


Two old friends boarded the spaceship heading toward their new adventure.

Years had passed, and the myriad adventures and circumstances they faced in their time apart had erected subtle barriers between them. Yet, an underlying respect and the knowledge of their intertwined destinies compelled them both to bridge the gap that time had created.

They found themselves in an opulent lounge. The area was adorned with luxurious furnishings, soft ambient lighting, and a large window that revealed the breathtaking vastness of space, dotted with countless stars and cosmic wonders. The two sank into a comfortable chair, the view from the window serving as a perfect backdrop for a long chat.

"Really, Julian? Faking your own death? You relinquished all you have built. Why?" There was a mix of disbelief and genuine curiosity in Emery's voice after hearing what Julian did to Rome.

Pausing to choose his words carefully, Julian replied with a certainty that only years of contemplation could bring. "The truth is, Emery, I've achieved all I could as Earth's ruler. The longer I would've stayed, would only negatively affect me and restrain my growth

Sensing Emery's skepticism, Julian delved deeper sharing his understanding of the 'law of sovereignty'. According to this belief, a ruler's power and growth were directly proportional to the strength and size of the population under his command, hence to get stronger he needed a larger masses to rule.

As he laid out his thoughts, a certain arrogance emanated from him. Emery, in turn, while having reservations, found himself resonating with some of Julian's aspirations, even harboring a measure of admiration for his old friend's ambitions.

However, Julian's next revelation caught Emery completely off guard. "Once we reach the nearest Magus Alliance Headquarters, I intend to establish my own faction."

Emery blinked, momentarily speechless. The enormity of Julian's ambitions was slowly becoming clear, and the journey they embarked on had just taken on a whole new dimension.

The atmosphere in the lounge grew more charged as Julian revealed his intentions. Emery's surprise was palpable, not needing any verbal acknowledgment. The room itself seemed to grow quieter, the distant hum of the ship's engines the only sound accompanying their conversation.

Julian, reading the astonishment on Emery's face, couldn't help but flash a smile. "Of course, that would mean handing over the leadership of the Earth faction to you."

Emery processed this information, a mixture of bemusement and contemplation evident in his eyes.

Behind Julian's ambitious facade, there had always been an underlying respect for Emery. The truth was, Julian had spent countless nights reflecting upon his own path, his feelings of inadequacy in the face of Emery's meteoric rise. Julian saw Emery not just as a friend, but also a rival—a target to surpass. This duality of admiration and envy was a double-edged sword for Julian. It motivated him but also chained him to Emery's shadow. By carving out his own path, Julian hoped to escape this duality and find his own destiny.

"I hope you can support my decision," Julian murmured, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.

Emery leaned back, fingers interlaced as he weighed Julian's words. Julian was an Earthlink, deeply connected to the planet's legacy. Just like the late Lord Izta who create his own faction, Julian would also still eligible to be Earth's champion when the time arises.

Seeing it was a years long thought that seems well settled in Julian's mind, Emery's answer was; "Yes, I will support you," Emery began, locking eyes with Julian, "But always remember your root." The sentiment was heartfelt, but there was an unmistakable firmness behind it, a hint of reminder or even could be felt like a gentle threat.

Julian's immediate reaction was a laugh, light and genuine. "Look at you," he said, still chuckling, "You've truly changed, Emery."

Emery, raising an eyebrow, posed a simple question, "Is this change for the better or worse?"

Julian paused, taking a moment to reflect. He carefully weighed his words, "In some ways, you've become more intimidating, more unpredictable. But in others, you've grown in ways that are truly impressive. It's both daunting and remarkable."

Their conversation was briefly interrupted by the ship's announcement system, indicating their imminent arrival.

After traversing the vast expanse of space for half a day, the familiar sight of Centauri planet came into view. It stood as the shining jewel of the Human Alliance Alpha Quadrant, its capital city, Sector 13, boasting an impressive amalgamation of advanced technology and nature's beauty.

As they approached, several orbital stations buzzed with activity. These mammoth structures, looking like giant silver spiders in space, served as hubs for travelers, merchants, and diplomats. The planet itself, a canvas of white and azure, suggested vast oceans separated by snowy land masses.

Swift starships, sleek and varying in design, zipped to and from the surface, their trajectories crisscrossing in a delicate dance. Upon nearing the planet, several of these ships approached their vessel. Their intent: to verify identities. However, the insignia of Grand Magus Duncan emblazoned on their ship's hull ensured they were granted immediate passage without question.

The Centauri planet, unlike any they had seen before, stretched out beneath them as they began their descent. A mesmerizing blend of crystalline blue waters, white snow-capped mountains, and lush green valleys painted a picturesque landscape that seemed to belong in a dream.

Clustered cities of towering spires and intricate architecture shimmered in the distance. They were constructed with materials that reflected the sunlight, making them gleam like jewels set against the natural beauty of the planet. These structures stood in harmony with the surrounding environment, as if nature and technology had melded seamlessly.

Between these urban clusters were vast stretches of untouched wilderness. Forests dense with bioluminescent flora stretched out for miles, interspersed with gleaming lakes that sparkled like sapphires under the Centaurian twin suns.

With Duncan's esteemed status, their ship found its berth in a restricted landing zone, right at the heart of the Centauri palace grounds. Its opulent edifice seemed to merge the grandeur of ancient kingdoms with the sleek elegance of future design.

Stepping onto the landing platform, Duncan turned to his companions, his robe billowing in the gentle breeze, "We've arrived. Let us seek audience with Supreme King Dunadan Proxima."

However, upon entering the regal palace, they were met with a slight hiccup. The Supreme King was currently indisposed. Without missing a beat, Duncan graciously offered, "In gratitude for the hospitality you extended to me on your planet, allow me the honor of being your host here."

Gratefully, Emery and Julian were introduced to the grandeur of the magus mansion. A splendid array of magu, guards, and members of Duncan's esteemed lineage welcomed them. After a series of introductions and ceremonial pleasantries, the two couldn't help but express their eagerness to explore the vibrant tapestry of life that was Centauri city.

To be continued