
(BL/Yaoi) Etheria Chronicles- Dance of the Cherry Blossoms

Souta 'Sou' Citrine was born in a tiny town in southern Astoria. An energetic youth, he spends his days with his friends, coming up with new adventures and looking at the bright blue skies from the hills overlooking town. Those peaceful days begin to unravel the day he saves a young man running for his life. This chance meeting draws the once happy-go-lucky boy into a power struggle he never expected to be involved in. What he once thought to be a sleepy village proves to be so much more.

sun_imperial · LGBT+
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100 Chs

Chapter 82: Carrying on the Bloodline


Alf and I followed Kizu to meet the other sages.

A black-haired young man with piercing red eyes smiled and waved at me. If not for his exposed muscular chest, I would've thought he was a girl when we first met. His beauty was greater than that of most girls I'd met. Even I was ashamed to admit he gave me a run for my gold. I wouldn't be surprised if even guys fell for him.

 "Hello again," he greeted me, his voice warm and welcoming. "Shina, right?"

I smiled and nodded. "That's correct." It was actually surprising to be greeted by him. When we first met, he seemed kind of reserved and distant. Maybe it was because we were strangers at the time.

Alf cleared his throat.

I giggled. Was he jealous?

Li Wei's eyes twinkled mischievously as he caught my gaze, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Alf, no need to clear your throat so loudly," he teased, chuckling.

Alf's expression shifted from a hint of surprise to a sheepish grin. "Just making sure I'm not forgotten in the presence of such captivating company," he quipped, his tone light and playful.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he flirting with him?

Li Wei laughed nervously as he noticed my annoyance. "Uh, you flatter me, Sir Alfonso."

Alfonso chuckled. "I just say things as they are."

Kizu crossed his arms and hummed. Seemed he was also annoyed by his friend's behavior.

The princess walked over and sighed. "Alfonso is such a flirt."

I nodded. Seemed I would have to keep a close eye on my future husband.

Alfonso blushed as he turned toward his liege. "It's just banter."

The three of us gave him a skeptical look.

David laughed as he joined us. "Seems you're getting along with the Sage of Garnet."

I smiled. "Well, it helps that he is friendly."

Kizu, with a slight smirk, remarked, "It appears our Sage of Garnet has found a new admirer in Shina."

Li Wei's cheeks tinged with a faint blush, but he maintained his composure, offering a charming smile in response. "Shina's company is always a pleasure," he said, his voice warm and genuine.

I blushed. Seemed Li Wei was a natural flirt as well.

Alfonso put an arm around my shoulders. It was as if he was staking a claim on me in front of the other sages, solidifying his position as the one vying for my attention.

The princess raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Seems like Alfonso is quite protective of you, Shina."

I glanced up at Alfonso, who just scoffed. "Just making sure no one gets any funny ideas," he quipped.

"Oh? Are you two an item now?" she asked, smirking.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I suggest that we save the gossip for later and focus on the task at hand?" Li Wei asked. "Many of us have traveled from afar for this important ritual, and it's crucial that we stay focused and prepared."

Guess he went back to his typical no nonsense mode. It was little wonder that the ruler of Garnet picked him as the next sage. Actually, Li Wei was one of the few sages who wasn't from nobility. Almost all of is were. Kizu, Chieko, and he were the only ones from humble roots.

The princess coughed. "Yes, of course. Although, relationships are important for our plans. Remember, after this ritual, we will only have a few years to live. Those among us who don't yet have partners will need to find them soon."

Li Wei crossed his arms. He looked like he was taking her words to heart, but also struggling. Did he have no one he liked?

"Li Wei, is there a girl you like back home?"

His face reddened a little. "Yes, but we are from different worlds."

Kizu and the princess exchanged glances.

"Are you also in love with your own princess?" Kizu asked.

Li Wei seemed taken aback by the question, his gaze remaining fixed on the floor. "I...well, it's complicated," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

The rest of us exchanged curious glances. It wasn't often that the disciplined and composed Li Wei get flustered.

Kizu chuckled lightly. "Love can indeed be complicated," he agreed, his voice gentle. "But remember, Li Wei, that it's also one of the most powerful forces we have. Don't let the complexities deter you."

"Indeed," David said, offering him a reassuring smile.

Li Wei nodded, though he still looked a bit uncomfortable. "I understand that, but it isn't as simple as that."

The princess looked thoughtful. "It never is. But Li Wei, if you have feelings for someone, you should tell them. Life is short, and we have even less time than others."

Li Wei looked up. "I will think about what you've said."

Alfonso, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up. "I am going to go check on how Mother is doing with the ritual preparations."

"I'll go with you," Li Wei said. Seemed he was still disturbed by the topic of relationships. But, he was friendly, well, when he tried to be.

As Alfonso and Li Wei left to check on the ritual preparations, a thoughtful silence settled over the rest of us. Each lost in our own thoughts, the previous jesting and flirtation replaced by a more somber atmosphere. The significance of our mission, and the reality of our shortened lives, had been brought to the forefront once more.

Kizu broke the silence, his voice reflective. "It's strange to think how quickly life can change. One day we're living ordinary lives, and the next, we're sages with a sacred duty."

The princess nodded, her gaze distant. "Yes, it can be overwhelming. However, it's also an honor to be trusted with such a responsibility. We must ensure we do our best to fulfill our duties."

I found myself nodding along, feeling the weight of their words. As daunting as our task was, it was also a unique opportunity to make a difference in our world. The bonds we were forming, the experiences we were sharing, they were all shaping us into the sages we were destined to become.

"Apologies for my tardiness," a voice ringing with an infectious enthusiasm called out. A familiar figure approached our group. It was Chieko, the Sage of Peridot. The girl stood out with her short, spiky green hair and gleaming eyes full of mischief. Even though we had met before, her vibrant energy never failed to leave an impression.

Kizu was the first to respond, a flicker of a smile crossing his features. "Chieko, you're here."

She returned his acknowledgement with a playful salute, her gaze then sweeping to rest on me. "Shina, it's good to see you again," she said, her voice warm with familiarity.

I returned her smile, "Likewise, Chieko."

Chieko's eyes sparkled with mirth. "I've been looking forward to meeting everyone again."

David snickered. "Likewise."

She looked around. "And where are the others?"

"Li Wei went with Alfonso to check on the preparations," I said. "As for the others, I thought I saw them a moment ago."

David glanced at a group not too far from us. "Oh, there they are."

"Seems we divided ourselves into two groups without realizing," Kizu said, chuckling nervously.

Xun Yi hummed. "That could be risky. We should all be getting along."

"I am sure it's alright. Everybody has different topics they want to discuss," David said.

The King of the Ruby smiled as soon as he saw us. "Nice of you to join us."

Chieko crossed her arms. "Hmph, still trying to act as the leader, I see."

"Well, he was the one who came up with this idea," Kizu said, laughing nervously again.

She scoffed. "Still. This guy's tone irks me."

Emperador sighed. "I think you should look at yourself in a mirror. You aren't any less bossy than me."

His wife, Querubin sighed. "Dear, please don't antagonize the other sages."

Chieko stuck out her tongue at Emperador, a playful grin on her face. "Just keeping you on your toes, Ruby King."

Emperador rolled his eyes but said nothing more, instead choosing to turn his attention to the rest of us. "So, how are the preparations coming along?"

"Alfonso and Li Wei are checking on them," Kizu replied. "They should be back soon."

"Good," Emperador said, nodding. "We need to be fully prepared for the ritual."

"I agree," Querubin said, her soft voice bringing a calming presence to the group. "We should all be focusing on our roles and responsibilities for the ritual."

David nodded before glancing a the Beryl cousins, the Sages of Aquamarine ad Emerald.

"Come on, a fight would be fun!" Cerulean said, grinning at his cousin.

Cemal sighed as ran a hand through his wavy brown hair. "I don't know. We're supposed to be here to secure future peace, not fight."

"Come on, it's just sparring! You and I spar all the time back home."

Cemal crossed his arms, appearing unconvinced. "Yes, but we're not at home, Cerulean. We're here, with a very important task at hand."

Cerulean scoffed, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "Loosen up, cousin. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone."

Before Cemal could respond, Kizu interjected. "Perhaps a bit of friendly sparring could be beneficial."

Cerulean turned to Kizu, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. "See? Kizu agrees."

"But," Kizu continued, holding up a finger. "Only if it doesn't interfere with the ritual."

Cerulean rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. "Fine, fine. We'll spar after we finish the ritual. Assuming we aren't too tired by then." He smirked. "Which I hope we aren't. "I want to test out my new powers as soon as I can."

Cemal sighed, running a hand through his hair again. "I suppose that's fair."

I rubbed my stomach. "Well, I will be sitting this event out."

"Same," Querubin said, rubbing her stomach. Was she so big now. Would my belly get that big in a few months too?

"Likewise," Xun Yi said, shrugging.

Chieko grinned. "Well, I am not missing out on this!"

"Quite the tomboy, I see. I worry whether you would even find a husband," Emperador said, sighing.

Chieko blushed. "W-what's it matter to ya?"

"Well, if our task is to be successful, we must all continue our bloodlines."

She turned her head and scoffed. "I'll find someone... Someday."

"Well, that some day better be soon. As we won't have long to live."

She frowned. "I know." She ruffled her hair and grumbled. "Well, if I can't find someone to date, I'll just find some guy who is willing to have a one-night stand and hope I get pregnant!"

"Chieko," Xun Yi said, giving her a concerned look.

"That's not the best idea," she continued. "This isn't just about continuing our bloodlines. It's about creating a family, a support system for our kids. They're going to grow up without us, after all. They'll need all the love and support they can get."

Chieko looked away, her face flushed. "I... I know that. But it's not like I can just snap my fingers and make a man appear out of thin air."

David, who had been silent until now, cleared his throat. "Perhaps you're not looking in the right places. Or maybe you're not giving the right people a chance."

Chieko glanced at him, her eyes wide. "Wait, are you suggesting--"

David held up his hands, chuckling. "I'm not suggesting anything. Just letting you know to keep an open mind, okay? Love can be found in unexpected places."

Chieko huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, I'll keep that in mind."

Despite her defiant words, I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. The task before us wasn't easy, and the added pressure of finding a partner only made it more difficult. But as I looked around at the rest of our group, I felt a surge of resolve. We were in this together, and we would support each other no matter what.