

mc: Alucard Von Cathicus

titles: (progenitor vampire, asshole)

harem means wives, there will be other females he gets to have fun with or torment but they will not be in the harem

1 Fortuna (goddess of fate)

2 Rhaella Targeryen (because of wishes she never married to Ares instead the Targeryen family received dragondreams of her future husband and decided to put her marriage on hold. although much time has passed she still has not given up hope. Ares married a noblewoman from lys who he is tormenting)

3 Ashara Dayne (she was set to be in love with ned stark but mc will never let that happen)

4 Aelith Von Cathicus 'the Sorceress' (Mc's vampire mother in new world. she found no man worthy to bed her so she used blood magic to create Alucard (mc) will appear later in the story as right now she is busy developing her magic)

5 Lily Flowers [OC] (a commoner girl taken as a personal handmaid. mc finds her shortly after as arriving in westeros...she is a bit short and too skinny but has the heart of a lion and gets mad if she is not called by her name)

6 Melisandre Of Asshai (Tall, Redheaded, Thick like a bowl of oatmeal.)


there will be more but that will be decided at a later date as the story progresses leave a comment on the ones you wish to join( keep in mind that they will not be included until the story moves on to a certain point I can't just throw flower after flower in the mix.)

TOYS not harem but will have lemons

1 Cersei Lannister

2Genna Lannister

3Catelyn Tully

4Lyanna Stark

5Allyria Dayne

6Arriane Martell

7Elia Martell


9 Sarah

10 Minnie

11 Pippa


13 Joanna Lannister


.....and so on and so on there are already different ones not in this list but I recommend you read the story to find out about them.

Patience young grasshoppers.

A Note. Vampires can make thralls which have an intelligence reduction. They are similar to the vampires in 30 days of night and quite primal in their instincts. they can follow simple orders and are tenacious fighters but can still lose in combat due to their animalistic attacks.

Low level thralls will die if they have their heads cut off, and will be extremely weak In sunlight, no extreme regenerative abilities either unless they suck blood and reattach their cut off limbs directly, no sunlight immunity like higher vampires so they won't be a viable army during most situations ( Wives, Mother in will be Higher vampires and are quite OP but not unstoppable.)

Mc can use 'The bite' to make Higher vampires but that will be exclusive to Mc's wives.

Any 'vampire army' will be made of thralls which are most effective at night.

an army of super effective higher vampires is not viable since higher vampires have free will and can turn on their creator unlike the thralls.

(I have to balance the character a slight bit y'all)