

Heinzbeansscranner · Anime und Comics
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The boy had managed to completely flank the guards and appeared where the snipers are.

the boy examined and memorized the sniper's position, breathing patterns among other things before looking towards Beedril and nodding.

Beedril had the only muti-attack move here, which was twineedle.

Eli breathed like the snipers and realised that his gun could be stabilized via the breath.

each sniper was guarded by a guard which was patrolling in heavy armour, causing the boy to moan.

"Beedril , your job is to devliever these grenades. memorize what time i pull the pin and allocate them to the 3 snipers. be the fastest you can, don't bother trying to fight them." Eli said while he slowly started to pull the pin on each

handing them over to beedril, the boy watched as the bug flew in the air at rediculous speed and gave all 3 of the snipers a "Present."

Hearing a clank next to them, one of the snipers shouted


they tucked their body in as the guards next to them jumped on the grenade.

indeed, the guards wore heavy armour that would prevent a massive blow

the blow resulted in the guards been sent back as the boy rapidly approached with his pistol out.

"No-p-please I have a fami-" One bullet was shot at the woman, as Eli watched her head turn into a smashed pumpkin.

the other managed to pull out a powerful pistol, of which Eli knew of its model


Bronzor was more than ready as a psychic barrier enveloped the boy, as Eli ducked.

a powerful bullet was shot, as it pierced through the psychic barrier. if Eli didn't dodge and crouch, he would have been dead right now.

he knew what that gun was.

it was a Dessert Rufflet (Get it), a powerful 50 cal gun that could shoot like a Braviary according to the alliance.

unfortunately, it wasn't for public consumption but now...

Eli quickly pulled out his pistol and shot several bullets at the man, who wasn't wearing any armour.

seeing the last man reaching , Eli shouted


The dog suddenly shot off with lightning speed at the man, its jaws shining in a crimson brilliance.

the jaws bit through the man's hand like a warm knife to butter.

seeing that the man also had the same weapon, the boy smirked.

how deadly.

the sniper didn't seem to have any pokemon, which was a shame.

the guards seemed to get un-stunned as they opened fire, which was blocked by Bronzor's shield.

calmy walking up to the Dessert Rufflet, the boy then proceeded to get the other one and calmly walk away

"Bastard!" One of them rushed up, and the boy knew that his pokemon couldn't do anything against the armour

breathing in, the boy rushed to the man with a knife in hand.

Seeing Eli blindly rush in, the man used his knife and did a lower hook with it to get the crouching boy.

Eli dodged by doing a bridge with his arm and then scanning the weak parts in the heavy armour

the groin, the shoulder blades, and the joints near the legs. those were the only gaps in the armour

thrusting the dessert Rufflets onto the man's groin, the boy pulled the trigger.

it felt like an eruption happened in his arms.

getting sent back by the recoil, the boy felt his arm go numb from the sheer power.

the guard was long dead, but the other two weren't.

slowly breathing in again, the boy quickly put one of the dessert Rufflets , DR for short, and used both hands to stabilize the gun.

breathing in, the boy shot around that pierced the air like a hissing snake before hitting the man's leg's

hearing a blood-curdling scream, the boy quickly rushed up, before shooting another bullet in the other leg.

looking at the crippled man, Eli showed no sympathy as he forcibly opened his mouth and searched his upper jaw.

The man desperately tried to bite down, but Eli quickly located the poison pill before laughing

"I wonder how many GP points ill get off you?" Eli muttered, before saying "I'll come back to you later."

The last guard had his gun out while shaking

"Why...Why...Why..." The man shakily held up his pistol and pointed it to Eli "Why did you kill her?"

Eli's eyes fell upon one of the sniper's. it was a female, and it was probably this guy's lover or wife.

"Didnt she says you had a family?" Eli taunted the man, causing the man to start shaking even and even more

"Why did you take her from me!" The man screamed, before pointing the gun at the boy

"I didn't take her from you, it was just that you were too weak to save her." Eli gave a big hearty laugh at the man

The man slowly raised his Helmet off his head, before shakily raising the gun to his head.

Eli smile suddenly became sour when he saw this scene.

that had unlocked some rather unfortunate memories in his head.

Memories that shouldn't be touched, no matter the circumstance.


One round was fired as Eli twisted his back, hearing the thud from the man slumping.

what a coward.

taking the easy route out.

trust him, Eli wanted nothing more than death.

but he had to achieve his goal first.

the DR was gripped fighting when a certain man came to his head, before looking down the cliff.

looking at the countless bodies on the floor, Eli quickly searched them to see if anything was important.

all he could find was some ammo, some cigarettes of which he stole, some wallets and then a phone.

the boy understood that this was what they get their orders from, so he set it aside so that Team Galatic could use it.

standing on the edge of the hill, the boy made a loud whistle, causing his espionage teacher to look at the boy on the hill and say

"Everyone, gather up on me! we are going to the hill!"

The espionage teacher had his team of Kekleon, Exploud and Seviper as he rushed up to the hill.

he expected the boy to bait to lure them there, but he saw the countless corpses and looked at Eli, who was smoking a cigarette while coughing

"That taste's bad... I'm never having one of those again." Coughed the boy, before throwing the pack of cigarettes away

"Kids like you shouldn't be smoking." The espionage teacher sighed before his eyes fell upon the countless corpses "You did this by yourself?"

Eli wasn't going to be humble as he nodded.

"I see." The espionage teachers eyes sharpened when he saw the man that was alive.

The man started to shake when he saw the Esponiage teacher, causing the latter to laugh

"Oh, how the tables have turned Mr Jones." Deep hatred was present in his tone but quelled when he saw Eli

"You are to report to your dormitory. back-up has arrived and don't worry, ill make sure personally your reward is up to satisfactory." The Espionage teacher said , which caused Eli to sigh.

indeed, he was exhausted.

he didnt consumes their bodies to make sure he gets the proper merit for them, which seemed to pay off now.

dragging himself into the dormitory and unlocking the door, Eli quickly threw himself into bed and fell asleep