
Chapter Thirteen: The 237 Book

Akuama Strikes at Natural as Zero Comes out Of No Where "Oh, No You Don't, Natural Catch" Zero throws A Book At Natural as He Catches it, "Huh, No Way the 237 Book is still here" Natural's eyes widened as he smacks Akuama in the face with it, "there, I bet you got the knowledge now" Natural said confident, Zero ran to Unknown and heals him. silver notices something about Unknown, she takes a good look at him, then she began to think, as Unknown looked up at her "is everything okay" Unknown frowned as she looked at Him in a weird way, as if she didn't notice all that time, "Unknown What Happened to Your Sword, I don't see it around no more" Silver said as Unknown looked down, he flashed back to when he broke his sword, he closes his eyes and he puts his hands close together and he widened them and the sword came out of his hand as his clothing changed back into his original outfit, the sword dropped, as Silver overwhelmed by what she just saw, as Unknown picked up his sword and put it behind his back, "Let's Finish Our Battle, Akuama I Challenge you To A Match One On One" Unknown said as Akuama looked at Him Face to Face "Challenge accepted" He said as Unknown walked over to him as Silver grabbed Unknowns sleeve "Unknown, You better not die" Silver said as Unknown turned to her "I can't make no promises, but I can say one thing...I'm not gonna go down easy" Unknown said, as Silver let's go of his sleeve. He continues to walk a few feet away and turns around, Akuama Pulls Out His Spear as Unknowns eyes Widened "What's the matter....afraid of getting your mask destroyed again" Akuama said as Unknown draws Out his sword "it was out of blind sight, so don't get so lucky" Unknown said furious, Akuama aims the spear at Unknown as Natural runs to static "Static Get Over Here, Were gonna reverse the spell and Put Hakai Suru Back in this book" Natural said as Static face palms "I hope you got a good explanation for this" Static said lazy, Unknown sprinted at Akuama as He fired the spear like a bullet as it was to fast for the others to see, Unknown sees the spear as he sees the tip of the blade he wasn't fast enough to block it with his sword

Unknown does a deft tumble dodging the spear, Neely still fighting the dark Striver, Neely Uppercuts him with an Electric brace as the dark Striver swings his spike blade at Neely, he Dodges it with an Electric Speed, Akuama was fully debt on Unknown Thrusting his spear while Unknown Dodging it left and right, as

Unknown jumped and does a crossing spin

As giant pointy rocks went up into the air hitting Akuama, Silver and the others were watching them fight as she felt sick in her stomach "Unknown won't last" she said "I should've done this the first time" Akuama said as Unknown spoke but also alerted "I can agree, same here" Unknown said while akuama sneaked up behind Unknown and tried to thrive the spear into his back, Unknown turned around and blocked it with his sword, Natural quickly turning the page "Come on, Come On, I need to find it" Natural said in a rush as Zero frustrated "were never gonna find this stupid page" Zero said as Natural turned back to the book and something started coming out of the book "Huh, wait. Maybe this Hakai Suru Can Help Us" Natural said as Zero looks at his comic "no bad idea, a reflection always means Betrayed cause what if his reflection betrays us for his following" Zero shows Natural the comic as it appears the same, "I can't hate... But wonder, static I'm sorry for everything please... Can you make things go back to normal" Natural shook his hand as Static looked away "It doesn't work like that, you think a little bet of sorrow and love was left out of me, not true" Static said as He crossed his arms "Then Why did you create him, how do we reverse this thing" Natural said looking down sad, while Unknown was half way through there battle he thrust his sword forward, giving a direct and finle blow to akuama low abdomen, but he suddenly disappeared. Unknown caught himself, as Neely noticed that they retreated, "they got away, or something like that" Neely said while Verilan was down stairs and heard everything as Sasha and terfex was there watching him "Natural, and your friend silver told us to keep you company" Sasha Put a Towel over his head "that cut seems to be pretty bad" Sasha said as the wound didn't get to heal from zero.