
(Dropped)DxD with gojo satoru's inheritance

An otaku's wish to become a jujutsu sorcerer in the DxD world after death. ~~~~~~~~~~ Warning *I do not own the characters and cover of this novel. *This is not a fanfic for those who seek perfection. So, you can expect some mistakes, grammar errors, and few changes in some characters. i"m writing this story to improve my skills. *I'm a newbie author and this is my first decent book. Please forgive me for any mistakes and correct me for any errors. ~~~~~~~~~~

THECRAZY_RB · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Talk & Meeting Yasaka

Inside the basement, Akira sat cross-legged only in his boxers. The entire basement was completely occupied with his dense cursed energy. He was releasing his entire cursed energy reserve to Practise the [Heavenly Restiction].

Yesterday in battle, while manipulating [Heavenly Restiction] the first possible thing he realized was his entire energy was not truly undetectable. After pondering for a bit, he concluded that there is a certain condition that limits the complete usage of this technique. I.e the cursed energy itself.

There were only two effective solutions for that. The first one was completely simple yet was something Akira will never be willing to do, he had to completely abandon/dispel the cursed energy from his body permanently. While the second was to integrate his cursed energy into the core of his body, the heart itself.

after expelling his entry reserve, he took a deep breath and starts using [Heavenly Restiction]. At that time only he distinguished the complete difference between handling it yesterday and using it now. The continuous movement of cursed energy inside the room seems to slow down and the entire room fell silent, Akira himself, felt as if he disappeared completely.

At the same time as using his [Heavenly Restiction], he started consuming his cursed energy inside his body and directs it to his core.

Due to revolving the energy around and inside his heart, the flow of blood circulation becomes slow as each second passed and his body muscles start bulging little by little and even his body becomes slightly red. The entire process continues for almost 2 hours before he completely consumed his energy. Even Akira, who had developed high resistance experienced massive pain and difficulty to breath.

'huff.... finally got it completely' Akira sighed in relief, his body was aching so he just slumped on the floor and closed his eyes for was nap.

After 45 minutes, he opened his eyes when he received Raynare's message 'She's awake'. He stood up and wore back his clothes and left the basement. "She finally woke up....".


When Akira arrived in his room and saw Asia awake rubbing her drowsy eyes And yawning. He called out to her "You're awake."

When Asia heard the familiar voice. she flinched for a second before shifting her eager hands to cover her blushing face.

"A-ah Gojo-san, I-Iam sorry for the trouble" She shuttered a bit. She didn't know whether she was feeling responsible or if it is Akira's presence that made her unable to speak out her true thoughts. she tried getting off the bed but was stopped.

"Nah It's fine" Akira stopped her and genuinely moved closer to her till he sat on the edge of his bed. she blinked her eyes at him in confusion, clearly trying to process her thoughts until Akira asked " Are you feeling okay?"

she nodded and still in confusion tries to look around the room in curiosity, then asked "Th-this place is?"

"My house," said Akira as he looked at the time, school classes were already over, and since he wasn't going to the club any time soon. So, he asked, "need something to eat?"

she doesn't move but only nods. A few moments passed in silence as neither Akira nor Asia spoke until Akira stood and walked out before turning to Asia one last time winked at her and said "Oh, I forgot to tell you this is my bedroom"

She tilts her head in response. After a minute she appears to figure it out herself and blushes more before climbs out of the bed. With the help of Raynare, who presented her clothes, walked gently into the living room and saw Akira at the dining table, and took a seat beside him.

In a short time, Raynare came with food and served them. She watches as Raynare served the noodles on their plates.

"Ever had noodles before?" Akira asked, but she shook her head " only fruits and light meals"

"Well, what are you waiting for then? eat" Akira said before started eating his own.

She just blinks her eyes at him, observing him eat before picking up a fork, and starts eagerly devouring the noodles in the same way as Akira.

Both of them finished the noodles and Akira made contact with Akeno, informing her about Asia's situation. Then focusing his attention on Asia "Well, you already know what happened yesterday and I brought you in my rest to rest" She nods as he continues "And I know your situation has been really tough till recently. You were banished from the church and also mentally very stressed. though I know All the wounds you have received, not physically but mentally is something that I may be unable to recognize. But I can definitely say that my friends and I that you saw yesterday will absolutely help you if you lack anything."

She silently listens to him. Her eyes remain a little bit moistened. She wholly felt warmth in her chest listening to those words. All those hours of physical and mental torture she endured were too much for someone like her. Little droplets of tears forms in the corner of her eyes as she utters"I...I..t-thank you gojo-san"

"Akira is fine. your body is not fully healed yet so you can stay at my house as long as you wish. Moreover, having a friend at the house isn't that bad" Akira stood up from his chair and pats her head.

When she heard the word 'Friend' she didn't know what happened to her but tears begin to fell on her face. She grasps the edges of his clothes.


[Asia's POV]

My name is Asia Argento. For as long as I can remember I grew up in a church where my mother abandoned me, at least that is what the people in the church told me. during my childhood, I awakened my powers to heal. I was made the holy maiden of the church by its cardinal. But due to my powers, almost all people regarded me as a monster. I never had a friend in my whole life due to being feared as a monster, no one approached me.

when I was finally going back to church I met Issei-san. He seems to be a nice and kind person to me. When he got injured, I healed him but in return, the church abandoned me. I know God is still up there and I will always believe in him.

The people at church even kidnapped me for my power. Issei-san promised to save me but I know It will be difficult, But I still waited.

They trapped me in chains, I was tired and exhausted. I was about to give up but, then he suddenly appeared in front of me. The very same person sitting in front of me. Akira Gojo, that's what he called himself. I don't know what happened to me at that time, whether it's my feelings or me just being in my weak state, was subconsciously drawn toward him. Especially his eyes, when I looked into those eyes. My fear and anxiety, all were gone and before I knew it I was already seeking his comfort.

Though I met Issei-san first. But there was something I felt when Akira carried me. Warmth & protection. Whenever I held him I felt safe.

And now he considers me as a friend, I don't know why but I felt really happy. I finally have a friend, Thank you, God.


When she gripped the edges of his clothes, Akira gently pulled her in an affectionate hug and starts stroking her head. she just silently weeps all her emotions out. After few more minutes in silence. Akira withdrew himself and lifts her chin, making eye contact, and flashed a bright grin before speaking "Now you don't have to be worried being alone. in fact, soon you'll meet the rest of the people at school, and you can make more friends at school."

After calming herself, she looked him in his sincere eyes and felt happy at his caring personality. She responded with a sweet smile "Thank you, Brother Akira."

He keeps stroking her head and told her to rest more "Now go back to your room and rest more. You will be attending school tomorrow."

"Okay" She released her grip on his clothes and ran away to Akira's bedroom back to rest.

Akira didn't mind her behavior. He pulled his phone out and notified Rias regarding Asia's transfer to school to which she agreed. After that, he called Raynare and informed her:

"I'll be away for some time. Take care of her," said Akira before departing from his house.


Akira was roaming on the border between the West and East youkai faction, he was currently in a pizza shop and bought four large pizzas and sweets(mainly kikufuku) for tonight. He also purchased some nice-looking black glasses and wore one of them right after the purchase.

And not long ago as he was about to head home, he sensed the energy of a Youkai surrounded by several people at the end junction of the east Youkai faction, near the Kanto region.

Instantly disappearing from his place, he appeared in an instant at the scene, and just as the god was in his favor, he was surprised to see a very familiar Youkai in front of him.

An injured young woman with a voluptuous figure and long blonde hair. Her hair was reaching all the way down to her legs. She wore a traditional shrine maiden attire, and over that, she wore a white coat held closed by a red ribbon and a golden crown.

'Yasaka' was the name that naturally came into his mind. He was very much surprised to see her here, additionally injured.

"Isn't it rude to attack such a beautiful Youkai as her in-group" Akira appeared in front of them with one hand in his pocket and another one holding a bag of pizza and sweets. He smirked," And if my guess is correct, you guys are some goons of Hero faction, right?"

Goons of the Hero faction surrounding Yasaka, including her was stunned seeing someone appear right in front of them in a blink. Moreover, he seems to possess no presence at all. Yasaka, who was injured, was confused about whether Akira was a friend or a foe.

"What the fuck are you staring him for? Fucking kill him" A person with a big build carrying a sword yelled at his underlings. One of his underlings charged at Akira with a dagger and the rest typically followed him.

Akira sighed, "You guys really don't know simple talking, do you?" he placed his pizza bag on a vehicle near him and cracks his knuckles *Creak*

As the one with the dagger approached him, Akira dodged him quite easily. Not even 5 % of his maximum strength was required, he easily caught his wrist and instantly plunged the dagger into his(Thug) chest. Everything happened soo quickly that no one gets enough time to react to their comrade's death.

Snatching the dagger from him. He quickly killed the rest of the goons except their leader who came behind Yasaka and put a sword near her neck and threatens Akira.

"Y-You Fucking stay away from me you bastard, or her head will roll" The leader spoke.

"Okay, do it," Akira said while smiling and Picked up his pizza bag before started walking towards them slowly.

Both the man and Yasaka's eyes widened at Akira's carefree attitude. Seeing Akira closing the distance. Without hesitation, the person swung his sword only to be restricted with an unknown force inch before the sword made contact with her neck. His eyes widened as he looked towards Akira who just gave him a Middle finger. He switched his gaze back to his sword and no matter how much force he exerted, It didn't move a millimeter closer. In anger, he shouted towards Akira "Y-you bast-" but no one was there. Fear gripped in his heart as he dropped his sword but a cold voice came behind his back : "Lesson before death -Don't take your eyes off your enemies"

Akira Plunged the dagger right up through the area between his chin and throat that passed through his head, splattering the brain matter all over his clothes. "As the saying goes 'You should've gone for the head' works perfectly fine"

Akira's strength has already risen to an incredibly high level. His estimation of his strength was just a little below Satan-level devils like Sirzechs and Serafall. All was possible because of his experiment to integrate his entire cursed energy into his own body or rather the very core itself. Due to his successful attempt. He can perfectly use his [Heavenly Restriction] without any limitation and countdown. In fact, It also brought a terrifying boost in his physical prowess.

"A dagger is a really good weapon. Should I get myself a good weapon? Nah.....maybe later" He threw the used dagger on the street and went over to help Yasaka.

He didn't have a handkerchief, so he just wiped his bloody hand on the back of his coat and kneeled over to Yasaka.

"do you also belong to some faction and came for me?" She knew that today If Akira was not here. Her fate would be unknown. Although he saved her, she still had a little wariness towards him.

"I say, woman, I saved you, and yet you're speaking as If I am the bad guy here" Akira removed his glasses and replied with an odd look.

Yasaka was stunned and embarrassed not just because of his face/eyes but also because of her questioning.

"o-oh, I-I am sorry for speaking rudely to my benefactor. My name is Yasaka, and I'm a Leader of the west Youkai faction in Kyoto."She was flustered but quickly regained her composure a bit.

He gently helped her stand and offered his direct aid to help her reach home. Already a witness of his strength, she accepted his help. They both head to the west Youkai faction in urakyoto, Kyoto.

"A leader huh? Then you must be pretty strong" With the slow speed at which they were traveling. Akira naturally took this opportunity to converse with her. Akira places a hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner before asking "Sooo, mind telling me how you ended up here."

"I am, but not as strong as you" She spoke then suddenly bit her lips as if thinking whether to tell or not."And....."

"It's okay if You don't want to," said Akira.

"I.....I...." She stammered.

"I told you it was okay. Everyone has their secrets" Akira soothes her and didn't try to ask further, he knows she'll eventually tell.

"Thank you, Mr.." Said Yasaka in a low voice, a light blush appears on her face.

"Akira Gojo and just Akira is fine." said Akira.

"hehe once more thank you Akira-Kun....do you really don't belong to any faction?"She asked, She was a little curious about how such a strong person was still not in any group.

"Nope, politics is a pain in the ass" Akira chuckled.

"fufu As a faction leader, I can agree on that" Yasaka on his side also giggled.
