


With the arrival of reinforcements from Atlas and the others, the dire situation Emery and Silva were, quickly turned the other way around as the elves were now in a precarious state and left with no way to retreat.

Amongst the dozens of reinforcement brought by the half-machine acolyte were the two weapon experts, YunXiao and Fei Ling. Together, they charged towards the elves and unleashed an attack that manifested in the form of a dragon; one water, one ice.

The ranged attack thrown by the two managed to kill a few elven guards, sending the elf group into disarray. The scattered group was an easy target for Atlas as he charged in rapidly, and was quickly followed by a red-haired man, the Devil Nunchaku Diyoo.

"You shall face me!! Diyooo!!'

Even though they were cornered by the unexpected reinforcements, what worried the dark elves the most was in fact the dark fur wolf beast that had just finished twisting and tearing apart one of their magus teammates without mercy.

"Fight to the death!!!" shouted the high ranking magus amongst the elven ranks, deciding their fate.

The decision the elves made in such a situation was something that was worthy to be commended for. Although it was clear that they were in great peril, the dark elves still chose to fight bravely until the last one standing.

It took an entire ten minutes for all four magus and the elven guards to be dealt with, and at the same time Emery's transformation came to an end. The intense fight that followed by the casting of the Anti Magic spell, made Emery feel extreme fatigue in spite of his monstrous spirit pool.

However, just as he had the chance to take a few deep breaths, Atlas came over to tell him about the latest situation.

"A few groups have reached the courtyard. We need to hurry."

It was a call to continue.

Even though he was still exhausted, Emery understood that now was still not the time to relax. Forcing his body to move again, he quickly utilized his spirit reading sense.With the amplification provided by the four Chizpur brothers, he was able to pinpoint the location of the others before finally casting [Spatial Gate] directly at them.

As soon as the group stepped through the portal, they were greeted by loud noises and clamors. Looking at their surroundings, it was apparent that a huge battle had started in the eastern courtyard.

As far as their eyes could see, there were at least a few hundred acolytes in the area. All of them were giving their all trying to break through the lines of elven guards in front of them, fighting a large group of at least two hundred elves led by ten dark elf magus.

Emery could quickly spot a group led by Thrax, Vida and Shatter Cross amongst the sea of acolytes. The former was rampaging through the ranks of elven guards while the latter provided support attacks when needed.

He certainly wanted to approach and help his best friend, especially after the separation that occurred between them. However, as much as he wanted to help, he still had one other thing he needed to do first.

"We don't have much time. Eeshoo might not be able to hold out for long, and dark elves reinforcement could arrive at any moment"

Hearing those words, Emery looked at Atlas and the half-machine acolyte nodded his head. Understanding what he needed to do, Emery glanced at Thrax's figure before mustering his spirit energy and opening another Spatial Gate, this time to a corner of the courtyard ten miles away.

After the gate was formed, the half-machine acolyte led the ten privileged acolytes with him left for their predetermined destination.

Emery could see that the three dark elf mages decided to fly in the same direction they were headed. One of them hopped onto a 30 meter long, snake-like dragon creature.

Feeling the pressure it gave off, the creature was definitely a mythical beast. As for its rider, they exuded the terrifying strength of a Half Moon magus.

Emery couldn't help but show a frown. It quickly disappeared however, as there was no point for him to worry about someone else when there were other things happening in front of him.

"Are you ready?" asked the white-haired girl who remained and was standing beside him. There was a mix of worry and excitement on her face as her eyes looked towards the battle that was going on.

Giving the answer to her question, Emery once again activated his transformation, this time turning into his [Twilight Transformation] form. Not wanting to be left behind, Silva quickly joined him with her [Nightmare Kemoyin Transformation].

"Let's go!"

As soon as their transformations were complete, the two charged in and entered the fray. Their sudden inclusion wreaked havoc among the ranks of the elves, giving enough room for more acolytes to show up in the courtyard.

"Break it open!!! Kill all those elf bastards!!" shouted Thrax, courageously fighting on the frontline.

Among the group of acolytes that attacked the elf army, there were the three Nephilim acolytes led by Armand. Even though they currently did not have their Soaring Shuttles, being skilled spirit readers, they were capable of turning daggers into powerful flying weapons.

Another loud cheer could be heard resoundingly in the air when two acolytes turned into four-meter tall half-bloods. The two Goat bloodline brothers, Ivan and Igor, unleashed chaos upon the elves' defense as they stampeded everywhere they pleased, causing destruction in their wake. As if that wasn't bad enough, right behind the two, Zetto the Titan berserker let loose and laid waste onto the elves with his huge axes.

The hundreds of elven guards were not much in comparison to the academy's top acolytes. In fact, several of them could be easily taken care of by a privileged acolyte. However, when the seven dark elf magus finally entered the field, casualties on the acolytes' side started to pile up.

A dark elf fired a volley of fireballs towards a group of acolytes, but before it could hit, one acolyte brought his hands together and created a towering crystal barrier. The fireballs quickly struck the barrier.


The crystal barrier created by Micah only managed to receive two fireballs before shattering into pieces. The third was quickly approaching right after the two. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the group of terrified acolytes, forming a dark barrier that stopped the fireball.

[Aegis of Void]

"Don't give up now!! Fight!!"

The battle between the two sides continued on and gradually escalated. As Emery struggled to fight with all of his might, he also scanned through the crowds of people looking for familiar faces. But to his dismay, no matter how hard he searched, he still couldn't find Klea or Chumo among them.

To be continued