
(BL/Yaoi) Etheria Chronicles- Dance of the Cherry Blossoms

Souta 'Sou' Citrine was born in a tiny town in southern Astoria. An energetic youth, he spends his days with his friends, coming up with new adventures and looking at the bright blue skies from the hills overlooking town. Those peaceful days begin to unravel the day he saves a young man running for his life. This chance meeting draws the once happy-go-lucky boy into a power struggle he never expected to be involved in. What he once thought to be a sleepy village proves to be so much more.

sun_imperial · LGBT+
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100 Chs

Chapter 83: Team Building


I glanced over at Luminara and Han Yu, the sages of Pearl and Jade respectively. They appeared to be keeping to themselves, their expressions serene yet distant.

'Should I talk to them?' I wondered, observing them from afar. They were silent, their postures rigid, as if they were deep in thought. 

Taking a deep breath, I decided to approach them. I didn't want to intrude on their solitude, but as part of the same group, it felt right to extend a friendly hand. 

"Good day, Luminara, Han Yu," I said, approaching them with a warm smile. 

They both turned their heads towards me, their expressions softening slightly. Luminara, the sage of Pearl, gave me a small nod. "Good day, Shina."

Han Yu, the sage of Jade, remained silent but she acknowledged my presence with a polite nod. 

I hesitated for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" I asked, trying to make casual conversation.

Han Yu raised an eyebrow, a small smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Uh, we're inside. Plus, pretty sure it's still day," she pointed out, a hint of amusement in her voice.

I couldn't help but blush at my own blunder. "Right, my mistake," I admitted sheepishly. "I guess I was just trying to make conversation."

Luminara chuckled softly. "It's alright, Shina. We appreciate the effort," she reassured me.

Feeling a bit more at ease, I asked, "How about joining the rest of us?"

They both looked uneasy.

"It'll be alright. The others don't bite. Well, maybe Cerulean does."

Cerulean walked over and sighed indignantly. "Don't go spreading falsehoods about me now, Shina. I have never bitten a person. Well, maybe except for when I was a baby, but that was different!"

Me and the girls snorted.

"I meant it as a figure of speech," I said.

He chuckled. "I know. Just wanted to break the ice a little."

Cerulean's comment did just the trick, making us all laugh and effectively lightening the mood. 

"See? We're not all that bad," I said, turning back to Luminara and Han Yu. 

Luminara gave a small nod. "We can see that. It's just... we're not used to being in such a large group."

Han Yu nodded in agreement. "We're more comfortable keeping to ourselves."

I understood where they were coming from. We all had our own comfort zones and for them, it was being alone. But being part of a team meant stepping out of that comfort zone and interacting with others.

"Well, you're part of our group now," I said gently. "We don't expect you to change overnight, but maybe you could try to interact a little more with the rest of us?"

Han Yu and Luminara both looked at the floor, pensively. Then, they both nodded.

"We'll try, Shina," Luminara said, her voice soft but determined.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at them. "I promise, we're not as scary as we seem."

Cerulean laughed at that. "Speak for yourself, Shina. I can be very scary when I want to be."

We all laughed again.

"Are you sure you're a prince and not a court jester?" Han Yu asked, giving him a slight grin.

His cousin, Cemal sighed as he walked over. "I have asked myself the same thing."

Cerulean shrugged. "You're just too serious, my dear cousin."

I couldn't help but laugh at the banter between the cousins. It was refreshing to see the playful side of them, especially Cerulean, who often came off as aloof.

Luminara and Han Yu were also chuckling, their initial discomfort melting away. I was glad to see them warming up to the rest of us.

"Well, it's good to have a balance," I said, smiling at Cerulean and Cemal. "You two are like two sides of the same coin."

Cerulean grinned. "I suppose you could say that, although I'm clearly the better half."

Cemal rolled his eyes but there was a fond smile on his face. "Keep telling yourself that, cousin."

We all laughed again, the tension from before now completely dissipated. Han Yu and Luminara seemed more relaxed now, their expressions more open.

"Seems we're all getting along," Xun Yi said, smiling as she and the other sages joined us.

"Hmm, where is Li?" Luminara asked, looking for the Sage of Garnet.

"He went with Alfonso to check on the preparations for the ritual," I said.

"Ah, I see. It's a big responsibility, preparing for the ritual," Luminara replied, her gaze distant. She must've been worried about what would come after the ritual. While protecting the future, we were sacrificing our own.

"It is," Xun Yi agreed, joining the conversation. "But Alfonso's mother, Lady Alba is more than capable. She did accomplish the first ritual after all."

Lumi smiled weakly. 

"True," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Lady Alba is indeed a pillar of strength."

There was a moment of silence as we all thought about the impending ritual and the weight it carried. It was a heavy burden, but one that we had all chosen to bear.

"Perhaps we should also start preparing," Han Yu suggested, breaking the silence. "The ritual is important, and we should be at our best."

She was right. We couldn't afford to be complacent. Every one of us had a role to play, and we needed to be ready.

Xun Yi nodded. "Let us change and meet up at the roof of the tower."

We all nodded and went to our rooms to wear the robes Lady Alba had prepared for us during the first ritual. It was time for the curtain to rise.

Once I was ready, I made my way to the tower's roof. The sight was breathtaking. The winds were intense and one could see the vast valley below. The clouds laid below us, like boats at sea.

The others were already there, each wearing their ritual robes. Our garments were intricately designed, each one a representation of the sage it belonged to. The colors were vibrant and bright, a stark contrast to the solemn expressions on everyone's faces.

Cerulean, despite his jovial nature, looked serious. His blue robe complemented his cerulean eyes, giving him an almost regal appearance. Luminara and Han Yu, on the other hand, looked nervous. I could see them exchanging glances, seeking comfort in each other's presence. Cemal, ever the stoic, stood tall and expressionless. But I could see the determination in his eyes.

David also held a stern face. He really was a man of the Diamond Clan. Strong and result, ready to face the world.

Li Wei took a deep breath and ran in place even as he wore long dark red robes. So, even he was nervous.

Kizu stared at Xun Yi. They were divided by Cerulean and Li Wei who stood between them. He looked like he wanted to hold her hand, to help her calm down.

The other couple in our group, the ones who had brought us together, also gave each other glances. But while Querubin looked as worried as most of the others, Emperador managed to maintain his composure, even if not to the same degree as David and Cemal.

I joined them, taking my place in the circle that we had formed. Alfonso stood by the side, watching.

Chieko was basically biting at her fingernails as we waited for the ritual to start.

Lady Alba held hands up as she made her way to the center of the circle. 

"Lords of the Celestial Sphere, guardians of our world," Lady Alba began, her voice echoing out into the night. Her hands were raised towards the sky, her eyes closed in deep concentration. "We stand here, your humble servants, ready to fulfill our duties."

The air around us seemed to grow heavy, a palpable tension building as Alba continued her invocation. "We offer you our spirits, our strength, our resolve. We pray for your guidance, your protection, your favor."

She lowered her hands, opening her eyes to look at each of us. "May our actions this night honor you. May our efforts be not in vain."

She then turned to the center of the circle, raising her hands once again. "With reverence and respect, we call upon you. God of Dawn, Goddess of Dusk, and the countless other gods. Hear us."

A gust of wind swept across the rooftop, causing our robes to billow out. It was as if the heavens themselves were responding to Alba's call.

"May your wisdom guide us, your strength fortify us, your mercy preserve us," Alba continued, her voice strong and steady despite the intensity of the moment.

The wind grew stronger, whipping around us in a vortex. Yet within the circle, it was calm. It was as if we were in the eye of a storm, protected from the chaos outside.

"Rain upon these youths the blessings you have prepared for them and their descendants."

A blast of light dropped down from the blue sky above. From the light, a man in white robes descended, followed by an entourage of gods and angels.

We all fell to our knees, unable to stand before such majesty. The hardest part of the ritual for us had begun.