
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantasie
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69 Chs

Chapter 40: Howling

'For the love of God! Can't I even return peacefully?' he complained.

Venturing into the forest had almost cost him his life numerous times. He at least hoped to safely return with the aid of his experiences and knowledge of hazardous routes to avoid. To his dismay, what caught him wasn't a feral beast, but a Grick! The type of enemy he wanted to avoid more than the eyeless hound.

Zyro hadn't been careless and was always watching the sky while traveling. However, the Grick that lunched the iron javelin wasn't flying, but sneaking into the bushes, too.

Gricks had keen eyesight. Although, they cannot see in the dark like the vampires. Their vision was still more potent than human, allowing them so see further and clearer. So it's Zyro inferiority at optical aspect unravel him. If he had worn the suit helmet, he might have spotted the Grick first using night vision and avoided him. But regret cannot reverse time, if anything Zyro was extremely glad he didn't wear it. Else, he'll be swarmed by Gricks as soon as his found.

With his hood down, Zyro didn't move an inch as he watch the silent surroundings with extreme precaution. Alert for any further movement.

Soon, A slim man with a hazel pair of wing on his back emerge behind a tree. Nonchalantly walking towards Zyro. The man had long pale blonde hair, reaching his shoulders. His listless azure eyes stare at Zyro, dark bags can be seen under his weary eyes. He wore hooded black tunic, covered by a iron chest plate atop.

Under seeping rays of moonlight, the Grick look like an angel wandering the dark woods, coupled with his mature good looks. As much as Zyro want to deny it, the mustard is freaking gorgeous.

The Grick yawned.

"I wonder, what an adventurer is doing in this area at late night, alone?" Said the man in a nonchalant, deep voice. With a touch of sleepiness as he walk forward.

Not taking the young man - Zyro's overly covered clothing as strange. After all, such fashion was considered normal in this world era.

Zyro restrained himself from swearing the handsome Grick for questioning him as if nothing happened. That mustard just throw a spear aim at his innocent head a second ago.

Swallowing his frustration, Zyro toned.

"Just out and hunting, kind sir. As you know, Midnight is a time when most beast are asleep."

He rather avoid trouble in this dangerous wilderness as much as possible. Furthermore, under that ragged clothing hid the Gricks mortal enemy. And was also probably the reason why the handsome Grick scout here. Currently, Zyro can't make a single mistake that will reveal his true identity. So negotiation is the best way to go no matter how much he wants to punch the Grick clean and smooth face that's asking for a brutal beating. Zyro's didn't hate handsome guys, but this angelic person standing before him had attempted to kill him.

But his rage didn't show on his sincere and innocent looking face. Not to brag, but Zyro's acting skill was top notch.

The Grick bored expression didn't even change. He stop Infront of Zyro and said lazily.

"Reasonable enough, I thought your some kind monster. So I tried hunting too. But it seems my aim was badly affected my lack of sleep. Sigh, were working so hard but signs of the fallen knight had yet to appear. If not for the lake guardian hindering us from checking the fallen knight aircraft. We wouldn't be guessing if that knight is alive or no..."

The Grick suddenly pause, covering his mouth as if realizing a mistake he made.

This action didn't go unnoticed by Zyro's eyes. Additionally, the handsome Grick slip of tongue had given him a valuable information. They too, had the same predicament.

After a second or two, the handsome winged man coldly look at Zyro. And put on a strange smile.

"Young man, this area was restricted by us, Gricks for a specific reason. Which you had carelessly invaded. Meaning, you have broken our law and was caught by me. You know what punishment us Gricks give to those who disobey, right?... But worry not, I might let you go if you win my game."

Zyro look at him with a fake, grave expression. Anxious as he lingered for a moment before reluctantly nodding.

The Grick smile widened as he continue.

"It's simple. You just have to run and evade my spear. If you successfully scape, then you lived! Easy, right?. Now, go retrieve my spear for me. So we can begin."

Pretending to hesitate for a moment, Zyro nervously heed the handsome Grick order.

'Mustard, if your going to kill me for the mistake you made by mindlessly spouting classified information. You should have done so directly instead of playing around.'

The sleep deprivation had really deteriorated the handsome Grick mind. Not only had he accidentally revealed a significant Intel, he even had the audacity to play with Zyro before killing him to fix his mistake.

As Zyro turn around to get the javelin stuck in the tree bark, he anticipated the Grick to suddenly attack his back. However, the winged man didn't even move, instead, Grick just yawned again as he waited.

Not worried at all. The handsome winged man had all the reasons to underestimate Zyro, after all. He could probably see Zyro's pure black hair, inferring how weak his racial talent are. While the Grick had retractable sharp nails and wings for offense and aerial flight.

Without anything to do, the Grick listlessly stare at Zyro's back. Curious if the young man will run for his life, or behave, and play his dangerous game. Either way, he'll kill Zyro anyway. However, amidst his amusement, his superior eyesight notice a small scratch in the young man pants. Likely reaped by some random torn, or pointy wood in the bushes. The Grick narrow his eyes, only to see a strange black surface instead of skin. Suddenly, his bored expression was gone, replaced by utter seriousness.

Holding the javelin by its end, Zyro was just about to take it out. But was stopped by the handsome Grick alarming voice, contrasting to the previous careless tone.

"What is that? Take off your clothes this instant!"

Zyro frowned for a second, perplexed. Before finally understanding the Grick words as he realize his mistake. He have been going through luxuriant forestry this entire time, wearing low quality outfit. Of course it'll be damaged at some point in time, revealing his onyx suit under the fabric concealment. It just so happens his facing a Grick with keen eyes, and was able to notice what's hidden beneath despite the darkness of night.

Zyro's act was gone, too. Now, he had no choice but violence. Surely, that Grick will not let him go, even more now. Fortunately, he didn't chose to obediently follow the winged man command for no reason. By ordering Zyro to retrieve his spear, the Grick basically gave him a huge advantage - weapon. Coupled by the element of surprise.

Zyro silently sighed... And willed.

'Full power!'

His soft hold on the javelin end suddenly became firm, locking into a solid grip. As he pulled, causing wood splinters to flew out. Followed by a abrupt swing with all his exoskeleton and physical might towards his back where the handsome Grick stood. Forming a wide, vicious arch.

The spear sharp tip move swiftly, reaching the Grick abdomen. However, due to the handsome winged man already at full alert. He was able to react at the sudden attack. Stepping back, at the same time, quickly flapping his wing to create air force to dragged his body back. The Grick was able to avoid being cut in two. Still, the javelin tip had sliced his abdomen surface for he was taken by surprised, so he wasn't able to fully evade it.

'An Alpha?' Zyro thought, knowing no mundane being could move and react that fast. He quickly dismissed the thought and concentrated as he spin his body to face the injured Grick direction. While adjusting his javelin handling, switching his hold at the center and taking a throwing stance.

It doesn't matter if the handsome Grick was an Alpha, his still killable by spear nevertheless. The entire ordeal had merely lasted for a second, yet to both of them, it felt so long.

With his foot above ground, and wings spread out. As if time was frozen, the handsome Grick stare at Zyro whose preparing to lunch the javelin with horror. Partially due to his slitted stomach beyond salvation.

At the next moment, Zyro's legs arched as he stump, one of his hand gripped the javelin like an arrow, while the other hold an invisible bow. A second more, he leaned forward as he throw the spear with devastating force. His body loosing balance at the end, the handsome Grick whose still at midair desperately tried to flap his wings to evade. Unfortunately, the distance between them aren't that great while the flying spear traverse at a astonishing speed.

The javelin pierced the winged man middle chest, going through the iron chest plate. The collision impact send the Grick flying back a few meters away, stopping when his back hit a tree.

Zyro rose up.

'4 seconds, not bad.'

That's how long their battle lasted from start to finish. At direct fight, Zyro doubt his chances of winning. So he always preferred using every advantages available and ending battles as fast as possible.

A distance away, lifeless sitting under a tree with his legs wide spread. And head hang down, with dropped wings. A long spear stand at his chest vertically. The handsome Grick sat there, unmoving, silent and darkly at peace.

Looking at his fallen enemy, Zyro can't help but sense a bitter sweet feeling. Zyro liked winning and continuing to live, at the same time, hated killing. It put a bitter taste in his mouth all the time. But what choice do he have? If he don't kill, he'll be the one dying. He wasn't a hypocrite either. Zyro killed the handsome Grick because he wanted to live. Nothing more.

"...May your soul rest in peace" he muttered.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Zyro began moving forward to take the spear. It was a valuable weapon, after all.

But suddenly stop his tracks, noticing a subtle movement of the Grick. Then... Zyro ran forward, as soon as he saw the handsome winged man weakly took something from his back.

It was a horn.

Lightly lifting his head, he gaze at Zyro with raging hatred burning in his eyes, the Grick smirked wickedly with his bleeding mouth... And blow the horn with all that's left of his dying body.


A sharp, loud sound reverberated throughout the surroundings. Echoing and disturbing birds as they fly away from the trees.

The handsome Grick blew the horn as loud as he can with the last of his breath. His furious eyes went dull, as his hands lifelessness fall.

Zyro was too late. It wasn't hard to figured out what that horn meant - call for reinforcement.


Another horn resounded somewhere in the forest, then another and another.