

     The dim light from the moon shining through the curtains outline his silhouette. His hands were clasped at his waist in front of him, he wore a black T-shirt and dark jeans. His eyes shone a crimson red in the darkness.        ‘I can help you’        'I can protect you’        'All you would need to do is make a deal with the devil’...        Jasmine thought about those for a moment.        As much as she hated to admit it, she could use him. Not just him though; anyone. Anyone who could ease the pain. Anyone who would be willing to stand beside her after everything she goes through day after day. Just somebody.        “I can be that for you...” Azrael began, “I can stop them from coming near you, protect you. I can stop the disgusting, sexual gestures from the scum of your school. I can give you anything you want - happiness, money, power. Just about anything you desire”.       Can he stop it all?         The thought alone caused her eyes to well up with tears. She almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing, his words of hope capturing her completely.       “But, of course, it will cost you,” he explained.         At this statement Jasmine felt a pang of resignation in her chest. Of course there was a catch.       She glanced down at her bed contemplating what it could possibly be. She couldn’t help but let her thoughts take her back to the cliche of movies and books.         My soul?       Azrael's expression lifted into amusement,         “No, it’s not your soul”.        “I want your time”....        The confused expression that Azrael had become well acquainted which reappeared on her face. Ignoring the fact that he kept somehow managing to read her mind, Jasmine didn't understand what he meant by 'time'? How on earth would her time benefit him?      “Time that you spend with me will be taken from your life, and added to mine” he began, “Tasks that you ask me to perform will cost even more time... though, not to worry, I will not ask for too much…".        The thought of her lifetime being stripped away by a demon did not have a comforting tone at all and Jasmine felt the sensation of anxiety begin to coil around her. She felt foolish for thinking there was some kind of hope - hope that a ‘demon’ could help her.        Sensing that she was beginning to close herself off, Azrael locked eyes with the mortal before he spoke.        “Jasmine...” he soothed, his red eyes and soothing tone capturing her.         “Just imagine a life where you are happy. Where you are not scared to wake up each morning and return to the hell that you live in. In exchange for that happiness, all I ask for is a little bit of your time. If you only need me for a year - you will only lose one year of your life. But you will gain many more with happiness”.        These words felt like silk gently brushing against her skin.         One year of her life for a lifetime of happiness?....         All these were just too complex and tempting for her to comprehend..           --------------------------        Jasmine Hughes is a 19-year-old girl who begins at a new school in a small town, quickly making enemies with the Queen B, Paige. After weeks of relentless bullying, she had almost given up on having a happy high school life. That was when a handsome dark-haired boy with glowing crimson eyes approached her with a contract. He promises her protection and happiness but at a price. Her time.          What if there's more behind the contract that promised her happiness, the price of signing it, and the dark-haired demon who held the key to it all….

Celestial_prince · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"Jasmine! How long do you plan to stay in the shower?"

Jasmine's mum knocked loudly from the other side of the bathroom door. Signing, Jasmine pressing her forehead to the cold tiles, letting the warm water run down her body. She didn't want to go but she couldn't tell her that. Her Mum had enough on her plate already. Jasmine watched the rivulets run down her pale legs as she debated claiming to be sick before thinking better of it, she had already had enough 'sick days' that her Mum was threatening to take her to a doctor.

With a heavy heart Jasmine turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself before opening the door with a crooked smile. "Sorry Mum, got lost in thought..." Her Mum gave a shake of her head and looked over Jasmine's flushed skin with a critical eye.

"Feeling better today?" she inquired, pressing the back of her hand against her daughter's forehead and frowning at the warmth. Jasmine carefully batted her hand away and nodded, "Much better" she lied.

A small satisfied smile graced her Mum's face and she pressed a soft kiss against her forehead, "I'm glad, I was starting to worry about how far behind in your studies you were getting". Her eyes connect with Jasmine's with a gentle smile. Jasmine knew she meant the best, but right now studies were the least of her worries. Closing the door Jasmine turned to the small circular mirror above the sink.

I look sickly, she thought, staring at the paleness of her skin and reaching for the hair brush. It had been a couple of weeks now since she had given up on looking presentable for school. Tugging her dirty blonde hair into a pony-tail she took the mascara from her makeup bag and contemplated applying a little before thinking better of it. It wouldn't make a difference anyway.

Jasmine stared at the girl reflected in her mirror, wondering when was the last time she had seen herself smile. The girl in the mirror had deep blue eyes full of sadness and misery. The colour had washed away from her cheeks and she couldn't help but wonder when she started looking so empty. Her fingertips carefully touch the cheek of her reflection.

Who is this?


Breakfast was a small bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. She ate as slow as she could, knowing that when she was finished, the school bus would arrive, and she would have to leave the safety of her home.

"What's up, loser?" Gwen, her sister grumbled as she plopped herself down in the chair opposite Jasmine. The two were very different. Jasmine was dainty and blonde, while her sister was plump and dark-haired. Jasmine studied her, her eyes moving from Gwen's choice of a black band tee to the heavy eyeliner and dark lipstick. After some thought she opted not to reply.

"Jasmine, Hurry up! The bus will be here any moment, do you want to miss it?" Her Mum complained, hurrying into the kitchen wearing her suit jacket and pencil skirt. "Gwendolyn Hughes, what have I told you about the eyeliner! I keep getting calls from your school!" She sighed, switching her attention to her punk daughter.

"I'm not changing who I am, Susan," Gwen retorted, giving her mother a scowl before pulling the half eaten bowl of cereal that Jasmine had been picking at for the last twenty minutes to herself.

"Don't call me that, I am your mother" Susan admonished, hastily snatching her keys from the hook above the kitchen bench before scrambling to the door. Jasmine sighed, wondering how many more times she would hear the same conversation before one of them would concede. With the sound of a loud horn, Gwen stood up and slung her black messenger bag over her shoulder, patches and pins covering every inch of fabric. Every morning Gwen's friends would pick her up, leaving Jasmine to take the bus alone.

"You better not skip today!" she warned Jasmine, pointing an accusatory finger towards her younger sister, "I'm sick of being forced to go to school while you get to stay home, Ave!". Before Jasmine could respond Gwen turned on her heel and headed for the door, slamming it behind her.

Jasmine rubbed her hands together in a poor attempt to generate warmth, wishing that she had thought to grab a jacket. Bitterly cold wind tore through her, clawing at any exposed skin. She briefly thought about going back to get one and possibly missing the bus to stay home.

I could just say I missed it.

She shook her head, not wanting to have to see that look of disappointment on her mother's face and deal with the rant from her sister.

It wasn't long until the bus crawled around the corner of her street and came to a groaning stop beside her. The bus was never crowded when she got on; her house was one of the first stops on the way to school.

Jasmine gave a weak smile to the driver as she scrambled onto the bus, finding a seat somewhere in the middle. She wished she could sit closer to the front but some younger students had already taken those spots. They knew that the back was reserved for the bigger kids - the high schooler's. As the bus continued its journey, more and more students piled on, the back seats remaining empty. They always did, but that would change at the next stop.

The bus shuddered to a stop before the doors swung open. Jasmine's gaze was drawn to the front of the bus as Ethan Wilson stepped on.

Jasmine had known him during her early years of middle school. She remembered sitting behind him in most of her classes. He disappeared at the beginning of junior high and she hadn't seen him in four years. Since then he had grown a lot taller and muscular. She had a crush on him then, and when she noticed him passing her in the corridor a few days after she had started at West Lakeshore, those feelings came back as though just sitting dormant all those years.

He was tall with chocolate skin, his build toned. His dark brown hair tangled into curls on top of his head, the locks bobbing in front of his forest green eyes.

As he moved through the bus Jasmine let her eyes wander to him as he smiled and bumped fists with others on the bus. It was obvious to her that he hadn't recognised her. She had grown a lot since then too and she wondered if things would have ended up differently if he had, for better or for worse. It wasn't until she heard the click of heels that her gaze was broken. The tall brunette that trailed behind Ethan turned her head to the blonde with an accusatory look, causing Jasmine to look down at her feet.

Paige was a gorgeous girl. She had long pin-straight hair parted down the centre and large, doll-like green eyes. Her clothing always came with an expensive price tag and seemed to be tailored to her every curve. She was a presence that could not be ignored whenever she entered a room, a picture of angelic beauty, but underneath that was nothing but an empty shell void of empathy.

Paige was the girl in school that nobody could stand up to without expecting to go through Hell. It was an unspoken law that Ethan was hers, the fact that they were both technically single meant nothing. He wanted to focus on basketball, and she was fine with that but stuck to him like chewing gum. Jasmine kept her eyes down as the brunette strode up to where she was sitting, "What's up Jasmine? You're finally back at school, huh? I haven't seen you all week" She smiled, hiding the true meaning of her words behind her 'nice-girl' facade.

Jasmine wasn't sure how, but the day after she had first laid eyes on Ethan Wilson word had travelled back to the Queen Bee.

Needless to say, Paige was not impressed to hear that someone else was apparently after her man. All Jasmine did was look at him; she hadn't even considered talking to him. She was shy. She couldn't even fathom a conversation with someone as well liked as Ethan Wilson. Yet it was all Paige needed to blacklist her. It started with little things. Finding cruel notes in her locker demanding her to not to talk to Ethan. People roughly bumping into her shoulders as she walked down the halls. The strange looks she was receiving from people she didn't even recognise. Unfortunately, that was only the start of Jasmine's torment.

The bullying quickly escalated. She started to hear whispers of rumours about her. About how she was a slut in freshman and sophomore year and had slept with over fifty guys before moving to Lakeshore. That she was involved in a brothel. That she stalked guys that she had a crush on and she would sleep with anyone who asked.

Then it was malicious words and taunts, 'slut', 'whore'. The snide remarks from half-brained jocks and horny teenagers asking 'You wanna fuck, Hughes?', 'Why are you acting like such a prude, everyone knows that you'd beg for it'".

Words turned into actions. Boys smacking her on the arse as she walked down the halls. People assumed they had the right to touch her legs as she tried to take notes. Perhaps the worst of it came from Paige and her posse. The shoving and hair pulling. She would find her belongings destroyed or missing if she left them unattended for longer than a second. Yet they never left any obvious marks on her, they were smarter than that.

Jasmine couldn't remember last night that she didn't receive a horrible message from strangers on the internet. She didn't know what she hated more; the horrible requests for her to commit suicide or the uncomfortably sexual messages from guys she didn't even recognise. It had been three months since then.

Jasmine stayed silent, not wanting to respond to the brunette's question. Paige's smile was sickeningly sweet. As far as Jasmine had deduced, she kept her true nature hidden from Ethan. After all he was far different than her - smart and kind. If he knew the truth, Jasmine doubted he would keep her around. Nobody would dare tell her secret though.

Jasmine managed to give the brunette a faint smile, knowing that Paige wouldn't ever do or say anything to tarnish her 'nice girl' persona with Ethan so close by. With this she seemed pleased, "I'm glad. See you in class then!" she smiled, turning to walk to the back of the bus and take her seat.