
(COMPLETE) Jester~

Lusia Abel was a normal(slightly insane) girl living a normal life, until she went through the worst day of her life and became something more, something dangerous. Now she sets out to live her life and have fun doing it, no matter how many people have to die along the way. After all, what's life without a little chaos? --- Its a Worm/Tokyo Ghoul crossover btw I have a discord if you're interested, https://discord.gg/Pj3Dttwses Also, If you make any fan art, I'll cum. There is also a Patreon if you want advance chapters or to just support me, I'd appreciate it greatly, but you don't have to, nothing will be exclusive to those who donate, just advanced by a few chapters. The links are below. patreon.com/user?u=41732867

Bored_MC · Anime und Comics
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214 Chs

137 Is It Not Enough To Simply Try?

Sneaking my way into Clara's apartment was almost laughably easy.

It helps that I can be insanely quiet when I want to, for example, at this point I could jump of off a skyscraper and land on my bare feet without leaving a mark on the ground or making a sound.

My muscles are far more powerful than my stature would suggest, which is comical in and of itself, but it means I can absorb the force of a fall at terminal velocity without even needing to use my wings to slow me descent.

But what makes it even easier is my incredible control over my blood, my Rc cells, as Riley calls them. With that, breaking in was a simple matter of holding a finger against the door's keyhole, then I pushed enough blood through to form a barrier on the other side, to prevent any noise leaking into the apartment, following which it was simple matter of forming more blood into the shape of a key.

A twist and a click later, and I am inside.

I take some tome to mooch around, looking through her stuff to see if there's anything interesting, but while I am doing so, I hear a slight sound of movement.

My head snaps to the side, looking at a wall even as I listen to the sounds of movement beyond it.

It sounds like someone getting up, and I hear what is likely the sound of a computer's fan slowing down, meaning she was probably doing some late night work and is only now going to bed.

...Or she was reading porn or something, I don't judge.

Unless she was looking up vegetarian recipes, then I do judge, I judge a lot.

Maybe it's the carnivore in me, but the idea of not eating 𝘢𝘯𝘺 meat at all is almost as baffling as it is repulsive to me.

Either way, I get a fun idea and jump, a single hop bringing me to the ceiling right as the door besides me swings open.

A small number of tendrils extend from my tail's organ and out of my back, making tiny holes in the ceiling but spreading out, like the roots of a tree, all to hold me in place without leaving any big holes in her ceiling, because I'm polite like that.

She walks underneath me, unaware of my presence as I ogle her, appreciative of the half see-through baby doll she's wearing that gives me a good look at her underwear.


The first place she goes to is the kitchen, turning her tap on to get a nice refreshing glass of water before bed.

Thanks to that, the only light that is on is the kitchen one, leaving the rest of the apartment rather dark, with plenty of shadows to play with.

Smiling evilly, I pull forth some blood into my hand and shape it into a ball, following which, I simply flick it at her kitchen counter, where it hits on the opposite side from her with a dull, quiet thud.

Immediately she freezes, her whole body jerking to face where the sound came from, allowing her to just barely catch the tail end of my power rushing out of her sight, no doubt appearing as an indistinct shadowy creature.

Immediately after, Clara disappears, her power turning her invisible, but I can still smell her. I can still hear the thundering of her heartbeat as she tries to convince herself that there is nothing in the house with her.

Which is when I reach a long but thin tendril of my power over her head and behind her, which I use to turn off the tap that she left running in her shock.

Suddenly I hear a crash, and from seemingly 'nowhere,' a puddle starts to form on the ground.

Why, it's almost as if someone dropped a glass of water.

Why ever could that be?~

With a grin on my face, I decide to be merciful and end this now, rather than dragging it out needlessly.

Of course, that doesn't mean I will end things simply.

Instead, I make another sound, one that hopefully drags her attention away from my location, allowing me to crawl across the ceiling until I am above the zone of her power.

Then, I simply let go, and fall on top of her.

"AHHH!!!" She screams out as my weight pushes her to the ground, though I make sure to use my blood as a blanket for her to land on, so she doesn't cut herself on the glass.

Immediately after hitting the ground, and helped along by the fact that she suffers no concussion or anything thanks to me, she starts swinging at me, her hands and legs thumping ineffectually against my skin that can't even be pierced by bullets.

And I 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩, long and hard.

"Lusia." Her voice breaks me out of my joy, her tone a mix between angry and wavering, clearly genuinely shaken by my little game. "Don't do that ever again, please? I thought I was going to die."

Her words change my smile from amused to simply soft and reassuring. "Don't worry," I whisper, stroking the hair out of her face and causing her to blush, "even if you were to die, everyone responsible would soon join you, and I can guarantee that their deaths will be far less pleasant than anything they do to you."

Immediately her blush becomes atomic and she forgets about the whole thing that just happened, focusing instead on studying my face.

Fun fact, one of the chemicals that get released when you experience love is oxytocin, which is 𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰 released when you feel fear, which means that it's not uncommon for people to get the two emotions confused.

See? I can learn, even if most of what Riley says goes over my head, some of it sticks.

Stockholm syndrome is an example, but the main thing to take away from this knowledge is that if you are having a movie date, take them to a horror movie, because that way they will feel fear, but because they are just watching a movie, it will be difficult for them to recognise the emotion as genuine fear, especially once it lingers.

Instead, they will mistake the feeling for love, which they will then direct at the nearest possible candidate, which would obviously be you.

However, despite all of that, my words to Clara were genuine. I do not have the power to promise her eternal safety, and she knows this, but I can promise certain revenge for anyone who kills her, a promise I will fulfil, both out of annoyance for them taking such a useful pawn away from me, and, admittedly, out of real affection for Clara.

I wouldn't go as far as to call it love, but I certainly wouldn't be happy with her death.

Either way, no more words are said, as I lean closer and connect our lips once more, bringing a small whine out of her when we disconnect. A whine that turns into a soft moan as my fingers dance over her body, leaving only featherlight touches on her skin, brushing against her sensitive spots only for the briefest of moments.

With a smirk, I abandon all subtlety, pick her up in a princess carry and start walking to her bedroom without saying anything, but she clearly understands anyway.

We didn't end up having a particularly long night, simply because she was genuinely too tired to keep having fun, and once the adrenaline from my little game wore off, she simply wanted to sleep, a request I easily accepted.

Both of us slept soundly in each other's embrace, and I can honestly say that waking up in the arms of another is a very enjoyable experience, her warmth making the comfort of the bed seem almost divine.

Alas, as with all things, I got bored of it soon enough, and woke Clara up to finish the fun from last night, because it'd been a while for me and I was horny.

She was happy to reciprocate.

A few hours later, and a recovering Clara stumbles her way to the kitchen counter, seemingly exhausted.

...Okay, so I might have gotten a little carried away, and she doesn't have my superhuman stamina, and it probably didn't help that I started another round while we were in the shower cleaning up after the previous session.

Contrary to her own appearance, I feel better than ever, like I'm glowing, metaphorically, as I serve up some bacon, eggs and toast, all of which smells vile, but it's not like cooking is actually difficult.

I never really got why it was ever a thing in some movies or books for someone to be completely incompetent in the kitchen, because it's just so.. easy?

Obviously, making actually 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 meals is hard, but just cooking something half decent is easy as all hell.

For meat, just put it in an oven with the heat like, two thirds of the max, or in a pan with the same, and then just leave it until the edges start to look burnt and viola, you're done. Easy.

Obviously if it's from frozen you should do a lower heat for longer, and with eggs, once again, you jut have to wait until you start thinking to yourself, is that getting burnt? And then you're done.

Add some spices, and you've made a half decent meal.

Clara eats her food in silence, only pausing to glare half heartedly at me as I pass over a cup of coffee, taking sips from my own cup as she eats.

I wait to speak until she has swallowed her final bite, whereupon I take her dish to her sink and start cleaning it. "So, how was your interstate bootycall?" I ask with a grin.

Amusingly enough, she doesn't even blush, which does make sense. It would be kind of strange for her to blush from any simple teasing anymore, especially after all the things we've done to each other.

Kinky sex is the best sex.

Tiredly, she raises her head as I put the now clean plate on a drying rack and get to work on the utensils. "I do recall that I only asked you to visit, turning it into a bootycall was all you," she pauses for a moment, before a wry smile grows on her face, "and now that I think about it, you even broke into my home. If anything, it's less like a bootycall and more like you just came over here to have your way with me.~"

Ohhh? So the kitty 𝘤𝘢𝘯 grow claws, but you are a thousand years inexperienced to tease this young miss.

"Me having my way with you?~" I ask, putting her now cleaned cutlery in the drying rack with her plate and making my way over to her, drying my hands with a cloth as I do so, "aren't you forgetting that I'm a switch?~ 𝘐 do recall you screaming for more, followed by you having 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 way with 𝘮𝘦.~ Or perhaps I need to remind you which of the two of us has spent the most time in the cuffs?~"

Her blush immediately returns, and she looks away from me where I now stand beside her, but I do not allow it, tilting her chin with one finger so that she has no choice but to look at me and me alone.

"You are truly adorable when you think you're being stern, did you know that?~" I whisper, and it is completely true.

I have no problem playing the submissive. I prefer being the dominant one in bed of course, but I'm fine with either, and it is truly adorably arousing playing sub with Clara, watching how she speaks as if she hold supreme confidence and authority, all while blushing down to her collar, stuttering the occasional word and pausing for deep breaths.

Without realising it, Clara is now standing before me, only jolting me out of my mind by placing a hand of her own on my cheek.

Guess I got lost in my head again.

Focusing on the real world again, I see a soft smile tugging at her lips, and am only mildly surprised to feel that it is a smile I am reciprocating.

Or, perhaps it is better to say she is the one reciprocating.

Leaning close, Clara initiates, perhaps for the first time, and I feel her hot breath wash over my lips as we connect. The kiss isn't wild and lustful like it usually is, instead it is soft and sensual.

Quiet and simple.

And when she pulls back, she looks up at me with such devotion in her eyes, that I feel like this is the first time I've truly seen her. "I love you, Lusia."

For some reason, the confession startles me. I don't even think it's the first time she's said it, but for some reason, it feels different, and I hesitate.

But when I look in her eyes, I decide to do what I do best, and respond without thinking too deeply about it.

"I- I love you too, Clara."

I don't know if it's true, if what I feel is love, but I feel something.

Maybe it's just simple affection and the absence of any similar emotions is making me overestimate it. I certainly wouldn't die for her after all, and I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a big thing with love.

But maybe, maybe there is some truth to my words.

Realising I spaced out again, I lock my eyes with Clara's once more, and with a renewed smile, I pull her close to me, and lay a soft kiss on her delicate lips.

"So, I've no urgent business. You wanna go do something? I think there's a comedy club having an event of some sort today, we could check it out?"

I don't know what I'm feeling, but as I think back to my life just a single year ago, before I even had any powers.

I've changed.

It's undeniable.

I used to think of myself as a sociopath, but it's clear to me now that I'm more of a psychopath.

I feel so much 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 now, than I did before.

I take in the sight of Clara's face as she lights up like a christmas tree, immediately walking away from me to get dressed properly, and I follow her with my eyes.

Whatever the case may be, I set out to use my powers to enjoy myself, to have fun, and that hasn't changed.

If anything, I have won, I have reached my goal.

I am happy.

My smile refuses to leave my face as I follow after Clara to steal some of her clothes, ready to enjoy a nice date.


I'm happy.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

So, for those of you who know me oh so well, I've no doubt that you are suspicious of this chapter, thinking that it is some flag that I am going to kill off clara, and fair enough really, I have given plenty of reason for you to think that, but rest assured, I have no such plans. It's just that I started writing this chap at midnight, with the only sound being a lofi playlist and music effects my mood pretty easily, which effects my writing.

So, this chapter was caused by lofi music and my own feelings, not preparation to kill of clara. As a matter of fact, it was only supposed to be the first 300 words that had clara in, where lusia would show up, surprise her, fuck and leave to do business, but, again, melancholy struck and this happened.

Doesn't help that Sanitize is still on my mind, since I only finished it like, 7 hours ago

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