
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasie
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183 Chs

Chapter 147: Let's be on the neutral side

3rd person POV

Zeus isn't happy, though many gods, especially amongst the most powerful ones help kept his abuse of authority in check, Zeus isn't foolish as people think he is, he always have connections and people he can depend on when he's locked in his own domain, and that came from his own son, Hermes.

Hermes is a man who looked to be in his athletic prime, lean and not too muscular, 180cm tall, golden blond hair and has stormy blue eyes. He wear a plain white shirt, black track pants and bright green running shoes with white wings.

Yes, he wears modern clothing, this story is written in a fictional modern time, he's going to wear clothes that are more comfortable and convenient.

He holds a winged golden staff with 2 snakes and leaned against it as he sighs when Zeus turned to him, it means he's needed again.

"Look pops, I know you're scared of Perseus potential, hell everyone can tell you're afraid of his paren-" But he then got cut off

"Hermes." Zeus interrupted with a word and Hermes got the message.

<Pride is a good thing, but all these years without Hera to comfort him really made him go.> Hermes thought <I should stop using my powers to sneak past security in order to get paid. Too much work.>

"I'm just saying, pops, you don't want to anger them, they only reason that they're quiet is cuz they're more than confident in their children's ability to handle themselves." Hermes reasoned "I mean quitting now might at least keep you on the neutral side."

"Shut up." Zeus demanded "This time, tell them to go after the daughter, Diane or whatever the hell her name is, she's weaker, hurting her might send a message and make him quit growing further."

<Or influence him further, he'll live just for the sake of revenge against me, you and possibly every god who made the security so crap.> Hermes thought <Don't you read novels?! Don't fucking give him motivation, I'm so quitting after this, if the kid really the potential, I don't want to be on the other end."

"How many do you want after her?" Hermes asked "There seem to some other group trying to interfere with the whole tournament thing too, but the admins seems to be letting it go?"

"You ask too many questions, go!" Zeus shouted


Cordelia POV

Me and Acacia are chosen to go first, our goal is to win so well that it will ruin the morale for our opponents in the second round, and I'm of course responsible for defense and creating the pillar which is the harder role since if I put too much effort into creating the pillar, I will lack mana to help maintain and fight off the attacker if they managed to go past Acacia.

I just need to form it at the minimum height and not too wide for a more somewhat robust foundation. The defenders are given 10 minutes while the teammate is not allowed to help and even once the time is up, the attacker cannot help maintain the pillar.

But despite me not being able to hit the other other pillar, there is no other rule against me attacking the other defender though.


The whistle signaling the star is heard loudly across the coliseum.

Acacia quickly dashed to the other side, just like us, this time, they caught on as they are now all used to loopholes, the other defender shoot a spell right at me which I used a sword and swung the flat of my blade and hit it towards the dwarven attacker coming towards me.

It was just a fireball spell, so it isn't fast enough to hit our opponent, but as he dodged to the side, Acacia shout a small air bullet towards the fireball and when the 2 spells made contact, they exploded and blew the attacker coming towards me.

But he took it and only got slightly redder skin. He charged at me and ran faster and faster with his short and tiny legs, so I do the things Perseus do too, Offense is sometimes the best defense.

I charge right at him and charged my sword with mana, he got out his dual sickles, he swung it at me and I slide tackle him as I tried my best to use my flexibility to my advantage and bend my body backwards, he lost his momentum and is about to fall flat onto his face, but he tucked himself and threw his sickles away to rolled his body forward.

I managed to slide and almost fell down but I muster up strength to stand up straight to then throw my mana charged sword at the direction of my opponent as I then charged my hands up with mana.

He got up but he then got warped by the referee before my sword struck him from the back of his head resulting in one of the easiest elimination I've done so far. For a race who has pride in their intellect, they should have anticipated dirty play.

Acacia is struggling against their defender who's shooting out spells as it they're spitting watermelon seeds, yes, weird analogy, but I'm a weird woman. They are forcefully channeling all their mana to use high powered spell to keep her from getting close.

Acacia specializes in agility and lose combat, most her spells enhanced her specialty, she can use longer ranged spells which she can't break past his barriers so she then used her speed to run past the barrier and shoot around it to hit the pillar, but the pillar is too durable, at this rate, she'll continuously get hurt till she gets eliminated and it ends in a tie since the defenders can't attack the pillars an even if they are both eliminated, the game is break the pillar.

I healed Acacia who then backed away to get some breather. Our remaining opponent is only targeting Acacia now hoping for a tie, I dashed to her and channel up mana to create a water barrier.

I plan to be a distraction long enough till Acacia can beat the pillar even if I get eliminated in the process. I'm going to make sure the first year class A make it to the finals for the first time in years.