

Heinzbeansscranner · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

The death of a young soul

(Before Arc 1)

"Mother please.....no more...." A boy cried to his mother in sadness and pain. his nose and face were beaten into a bloody pulp, but even she didn't care about her son's cries.

grabbing a kitchen knife, the lady quickly slammed it into the boy's hand, causing a cry of pain to ring out in the lavish room.

"You're a failure! your father would be here if you were better!" The lady went for a second round, causing the boy to grip his hand in pain.

"Im..s-sory.." The boy's words couldn't even come out right as was kicked by the beautiful lady

"Failure! Failure! Failure!" The woman screamed out, her blows getting more and more heavy with each time she spoke.

the boy crawled into a fetus position before the woman started screaming again

"I'll kill you! you have no place in the world! your trash! ill just find that man and then have another baby.... yes, he will be perfect! unlike you!" She screamed, before booting the boy like a puppy.

another round of whimpering came to the boy who was hanging on death's gate. his spine felt like it broke or fractured. his ribs were cracked due to the constant kicks

Why? Why me?

what did I do to deserve it?

Tears of blood ran down the young boy's face as it dripped down to the floor.

but it didn't touch it.

the mental stability of the boy wavered as the blood that was dripping suddenly turned into mist.

his wounds had started to heal, but his mother was too busy rambling to notice her son standing up.

slowly walking towards her, his bloody footprints showed through the carpet as he picked up the letter opener that was on the side and simply started laughing.

the shriek and painful laughter interrupted the woman rambling as she looked towards her son, whose face was looking down at the floor

"You're a failure, nothing more than that!" She went in for a slap.

the boy dodged the slap, before putting the letter openers blade in the sky and slamming it down on her neck

"Die!Die!Die!Die!" A burst of psychotic laughter filled the room as the boy slammed the letter opener into her neck, each time the laughter intensifying.

the red mist surged around his body as he slowly stopped laughing, causing an eerie silence to fill the room.

the boy simply stared at the body, before kicking it across the room.

a woman who worked at the brothel came into the room but was quickly silenced as Eli slammed the letter opener into her throat too.

nocking the window and opening it, the boy briefly jumped out, bloodstains baptizing his clothes.

he had looted a phone from the brothel worker as he went upon a search bar and searched a name

"Augistine Aldine"

A well-respected member of the Sinnoh alliance, who is in charge of the Sinnoh branch of the alliance.

his father.... and his enemy.

seeing that Augustine had a family of 4 , the boy laughed out.

oh, he saw it now.

he saw everything.

his mother was nothing more than a mistress. he didn't plan on starting a family.

the boy threw the phone on the ground, before walking to a desolate building in the slums.

everyone in the slums knew what the building held. even him.

knock three times then wait 5 seconds before knocking again.

a man in a team Galatic uniform opened the door, before saying "You sure you want to do this kid?"

Eli smirked at the man before nodding

his mother didn't die from an STD, nor did she die when he was 11.

Nature took her life.

and Eli was nothing more than the vessel.


(Current day)

the boy was facing a man in full body armour and a riot shield.

several shots were fired towards Eli via the man's submachine gun, but Eli used the tree as cover as he looked up to see Beedril and a staravia fighting together.

when the man needed to reload, the boy quickly looked towards Bronzor


A psychic barrier arose over the boy as he rushed towards the man in armour, who had his knife out.

"Houndour!" Eli shouted, causing the dog at his side to shoot countless embers at the man.

the armour seemed to be heatproof as the embers were quickly put out.

the man had gone to the side of Eli with his knife , causing Eli to pull out a dagger.

the dagger and knife clashed, with the sight of beedril and Staravia fighting above them.

the man broke the clash, before doing a jab with the knife, which the boy dodged backwards.

Eli stumbled for a second, before regaining his footing. the man didn't give him any chance to breathe as he quickly closed the distance and disarmed Eli, causing the man to laugh

"You were a good kid, but you were inexperienced."

"Is that so?" Eli smirked as the bloodmist at his side suddenly condensed into a tentacle that went through several of the man's organs.

pushing the man's body off his side and watching as Staravia retreated, the boy used his nimble hands to loot the man of his possessions.

a wallet that had a family photo, his gun, his ammo, his armour and his Pokeball of Staravia that had retreated.

the boy grabbed the gun and left the armour due to it being a bit heavy.

loading a fresh magazine into the chamber, the boy decided to go and deal with the snipers via flanking them on the right side of the forest. although it was risky due to the fact that it was heavily guarded, the boy would think of away.


the boy's hands fell upon three round green balls that had a pin attached to the top

"Oh, my this is my way in.." The boy picked up and examined the grenades, before stashing them into his pocket.

walking up the uphill forest, Golurk and Bronzor were on the look about for any sneak attacks.

a group of 5 ran past him, but Eli simply stood silent and didn't fight them. that would be a death wish after all.

the uphill battle had finally came to a close.

now this is where the fun begins.