
Chapter Nineteen: Walker

Verlian felt his wrist hurting as he was in no condition to fight as he felt nausea and a sharp headache as he rubs his head "well I've seen better days, come on me snap out of it" verlian said as desamite laughed "oh, what happened that healing boy wasn't able to heal you up, ahah I'm so sorry" desamite said laughing as verlian looks around "Am I the only one confused to where I am right now, I mean all I see is you laughing in the dark, like doesn't that bother you a little bet..mean I know you don't have a life but you could at least be more comprehensive about yourself" verlian said as desamite blind raged "I WAS BEING COMPREHENSIVE" Desamite said as he pulled out his knife "anyways let's get this show on the road, let me take a look at that arm for you" desamite said as Verlian grabbed his wrist as and struck him down, desamite punched verilan's left wrist as he grunts in pain verilan bangs desamites hand as he dropped the knife on the ground, verilan uses his ice Powers and froze desamites legs, desamite was able to grab his knife as he stabs verilan on his left wrist as his patched up wrist was bleeding again as verilan grunts in pain "You Would Try to cheat that why, You Bastard" verlian freezes him to death as he glitched and disappears, Verilan was brought back as he falls to the ground as he was bleeding out from his arm as Silver Freaked Out "Zero Heal him, I think his arm wasn't fully healed" Silver said as Zero healed his arm, Scrotris was alone as darkness surrounded him he felt gone he felt like he was never going to be able to break free from the evil that he's betrayed as Natural spoke to him "remember why you came with me and Neely that day, You Wanted to Be a Good Demon, You Wanted to be Free from doing evil things, Scrotris You did that. Scrotris you've been buried in my heart, and I'm sorry that I couldn't hear your whispers, but I can see your feelings that you express, to me that's real, to me that's why your my best friend" Natural said as he smiled as Scrotris cried "Natural, I promise I wont let you down" he said as he heard a voice "he never came for you when he new that you were alive, it was his fault that made you get captured by me" he said as Akuama appeared as he was half dead as Scrotris's eyes widened, "that's Not True At All, Scrotris Natural Didn't Know you were alive until blue light had told Natural, He was Madly angered by Akuama's return, and he was planning to get you back" Zero said as Scrotris nodded his head as Akuama falls down, staggering on the floor as another glitched happened and he disappeared, Scrotris was brought to Netro's room as the other's gave him a hug "Scrotris, I Can't believe your back" Zero Gave him a big hug, Scrotris fell down as zero smiling "I missed your big teeth, as well as Your Big Muscles" Zero said as zero healed Scrotris while hugging him, as Silver got zero off "I Wanna hug Scrotris next" Silver picked him up as his face wasn't as Bruised up anymore as Silver hugged Scrotris as she starts crying "I'm sorry, it was my fault for being stupid enough to create Akuama, you being gone is my fault" Silver said as she hugs him tight "it's alright, I'm back now, no need to be ashamed of yourself" Scrotris hugs her softly as Netro was waiting for Natural "come on Natural, you can beat him, I know you can" Netro said as Natural was pushed back as white light frozed Hakai Suru, "What was the last word you remember" she asked as Natural spoke "Walker, in my words it means your walking on a path that only you can follow" Natural said as she phrased it again "Now, What Is The Meaning Of StaticVoidInsticWalker" She said as his eyes widened as he gets a flashback "I'm just the only one alone, I made it clear that My potential isn't to be a master at writing words, it's being the en-verse at what I create, StaticVoidInsticWalker is a book that all came to be in the mind of one person, it's to show that the lacking in movement is what you can overcome, a mind can accumulate affections towards someone's identity, your walking on a path that only you can follow" Natural felt his self Coming back.