


SKMnovels · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Not My Fight

While Ivan endeavored to break free from the man's unexpectedly robust grip on his throat, the thunderous sounds of claps echoed, storm clouds drawing nearer to their position.

The man shifted his attention toward the approaching storm. Amidst bolts of lightning dancing through the clouds, he could spot a lone figure floating midair. The lightning bolts hit him, retreated into the clouds, only to strike again in a continuous cycle.

Every time the lightning bolts struck the figure, he seemed to glow a brighter blue until he became indistinguishable from them.

"It seems your companion is stronger than I thought," the man said to Ivan with a wide smile, then leaned in, adding, "After I'm done killing him, I'll be back for you."

With that, the man spun and threw Ivan with such force that he crashed and rolled on the floor until he ran out of momentum.

Turning to Calder, who levitated in the sky, the man took a step back, adopting a throwing position as he readied to throw the sword in his grasp.

With a sonic boom, the sword left his grasp and moved at incredible speeds. Despite its seeming disappearance, it couldn't reach Calder. The moment it neared, multiple lightning bolts struck it, stopping its momentum and holding it in position!

Calder closely examined the sword, now close to him. Apart from its evident craftsmanship, there was nothing special about it, much like the unremarkable man wielding it.

'How is he able to generate this much power?' Calder thought to himself, knowing he could not figure out an answer to that.

This man had not once used a technique of any form. All he had been doing was throwing them around like rag dolls.

He clearly possessed extraordinary strength beyond that of a rank 7 mage, troubling Calder. He also wielded a weapon capable of injuring and possibly killing a high-ranking mage like Ivan.

Not to mention that he also took the full brunt of Ivan's attacks.

How had someone this powerful stayed under the radar for so long?

No matter how one looked at this, The Legion was the only plausible explanation. However, that didn't matter now. If they didn't take down this person soon, the situation would escalate, involving higher powers.

Calder's attention returned to the sword as it began to shake violently, trying to break his hold on it. He looked down and saw the man's raised hand toward the sword.

He was obviously calling it back, and Calder couldn't allow that. He was already a big problem without it.

Calder stretched his hand out and slightly flicked his index finger downwards. That tiny motion triggered a ferocious lightning bolt rushing down toward the man with malicious intent!

A powerful explosion rocked the earth, clearing away what was left of the surrounding buildings.

Even though that attack was potent, Calder knew better than to believe it was enough to take him down, especially when Ivan was unable to get the job done.

The sword still struggled to free itself, getting stronger. Before Calder could tighten his hold, it flew away right into the mushroom cloud, disappearing in the flurry of dust.

A few seconds later, a great burst of wind cleared away the dust, revealing the man standing in the middle of the newly formed crater caused by the explosion, unharmed and the sword in his grasp.

The only difference was his face, now one of rage.

He tilted his head until his neck made a cracking sound.

"DO YOU INTEND TO STAY UP THERE FOREVER!?" The man shouted at Calder.

"There is no need for me to come down to you. I can simply keep attacking from up here," Calder's voice reverberated.


Calder smiled slightly.

He was right.

Calder was well-suited to close-quarters combat, his arsenal filled mostly with techniques and spells for that. He knew he would do the most damage that way.

The only issue was the fact that this man was obviously a lot stronger than him, and his attacks might not do any damage.

'The only way to win this is to figure out how he is able to manifest this power and curb it. I trust the agency is already working on that, so keeping him busy and keeping the aftermaths of this fight contained should be my priority,' Calder internalized.

Like a released suspended weight, Calder dropped from the sky and surprisingly landed softly on the ground. His body still shone a bright blue, conflicted by the bright white of his uniform.

'As much as it hurts my pride, this is not my fight. But I just need to hold him down till the Captain recovers,' Calder took on a fighting stance.

'And as always, I know he will handle this.'


In the AetherGuard command center, a symphony of activity unfolded as skilled operatives worked seamlessly to address the escalating crisis. The room buzzed with the focused energy of experts fulfilling their roles with precision. Illuminated screens displayed live footage of the intense battle between Calder and the mysterious adversary.

Data analysts swiftly interpreted information and strategists coordinated evacuation routes and more. The room maintained a controlled atmosphere, with operatives communicating in concise, purposeful exchanges. The soft glow of monitors illuminated their faces as they executed their responsibilities with practiced calm.

As the situation developed, a seasoned operative relayed pertinent updates to field agents, maintaining a steady cadence in her voice. The commanding officer, stationed at the heart of the operation, observed the events on the screens with a vigilant gaze. Despite the potential threat and concern for their agents' safety, the room exuded an air of disciplined proficiency. The collaborative efforts in the command center reflected AetherGuard's commitment to swiftly and effectively managing challenges to ensure the safety of the city and its residents.

"Elara," a voice called out, and the head operator turned to see the acting head of AetherGuard, Commander Theodore Fireheart.

"Lord Theodore," Elara responded with a slight nod.

"What's the situation?" Theodore asked.

"Not pretty."