
(BL/Yaoi) Etheria Chronicles- Dance of the Cherry Blossoms

Souta 'Sou' Citrine was born in a tiny town in southern Astoria. An energetic youth, he spends his days with his friends, coming up with new adventures and looking at the bright blue skies from the hills overlooking town. Those peaceful days begin to unravel the day he saves a young man running for his life. This chance meeting draws the once happy-go-lucky boy into a power struggle he never expected to be involved in. What he once thought to be a sleepy village proves to be so much more.

sun_imperial · LGBT+
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100 Chs

Chapter 17: The Boy Called Saku


I stopped in front of a hospital. I glanced up at the sky as dark clouds swirled overhead where there was once only blue sky.

If my sixth sense is correct, this is where Purpura was trying to contact Sou from...

"Huh?" I said as the clouds opened up. A white creature with multi-colored wings descended from the sky. "What is that?" My eyes widened as it came closer. "Wait, is that an angel?"

The creature suddenly struck something above the tower with its lance. A purple barrier manifested around the tower.

"What in the world is going on?" I said to myself. I ran inside of the hospital.

"Sehun?" said a familiar voice. It was Yayoi of all people.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, perplexed by his presence.

He looked away. "I... I came here to give Rena my support." He gasped as something caught his eye. He jumped back. "What is that thing?"

The creature was now flying toward us. It sent out a piercing screech that made it difficult to hear the passing cars or even one's own breathing.

Shivers ran down my spine. If it was an angel, it seemed mad. What was going on? Did Purpura have something to do with this? I knew that he was a harbinger of something bad...

*Suoh Opal*

"Master, we have detected a disturbance directly above us. We believe that it's the abominations that you predicted," called one of the security guards.

I grinned as I looked up.

Gods, you won't rule over me. I will make my ideal world even if I must use force to make it!

"Order for the helicopter to be prepared," I said, snickering. "We must evacuate the boy."

"Wait," called out a doctor. "If we remove him now then the girl might die."

I sighed and walked over to Mora. "Child, the world I desire is upon us. You shall bring about the ideal world, Mora."

Mora opened his eyes. "The name is Purpur..." he mumbled. He winced as electrical shocks danced across his body.

"Don't resist. Child...this is for the good of the world. If this succeeds then the Ethereal Stones won't be needed. I will be able to advert the chaos predicted by the priestess of the Quartz...by you..."

Mora opened both his eyes, they were now glowing brightly.

I spread out my hands and snickered. "Yes...unleash the power of the priestess that you inherited! Bring this world into ruin so that I may rebuild it anew!"

"Master, more disturbances have appeared! Not only over Ame city, but across the entire continent. If we continue this then the entire world will be at risk!" one of the operators said. On his screen was the capital of Sanuri. Flying in the clouds were white creature like the one from before.

A gold-winged figure dressed in white descended from the sky.

"Tsk, another angel. When will one of the gods finally make an appearance?"

"Don't push your luck, Suoh!" a voice called out.

I chuckled as I kept my eyes on the screen. "Ahh, so you found me out, Saku," I said, slowly turning around.

Saku closed his eyes as he summoned a katana out of thin air. "Why are you doing this? Do you seek to become one of the four horrors predicted by the ancestor of the Amethyst?"

I summoned a golden scepter with a single opal. "Listen, I'm trying to save this world! Isn't that what we both dreamed of?" I shook my head. "Ever since you married my sister you seem to have lost sight of what truly matters."

My childhood friend shook his head. "I haven't forgotten that dream! It is you who has by doing this! You created an artificial human in the hopes of reviving the priestess so that you can call forth the gods!"

I clenched my scepter tightly. "Saku..." I stepped back. "I don't wish to fight you. You were like a brother to me... no even closer!"

Saku's face remained stern. "Suoh, end this now and I'll have my wife go easy on you."

Shina... always Shina... Why couldn't he...

I shook my head. "In that case... our friendship ends here." I lunged toward him but he warped out of the way.

"Gravity Prison!" Saku yelled, binding me to the floor. He pointed his katana directed at my neck. "It's over."

"Let my father go!" my daughter yelled as she raised several surgery knives from a nearby table.

Saku warped behind her and grabbed her by the neck. With a single hit to the neck he knocked her unconscious.

He glanced at the operators. "All of you, listen to what I got to say. Stop this experiment now."

I slammed my scepter against the floor and warped away. Saku to my surprise didn't follow.


I glanced up overhead and saw one of those creatures fly toward me.

"Tsk. Damn, I had forgotten about them."

"You have broken the sacred law for that you must die!" he chanted.

I chuckled. "I might not be able to fight Saku but I can fight you!" I increased the pull of gravity on the abomination, causing it to fall to the ground below.

I raced across the sky even as a dozen abominations directed their eyes at me. Abominations...that what I'd decided to refer to all otherworldly creatures by.

Ignoring the angels, I warped out of the way and back to the small town of Nikko. However, surrounding my house were several government officials.

Hiding behind a tree, I pondered what to do next.

So Shina knew that I was up to something... that sister of mine. First, she led Saku astray and now this...

I rubbed my shoulder as I casted my gaze downward.



[Years Ago]

"Help me," I said as I tried to run away from a bull. I had foolishly hit it with a stone to see if what they said about angering bulls was true, but it had backfired on me.

I tripped on a rock and fell into a pile of manure. The bull was quickly catching up no me despite having to chase a target that could teleport. Well, emphasis on the 'could' as I had ran out of the chakra to do so.

"Ole!" a boy yelled. A peasant with spotted green eyes stood a few feet in front of me with a black cape.

"Wait, shouldn't you be using a red one?" I asked, blinking.

The boy didn't pay me any attention, his eyes were on the raging bull. He moved the cape to the side causing the bull to go after him. No matter where the boy moved the cape, the bull followed.

Finally, he stopped and petted the bull's head. "That's enough, Bully. Return." The bull lowered its head as if it were a dog and ran back to where it had come from.

Bully? What kind of lame name was that?

"Now, to deal with the boy," he said, his eyes cold.

I moved back causing more manure to smear my clothes. "I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me! I promise never to hurt another bull again!"

The boy chuckled. He held his hand out to me. "I didn't hurt the bull so what makes you think that I'll hurt you? Are all rich boys sissies?"

I slapped his hand away. "Hey! Who are you calling a sissy?"

The older boy snickered. "Sorry about that. I see that you got some fire in your belly. The name is Saku. What's yours?"

I smiled a bit. "I'm Suoh."

The boy crossed his arms and moved his head side to side. "Suoh? Isn't that the prince's name? Ah, are you the little brother of princess Shina?" His eyes were sparkling. "Can...can you introduce me to her?"

I frowned.

So he is the same as the rest...

"No!" I said, standing up. "Now, excuse me, I got to go clean myself up. My sister and parents are probably worried sick."

"Hey, watch your..."

My feet slipped due to the wet manure. I closed my eyes and put my hands out in front of me, ready to land head first back into the dung.

"Got ya."

I opened my eyes and saw that the boy had caught me. Being so close to him I was mesmerized by his eyes...they were like green opals.

"Are you alright?" Saku asked. "Your face is red."

I pushed him away. "I'm perfectly fine! Now, excuse me!"

Saku shook his head. "Wow, you're incredible. I got dirty with manure just to save you from falling head first into cow shit and you repay me by yelling at me."

I stopped. "You want to be repaid? What do you want?"

He gave me a sly smile. "To get to meet princess Shina of course!"

I grumbled. "No... pick something else. How about money?"

He tilted his head. "Nah, that won't do. I'll think of something else later on." His green eyes scanned me up and down. "You should get yourself cleaned up before you appear to your parents like that. Come over to my place, I'll lend you some of my clothes."

My clothes were completely smeared and smelled as if I had fallen into a sewer. "Thanks..."