
“Routine is Everything”

Hello everybody the author speaking let me tell that I had to write this since it's been nagging the back of my brain. I thought of this story and the facts on location are true but some of the locations names are shortened.....I'm also a Native American......that's about it I guess...bye or actually see you....


When we're born we don't remember it and as we grow we don't even remember ourselves as a baby.....but I remember something from when I was a baby. It was dark at first nothing but darkness I was so scared for I didn't know what was going on until there was a bright light and as my eyes focus I see my father....I see him laughing and smiling as in the background there is the sunshine spilling into the bedroom. He looks so happy but I don't see my mother.....the memory fades into another memory.

As the memory fades another takes it place and this is where my life begins. I seem to be with my father, sister, and brother but I don't see my mother anywhere....I remember talking to my dad about it and he always respond that she left us for another man but that doesn't mean I don't see her anymore. My conversations about mom always began with how she left him but always ends it with that she loves us and will always be our mother.

My siblings and I always would play games and hang with each. We would stay with our dad and would go with him everywhere because of his work....he was self employed. He always did his best to take care of us and make money to help support us since he was a single parent. My dad was a herbalist who would make his own materials to make medicine that was for the body, the mind and the spirit. He was a medicine man. As you can see we're Natives, Navajos, or known as Diné. My dad would sell in many places in Arizona and sometimes New Mexico like Gallup.

Everywhere he went he would take us with him because like I said single parent but he loved being with us and wouldn't want to leave us with a babysitter because he didn't trust them. We've seen many different places and heard of his experience. My father never had a wonderful childhood but he never cared about that. He never let his childhood hold him down instead he used it to make him stronger.

My dad had a routine that he would take and follow to help him live an easy life. On Wednesdays, he went to a town. For Fridays, he went to town. On Saturdays, we to s town, we were always going somewhere. He was always busy but he still had time to spend with us and never neglected us. We always followed this routine until he decided we should visit our mother.

Our mom wasn't a bad person she was a sweet person it's just was her boyfriend that made her a mean person. He would laze around and make her do most of the work, they would always argue with each other. We didn't care, why? Free internet of course and we didn't have to clean because of our grandmother....we didn't make her do the work she just wamted to do it and would get angry at us if we did. So she chase us out when she clean, i don't think she liked us.....

Our grandma was a difficult person, she was nice than mean and would do all the chores and cooking since mom didn't cook because of how busy she was. We tried to help but she would push us away since she thought of us as brats so we just left her alone. Our grandmother was not a nice person....sometimes....

As we lived with our mom during the week we would stay with our dad during the weekends. That was our new routine..........

-To Be Continued-



"Medicine men- traditional healers or spiritual healers"

"Herbalist- a dealer in medina aka a seller of herbs and are people with the knowledge of the herbs"

"Diné- navajo people(i think) or people?"


This story is written by me and most of these information is from memory and there are parts I can't put in like the full tradition since there are rules about it and how some stories are not suppose to be told until winter and what not....I just put this here because I wanted to........see ya.😊