
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · TV
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26 Chs


Scott *

" Gahh!!!!! " I flew up out of my bed stumbling on my feet and knocking over a few things before I started steadying myself and looking around warily before frowning in confusion since I found that I was in my own room wearing pajamas. Grabbing my aching head I unsteadily made my way to my bathroom to check and see how injured I was was

Stripping down to just my boxer, I started checking my body for any injuries, only for my confusion to grow the more I looked....I couldn't even find a scar

I bent over to wash my face to try and let the cold water clear my mind, as I was washing my face I heard a low growl coming from behind me making my eyes widen as memories of last night flashed in my mind making me grip the sink so hard it started cracking

I felt my features start to morph and I shot around to face the bastard not letting him catch me off guard this time

Turning around I came face to face with a....empty doorway. Frowning once more before I shook away the thoughts

' maybe I accidentally took drugs last night ' I thought as I finally noticed the changes in myself, finally spotting my now blue eyes reminding me of those two girls. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths I found myself calming down and when I opened my eyes I was back to normal

Taking a towel from the side I started drying my face but when I took it down, when I looked in the mirror I came face to face with a hairy muscular torso making me try to step but I found that I had no control of my body, the owner of the torso started bending over before it was now at eye level with me staring at me condescendingly

Before I could react it reached through the mirror and grabbed me by the throat holding me in place before it started bringing the rest of its body through. It now stood towering over me making me realized that it was the same thing from last night when I suddenly heard a wild voice breaking me out of my thoughts

" PATHETIC " I heard it say before it used it free hand and reached up to it's now gaping maw reaching inside and pulling out something. When I saw what it had in it's hand all blood drained from my face and I felt weak in my knees the only thing holding me up being the grip it had on me

" YOU COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT THE GIRL YOU LOVE HAHAHAHAHA " I heard it say before I licked Allison's head with it's tongue. Even though she was dead I could swear she was looking at me in disappointment when I suddenly felt arms touching me all over, straining my neck I glanced to the side and say several Allison's with varying injuries whispering to me

" why didn't you save me "

" why did you let me die "

" I thought you loved me "

Their words echoed in my mind and I felt like something repeatedly punctured my heart making me release an anguished cry...

" NOOOOOO!!!!! "


" AHHH!!! " I sat up looking around frantically finding myself once more in my room, the only light source being the moonlight shining through the window. I panted hurriedly gripping my chest as the phantom pains still assaulted me I could feel the cold sweat drenching my back, every time I heard a sound in my room my head snapped in that direction looking for whatever it was

At one point I accidentally bit my tongue causing blood to flow down the sides of my mouth but the pain brought back slight clarity to my mind and I finally got my hurried breathing to calm down as I grabbed my head

I looked warily towards the bathroom before I got up to check and see if my mom was home, opening in the door it released a deafening squeak making my ears ring causing me to become disoriented making me have to brace myself on the wall to not fall over

Catching myself I slowly made my way down the hallway while calling out to my mom only to be met with an eerily silence making my frown as a uneasy feeling overcame me. Walking fasted I got close to the stairs when I suddenly started hearing groans making me shoot down stairs only to freeze when I saw what was the cause

I found my mother heavily making out with a man but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't see whoever the man was but I watched as his hands trailed all over her body making their way to her ass before he squeezed, digging his fingers into her ass making my mother release a muffled moan making my lip twitch

[ A. N. yet you just stood there and watched..... ]

The next thing I saw made my eyes widen in surprise then anger as I shot my way over to them at my fastest speed only to realize that no matter I ran the distance between us only increased

I looked on in horror as I saw Christian wink at me before he started kissing my mother in her neck before he lifted her by the ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist and she tried to stifle her moan. I watched as he looked towards me before he smirked as his features started changing and he turned into that monster from before before he bit into my mothers neck making her release a pained moan before she fell into his embrace weakly...

" NOOOOO STOPPP ITTT!!!!! " I bellowed as I tried harder to reach them

" hahahaha, such a bad son, so I'll just take her for myself, you don't mind do you ? " I heard him say before he turned and walked away without sparing me another glance no matter what I said

I feel weakly to my knees in despair, despising myself as I could do nothing but stand there and watch as everything occurred when I suddenly felt pain on my cheek, I hardly reacted before I heard a voice in the distance, getting louder and louder as time progress along with the pain



Opening my eyes groggily, I came face to face with styles who was decked out in his lacrosse gear and had his hand raised in the air about to slap me once more when I suddenly sat up, startling him as he fell on his ass

Looking around slowly I found myself in the forest before ridiculous amounts of pain hit me as my eyes widened in realization before I looked at Styles

" Styles he's going after my mom "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts