

After finding her sister in bed with her fiancee on her wedding day, Alix, the young mistress to the Dennison, decides to take revenge on her fiancee by sleeping with a random man on her wedding night. However, the man she slept with seemed to find nothing special in women but needed a wife. The night they spent, fortunately for Ace, who needed a wife, resulted in pregnancy to Alix. It left Alix with no choice but to marry her baby's father. However, his attitude toward her was a struggle she had to face. Will Alix be able to change the impression of women and soften his coldness? Or will her power be enough to tame him?

Prettyfavy64 · Urban
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24 Chs

Lycan Dennison

~~~~~ Dennison Enterprise ~~~~~

"Mr. Lycan explain to us, what is happening to the company. Mr. Lycan, you bragged about making the company enter new heights, tell us what is happening." "The stocks are falling daily, there is no standard reason for why? Tell us what is happening to the company." Reporters asked various questions about Lycan who was climbing out of the car, Lycan is the son of Mr. And Mrs. Dennison and the elder brother of Sophia and Alix. He had blue eyes as Alix did and also beautiful facial features, his hair was dark in color making him stand out from the rest people in his family.

"The news is also spreading that your younger sister cheated with the fiance of the eldest? Mr. Lycan is this true, is this the reason why the wedding was called off at the last moment? Is this the reason for the stocks falling?" "The videos posted by your younger sister on her Instagram page, tell us is that true? Was the youngest daughter of the Dennison making out with her sister's soon-to-be husband on her wedding day? Tell us." The reporters continued interrogating Lycan when he haven't even climbed out of the car just yet, they were determined to find out why.

Lycan sighed gazing at the reporters from within his car, he was angry and sad at the same time. Angry because of the reporter's endless questions and sad because of his family's problem, he had done overseas for a business deal but the deal got canceled at the last minute leaving him puzzled, he had then come back to the country only to be met with a ruckus. He couldn't even locate where his younger sister was currently, with his mom's constantly dropping unconscious and her getting sick.

"CEO sir, what should we do with the reporters? Should we file a suit against them? Or should I get the guards to move them out of the way for you?" Dylan Lycan's assistant and personal secretary questioned. "Why can't do that Dylan, the reporters will always find a way to spread the news more severely than it is now. So we should lay low." Lycan muttered gazing out the window. "Did you get any information on her?" He asked his assistant. "No CEO, we haven't gotten any useful intel on her. I had the men check every hospital, hotel, every subway apartment in the country so far but nothing has been found yet." Dylan answered.

"Ah... Hm... " Lycan sighed, he wondered how his sister disappeared into tiny air in the space of three days. He knew something bad couldn't have happened to her, he was confident. "Continue searching for her, don't stop your search. We may get a lead soon to where she is." Lycan told Dylan who nodded wordlessly. "Open the door, I have to silence those reporters for a while, gather all the business files, and put away any meetings with the investors for now I don't feel like talking," Lycan instructed Dylan before picking up his sunglasses.

He placed his sunglasses on his eyes and ruffled his hair with his hand before climbing down the car. His appearance gave the female reporter a resounding heartbeat, he was so handsome and could be considered beautiful for taking his mother's appearance. "Mr. Lycan please say something on this matter." The reporters bombarded him with more questions swimming around him, his lips tilted into a slight smirk. A smirk that left the heart of everyone beating violently anticipating his words, he was known as someone who spoke less but when he talked it was always fire.

"I see no reason the reporters of Country B will swarm around my company like lost pigeons, you gave no particulate business here on this matter. The falling of stocks of this company is quite reasonable, we are coming out in a dimension but narrow-minded people like you always think we are failing just by our stocks falling. Am sorry to say this but, you have no reason whatsoever to question me about my company, have you questioned yourselves about your life?" Lycan questioned and spoke without giving them a chance to back put, the reporters all cleared their throats in embarrassment.

"Also about my sisters, why do you have so much interest in them? Do you want to marry them? Which am sure isn't the case right now. You are quick to point fingers and accuse others but have you checked within yourselves? Am sure a lot of you have problems too which you don't want to be discussed openly, I hereby wish you stop talking about my family affairs too. It would be a big relief to my heart. " Lycan mumbled before turning to walk into the company. The reporters were all left dumbstruck and standstill, his words pierced right through their hearts.

Lycan matched towards the elevator with his hands in his pockets, his gaze was cold and dark. The receptionist bowed her head in greetings when he walked by "cancel my appointment with the shareholders, am not in the mood to met or see them today. Also for the whole of this week am not accepting any appointments so inform whoever comes to look for me." Lycan instructed and the receptionist silently nodded her head, she was dressed in black pants and a white blouse with her hair tied backward.

"CEO, what was that for? You just caused an uproar in the news, am sure your phone will soon blow up with calls from the shareholders." Dylan told Lycan after they both stepped into the elevator. "That's right, here why don't you keep my phone for the day? You can return it after some time." Lycan mumbled putting him into his pocket, he brought out his phone and handed it over to Dylan. "Tell the shareholders, I am sick in bed and can't talk. The doctor advised me to stay away from work for some time, tell them that." Lycan remarked nonchalantly, Dylan's mouth opened wide in shock and disbelief staring wide-eyed at the CEO.

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