An evil degenerate is reborn into Game of thrones with powerful Vampiric abilities. Set in early 281 AC Not your usual Got/ASOIAF Fanfic.....there will be Gore, there will be Lemons, There will be Blood For The Blood God Also, Mc Is NOT a psychopath without feelings...... his morality and code of ethics are just really really really twisted. Çãshâpp: Kevonejones476AD for gifts (NO NTR) (GIGA-CHAD MC) (DRAGON) (TREATING CATELYN LIKE C**DUMP)
After I awoke in the morning I found Melisandre stroking my head while still humming...I hadn't had better sleep in years but I still felt a bit bad that she stayed awake.
"Thank you My Love but I don't want you to lose sleep because of me." I told her then brought her closer into my arms as we kissed for a while.
"I do it because I want to~" She told me as we lay in each other's arms.
"I Love You.....I never want you to forget that." I spoke while stroking her soft cheek with my hand.
She responded by burying her face into my chest and holding me tight.
I cast cleaning magic all around us as all the cum and sheets were cleaned and dried.
The rest of the women were still unconscious so we just let them rest for some more time.
I got up and Kissed Melisandre goodbye and got dressed in warm black clothes with a spotted white cloak.
I had a few Lordly Matters for the morning before I headed out to visit Dacey on Bear Island.
I got into the elevator and rode it down, When I stepped out all the Servants bowed deeply and the little servant girls got a bit scared but not as much as before.
I was still a giant scary man in their eyes and some of them had seen me drenched in blood and human gore when I returned with Drumm, and they heard the faint screams of the prisoners found guilty of crimes when they walked past the stairway to the Dungeon.
They received a warm bed, Plenty of food, safety from anything happening to them and a few coppers every week but it was still a scary place to work at.
I walked towards my office and sat down while a little servant girl served me wine, my maids were.... indisposed..... so this girl would have to make due.
before long Jormun walked in with a small stack of papers.
"Not much happened in your time away, We have tallied all of the people who live in villages of your lands and taken account of them..... the grain subsidy is greatly appreciated by the populace, A statue of Fortuna is placed where it is given out and the smallfolk now know of her existence..... whether they believe or not Is up for time to tell." He spoke and I nodded then urged him to continue.
"We have received a few new criminals that are awaiting judgment on the dungeon, Karl is itching to make the guilty sing." He spoke and I told him to sit and have some wine.
Before long I had gone through all the paperwork and Jormun explained how everything would be carried out.
I signed what was needed then made my way to the dungeons.
When I walked down I heard a familiar scream emanating from the dark dungeon below.....Dustan Drumm still lived, Karl had taken extra care to keep this maggot alive by forcefeeding him water, piss, and soup and letting him sleep before throwing salted water on his exposed muscle tissue to wake him up.
I had transferred the memory of how I dealt with his family and he immediately tried to bite his tongue off so I had to put a slavery collar on him to keep him from trying something dumb like that.
When I entered the Dungeon I saw Karl and his pregnant maid wife taking long sharp needles and stabbing Dustan in the balls while he screamed for mercy... there'd be no mercy.
I forced Karl to marry the maid soon after he impregnated her and it turns out they were a match made in heaven.
His new wife had a sadist side that only came out after being together with Karl.
I was so impressed by her creativity that I promoted her to an official Interrogator alongside Karl...I always knew when somebody was lying but I preferred to hear them speak the truth from their own mouths.
When they saw me they both knelt and greeted me ""Mi' Lord""
"Good to see that Old Drumm is still having fun, reminds me of how his wife screamed when I stomped her son's head with my boot as his brains spattered on his rug." I spoke aloud and Dustan started screaming even louder at the memory that was coursing through his mind.
"So.... Who are the new prisoners?" I asked while looking at the people chained to the wall, they had on tunics and were fed and watered without any punishment until the Lord decided their guilt or innocence.....
they always saw what happened to the guilty as Dustan and others who weren't given the option to join the Black were tortured in front of them.
Karl made sure to reassure them that if they truly were innocent then they'd have nothing to fear and they'd even be given coin as recompense for the issue... but if they were guilty hehehe....
I could usually spot the guilty by the mere look on their faces.... faces of dread for what was to come.
I walked near them and Karl brought me a simple chair and set it just in front of The prisoners.
I sat down and looked at them with my slitted Red Eyes.
"You... What are you in for?" I asked one young man.
"They be' cusin' me of being a raper mi' lord....I never raped her, she came to me and asked me for it' I didn't refuse such a fat arse so I shagged er' and filled er' with my seed....the husband found us soon enough and she claimed me a raper....but I'm innocent mi' lord you must believe me." The Young Man pleaded.....all his words were true.
"You are innocent of any crime..... Karl tell the guards to take the woman who accused him of rape and have their way with her for a week, after that I sentence her to work in the Brothel for five years, a quarter of her pay will go to this young man." I spoke and Karl wrote down the man's pardon and the order for the guards.
I signed the finished paperwork and the Man was released with some coin for his troubles.
"You..... what are you in for?" I asked an older man.
"I spat on the statue of that new foreign goddess....the guards locked me up and beat me too..... last I checked what I did weren't illegal." He spoke and instantly my brow furrowed.
"Karl, order the guards to seize this man's family, they are all to be sacrificed to the Goddess.... make him watch and cut out his heart last.....keep him entertained until then." I told Carl and he quickly scribbled the order with a wicked grin on his face.
"What!!!! That's not right!!!! I did the crime why hurt them!!!!!" The man shouted in anger.
"Linda dear, this man is too noisy will you please make him be quiet?" I asked Karl's wife and her smile was even more wicked than Karl's.
She walked over to the furnace and put on thick leather gloves.
She reached inside for one of the many strangely shaped things that were dangling with the metal in the hot coals.
This one was a peice of rounded metal made to fit into someones the end of it was a crossbar with two steel loops.
From the loops were leather straps to tie it around the back of someones head and act as a searing hot ballgag without the ball.....only coal heated steel.
Whenever I told Linda that someone was being loud she shoved this hot steel into their mouths and seared them while shutting them up at the same time.
When the man saw Linda approach he tried to resist but I grabbed his face and opened his mouth as the Hot iron wedge went into his mouth and seared it from the inside.
Linda tied it around the back of his head and gave him an uppercut which cracked a few of his teeth as they hit against the solid metal.
She then giggled and smacked the man in the balls with her bloody cudgel.
one of his testicles burst and he fainted from the pain as Linda and Karl laughed out loud.
I sat back down and Karl brought over the Order for me to sign.
I signed at the bottom and he sent it up a magic chute for the guards to read and take care of.
Willem was now captain of the guard and deeply loyal, he also converted along with his wife and all of the guards after a small while.
They were extremely zealous and they knew that Fortuna was on their side so no matter the atrocities they committed they would still have their souls saved..... Fortuna was a fickle Goddess but she would find them a nice place in the afterlife if they were devout worshipers.
I then looked at the next person who was chained up.
"What are you accused of and are you guilty?" I asked the Middle Aged Lady
"I am accused of witchcraft.....I am guilty." She said clearly.
"Witchcraft is no crime in my lands.....are you a Murderer? A Rapist, A Thief?Did you Assault someone?.....what else are you accused of?" I asked the woman.
"No I'm no Murderer or Rapist Or thief....I sacrifice animals for my magic power and the curses I've cast in the past are not deadly.....I usually help the sick but I had someone die under my care and their father accused me of evil witchcraft and I was arrested...." The lady spoke.
"Karl give her a full pardon and send out an order that witchcraft is not necessarily illegal, a separate crime must be committed to be considered an illegal witch or warlock....if someone wants to hire a witch they shouldn't cry if things don't go right." I told him and he dutifully wrote everything down, I signed and it was sent away.
"You what is your crime?" I asked a young man about the age of fourteen.
"I'm accused of stealing.....I did steal but I was hungry and had no food....I'd rather steal than starve." The Young Man spoke
"Why didn't you work for food, or hunt?" I asked
"I tried but no one was offerin' work and I'd gone four days without a scrap....usually I'd eat off the whales your Dragon leaves on the beach but you were not ere' Mi'Lord and the grain dole is for smallfolk who live in homes..." he spoke
"Karl, give him three lashes for stealing, If he wishes to join the guards let him train.....if he doesn't make the cut then send him to the nights watch.....I'll not have idle hands in my lands." I spoke and Karl wrote everything down.
There were still about a handful of men and women left to Judge so I wouldn't take too long before heading to Bear Island.