
'Polar Opposite'

Shiono Yizi is living a normal life or so he thought until one day a man named Sean had started sending him different gifts and he was arranged married to a Soldier named Saito Syu who saves him many times. But Who is Sean... Who is he to Yizi's life... What is Syu's role in his life... A story of a love triangle between a hero, a cute guy, and a demon who is obsessed with the cute guy. Who will Yizi choose Someone who love him, or someone who is very obsessed with him, an Angel, or a Demon.. Read to find out how Yizi slowly uncover the mystery of his life...

Flowerlover · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Little Sunshine Cafe

In the city of tokyo, one cafe known as LITTLE SUNSHINE CAFE is famous among everywhere.

Many people who wants quiet and peaceful time go here as this cafe can be considered as the most peaceful, and warm place.

what make it more famous is the owner of this cafe, the most adorable, friendly and cheerful guy anyone can see.

His name is Shiono Yizi 24 years old, he is known as EVERYONE'S FRIEND because of his friendly nature that makes anyone wants to hang out with him.

he can be considered as the Beijing's little baby because of how many people who protects him, spoil him and pamper him.

specially his dance performances for the customers in his cafe, it makes everyon loves him so much.

even famous people go here.

He is from a rich family, they own many cafe, restaurant, and resorts but this certain cafe have Yizi's heart.

So Yizi instead of going to college, he took care of this cafe which his parents had given to him as his 20th birthday present.

But he didnt go to college just because of that reason alone, its because he still can't decide what course to take.

So he decided once he made his mind he will continue studying to pursue his dreams.

Actually, Yizi is living in america with his parents, but because of an incident, he needs to go to beijing.

Right now, Yizi is walking in the cafe holding two trays filled with drinks and desserts.

He was humming as he went near a table where a couple is sitting.

"here is your order Gege, Jiejie, have a nice stay". Yizi said cutely as he put the tray down removing the loads of it giving it to the certain owners.

"Thank you baby Yi, we certainly enjoy our stay here". The Woman said.

"Then i will go now, call me if you need anything". Yizi said waving his hands before running to the counter to take another order.

"for table number 2 take out". The one in charge on putting the orders in a tray said.

"Okay". Yizi said taking the food bags and going to table 2.

Yizi arrived at table 2, he placed the food bags on the table.

"here are your orders sir, hope you enjoy them". Yizi said bowing.

"Thank you Little one". The guy said.

Yizi smiled and left again going back to the counter.

this continues and when the evening came they closed the cafe.

Yizi and some staffs cleaned the whole cafe after that Yibo went to the kitchen to see if they still have stocks only to find that its almost gone.

"Wah, i need to do grocery, were almost out of stock". Yizi mumbled.

"Do it tomorrow morning little boss, its already late". one of the staff said.

"yeah right, then i will go to my room now". Yizi said and went upstairs where his bedroom were.

Yizi always stays at the cafe whenever his parents are out of country for some business so he have his own bedroom in the cafe.

Yizi took a bath and wore his favorite lion pyjama before going to his bed.

He took a photo frame from his bedside table and sighed as he caressed the photo on the frame.

" I miss you mommy, daddy, come back soon". Yizi mumbled.

Yizi then put the frame back to the table and closed his eyes entering his dreamland.

The next day, Yizi woke up early, he took a quick shower and dressed up before going down.

Its still 5 am but he needs to do the grocery so he woke up early, then he will bake some breads and make some desserts before opening the cafe.

He made a list of what he needs to buy and took some money before going to the grocery store by his bicycle.

He arrived at the grocery store after few minutes, he parked his bike and locked it before entering the big grocery store.

He first went to the stall where flours, sugars, and other more powdered ingredients then he went to the fruits stall buying different fresh fruits.

After that he went to the vegetables section and bought some carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and some leaf vegetables that can be mixed to a bread.

He went to the sweets stall next and bought some chocolates, strawberry syrup, vanilla syrup, caramel syrup, and candies.

After Yizi got everything he needed he went to the counter and was about to pay for those things he bought but suddenly a loud bang echoed the whole store causing the people to panic.

Five men holding guns entered the grocery store and started hurting anyone who is in their way.

Yizi got so scared that he cant move.

The robbers went to every counter taking all the money until they reached the counter where Yizi is at.

But before the robbers can get any closer, a guy wearing a police uniform entered the grocery store with a very stoic, cold face and dark aura.

The robbers trembled a little but then they raised their guns and points it at the guy.

"If i were you, you will put the gun down and surrender quietly before i hurt you". The guy said coldly.

" Who the fuck are you to mind our business?, Leave or we will kill you and everyone here". One of the robbers said.

"Do you think you can do it?, 1 minute, i can beat you all in 1 minute". The guy said smugly.

The robbers got angered and tried to attack the guy but before they can reach the guy the guy moved and started beating them all, breaking their bones, punching them, kicking until all the robbers fell down on the floor.

But then one more robber who stayed on the last counter took Yizi and point the gun on his head.

" try to move and i will kill this girl". The robber said.

Yizi got angered hearing the robber call him a girl, anyone can call him a baby or little, but he hates anyone calling him a girl, mistaking him for one.

He took the guy's hands and bit it hard causing the robber to remove his grip from Yizi.

The police guy used the chance to beat the robber.

Yizi fell on his butt trembling in fear, though he acted earlier he is still as scared as hell.

Few minutes later three more police came and cuffed the robbers.

The guy took the bags where the robbers put the money they stole and give it to the counter where Yizi is at.

Yizi was awestrucked, his heart beat fast when the guy went to him and pat his head.

"You did a good job, little guy". The guy said his voice a little warmer than before.

After the guy left, Yizi smiled widely despite being held as a hostage earlier.

" my hero". Yizi mumbled.

He payed all the things he bought and went back to the cafe.