
( Haitus )A Path Towards The Pinnacle

No plots, no unnecessary words, I'll solve every issue with my fist on my journey to the peak

Master_Livythan · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Drownin.....No I mean Training Part 1

' is that even a question ' said Cain as he ran and dived in the river only to have to quickly surface as the current pushed against his body reminding him once again that he was in a child's body having to walk back close to the shore where his little feet could reach, he couldn't help but tremble slightly as he felt the cold temperature of the water on his skin especially his little brother and his jewels as he tried to steady himself and not let the current move him

When he got into a stable position he took a deep breath before plunging under that water while trying to help himself calm only to unconsciously surface for air when he ran out. Clicking his tongue in annoyance at his body's survival instinct, he tried again only to receive the same result even when forcing himself to stay under

Thrashing the top of water to vent his feelings he looked around trying to find something that would help him in his current predicament while he internally communicated with Xavia talking about the only thing that came out of this would be that he could hold his breath for almost 5 minutes according to Xavia making him even more determined to get his training underway

[A.N. why this is good is because normal people can only hold their breath for 30seconds to 2 minutes]

When he was thinking he remembered those mafia movies he saw when they tied people they killed to rocks so they bodies didn't float when they were thrown in the water, sticking to that idea he looked for a big enough rock and something to tie his body to it with

Having spent nearly an hour trying to move a rock that weighed atleast 100 pounds inside the water which actually caused his battle power to raise by 3 or 4 points, making his effort slightly worth it. Taking some wines he found in the forest and wrapping them around the stone thick enough so that when he started to struggle he couldn't break out of it before he took a deep breath as the water was to his ears at the moment before he dived under and took the same rope and tying himself securely unto the stone

Cain sat under the water and looked at the sun from under the water as he waited for his 5 minutes of air to run out. Time passed and he ran out of air and started to struggle to get out of his constraints only to fail several times cursing himself for being so thorough, he started feeling lightly and his vision started turning dark as she struggled even harder while screaming internally

'work, WORK!, WORK GOD DAMMIT!' bellowed Cain as he gasped and swallowed water as his vision went dark


As he sat tied to the rock there in the water seemingly dead, his heartbeat started to speed up and started to seemingly grow in placed until it could be visibly seen beating from his chest. When it reached a certain size it suddenly shrunk and released several litres of blood at once flooding his body causing him to bleed from his mouth, nose and eyes, all to be washed way along the stream as the veins in his body started pulsating before it started to happen with his skin

If someone was here to see this and looked closely at his skin they'd have noticed that his pores were opening and closing like valves siphoning the oxygen from his body refreshing his lost reserves and flushing the water from his system causing his head to snap up and he broke the restraints on his body and shot out the water and landed on the shore and started coughing while gasping

" oh my gosh.....that was fucking sick " replied Cain as he started laughing while clutching his chest as he lied on the cold shore

When he recovered and calmed he started checking out what had changed as he studied his skin and watched in amazement as it breathed? He also started to feel invigorated at he inhaled, feeling his body functions had increased by a fold. Feeling excited to started training he slapped the ground to try and stand only to be flung away from that spot tumbling head first into a tree

He didn't even register the pain as he stared at his hand in shock, before he stared at his pores and willed for something to happen only to feel a stream of air released towards his face as his hand was facing him making him hurry to move his head aside as the air hit the tree causing and indentation, he started laughing only for his face to pale as he looked up and saw that the tree started to collapse and he was under it causing him to have to jump out of the way

Standing up and dusting off his body, he decided to somewhat master his new power before he started to train. Willing his pores on his right arm to close he started to feel slight pressure surrounding is, deciding to experiment for a bit, he took a deep breath causing the pressure on his arm to increase majorly which almost made him cry out in pain

Gritting his teeth he started walking towards a large tree before pulling back his arm as if he was charging up a punch before released the punch stopping his hand several inches from it's trunk while willing his pores open releasing highly compressed air onto the tree causing a large explosive sound while he felt his arm snap from the force causing him to grit his teeth tighter and couldn't help but curse but when he saw the the damage he stepped back in awe as he look at the tree that'd take several men to hug that now had a huge fist mark in his bark making Cain grin like a mad man

' Xavia what my battle power? '

[your current battle power is 56]

'what was the strength of that punch' asked Cain in anticipation

[the strength of that punch was 280 battle power] replied Xavia

What do you think hehehe

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts