

"Be a man of people?" Ernest repeated, "Okay how do I do that? I can follow the past quest but this time I'm at wit's end here."

[Checking host's world history...100%.]

[Formulating an example from the past tyrant and dictators...100%]

[Example on how to become a man of people.]

[Italian dictator Benito Mussolini proudly referred to himself as a "man of the people," frequently playing up his humble roots as the son of the small-town blacksmith.]

[At the start of Idi Amin's reign, he drove himself around Uganda in an open jeep and was known for showing off his accordion skills in public events.]

[Muammar Gaddafi publicly stayed in touch with his Bedouin roots by dressing in tribal robes and demanding to stay in a tent while he traveled.]

[And Adolf Hitler didn't dress up in a lavish fashion. He always wore a uniform.]

[Who better to make a nation's dream come true than somebody who feels what they feel, dreams what they dream?]

"Well, that's going to be hard for me," Ernest said after he listened to some of the system's examples. "First of all, I'm a reincarnated person, which means that I don't have any tribal roots or history in this world. Second, my life back on Earth was not that hard and I don't have any charming points, I came from a wealthy family."

[According to the host's skills, you are a talented singer, love musical instruments, and you know how to dance. You're a TikTok user, right? Why don't you show that off in public? Take Idi Amin for example.]

How embarrassing, the system doesn't need to say that. He thought.

"I've been thinking of that but aren't they going to get suspicious? Like how do I know modern music and composition? I do love music, yes but I don't know history music. It could get me in trouble."

[Don't overthink things. Just show them off your skills, this will ensure your place in power and after you complete this mission, the best thing is yet to happen. And this is just a simple mission.]

"Oh? Okay since you're insisting that much, I think I can give it a try." Ernest rose to his feet but suddenly.

He tripped and fell to the ground. It wasn't because something was in his way but something inside of him failed. His vision blurred and everything around him was spinning as if he was suffering from a migraine or hangover.

"What the fuck is happening to me?" Ernest mumbled.

[Checking for possible causes.]

[The user is not taking care of his health. The user sleeps late at night, the user doesn't eat properly, and the user is always overworked.]

[New type of quest unlocked! Daily Quest: They say a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Perform daily exercise.]

[One kilometer run: 0/1000m]

[50 squats: 0/50]

[50 push-ups: 0/50]

[50 sit-ups: 0/50]

[Rewards: Refreshment potion and 2,000 tyrant's points.]

After hearing that computer voice, Ernest struggled, "Can't you read what I'm being into? I'm literally dying here." Ernest inwardly said.

Several moments later, he heard a door flung open. He saw a woman rushing towards him in panic.

"Sir Ernest? Are you okay?! Sir Ernest!"

Despite the muffled voice and the constant ringing on his ears, Ernest recognized that it was Sophia, his secretary. She might've heard him falling to the ground.

His senses are starting to lose and Sophia's tone is starting to get low. He gave up on his misery and shut his eyes.

Hours passed, Ernest slowly opened his eyes but covered them instantly from the orange rays of sun streaming through the window, it gave him a rough time.

It's afternoon. Then he started to feel his senses. He is lying down on something and the back of his head is resting on something warm and soft.

His vision came to focus and in front of his eyes, an ample breast and Sophia's face gazing at him came to a view.

"Huh? What happened?"

"You fell unconscious in your office. Geez, it is a direct result of your unhealthy lifestyle."

"Huh…" Ernest recalled something. He was interacting with the system and this thing happened.

Yesterday, he was planning on reforming the city's agriculture, economy, and society by drafting a new set of policies. As a result, he worked overnight and didn't eat.

He understands Sophia's reason for why he fell. He was not taking good care of his body.

Ever since he reincarnated in this world he has become somehow a slave to a system, completing its quest, radicalizing the people, teaching the protection squadron how to use guns et cetera.

"Shit…" Ernest looked up at the ceiling, a wry grin on his face. "I had thought...I was working hard and doing my best you know…"

"You are working hard, sir. However, you work too hard." Sophia said softly, resting her hand on Ernest's forehead. He could feel Sophia's cool hand robbing his forehead of warmth. While enjoying that pleasant sensation, Ernest asked something.

"Why am I in your lap?"

Hearing that, Sophia's face blushed a little. "Huh...this...Uhm...for your head…? Do you not like it? I thought this...is the best remedy for a man when they feel tired…You should be grateful...because you are my first."

"Is that so?" Ernest chuckled while looking at her bashful face. "Then I received something special from you...well, it's not like I'm complaining or anything…It's just that I have never experienced this in my life."

"By that, you mean by resting your head on someone's lap?"

"Not just by someone's lap but a girl's lap."

So this is the feeling when you rest your head on a girl's lap. How soothing. Ernest thought.

"...Ngh...Ernest...Uhm...if...this...not satisfy you...Uhm...I can indulge you more…"

"Eh?" Ernest looked at Sophia's red face. "Indulge...by that you mean?"

"Don't make me say it...it's embarrassing." She said shyly.

"Hmm…" Ernest thought of something, so she's willing to go that far huh? "Yes, I want to be indulged by you."

Ernest said, surprising Sophia.

"I want to be indulged by your soft words soothing my soul, I want to be indulged by your warm hands caressing my face, I want to be indulged by just looking at you like this, like gazing at your face forever and wishing the time to stop. I want to be indulged." Ernest said blow after blow with his soft voice. He raised his right hand and caressed her face.


At this point, Sophia's heart was beating fast like it's going to explode, her face so red that it could heat up the air around it. But unexpectedly, Ernest said something that broke this buildup.

"Or so you thought...Teehee." Ernest tittered and hurriedly stood. "Ehem...it seems like I have recovered successfully." Ernest waved his hand.

"Eh?" Sophia froze. "Ernest?"

"I know what you meant by that word earlier. It's just that we are no close enough to do that sort of thing. As a man of honor, I think it's better to build the foundation and relationship first before engaging in that sort of thing." Ernest explained.

"Grrrrr…." Sophia pouted, her embarrassed face turned into anger. She grabbed a book near her and throw it at his head.

"Ouch...you stupid! What was that for?"

"You're the one who's stupid. You ungrateful man...to hurt my feelings like that. You're horrible! Moah, I'm going out, it seems like you don't need me anymore." Sophia rose to her feet and walked towards the door.

"Oi oi oi! Wait! Don't leave me here, I need you!" Ernest stopped her.

"I can't believe it...you just hurt my feelings there by saying those sweet words." She glanced over her shoulder. "Just because you know you're important to me...doesn't mean you…"

"Important? I'm important to you?" Ernest interrupted.

"Ngh....No! I mean you're important to the United National Socialist Party! Don't misunderstand! I'm leaving."

Sophia shut the door loudly.

Outside the office. Sophia's chest tightened.

"Who does he think he is? Saying things like that so easily and taking it back? Doesn't he see me as a woman?"

Inside the office.

"What's with that woman?" Ernest said, but since she left the room it gave him time alone to think.

First and foremost, the missions. Yes, he opened the system to discuss what they have left.

[So complete the mission, complete your daily quest, and voila...you'll be the healthy tyrant in history!] Exclaimed the system.

"What is the reward for completing the main quest?"

[Sorry for omitting the details of the rewards. It's 100,000 tyrant points.]

"You know you are giving me a lot of tyrant points by simply completing a simple quest. Why?"

[You're gonna need it in the future. And also there are many expensive items in the system shop.]

"Hoh expensive? You know I'm an avid fan of military technologies, what's the most expensive thing that I possibly can buy from the system?"

[You can buy the latest aircraft carrier, Gerald R. Ford for 10,000,000 tyrant points.]


Ernest jerked his voice, "Ten million for a single carrier? What the heck?!"

[Now you have an idea how much that cost. I think it's better for you to earn a lot of system points.]

"I'm fucking motivated!" Ernest exclaimed. "I want to see that ship in this world and see their reaction."

[Then work hard.]

"Okay, I remembered something new in the system called Skill tab? What is it?"

[There you can gain personal skills. Do you want to see it?]


A number of holographic interfaces showed up.

[Poison Resistance level 1: 5 skill points.]

[Markmanship: Due to the user's innate skill in weapon handling, you automatically learned this skill: Points needed for leveling to level 2 are 5 skill points.]

[Hand-to-hand combat level 1: 5 skill points.]

[Intimidation level 1: 5 points.]

And the list goes on…

Hmm. Ernest contemplated. Poison resistance is convenient if someone dared to assassinate him using poison.

Marksmanship? He trusts his skills in this field so he doesn't need to level it up immediately.

Hand-to-hand combat? Well if he found himself in a pinch, this skill might save his life.

Intimidation? Ernest can easily do that. So he decided.

"I'm going to invest my 10 skill points in poison resistance and hand-to-hand combat."

[Do you want to spend 5 skill points in poison resistance and hand-to-hand combat? Please confirm.]


A swirl of white light covered his body, then he felt something flooding in his brain like something was uploading. It lasted for over five seconds.

[Skills learned successfully.]