
'Dangerous games'. Chapter 9 vol 1

Taehyung was taken by surprise and was momentarily speechless. A rush of ambiguous emotions jolted through him.

Disbelief, anger, confusion and disappointment, trying to process Jungkook's words. His jaw dropped, eyes widened in alarm, the thin line of his brow jumped in shock and his lips pinched together in a hard line. And all that coming from a man who never exhibited his feelings in any sort of way but remained indifferent and unaffected.

" During your long absence I realized we come from.. different worlds. We're not a match made in heaven. We obviously need different things and your disappearance made it perfectly clear. We got.. engaged and you left. Stopped calling and texting. I had no idea how or where to look for you because I don't know the first thing about you. So I believe ending it now is the best option for both of us. You can go back to your.. interesting life and I'll continue mine."he clarified in a steady voice , waiting for his reaction. He was giving him the perfect opportunity to get rid of him once and for all.

Taehyung, for the first time in his life, was baffled. Jungkook had just handed him the perfect excuse for a break up and he should be happy. Why wasn't he? Why did he feel powerless and weak? Was it because the rejection came from him and not Taehyung?

He couldn't believe the words surging out of his mouth.

" You're joking,right?" The man rumpled his hair." You're asking me to break off the engagement? You suddenly realized we're different? We're not compatible? And you want to break up?" The man snatched Kook's jaw forcing him to look at him as his roving eyes glared at the younger with rage. " Who is he?" 

" What are you talking about?" He stepped back, rubbing his aching jaw." You left me. Disappeared without a word. I had no idea where you were. Where to find you. And you stopped calling me. It's all on you, not me Taehyung."

" Don't act innocent Jungkook. You found another man. Is he richer than me? Does he fuck you? Because I can damn well fuck your brains out if that's what you need." 

" Fuck you asshole! Not everyone thinks and acts like you! Some of us have feelings." he snapped, unable to hold back his anger at the accusations.

Taehyung's rage had reached a boiling point. He could no longer tame his flooding emotions and his outburst came out like a stormy avalanche." Enough lying! Pathetic whore! I know your kind too well. You thrive on using people for sex and money. For your good tell me who the fucker is and I'll tear him apart." he growled, fingers grabbing and squeezing the sensitive flesh of Jungkook 's shoulders, shaking him with force.

" GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME ASSHOLE! AND STOP CALLING ME A WHORE!" He shoved his fists on Taehyung 's panting chest, jostling him and snarling in sizzling fury. The audacity of that bastard accusing him whilst he was the worst person on earth.

" Tell me who he is, Jungkook. Don't fuck with me or .or..!"he warned him ,the veins in his neck bulging out. 

" Or what? Hit me? Pull a bullet in my head? Come on! I'd like to see you try!" The clear provocation infuriated the man to the extent he grabbed the first thing he found thrashing it against the wall.

Jungkook didn't move or flinch when the vase flung next to him grazing his earlobe. On the contrary, menace was filled to the top and he raised his fist towards the man's face.

" I'm not afraid of you Kim. I hate you the same way you hate me. And I can hurt you exactly how you hurt me." 

Taehyung had lost all sense of dominion and was driven by anger. His usual self control was long gone and in his rage he couldn't understand the meaning of Jungkook 's words because he wasn't paying real attention.

" You have no idea what I'm capable of doing and you don't want to find out. I want the truth. Who is he? When did you meet him? What did he offer you to fuck you?" 

The younger,huffed in annoyance and despair." You don't get it, do you? Noone is fucking me. And even if he did it's not your fucken business. I'm a man whore. What did you expect?" He wasn't supposed to reinforce his bad opinion about him but Jungkook realized he didn't owe him explanations. He just wanted him gone! Out of his house and his life!

Taehyung wasn't listening." Whatever he promised you I offer much more. I'll buy you a penthouse..no..a huge fucken mansion to live in. Give you more money than you've ever dreamt of. Expensive gifts, a luxurious life, cars, bikes, your own gallery.All I demand is exclusiveness. I'll be the only one fucking you." 

He had turned into a deranged man. His words and actions weren't making any sense. His brother and his idiotic plan for revenge was out of the picture and the only thing that mattered was Jungkook to belong to him. Just him. The fact he was straight wasn't important. It was completely insignificant at this point. Because in Taehyung's foggy mind the only way to find peace was to fuck Jungkook. He was the one person that could make him function like a man. To turn him on. Arouse him.

If fucking this man was the only option to gain his self control he would do it. He would fuck Jungkook. He couldn't just admit that it wasn't rage driving his passion but the passion itself. It was impossible to grasp that in the depths of his troubled soul he wanted Jungkook and needed him like the air he breathed.

The younger on the other hand was floored. Shaking his head to see if he was dreaming or not. The more he thought about it the angrier he became. The nerve of this guy to suggest something so vile and absurd. He was practically trying to buy him. Bribe him to have his way with him. Put him up in a mansion and fuck him when he feels like it or when he's available from his sessions. But above all his confusion on why Taehyung didn't seem eager to let him go was stirring him up. He should be glad and thankful for his given opportunity yet the man looked unwilling to accept it and move on.

He gritted his teeth, balling his fists as his eyes popped out." You want to turn me into your own personal whore Taehyung? To open my legs only for you? To get only your dick up my ass? And in return for my services you'll support my expensive lifestyle? My need for money? My craving for a good fuck?"

" Yes..Yes..I want you! I want to fuck you! I need you all to myself." he impulsively blurred out and he meant it.

Jungkook gasped in disbelief and stumbled back a step. Staggered and completely blown away at the sudden admission his gaze wandered on the man's features." I'm not an object to use and throw away when you get bored. I don't want to continue this madness. I want out. Be done with it." 

" You're not getting away that easily. As long as my ring is on your finger you're mine."

Jungkook lifted his hand, showing him his hand. No ring." I took it off.I didn't know I was gonna see you but don't worry I'll mail it. Just give me your address because I don't have it! One more thing I don't know about you." He folded his arms in his chest, tapping his foot on the floor.

" Who gave you permission to take it off? You couldn't get fucked with another man's ring on your finger?" Taehyung snubbed,his face contorted and a muscle in his jaw twitched.

 Impossible to have a clear meaning from his attitude. He should be over the moon to get rid of him but his actions said otherwise. However he insisted on behaving like a jealous husband, causing a scene. " Why don't you listen? We are over. I don't want to see you again. Go away and leave me alone." He showed him the door, trembling. It hurt too much to be near him and he wanted the pain to stop.

Taehyung clutched his wrist, pulling him closer." You're coming with me!" 

The younger ,backed off, shouting." NO FUCKEN WAY I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU! ASSHOLE!" 

" YOU'RE MINE JUNGKOOK! " He clenched his teeth, squeezing his wrist more." Mine..I own you. Every bit of you."

Jungkook's patience was running out. He couldn't believe how he fell in love with a man like Taehyung. What ever happened to the perfect gentleman he met? The man who made his heart beat and burst with love? Apparently he was a fragment of his imagination.

He has had enough. Enough games, schemes, bullshit. The anger, vexation, and adversity were piling up, generating a rageful outburst.

He tugged his hand back and in an impulse he took two strides forward and raised his right fist. A heavy punch landed on Taehyung's right cheek and nose, shattering his lip, ripping it and thick blood gushed out.

The man's body rocked at the unexpected attack as he stumbled,his back hitting the wall behind him. He felt numbed but absorbed the trauma, swallowing the pain, licking the fresh blood from his lip. When Jungkook's fist was raised again to launch another punch, Taehyung tried to grab his wrist with his left hand and dug to avoid it but Jungkook was a skilful boxer so he bent, dodged him and his punch smashed the man's eye this time.

To his surprise, Taehyung made no effort to fight back. Instead he took a deep breath, exhaled and inhaled. His head was throbbing and the purring in his temples was irritating but the rest of his body was on alert. In a deviant way he admired Jungkook's boldness to hit him. To punch V! He was so turned on. Now more than ever he wanted him in his bed! What a match they would make! Fucking would be a mind-blowing experience.( Ok I told you he's really fucked up!!)

" Will you leave now?" Jungkook rubbed his fist.

Taehyung bit his lip, ignoring the pain." Not until you agree. I may not fuck men but for you I'll make an exception. After I fuck you won't want or need another man. I'll be the only cock you'll crave." His chest was pumping at the thought of having Jungkook at his mercy. His naked body exposed, tied, his moans filling the room. His dreams would come true…

" Are you deaf man? It ain't gonna happen. Get out! I'm not gonna be your whore. Suck it up!" He blew daggers at him.

" I'd rather suck your dick." he answered back,sneering. He adjusted his jacket, ran his fingers through his hair fixing them and wiped the blood with the back of his palm." I won't give up Jungkook. I'll show you I am the only man you need." He walked to the door, bending the handle." I give you two days to decide. I'm waiting for your call." 

And just like that, he opened the door and left.

Jungkook had no time to think. He rushed to the kitchen, took a bag of ice from the fridge and put it on his knuckles. When he felt a little better, he packed all his stuff and ran. Ran back to the safety of his parents' house.


Taehyung 's friends made no comment regarding his bruised eye and swollen lips although they were dying to know and he gave no explanation or even tried to hide his injuries. Actually he was feeling kind of proud and looking at them in the mirror,he felt closer to Jungkook. He loved his aggressiveness and couldn't wait to test it in bed. Breaking him and making him succumb to his primacy was something to look forward to.

Three days had passed and no answer from Jungkook. Taehyung was on pins and needles. The fact that Jungkook wasn't afraid of him made him want him even more. The clear and undeniable rejection from him didn't diminish his persistence. Putting aside all his past traumas and pride he was determined to continue pursuing him. 

The only problem was he had no idea where he was! His apartment was empty. He didn't know where he worked or in which university he was studying. He knew nothing! 

He ordered his people to do a background check on him but it was like he didn't exist. There was no record of him in any database.

Who was Kim Jungkook?

He was trying hard to recall every conversation he had with him, realizing both of them were secretive about their personal life. He tried to find him through the company Jimin was working at but another dead end.All lips were sealed. The other thing he knew was that he was working at a gallery downtown and began from there. His people conducted a thorough investigation on every gallery in town until his name popped up a few days later.

Taehyung didn't approach him. He simply started bombing him with gifts. Huge bouquets of red roses, lilies, orchids, tulips.Baskets of snacks and sweets. Food for all the employees  in the gallery.Stuffed animals. At least four gifts every day. And he waited. Didn't know why or what but he was patient.

There were times he would park his car across the gallery and observe him from afar. He saw him coming out of the gallery,smiling, holding the flowers and sweets in his arms and throwing them in the bin then walking away to the bus stop.

He should be mad at his action but he found it entertaining. As days went by he continued sending gifts and watching him. Stalking him. Until one night, a month later, Taehyung saw Jungkook getting out of the gallery, a basket of snacks in his arms, munching some chips. He again walked to the bin but this time he didn't throw it away. He kept moving towards the bus stop.

Did that mean he was beginning to change his mind? Starting to mellow? His heart was pounding in his chest. Something was stirring in his stomach making him feel light like floating on air. It was an entirely different and unknown emotion.

He cursed remembering he had to leave for Vegas in four days to take care of business. However he couldn't avoid it. He was planning on buying a new casino and his presence for the negotiations was vital. He started the car and followed him. Jungkook got on a bus and three stops later he got off in a bustling road, disappearing in the crowd. Taehyung couldn't park the car and go after him. He puffed and returned to his company. Working and keeping his mind busy was the only way to cope with the dramatic turn his life had taken. 

Four days later he flew to Vegas.


Jungkook knew the minute he started receiving the gifts that Taehyung had discovered his whereabouts. He wasn't frightened or anything. He found himself anticipating the gifts and it was totally unreasonable. He couldn't make heads or tails of his reaction. Was Taehyung's madness contagious?

He ought to be angry and tell him to fuck off and leave him in peace. But each time he saw his gifts his heart would jump out of his chest and butterflies were dancing in his stomach. He was sick. Not thinking logically. Acting logically. 

It was all too much. Too fucken complicated his behaviour and thoughts were baffled and equivocal. The dreams. The bloody dreams had messed up his mind. Because they hadn't stopped but continued..more vivid than ever. He would wake up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, rock hard and the one thing that could ease him was to jerk off till the stress and desire were gone.

The moment Taehyung had admitted he wanted to fuck him even though he was straight, Jungkook was struggling to reject and ignore the feeling of wanting his words to become actions. Despite knowing Taehyung 's opinion about him, his stupid heart and body betrayed him in the cruelest way. He was tense and anxious and disoriented. 

He got immense satisfaction knowing or at least suspecting that Taehyung was watching him. That's why he was using the bus, getting off three stops from his job in one of the busiest streets in Seoul and disappeared into the crowd. Then taking another bus he reached home. He was the son of the best cop in Korea after all!  

Jimin knew the situation and was very worried about him. Understanding his baby brother was still in love with that bastard he was running out of advice. He knew Taehyung was bad for him and would eventually hurt him but when being in love your logic contradicts your heart. So he was always there to listen, hold him when crying and offer him comfort. He had a bad feeling this story hadn't reached its end!


Jungkook had finally finished work and was outside the gallery on his way to the bus stop. His arms were occupied holding a bouquet of lilies and a basket of sweets. He was craving chocolate and was munching a bar when a voice halted him.

" If I knew your love for chocolate I would buy it from the start."

He gulped the chocolate in his mouth and slowly turned around. Taehyung.

" Don't flatter yourself. I was hungry."

" You won't throw them away again?"

Jungkook poked his tongue, rolling his eyes." Are you going to keep stalking me like a creep?"

" I'm watching over you doll. "

" Who told you I need protection? No one is after me.. except you of course."

" I'm keeping the bad guys away."

" You're the bad guy Taehyung. Punching you wasn't enough? Need more? Because there's plenty." His gorgeous eyes rolled to the back.

" Maybe I like pain.. maybe it turns me on."

Jungkook started walking towards the bus, the man following him. Hands stuffed in his pockets.

" You're sick." he blatantly threw at him and was astonished by the calm reaction he was exhibiting to the man who had hurt him so profoundly. He couldn't help but observe his face for a brief moment. The bruises from punching him were almost gone. Perhaps he needed new ones for decoration.

" You're my disease Jungkook. Heal me." 

" I'm not a doctor. In your case a shrink." 

" Come home with me. Spend the night with me. Spend all nights with me."

The younger kept marching till he reached the bus and leaning against it he continued eating, unbothered.

" You didn't answer, doll." Taehyung insisted , standing next to him.

" I gave you my answer by punching your stupid face. Got nothing more to add." He finished his candy and licked the remaining drips of chocolate from the corner of his mouth.

" You look stunning." Taehyung got so boner just by watching him licking his plump, pink lips, stirring.

" Oh bite me!" 

Taehyung licked his lips, his heart panting in his chest, feeling hot despite the coldness of the night." I'd love too.. I can bite your whole body.." he leaned to his ear whispering." Make you moan..and scream from pleasure.." 

" And pain? I understand you enjoy pain." he threw at his face only to watch him turn pale." Got nothing to say? No clever lines? No witty answers? Oh Kim you're losing your touch!"He stepped forward as the bus stopped at the side of the road." Got to run! Not a pleasure seeing you." And just like that he got on and the bus left.

Taehyung thought a more gentle approach would gain him points and make Jungkook change his mind. That boy was stubborn! But the more he resisted the more Taehyung wanted him and he had never fought for anything in his damn life except the pursuit of success. Everything else was given to him.

He wouldn't give up. He would have Jungkook in his bed, under him, on all fours, hanging from a restrainer, tied, gagged…choked with his cock stuffed in his mouth..

Fuck!! He was harder than before!!


Taehyung waiting for Jungkook outside his work became regular the moment he returned to Korea. He would escort him to the bus, exchange insults, well Jungkook was, Taehyung bombed him with dirty talk and his wild fantasies,the bus came and Jungkook left.

Taehyung's need for Jungkook was turning into a consuming obsession. The more he craved him the more he plunged into unknown paths for him. He thought his desire was sexual and physical.. who would tell him it wasn't?

Hobi and Bogun had noticed a certain change in their friend. He was less cruel, judgemental,rude, arrogant and could actually pronounce the whole ' good morning, goodnight '. Quite remarkable!


Friday night around ten. Jungkook was getting ready to leave work and go on a small trip to Jeju island with a couple of friends for a week and he was running late. They were supposed to meet ten minutes ago.He was looking forward to it because he needed the distraction and the chance to relax and have some fun away from Taehyung. 

With his backpack in one hand and the usual basket of sweets and snacks and roses in the other the moment he stepped foot out in the road and raised his hand to hail a taxi, he stumbled and nearly fell on the pavement but a hand helped him stand on his feet.

" Thank you so much." he mumbled embarrassed with his carelessness.

"No problem Jungkook." A honey sweet voice said back.

The younger, lifted his head,red as a poppy at the familiar sound ." Minho hyung!" 

" Hi Kook!" The man kissed his cheeks, smiling widely." How long has it been?"

" Too long ,hyung. Since you graduated a year ago? How have you been?" Minho was his hyung from university. He graduated a year prior and left for Europe.

" Pretty good.I work for a gallery in Paris and came home to visit my family." He gently touched Jungkook's shoulder.

" That's wonderful! I remember it was your  dream! How's noona?"

" Missing you. She often talks about you. Her bunny boy."

Jungkook blushed, his lips formed a thin line making his mole noticeable." I miss her too..she was always kind to me, bringing me snacks and banana milk."

Minho's gaze landed on the big baskets in his arms and held back his laughter." I guess old habits die hard." He pointed at them with his head.

" Long story.." Before he could say another word a tall guy came between them , blocking his way.

" Excuse me.." Minho said politely to the dark haired man." We were talking." 

" Who are you?" A deep, threatening voice inquired sternly.

Jungkook carrying the stuff couldn't actually move freely or push him away. Taehyung was a gigantic pain in the butt!" Taehyung, go away!"

The older,ignored him and narrowed his perfectly shaped eyebrows while scanning the stranger from head to toe." I asked ,who are you." 

" The question is who are you?" Minho returned in the same tone, folding his arms on his chest.

" His man." Taehyung replied calmly with a certainty that irritated Jungkook. He wanted to punch his handsome face!

Jungkook stomped his foot and nearly dropped the things in his hands." No, you're not. Taehyung go.. leave us." he demanded , hitting his back with the basket. No one was paying any attention to him like he was invincible.

" Doll, be quiet!" He kept glancing at Minho." I'm waiting and I'm not known for my patience."

Jungkook scoffed at his rudeness and gall!" Taehyung, leave him alone." 

Minho scratched his neck awkwardly." Sorry man. I didn't know Kook was taken."

" He is. Kook is mine. And will remain so."he mocked the man then shifted to face Jungkook." Get in the car." 

" No. I'm not going anywhere with you." he stubbornly denied, gritting his teeth.

" Doll get.in.the.car." he emphasized each word, burning him with his deadly gaze.

Minho coughed. It seemed he was caught in a lover's quarrel." I'm off. Kook nice seeing you again." he waved goodbye and fled.

Jungkook scrunched his lips, marching to the bus stop. He was late and his friends would search for him. Taehyung caught up with him, gripping his arm.

" Come with me." 

" Are you deaf? No. No means no.!" 

" Stop being stubborn and get in. I'll drive you to wherever you go." 

Judging from the tilting of his head forward and the squinting of his deadly ,dark eyes Jungkook was almost certain he would cause a scene in the middle of the road and most importantly in front of his work. The younger loved and enjoyed his job and didn't want to become a spectacle or lose it because of him. And no way he could run carrying these things. Taehyung clutched his shoulder and the obvious smirking on the corner of his lips should have warned Jungkook of a potential danger.

" Oh! You won't leave, will you? You're  gonna keep stalking me like a creep "He knew the answer but somehow hoped he would magically disappear. Taehyung nodded no and yes on both questions."Where's your car?"

The older showed him the black Lamborghini across the street and the younger puffed. Of course! A Lamborghini! What else? He followed him to the car after Taehyung helped him by carrying his things, putting them in the boot. They got in and drove off.

" I'm taking the ferry to Jeju and I'm late because of you." Jungkook declared rather irritated at the delay.

" Who was he?" 

Straight to the point." A friend."

" What kind of friend?"

" How many kinds are there?" He stretched his legs but the seat was quite uncomfortable like the situation he was involved in. Jungkook was constantly in trouble somehow. He was drawn to problems and problematic things like a magnet.

" Plenty. A friend friend. An ex boyfriend friend. A friend wanna be boyfriend. A friend with benefits."

Jungkook got a glimpse of Taehyung's hands squeezing the wheel,hiding a smile." Wow! Didn't know there were so many!" He giggled but the man didn't find it amusing.

" Jungkook!"

" Not that is any of your fucken business but Minho is my hyung. My senior from the university and his girlfriend of four years, my noona. Happy?" 

He didn't get a reply most likely because the word and the concept of happy wasn't in his vocabulary.

Taehyung seemed more relaxed, shifting gears and his fingers accidentally brushed Jungkook's thigh making him shiver. It wasn't a good idea to get into the same car with him. He was on the edge of his seat. Suddenly, he realized this wasn't the way to the ferry.

" Where are we going? I need to get to the port and you missed the turn." 

" I know." 

"Take me to the ferry. Now!" His order was ignored and dismissed.

" Change of plans. I'm taking you home. My home." 

" I should have known better than to trust you " he mumbled, fretted.

The younger ,stirred in his seat, looking around to find a way to get out. He shouldn't have trusted him in the first place. What was he thinking? His nasty opinion about him was still ringing in his head but somehow, someway that bloody man coukd affect him in a way that made him shiver.

He bit his lips, trying to come up with a solution.He couldn't just open the door of a moving car and jump out or convince him to pull over so he could get out. He was trapped.

Perhaps, he could escape when they reached his house. Run and get away. He stayed quiet for the remaining ride, determined to punch him first and then run.

They finally reached a secluded area in the suburbs, turned left into a narrow road,entered a big gate and parked outside a huge mansion.

Jungkook cursed through his teeth. There goes his plan! Where would he go even if he could? Run all the way back to the city centre?

" Sorry to ruin your plan." Taehyung stated, smirking as if he could read his mind.

" You're an asshole."

" I get that a lot." He got out of the car, went to the other side and opened the door for Jungkook. Once touching the ground Jungkook's gaze searched around for a potential getaway. The main gate was locked, the wall was gigantic and he obviously couldn't jump.

They walked into the house, Taehyung  leading the way. Luxurious, modern with state-of-the-art furniture, paintings, ornaments but rather impersonal, lacking in coziness and warmth as a house should be.

" What now? Are you gonna keep me here forever? Along with your expensive stuff?" He wasn't afraid at all which was weird because he should. Taehyung was a threat. A dangerous man. However Jungkook was perfectly capable of dealing with him as long as he didn't let his stupid heart take over. 

" Thinking about it. Haven't decided yet." He moved to the big marble staircase." Come. I've got something to show you." He went up the stairs without expecting a reply knowing Jungkook would follow him. And he did.

Curious to see where they were heading. 

Slogging through a huge corridor with many doors, Taehyung entered the one at the back. When Jungkook stepped foot inside he realized it was a bedroom. Should he panic? He had no idea..The more strides he took the more his heart was pounding in his chest. Not quite sure from what. It wasn't fear. More like a sizzling curiosity and excitement. He was losing his mind!

Taehyung opened a door to the right, turned on the lights ,revealing an enormous room full of…Jungkook googled his eyes, his jaw dropped and gasped. He was blown away!

" Do you like it, doll?" 

The younger 's heart felt like a jackhammer in his pumping chest, slightly dizzy and shaky. Dark, red walls, a huge bed in the middle with red satin sheets, chains hanging from the ceiling. A caged leather seat, machines he couldn't recognise and at the back an enormous stool shelf with.. different toys. Bdsm toys..he stood still absorbing the odd atmosphere as his eyes travelled from one object to another. Dildos, floggers, whips, handcuffs, blindfolds and a bunch of stuff he didn't know or seen before.

" This is me. Who I am. What I do." He removed his jacket , threw it on the floor and stood in front of the stool. His hands caressed his favourite toys, his eyes sparkling with darkness and lust. " You don't like them? They're very pleasurable, I assure you." 

" Do you find pain pleasurable? These toys excite you when you have sex?"

" I don't have sex doll..I fuck..I fuck hard and intense.." he corrected him proudly. He sensed Jungkook coming to his side. His gaze explored the equipment and when he looked at him he smirked. There was no fear, no disgust,no applause.. just curiosity.

" That's how I dreamt of you. Fantasized you. Under my dominance, screaming and moaning as I was whipping your perfect ass..tied to my bed.." He held a double dildo in his hand." Wrecking your hole with this to stretch you.." His free hand touched and stroked his hard-on." And then fuck you in every way possible till you pass out." He moaned loudly and Jungkook flinched and stepped back.

He wanted to leave. Just run out the door and far away from there. Taehyung 's description seemed so vivid to him because he had also dreamt it..for so many sleepless nights alone in his bed. It wasn't the toys or the form of fucking that terrified him but his own pervert need to succumb to him but mostly the thought of liking it. Of being as twisted as him.

Taehyung grabbed a leather, diamond collar from the top and showed it to Jungkook. " I bought it for you. Just for you. Wrapped around your beautiful neck while I fuck you to oblivion..while you surrender yourself to your master."His breathing rapid and sharp, stinging his lungs. He wasn't sure how long he could restrain himself having him in this room, that was made especially for him. He stood behind the younger, his body pinned on Jungkook's, slowly rubbing his cock on the boy's ass but without touching him with his hands. He was free to leave at any time.

Jungkook felt hot and aroused by the friction drizzling his mind. Slowly extending his hand, his fingers involuntarily touching the diamonds and soft leather. It burnt him. Made him feel fuzzy. Fogged his mind and senses. Like in a dream, he took it and put it around his neck. The sharp feeling of submission and dominance swarmed his sweltering hot body, combusting overwhelming sensation and numbness.

Biting his lips and moaning he felt his cock bulging in his pants with the desire to be conquered through pleasurable pain..submit to what he longed..his deepest most hidden, dark desires. Feel pain and bliss. Torment and solace. Feel liberated like never before.

He wanted to be his slave. His only slave.

And he panicked by the savage strength of his emotions. He threw the collar from his neck, stumbled back, pushing Taehyung and touched his chest.It was aching so much he thought his heart would stop beating and die." No..no..I  want to go.." 

Taehyung simpered, moved towards the bed and sat on it, legs stretched and spread, hands supported on the mattress." The door is unlocked. The keys to my car are on the table at the entrance. You're free to go." 

Jungkook stormed out of the room, ran down the stairs, grabbed the keys from the table and left the house without looking back to see if he  was being followed. He was suffocating so much he could hardly breathe and the air wasn't enough. 

He held his chest, leaning against the car,his eyes shifting left to right. His trembling hand unlocked the car and got in. The car was flooding in Taehyung's musky scent and his senses were bombed by an acute, mind-blowing desire to..to..

He rested his forehead on the wheel but the scent grew stronger. He rubbed his cheeks and lips on the leather surface, taking in the manly fragrance of the man who tormented his whole existence. The more he sniffed the more aroused he became till the pain was unbearable to handle.

The boy tossed his head on the headrest , blinking his misty eyes, inhaling and exhaling to gain the will to start the car and leave.

Taehyung was straight. Only fucked women.

Taehyung hated him. He thought of him as a man whore. Fucking for money. He thought the worst of him and even considered.. killing him. He had to snap out of his crazy thoughts. Taehyung was a red flag.

How could he possibly still be attracted to him? Why was his heart beating for him? Had he no pride and ego? No self-esteem? Was he that pathetic to long for a man who had hurt him so deeply and would continue to do so? What the actual fuck was wrong with him?

He shut his eyes, took a lot of deep breaths to cool down, his phone ringing in his left pocket and his hand was ready to start the car..