

Search the title to get the original novel with additional chapters. Damien was just your average perverted young man, who just doesn't even have time to tame his little dragon. He dreamt about becoming a small-time villain in the novel called 'Blood & Throne,' where the villain named Damien Von Zadkiel, was just a useless and perverted son of a powerful duke. He got away with pretty much everything; he slept with the most beautiful of beautiful ladies. Hell, he even slept with Queens and other important ladies from the noble households. He enjoyed life until he triggered the 'War of the four Kingdoms,' when he slept with the Winter Queen on her marriage bed. The Winter King who came back after defeating the ice demon found them snuggled under his bed. This triggered the tension between the kingdoms to break out ultimately resulting in the war. But before he could even watch his own doings, our villain got killed by the so-called protagonist for enslaving his girl. But even his death was worth it as he got to enjoy everything fine in his life. Fine ladies, fine food, money, and everything you could dream of. The office Damien wanted a life like that, where he could just leisurely enjoy everything. Fate had other plans for Damien, as he suddenly died of a heart attack while taming his roaring dragon and finds himself in the body of his very own idol. Cover art by Jeri_

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasie
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17 Chs

The protagonist and the pervert!

"...Unhand me."

For the thousandth time, Damien pleaded with his captor to untie the rope tied around his hands.

They were walking through the forest, being led by Calen by a rope tied to his hands.

Damien 'knows' about the place but does not know how to get there. So Calen leads the way while Damien instructs him.

"You'd run away."


Walking through the forest was tough. Tired and stiff, Damien just wanted to get some sleep.

Apart from shagging someone, his energy level and physical strength for something else were completely nonexistent.

Huff~ huff~

"Let's take a break. I can't...do it...anymore." He heaved heavy breaths, and sweat trickled down his face.

He doesn't like it. He doesn't want it at all. But what can he do to the protagonist of the story?

"They are in immediate danger. Resting is not an option." He replied coldly without even looking back.

"Then carry me! I might die before you can even reach the destination."

"..." He stopped and looked back, like contemplating something.


He slowly started to walk towards him.

"Wh-what?! What the fuck are you doing?! Get me down!! Get me down you imbecile!!"

His wailing was unheard in his captor's deaf ears.


Damien and Calen covered double the amount of area in one hour than they ever did in the first hours of their arduous journey.

Damien was also doing great compared to the earlier time. Though, stiff and disheveled, he was having a great time hanging on one of Calen's shoulders like a dead rabbit being carried over for cooking.


There still wasn't any communication. Damien simply told the exact location and Calen moved like a raging horse on a race track.

"...Looks like we'll arrive there in a short time." Calen enthusiastically said.

His speed and strength were astonishing. Even with Damien slung over his shoulders, the guy moved more fastly than a horse cart.

He wasn't even showing any exhaustion even after running like this for hours.

Whereas our poor hero was hanging on for his dear life. Calen still didn't untie him. He was just hanging there with sheer luck.

On each step of Calen, his body swayed back and forth and each time that happens, his face struck the stone and muscular back of Calen.

Though it was hard to see this was bothering Calen in any way as he wasn't even showing any facial expression other than the occasional smile when he finds evidence of carts and people traveling in that direction.

All Damien can do is hold on to his dear life and pray he won't fall from this towering man.


After what seemed like 2 hours, the duo finally saw the large outline of a fort.

They slowed down and Calen put Damien down.

"We'll walk from here. Hide and follow me. I can get them out in the shade of twilight." His blue eyes glowed in the evening light.

"Uh... Dude, if you haven't noticed then understand this. They are thieves, night is their ally. They will have an advantage at night over us. Are you sure about this?"

It was a lie. A perfect lie that won't gives him away. Damien already knows who is the real night king.

He knows about this man's power. How it works and how deadly it is.

The only one in that fort to even give this man some trouble is Maelys herself. Chances of them fighting are less but it still lingers there.

He doesn't really care if they fought but having both Maelys and Calen on a neutral stand would be the best idea as they two would've to interact in the future as the war and other events progress.

"Don't worry about it. I got it covered." He stood up. "Let's go!."

Calen took a step and looked back. "Come on! let's go!!."

"But why? The fort is just in front of you. You just have to bust in and save your family from it. Why do you need me? I will just be a liability."

"Well if that is what you want then so be it." Calen grabbed the rope and began to tie it to a nearby tree.

"What the fuck are you doing now?!!" Damien tried to yank him off but it was, of course, a failure. After all, which small villain is stronger than the protagonist himself?

"You're too suspicious. You claim to be the young master of Zedkiel but you know the hideout of a villainous group like this. You will answer me once I rescue my family. So, until then stay here!" He smiled at him before literally disappearing from his eyes.

"THE FUCK!!!!" He yelled. Yet again, fell on deaf ears.


Damien thought about various advantages he can take from this scenario.

He can really harvest some goods from this.

If he can save Luther- that's a good thing as Luther will be eternally grateful to him.

If he helps Calen with the layout of the fort- that's a good thing too but the very best thing to do was to save Calen's sister from the dungeon by himself.

How does he know about Calen's sister? Well, if Calen was here to find his family then that means his older sister is here. After all, she is the only family he had.

And since she is also an important character, she is ho--

Cough~ cough~

Well saving a family and possibly helping a man not to become an orphan is something praiseworthy.

"As the son of a duke, I've to protect those under me. It is my duty and honor." He menacingly smiled. "Alright, let's go!"

And going is exactly what he wanted to do but that was impossible.

"Oh? I see. So the universe doesn't want me to help them, does it?"

He looked at the rope binding him and the tree. It was truly hopeless. There was no way he was going to break from it without external help.

Unless he uses magic but it is quite impossible and extremely dangerous to his life as well.

So he did what he can do in this situation, that is...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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