgeries and the after effects. Right now, I can only work as a hero for about three hours a day, at most."

Deku gave a horrified look at the injury. "There's no way…" he murmured.

"The fight wasn't made public." All Might continued on. "I asked that it not be made public. I will save everyone with a smile. The Symbol Of Peace cannot be daunted by evil. I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside me."

Evie crossed her arms again and leaned against a wall. Deku stood in fright of what he was being told. He was thinking that it must be a difficult world if even the Symbol Of Peace had fear instilled inside him.

"Pros are always risking their lives. I cannot simply say, 'You can become a hero without power.'"

Deku stood in shock. Everyone had told him that he couldn't become a hero. Now, even All Might, the No. 1 Hero is telling him that he is unable to become a hero.

"I see…" He managed to say.

"If you want to help others," All Might finished. "Maybe become a policeman. They're often teased because they get villains delivered to their doorstep, but that is also a fine occupation."

All Might started for the stairs to walk down and out of the building. Before he left, he finished with one last sentence. "It's not bad to dream. But you have to consider what is realistic, young man." And closed the door behind him.

As he walked down the stairs, he felt his pockets. He suddenly realized they were empty. The bottles of slime were not there.

During the flight, Evie had handed the sludge villain off to All Might. They could've fallen out of his pocket while Deku was holding onto his legs.

All Might looked out a window nearby. There was smoke in the sky. A fire? It had to be the sludge villain. He had escaped from the bottles and was now attacking citizens in the city.

Evie and Deku noticed the smoke too.

"C'mon, Izuku," Evie called out, ready to fling herself off the building. "Let's go see what heroes will arrive to the scene!"

Izuku smiled. "Yeah!"

At least there was one person who still believed in him. He took her hand and they both flew across the city, toward the smoke. Izuku.