


SKMnovels · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Father And Son

In a peaceful hilltop graveyard, tranquility enveloped rows of tombstones like a comforting blanket. A gentle breeze whispered through ancient trees, casting shadows on the mossy ground. At the center, a large tablet, carved from dark, precious stone, displayed 3905 names etched onto its surface.

Ivan, wearing a solemn expression, stood before this memorial, surrounded by echoes of lost lives. The tablet, a reminder of The Legion's attack on Verdant Grove two years ago, held the weight of tragedy in Zone 3. It served as a somber canvas, each name representing a soul lost that day.

As Ivan traced his fingers over the cold stone, grief weighed on his heart. His wife's name, Eve, among many, seemed just one part of the vast tapestry of loss. The graveyard, a silent witness to the aftermath of that brutal attack, held stories of countless lives gone too soon.

In the quiet mourning, Ivan felt a connection to shared sorrow, as if the earth itself grieved. The rustling leaves and distant crow caws underscored the melancholy that surrounded him. The graveyard, with its serene stillness, provided a space for reflection, a sanctuary where grief echoed in solitude.

As Ivan lingered in thought, he sensed a presence approaching.

"It's becoming tradition at this point; I find you here every day at this exact same time, and as always, I ask…" a voice said, and Ivan turned to see a sturdy middle-aged man with a grey-colored beard and long, grey hair. Clad in casual, dull-colored clothing, reminiscent of attire suited for the cold, the man exuded a weathered resilience that matched the solemn atmosphere of the graveyard.

The man possessed a rugged handsomeness, his features etched with the passage of time, telling stories of both joy and hardship.

"…when does a man get to see his own son outside of a place of mourning?"

Ivan smiled slightly, "Hello dad."

Eidolon smiled back as he moved past his son and sat down next to the tablet.

"These old bones can't be active like they used to," Eidolon laughed, and Ivan's smile widened.

Eidolon Shadowcaster, a non-mage who raised his son alone after his wife died from a violent robbery, was a retired soldier living out the rest of his days as peacefully as possible.

Unfortunately, he couldn't say the same about his son, who was almost at the age of two hundred.

In this world, the average lifespan was 430 for non-mages and much longer for the opposite. A specific number couldn't be given since higher-ranked mages could live up to thousands of years.

Eidolon had watched his son get into AetherGuard, climb the ranks, get married, and finally lose everything that he held dear. It wasn't possible to even imagine what Ivan was going through.

"I'm sorry about that, dad. I promise to come see you when I can," Ivan said.

"You've been saying that so much that I've had enough time to make peace with that not happening," Eidolon responded with a light laugh. "Honestly, kid, it's fine. You have your demons to battle."

"That's one way to put it," Ivan's attention moved back to Eve's name on the tablet, and the smile disappeared from his face. "Every time I come here, it's like the hurt becomes anew. When I see this tablet, it's like her name is just… one of the many now."

"You know that's not true," Eidolon said calmly.

"I know, but despite how foolish it is, that's just how I feel. I miss her every day, and I don't think I'll ever stop," tears flowed down Ivan's eyes, and he quickly wiped them off. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this," Ivan laughed.

Eidolon got up and grabbed his son's shoulders and looked into his eyes, "Feeling pain, reacting to pain, doesn't make you any less of a man. You are strong, heck you are literally way stronger than me," Eidolon shook Ivan but couldn't even make him budge, proving his point. "But the moment you let that pain become your weakness, you lose. Trust me kid, the only thing worse than losing the woman you love is forgetting about her. Believe me, I know."

Ivan nodded at his father's words, and Eidolon tapped his shoulders before letting go.

"How about we switch up the ambiance a bit?" Eidolon suggested. "Graveyards are kind of depressing."

Ivan laughed, "Of course, dad."

"I know this really great place in Zone 5 that makes these amazing pastries; you really need to try them," Eidolon said as they walked away.

"How about I just fly us there?" Ivan asked.

"Kid, I just ate."


In Verdant Grove's Zone 5, a lively city unfolded. Tall buildings reached for the sky, adorned with flickering holographic ads. The streets buzzed with people, their colorful clothes mirroring the city's energy. Cars rushed by, leaving streaks of light in their wake.

Eidolon and Ivan exited a cab, the door closing behind them. The air hummed with urban life—footsteps, distant chatter, and passing vehicles. A mix of food scents filled the air, creating a rich sensory experience.

Approaching a pastry shop, its warm glow invited them in. The scent of fresh pastries lingered, tempting those who entered. The bell chimed as they stepped inside, greeted by the sweet aroma. Display cases showcased an array of treats.

After making their selections, they left the shop, pastries in hand. The city's lively atmosphere surrounded them as they savored the delightful bites, enjoying the flavors as they continued their walk.

"So how' has AetherGuard been treating my young prodigy?" Eidolon asked after swallowing what he had in his mouth.

Ivan laughed, "Well, I guess we can say I've been getting what I deserved."

"How so?"

"I got suspended," Ivan informed.

Eidolon looked at him in confusion.

"It's a long story dad but like I said, I deserved it," Ivan added.

"Although this is not how I expected you to get it, you do need a break. You've been working tirelessly for the past two years," Eidolon said. "Time to take a step back, kid."

"The concept of time is a lot different when you know you are going to live as long as I can, but I guess you are right. I do feel lighter now that I know I'm not burdened by work," Ivan voiced.

"My point exactly," Eidolon smiled. "So let's start with you taking off that uniform."

Ivan looked down to see that he was still wearing his AetherGuard uniform and he chuckled.

"You are no longer on duty," Eidolon added.

"I still am, actually. Being suspended doesn't mean I can't do my job," Ivan explained.

"Yes, but if I remember correctly, you have a choice. You don't have to do it," Eidolon responded.

"Do you really expect me to see trouble and look the other way because I'm suspended?" Ivan asked with an amused smile.

Eidolon shrugged, "You do you kid, but remember you're taking a break."

"Yeah, I know. I'll—" Ivan immediately spun around with a serious expression in his eyes as he looked into the distance.

Eidolon kept eating as he already knew his son had sensed something. "Need to leave?" he asked.

"Sorry about this dad, it's close, so I will just handle it and be back quickly," Ivan said as he handed his dad the pastry he was holding.

"Alright. I'll be at my place, come over when you are ready," Eidolon said, and Ivan nodded.

Ivan crouched slightly and leaped into the air, creating a gust of wind before he flew off.

Eidolon watched him leave then walked up to a trash bin and dumped the pastries in it before walking away.


On a paved road, a scruffy and skinny man shuffled ahead, dressed only in ragged trousers clinging to his bony figure. His gaunt appearance hinted at a life marked by hardships, and his tired eyes revealed the burdens of numerous struggles.

In his shaky grasp, a powerful sword scraped along the ground, its blade resonating with an ominous energy. The sword, with a gleaming obsidian edge, seemed to hum with latent power. Ornate markings decorated its hilt, suggesting ancient craftsmanship that spoke of both grace and danger. The blade's mere presence exuded an aura of authority, as if it held tales of battles fought and triumphs earned.

As the thin man moved forward, the sword's tip traced an unsettling sound against the paved road. Bystanders, sensing an unspoken threat, instinctively kept their distance. The air held an uneasy tension as the man continued his solitary journey, a spectral figure with a formidable weapon, navigating through the fabric of everyday life.

Just arriving, Ivan levitated above the area, watching the man with keen eyes.

He couldn't sense mana from him, which indicated that he was a non-mage, yet there was this feeling that forced him to keep his distance. He couldn't tell if it was the man giving him this feeling or the strange sword in his grasp.

Seeing that staying up here was becoming a waste of time, Ivan descended slowly until he was a few meters in front of the man.

"Halt," Ivan said calmly, and the man did.

Bystanders began to murmur out of curiosity as they spotted Ivan, who was wearing AetherGuard's uniform. If the agency was becoming involved here, then something more was at play.

"Who are you?" Ivan asked.

The man looked up at Ivan; his eyes tried to meet his gaze but he appeared too weak to even do that.

"I need to feed," the man said so weakly that it was literally a silent whisper, but Ivan's mana-fueled senses were able to pick it up.

"What do you mean by feed? I asked your name, so answer me," Ivan said in a commanding tone.

"Me… Heart," the man responded.

"Heart?" Ivan had a brow raised. He released a sigh almost immediately after. It seemed like this was just a crazy person causing a commotion; something that was way beyond him. But since he was already here, he should as well just handle it. "Where did you get that sword?" He pointed at it.

The man remained silent, and Ivan was getting irritated at this absolute waste of time.

"Ok, "Heart", come with me and we will get this worked out," Ivan stretched his hand towards him to the local AetherGuard branch.

Just as he was about to touch him—


Ivan found himself spinning through the air as he burst through building after building!

After what felt like an eternity of pain, Ivan burst through a building and landed hard on a road, creating a small crater from the impact!

Cars screeched to a stop, and the passengers, as well as pedestrians, ran away in a panic.

Ivan struggled to breathe as he lay on the ground. He didn't understand what had just happened; it was too fast for him to process and that shouldn't be possible!

His body had already been tempered with mana starting from when he began his cultivation journey. So as a rank 7 mage, his body and everything connected to it, including his sense of perception, were at a peak forever unattainable by normal humans and would only get better the stronger he got.

And yet here he was, knocked down by a non-mage!

Ivan tried to get up but felt an odd sensation in his midsection. He looked up to see the sword that was in Heart's grasp now lodged deep in his stomach region.
