
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasie
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69 Chs

Chapter 53: The Great Wall of Fog.

The kid suddenly paled, as if he just remembered an unpleasant experience.

Pert shivered.

"...Really, really dangerous."

The Great Wall of Fog was also known for it insidious nature. For the mists forming it was extremely poisonous. Inhaling a subtle amount is enough to kill an Alpha and higher existences. Even the ferocious abominations on the other side stood no chance against it. Furthermore, the fog also bring harm to those it touch. Albeit, slowly but surely. It corrode skins like acid, the denser the fog, the greater the effect. If a normal human were to spend an hour bathing in the fog, his will be peeled alive. That is, if he restrained himself from screaming the entire time and inhaling the deadly gasses.

This shows just how lethal the fog wall is. Which Zyro desired to wield before leaving on their venture.

Stripping the garments off, and revealing the intricate black steels beneath excluding mechanical beauty. Zyro release the air tank oxygen load through the airgun barrel on his left forearm.


It was the gun that helped him scape the Gricks circular castle. Unfortunately, it used the last spare bullets back then. And was now incapable of firing anything but air. Those ammunition was particularly made for the Shroud of Night by certain machineries of a military factory. Finding suitable substitute bullets in this medieval level civilization was a hopeless endeavor.

However, gasses was not physical and can flow into any hole.

After emptying halve the quarter of the tank, Zyro unequip the back section of the armor to detach the air tank along with it's refilling gear.

"The vine"

Pert handed him vines tied to each end to lengthen it's reach.

The kid who's been tasked to as watchman and collecting vines watched Zyro with a confused expression. But did not dare questioning him. After all, the agreement he signed up was one sided. Pert was obligated to share and explain everything he knew or do. But Zyro will only tell him what he wanted.

Although, it may seem unfair. Zyro's outrageous demands can be justified by his situation. He trusted Pert have no connection with the Gricks due to the undeniable proofs the kid shared. But Zyro was a cautious person with thousands hunters behind his back as additional enemies. The Gricks was intelligent beings that can use leaking information about him to track him down. On the other hand, Pert predicament was limited on surviving the wilderness full of savage beasts.

The kid knew many things about him, Zyro rather not add anymore as possible. Furthermore, the future was unpredictable. Slim as it might be, the possibility of Pert exposing him remain. Even though the kid promise not to, Zyro still needed precautions. So every move Pert made has to be known by him in detail. Once the kid make suspicious mistakes, Zyro will be ready for the worse.

Thankfully, there's no signs of that happening in their cooperation... Yet. Zyro will only tell necessary things to Pert, such as his basic skills in fights. The rest was hidden as trump cards for complicated situations.

Additionally to his conditions, Zyro orders has to be obeyed by the kid. As long as it's reasonable and will not gravely risk his life, like fetching vines. Pert will follow.

With the suit part securely tied by one of the vines end. Zyro activated the air refilling gear, and throw the cybernetic armor back section containing the tank into the wall of fog. It's trajectory following and arch, before plunging into dense ashen, mists. Away from their sight. The only thing that assured them it was there was the greenish trail of vine laying on soil. Zyro, holding the other end gaze where his armor part had been thrown for a moment. So does Pert with halted breaths. Both have dreadful anticipations in resemblance to fisher man's awaiting a monstrous leviathan to abruptly pull their bait.

Fortunately, no such thing occured in the following minutes. The line made of vine remain loss without moving.

The tense silence was suddenly broken by Pert giggle.

"Why are we so serious, Anyway. It's not like any living creature actually live inside there."

Indeed, no beings are durable enough to live within the fog. To breath it's insidious toxins and resist it's corrosion daily.

Whatever can, that being was undoubtedly an apex predator above all.

Zyro shook his head

"You never know."

He turn back and knotted the vine around a tree. Adding.

"Life can be full of surprises, so expect anything. And... Didn't you mention surviving there?."

Pert nodded, his face subtly palling. He lingered for a moment, as if dealing with the lingering trauma in his mind.

Noticing the kid conflicted expression donning a wierd smile. Zyro suggested.

"No need to force it."

Zyro questioned Pert origin a few days ago. Despite their agreement, Pert didn't gave a vivid answer. He merely describe himself being a lost wanderer - people who wasn't born inside Foggy Ring, but unwillingly entered it because of accidental events. Nothing more. Not to scheme or act, Pert simply refuse due to the topic high sensitivity. It was a traumatizing memory he buried deep in his mind, a agonizing remembrance he wanted to forget. Let alone, tell to anyone. It wasn't easy, considering the fact that Pert was a 16 years old kid physically and mentally. Besides, his past doesn't matter much to Zyro. So he didn't force the matter.

Still, the unnatural behavior of the kid bothered him when they graze this topic. Zyro wasn't that kind to emphasize with young Aster, it just. Pert resembled an old friend, someone Zyro hold dear in the past. He can't help but partially see the blonde kid the same way he view his diseased best friend.

Even though he heard Zyro comporting advice, Pert did not dismissed his heavy thoughts. After a momentary silence. Pert replied.


Zyro raise an eyebrow.

Pert put on a tough smile, and turn to the fog. Hiding his face from Zyro view.

"What's with the weird look, I don't want to be dramatic here. It's just... I might die on our journey, and maybe you'll survive. This may sound awkward. But I think it's way less sadder when someone like you remember me. and my story. Damned it, this is embarrassing! You get what I mean."

Instead of laughing at Pert cringe act, Zyro sat down under the tree and pull out a dried meat to chew. As though it's a popcorn.

'Finally, some live entertainment.'

Pert took a deep breath.

"You asked if I survive inside the fog. Well, I guess I did, it's over there."

The kid pointed on a certain area in the right. Zyro gaze traced his finger, it took him some time to notice the vague silhouette hiding beneath thick layers of mists. The dark shape within boundless grays was crude and unrecognizable, but there is something there. If Zyro were to guess, that will be a ravaged shipwreck.

"I was born in Kingdom of Strays. Life was hard there because of the chaotic environment. However, the family I belong was well off. I have a loving mother who cook tasty delicacies for us and strict older sister who always scold my reckless stuns. We sleep under a modest home. We live in prosperity all thanks to my father. He was a famed adventurer, his not only strong, his smart too. He have deep passion for uncovering ancient treasures or anything historical. Dad said his adventuring journey started when he found an valuable ancient relic. It was a notebook his really fond of, he thought he could find more as an adventurer. So he keep looking for them. I don't really understand what's exciting about those old things, but I do like accompanying him in his adventures. Riding my father airship, the Golden Dawn. My father, me and his companions would sail the sky to hunt monsters and treasures to bring home. It was dangerous, but fun for me. That's also when I learned how to use bow. I lived my childhood days in that risky manner, mom and sis would always nag at me and my father because of it. But I want to go on dangerous adventures, I don't want to spend boring days at home..."

Pert joyful tone died down, replaced by a low, sorrowful voice of a boy whose about to cry.

"I was stubborn, but dad supported me. Well, of course he did, it came from him after all. Mom and sis wasn't happy, they warned me it was dangerous. I didn't listen because my father is strong and cautious, not even once we loss, that's just how strong he is... I thought."

Beads of tears began falling on the ground.

"In one of our ventures near Foggy Ring, we stumbled upon a terrible aerial monster. We can't defeat it, so we flee. However, the only direction available for us is entering Foggy Ring. We knew that's prohibited, but we have no choice so we trespassed. The monsters was afraid of the fog, so we successfully loss the flying monster. Then... The Gricks saw us, my father wanted to clear the misunderstanding by negotiating. But they didn't even listen and suddenly started attacking us. They... They sunk Golden Dawn.

The kid face down and wipe his tears. He sniff, and shakily pointed again.

"That's our ship, the Golden Dawn. Those who fight died, those who survived the onslaught of arrows died in the fog. Everyone die. Dad... Dad had thrown me out of the fog in time, I survive. And watched my father desperately crawl only to die inside the wall."

Zyro unknowingly stoped eating midway, looking at the crying Pert impassively. His face darkened.

He sighed.

'This is not entertaining at all.'

His resentment towards the prideful aerial race raised again. Not only did they imprisoned him and accused him as notorious prince murderer. They're merciless to others, as well.

Then again, Zyro can't do anything to them... Yet.

Leaving his forlorn companion alone to give Pert some alone time that he needed. Zyro don't have comporting advice to bandage the kid bleeding heart, anyway.

Zyro waited about halve an hour more under the tree in silence before pulling the long vine to retrieve his armor part. Attaching it once again on his back, Zyro heard Aizra whisper.

[You received a skill - Fog spray.]