

《CHANGE 》 My name is Mitsuru Fukuyama and I'm currently 15 years old. I... wanted to let you know..not that anyone would care but...I've had a horrible past...I was never happy..and I'll never be happy. ..I just don't want to live anymore.. Until now... My name is Mitsuru Fukuyama and I am 17 years old and I have found the love of my life. And I feel so happy than I did before.. How did I change?... Find out... GENRES: Romance, Mystery, Psychological and thriller

Bhatti04 · Allgemein
Zu wenig Bewertungen
57 Chs


Sekai high school, the school that Mitsuru Fukuyama will be transferring to. It is a boarding school,  it helps and provides students to keep a good level of focus and grant them the ability to earn social points with the hundreds of students in this school.  The principal, Mr Makoto Sawashiro. The director and founder of the school.

Mitsuru follows a teacher into the principals office, she opens the door, bows and leaves Mitsuru in. He is ready to register and transfer to this boarding school.


"Hello. You must be Fukuyama-kun. Pleasure to meet you" the Principal greeted. "Yeah.. I'm here for the administration. Do I need to sign it?" I said... I'm not quite sure what I needed to do since I've never really registered myself to a school, all I knew was that I needed to sign some kind of paper for this horrible ride. "Oh! No no no no!" He waved his arms at me. It was really uncomfortable when someone randomly denies things for you, without giving you a proper explanation first. And what's with his arms? Are they broken?

"There's no need for that! We just need you to have your room key ready and you'll be ready for school tomorrow! Alright?" His enthusiasm killed me. First of all, I'm not at all excited for school and secondly I hate people! How does this guy think I'm going to survive? "But don't you need my details and stuff..?" Although I've never submitted my own administration form or whatever.. I'm not stupid! How can I go to a school without the school knowing any of my information? It's weird. "I mean... what about the administration fee?"

"No that's okay! We don't need it..." the man stopped smiling for some reason. But I didnt care too much about it.

🔸13th April 2007🔸

🔵" Wow! I love this book! Big sister brought this for me and she said that it's a diary. I didn't know what that was until she told me. She said that I'm suposed to rite my feelings in here. And things that happens in my life." 🔵

"Hey!~ Mitsuru! Look what I bought!" Mahiru said while holding a shopping bag in her right hand.

Mitsuru runs over. "Ooo! Lemme see! Lemme see!" And reaches out for the bag. "Ok ok!~ Hold on! Don't make too much noise or else mom will hear you." Mahiru opens the bag and takes out a purple coloured book, more like the colour magenta. Mitsuru exclaims in joy and also takes out a few pens; black, blue and red. "What is it?"

"Now that you know how to write.. I want you to write your own diary! Okay!~" She tells him brightly ✴

🔵I like the colour of this book it's really nice! And I love my big sister, MAHIRU!🔵



"Everyone pay attention! We have a new student in our class! Though she couldn't come here last week for the first day of school, due to travel problems, she's here now!...Make sure you be good with her." The teacher looks at her and gestures " Introduce yourself..." The girl bows at him then turns to bow at the class. "Hello!~ Everyone! My name is Sayuri Schreiber! But guys can call me Sayuri!" The excited and innocent girl kept on talking when you know everyone wanted her to stop... basically..." Hey-" the teacher couldn't get himself to stop her. Poor sensei.. " I can't wait to get along with all of you! And let's all be friends okay!☆"


"OKAY!☆ Sayuri!" A girl with her arms raised up calls out. Now the teacher can't get the whole class because... of this.. "WE LOVE YOU SAYURI!☆" the class cheered. " Aww!~♡ She's so cute!" The whole class was in chatter. This girl...Sayuri is just too much... especially for our teacher.... Toshiro Shintaru... "Hey! Ok! Settle down... (sigh) QUIET!!!"

He let's out his anger by slamming his precious hand on his desk. But immediately feles guilty for looking bad in front of the new girl. Ahhh~♡ What a great teacher! "Um... that's enough..." he whispers to Sayuri. But of course, it's loud enough for me to hear because I'm just that curious about him... "There's a seat at the back over there" the volume of his voice increased a bit. "Okay!" Sayuri skips to the end of the class, her beautiful blonde hair following behind her. And stands next to... oh no... poor Sayuri... Unfortunately, the cute, innocent girl has to sit next to...him... Mitsuru... He hasn't said a word to anyone ever since he came. It's kinda weird. "Hello!" She bows at him, I feel so bad for her. "Please look after me! I'll be your new partner!" Some guys behind her were snickering behind her back when she said the word " partner" those dirty-minded dirt bags!  I gave them the scarey look and they backed off. "Hey! What's your name? My name's Sayuri!"

"This girl won't stop..." Mr Toshiro sighed, I looked straight away and it seems this girl is bothering him. Poor Shintaru Sensei! Sayuri continues to find out this idiot's name, by poking around him and asking, "Are you ok ? What's your Name? "

Mitsuru turned his head around, his plain white hair waves and his cold, dark bloody, crimson red eyes stare at her. His eyes looked fatigue and exhausted but with that look in his eyes Sayuri came to a halt. "Do not bother me!" His cold words, if poured out in a glass a person wouldn't handle one sip of it. Sayuri just bowed, apologised and sat down at the seat next to him. I feel so bad for her. She just wants a friend but I'm pretty sure he won't allow her. I can't see them two being friends at all.

"Ahem! Yusari Akabane!" I turn around to see my Shintaru calling out to me ♡! My heart beats louder than before.

"What are you doing?.."

"Um..?" Was I supposed to be doing something?..

"Everyone already has their Math notebooks out. Hurry up!"

I stutter "Yes! " And look around for my notebook. Ah! Where did I put it?!

🔸14th April 2007🔸

🔵 Today was an ordinary day. Big sister wasn't here much either. No fair! It's a Sunday today as well! But Mahiru-chan has to work today. Oh well, I can't wait for her to come! I'm soo excited!🔵

" HEY!~💫" A drunk woman comes into Mitsuru's room with a bottle of alcohol in her hand. And the other hand she grabs the door frame. "Where the hell?!.... Is my. ..drink?..." She hiccups in between. Mitsuru is in surprise "Uh! Mother!  Your drink is in your hand!" He walks closer to indicate the glass bottle that she's holding. The moment he moves closer, his mother smashes the bottle on his face. The glass scatters everywhere. The frail, innocent boy fell with blood scattered on his face. Plus the drink spilled on the floor. "Heh! IN MY HAND YOU SAID!? Well.... IT'S NOT IN MY HAND NOW, IS IT?!" She lifts a smirk on her face and leaves with the little boy in shock. He stayed frozen with tears falling down his face. "GET ME MORE, BITCH!!!!" His mother yells for the last time, and it's indicated that she might be in the kitchen after hearing the refrigerator door slam shut.✴

🔴I thought today was going to be a good day...but from the pen I'm using... It's gone worse.. My face feels numb... and I can't stop crying... I want big sister to come quickly. I want her to come NOW!! Big sister! I'm sorry...! I'm such a big waste... I'm a waste of space... a waste of time... a waste of everything! I'm sure... that big sister.... will be better off without me!..🔴


I've had enough and I close the book. I leaned back and sighed. The dorm room was dark...The only light? Was the desk lamp on my table. And the light seeping in through the curtains. This book... I've been writing in it since I was 7. I had it with me for a long time and now I'm re-reading it. But I shouldn't be doing this... Ahhh~ I feel like shit... I put the book away, in the drawer next to me. Ding!~☆ Was the sound coming from my phone... it seems I've got a message.

what?... This doesn't make any sense.. I'm shocked. What? Who? HOW? .. I put my phone in my back pocket and storm myself out of my room.


Mitsuru is standing on the roof outside the barrier... NEAR THE EGDE! "Hey!Hey! HEY! Mitsuru! What are you doing?!" I thought for sure he was gonna be a goner. My heart just raced up. He turns around and says "sensei..?"

"Don't you 'sensei?' Me!" I walk towards him and gives him a little slap on his head

His head bounces down. Shit! Crap! And everything in between! I made a huge mistake! "Ahh! Wait wait wait!" I was making all the weird sounds and noises out of my mouth and stuttering them all at once. This kid was about to DIE because of me! "Hey! Don't look at me like that! Come on! Get out!" His face made such a ridiculous face...though I can understand since I'm one the ridiculous people he deserves to make that face with. GEEZ! I let out a big sigh of relief. But now I need answers. "Hey! What were you thinking you were doing?" After a short pause, he says "I was looking for someone.." "What?!" I don't understand this guy! And he's my student but all he's been doing is sleeping during class! How am I supposed to deal with him?! "Why?... Who were you looking for?"

"Uh...um..Never mind.. I couldn't find her anyway..." he turns, trying to avoid the consequences he knows he's gonna get. "Hey! If I ever see you out here again then I'm gonna-!" He's Running off! Damn this kid! And even worse.... I KNEW HE WAS GONNA RUN!


Hmmm~ Aah~ The smell of the hot, steamy ramen flows up my nose and out. It's a lovely smell! In fact, I can already taste it in my mouth! Ahh~☆ it's making me drool! But nonetheless I have to hurry and deliver this beautiful hot ramen! Oh! I'm here!... Room 79... Mitsuru s room. I tap a knock on the door and exclaim "Hey! Fukuyama! I got you your dinner! I got ramen! Your favourite!"... my name is Maehara Hashiba. I'm supposed to be this guy's roommate but it didn't work out. Plus, he's too emo!.. yikes! Now I'm stuck being his dinner trolley. "Hey! Hurry up! Take your food already!"


A young man, with a leaner posture and ginger hair... He seems nice. He's helping his friend out by giving him dinner!...  he really is nice perhaps we can be friends even. "Alright! That's it! You piece of crap! You better get here or else I'm gonna spill all this RAMEN on the ground and you can kiss my ass and lick the floor to eat it!!!!!" Oh my!... that's not nice! I should cover my ears! This kind of language can't get in my head!

"Move." Huh?... Oh it's Fukuyama- san... "I'm sorry!" I bow and move out of the way or else he'll get angry.

He doesn't even respond. I don't understand him. Maybe he's not comfortable in front of people.? I think this while he goes over to Hashiba kun...and 'Wack!' He slapped him on his head! But why! "Ow!... oh.. so you were here..." he shrieked.. but then realised that Fukuyama wasn't in his room the whole time... I could understand how angry he would feel now. "Give me that...!" Fukuyama snatches the tray off Maehara, heads into his room and slams the door behind him. However, Fukuyama didn't look that angry with Maehara kun.. but then why was he angry with me.? Was it because I talk too much? I let out a sigh... That can't be it... "That bastard!" Ahh!!! BAD WORD!!! Maehara-kun looks completely calm however I AM NOT! Because I have a feeling that HE might say something rude to me!

Maybe I deserve it, I shouldn't have been staring blindly at these two guys. "Hey!" Oh no! He's calling out to me..! I faced my pathetic courage and looked at him straight in the eye. "You're the new girl ,right?" My aggressiveness courage faded. I looked at him, with not courage but with ease at my soul... His beautiful emerald green eyes sparkled against mine. .. it felt magical. Is this... what people call....love?...

"What the hell are YOU looking at?!" Huh?... Why is he angry? He called out to me... Right?! I don't understand... What happened to my 'love'?.. 😢

"Um.. Nothing!" I replied in shock and started fidgeting around my hair. But why is he venting his anger on me? My soul was no longer at ease but it was rocking.. back and forwards. But I didn't want my emotions to get ahead of me. So I wanted to start a conversation and possibly be his friend. "Um. .? Fukuyama... Are you two friends?.." "hmm?" He rotates his head to the side and has his hands on the sides of his waist. "Why do you want to know?" Well honestly ever since I met Fukuyama I've been struck by the cold icy breeze he set on me. I don't understand why this cool air I breath in doesn't warm me. It may sound ridiculous but I truly want to feel a kind of warmth from him, from his touch, his words and even his eyes. I don't to feel this icy wind anymore. So... I..

"Want to be his friend."


A cute little girl walking next to me, I guess she wants to find a way to be Mitsuru s friend. But why?... Nobody would EVER want to be his friend. "Where are we going?.." Eh?! She was the one who followed me! And she randomly just said that! A short brethren escapes my mouth.

"You said that you wanted to be his friend. Right?" I already know what the answer's gonna be.

"Yes! Of course!"  So I have to get my mind to think how can I person love to be friends with him?!

" Well... Mitsuru isn't the type of person you can simply be friends with. But let me tell you one thing.." I grabbed her attention by surprise. Of course she IS very curious. "Last week, when school just started, me and Mitsuru were supposed to be in the same dorm room, but he didn't want to live with a random stranger that he just met. So he just simply asked the principal if he can stay in that room by himself. And for some reason, the principal agreed!... However, I didn't have a room to stay and none of my stuff can fit in a room with two people already living in one. So my stuff remains here with Mitsuru and I have to stay in that room there. "I point, indicating the room that we were walking towards.

"And!... I am told that I have to be Mitsuru's personal waiter and serve him Lunch and dinner!" I exclaim. Seriously, this job of mine has become such a pain in the ass for me, that I could just hand it over to this new girl here!... Hey..that's a good idea. ..

"What about his breakfast?..." her eyes are full of curiosity.

"Doesn't eat it. Well, how about you deliver him food tonight?!"

"That's a good idea!"

I can't wait to be Mitsuru's friend!