An evil degenerate is reborn into Game of thrones with powerful Vampiric abilities. Set in early 281 AC Not your usual Got/ASOIAF Fanfic.....there will be Gore, there will be Lemons, There will be Blood For The Blood God Also, Mc Is NOT a psychopath without feelings...... his morality and code of ethics are just really really really twisted. Çãshâpp: Kevonejones476AD for gifts (NO NTR) (GIGA-CHAD MC) (DRAGON) (TREATING CATELYN LIKE C**DUMP)
After a few hours I felt Lily awaken as she lay on my stomach with my cock still in her pussy.
She yawned and stretched her arms out before looking at me with loving eyes.
I gazed into her Big Blue eyes before bringing her in for a kiss that lasted a few minutes as our tongues danced against each other.
After we separated I flipped her underneath me and pulled out of her pussy slowly as my cock came out with an audible *POP
My semen flowed out and covered her thighs and the sheets under her.
I cast cleaning magic and placed a hand over her lower belly.
I sensed the faint changes and the small life force that was in her womb..... my second daughter in this world would only be a month younger than the first.....I smiled at her and spoke. "Have you thought of any names for our daughter my Love?"
"How about Annah.... it was my mothers name..." she spoke with a smile but I heard the sadness in her voice.
I just leaned over her petite body and brought my face to her belly.
I kissed her navel where the baby was growing. "My sweet Annah.... may she be as sweet and caring as her mother." I told Lily and then kissed her forehead.
"Alright now you know what comes next..... let me know when you are ready." I told her while holding her dainty hand in mine.
"I'm ready right now!!! I've always wanted to fly without being on top of Mr.Dragon!!!" she said excitedly.
She showed me her slender white neck to me in a hurry as if urging me to bite her already.
my two long white fangs grew from my mouth as I neared her neck, I opened my mouth and brought her closer to me.
My Long fans sunk into her soft flesh and my Dark Vampiric blood began to pump into her artery.
Lily began to squirt and orgasm in ecstasy from the feeling of being filled with my powerful origin blood.
She began to tremble in my arms as her breath slowed and Her heartbeat stopped while she had a blissful look on her pretty face.
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Lily closed her eyes and became limp before her eyes flickered open and a smile began to grow on her face.
The transformation was nearly instant as Her Vampiric powers manifested themselves by making her even more beautiful
Her face had now changed as her freckles disappeared, her dirty blonde hair became a lighter and more beautiful shade of deep gold as it glistened in the candlelight.
Her Big Blue eyes now had a ring of Pink around her iris which was surrounded by Deep Royal Blue, her skin was now white as snow and soft to the touch.... Perfectly cute...
was all I could think when looking at her...while Rhaella looked like a Beautiful Queen, Lily looked like a Precious Princess.
As I held her body in my arms I could now feel the connection between us become even stronger, since she now had my blood essence running through her veins it was as if a bond that was just as deep as our Marriage was formed.
She even held a hand to her stomach and whispered in my ear "I can already feel our daughter is here." She then hugged me deeply while shedding a few tears of happiness. To which I responded with a hug of my own as I rubbed her head gently.
After a moment of tender affections We began to kiss as I fondled her supple body.
After a few minutes of kissing we stopped and she looked at me with her big watery eyes.
"Daddy....I'm Hungry." She spoke in a cute Voice as she sniffed my chest.
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We had walked out of the castle in the dark of night as I cast temporary confundus spells on anyone who saw us walking as we exited the main keep and made our way to the Godswood so Lily could practice her flight for a moment.
I tapped her pretty forehead as I transferred knowledge on how to use her wings into her mind.
Soon after her wings spread out from her back.
Her leathery wings were smaller than mine or Rhaellas' and milky white in color, they were quite cute.
she smiled happily as her short fangs extended from her mouth and her claws extended as well.
Her claws were silvery and long, perfect for ripping apart her prey with ease.
after a bit of trial and error she managed to take flight as we soared over the Godswood and over the walls as we flew North towards the forest as she soon began to skillfully flutter and spin In the air as she had fun flying for the first time.
Soon we came across a group of travelers who were sitting just off of the trail and had set up camp.
They had a large covered wagon that they set up near the fire as they cooked in a pot and talked amongst themselves.
There were three young women and two men around the fire, they seemed to be a family who chose to travel to Wintertown.
Lily and I landed nearby silently....we approached the family as I pointed my hand and a wave of black magic swept over the group as their campfire was magically snuffed out.
The older man complained and got up to kneel in front of the fire while striking Flint and attempting to light the fire again.
As he smashed the Flint and Steel together in an attempt to make a spark Lily approached behind him like a shadow and swiped at his neck which caused his head to sever from his body and fall directly into the hot coals and sizzle while is body slumped over into the cold snow as his family looked on in horror....
The Four other people couldn't believe their eyes....a girl that looked as cute as a doll appeared out of the shadows and sliced their fathers head off....they froze in fear and disbelief before the man's son reached behind him and drew out an old sword, the sword was worn with time but still sharp as a razor.
He pointed the blade at the beautiful monster to try and make her go away but the girl only smiled....."Get out of the way boy...I'm looking to eat your sisters not smell gross so move before you end up like this stinky old man." Lily spoke in her sweet voice with a childish smile.
The young lad lunged forward with his blade raised and swung at lily as Hard as he could with his eyes closed.....instead of the sound of his father's sword slicing flesh there was a sharp metallic *Clink
that resounded throughout the cold forest air.
He opened his eyes to see the girl holding the blade with the claws of her hands as they cut an inch into the metal.
"You just swing too slowly, I could have dodged that with my eyes closed." The beautiful girl mocked him.
He noticed that in her other hand the monster held a Fist sized bloody mass....he then felt deep cold in his chest.
When he looked down he saw a massive gash across where his heart was supposed to be then everything went dark...
As the young man's body hit the cold snow His three sisters screamed but only two ran off into the woods while one closed her eyes and began praying to the Old Gods for salvation.
Lily neared the praying girl and spoke to her. "Thanks for not making this difficult, I'll only take a little bit of blood from you." Then she sank her fangs into the girls neck and began greedily drinking her blood, after about a minute the girl fainted and Lily let her go with just two red marks on her neck....she was low on blood but wouldn't die.
"Wouldn't want you to die....let's put you in the wagon." Lily spoke and grabbed the girl by her hair and dragged her to the wagon before throwing her inside and tossing a thick woolen blanket over her.
I then spoke to her "There are two can fly over the treetops and use your senses or track their footprints in the snow..." as soon as I said that Lily opened her white wings and flew into the air after the two girls.
I stayed behind and picked up the heart that Lily had torn out and I started snacking on it as I absorbed all the blood from the two men.
I walked over to the girl in the wagon and cast a warming spell on her since I could tell that she'd freeze before she awoke.
Then I took flight after Lily.
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When I reached Lily's position I found her just outside a shallow hollow on the side of a large tree, she had one girl in her hands while she drank all the blood that poured out of her shredded throat while the girl used the last of her energy to try and fight back.... it was in vain however.
Lily had turned all her teeth razor sharp and bitten this woman's throat open which was my personal favorite way to drink blood.
The dying girls' sister cried for mercy and shook in fear while she had a wet smelly strain on her dress as she watched the beautiful monster devour her sisters' blood.
soon after Lily tossed the drained corpse aside as it dropped limply with an empty look in its eyes.
Lily approached the other girl but scrunched her nose at the smell of piss, she turned back to me and asked.
"Daddy~ Can you clean this stinky girl~" she spoke in a childish voice which brought a smile to my face.
As soon as I cast the cleaning spell on the trembling girl Lily snatched her by the hair and yanked her out from beneath the hollow and launched herself at her throat and began to drink all of her lifeblood as tears dropped from the woman's eyes.
soon the girl stopped struggling and her heart died out so Lily unlatched herself and cutely brought a Handkerchief out of her pocket to wipe her mouth cutely.
"Daddy I want to eat some more long as they're not stinky." She spoke while giving me a peck on the cheek.
"Alright....let's go find some more food for you my love." I told her as my long black wings spread and I rose into the air, she soon followed as we flew over the outskirts of town to find more prey.
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(Next chapter will see us head to Seadragon Point)