
‘Normal’ Person takes vacation in another world

This is the Isekai at peace X Draconic Deus fanfic ( with some crossover characters from different verses)

Tenma_Tatsukahagi · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Kaito & Issei's Bio and harem [Updated 1] (spoilers )

Name : Miyama Kaito

Gender: Male

Age: 18, (74, chronologically)

Race: Human (Immortal)

Title: Trinia's Singulairity, The Never-Ending Story, The Existense's Most beloved person, The one who make all God of Creation falls in love with him without him knowing, The Goddesses' target of worship, The goddesses' number one in the most wanted list, rich 2nd-gen kids & pervert worst enemy, Gentleman Prince (In Kuoh Academy),The Existence's Singularity, The one with the strongest will, The 'Strongest' Human.

Powers and Abilities and Resistence:

Extrasensory Perception (Can sense magic power), Enhanced Senses (Can use search magic to find people. Can sense emotions), Limited Precognition (Has a 6th sense that detects whether the new baby castella made by Kuro is surprisingly delicious or a baby castella that could only be eaten as a punishment game), Social Influencing (Instantly got spirits to like him, while it took others decades[4]. Became popular among Lilia's servants, despite being dislike initially. Tamed Isis, surprising even Chronois, who had known her for a long time as being an unreasonable person. Got Lillywood to like him enough to give him a fruit of the World Tree, which even a noble like Lilia couldn't acquire even after years of searching. Made Ein for the first and only time in her entire life, break her own self imposed rules. Made Shiro fall in love with him before he had even been born. Despite only being in the world of Trinia for a few months, he has easily changed things which haven't changed in tens of thousands of years. Kaito has brought greater changes to the world much faster than the first hero; everyone who is involved with him changes, including the God of Fate, God of Life and even Shallow Vernal. When speaking with him, Chronois who hadn't changed in countless years, was changed in a way she couldn't even resist. Make all God of Creations falls in love with him due to him unknowingly helping them), Adaptation (Can adapt to hostile magic power that prevents him from moving), Dimensional Storage (Can store items in a storage area made with spatial magic), Teleportation (Can teleport), Telekinesis (Can make objects float ), Immortality (Types 1, 3, 5 and 8; Can't age, has a magic crystal imbued with Shallow Vernal's recovery magic, an absolute healing spell that automatically activates some time after he becomes injured. It twists the law of cause and effect to regenerate him, even if his body is shattered. He is also under Shallow Vernal's protection, who will revive him every time he dies. Additionally, as long as Shallow Vernal exists, his story will never end), Telepathy (Can telepathically connect with others to share his emotions), Automatic Translation (His Language Comprehension allow him to understand the languages of different worlds), Summoning (Can summon Eden and other Gods), Blessed (Has Shiro's blessing. His past and future are being watched by Shiro and thus he will never encounter any problems), Instinctive Reaction (Can move his body without thinking), Ice Manipulation (Can use ice magic), Fire Manipulation (Can create fireballs), Air Manipulation (Can use wind magic), Earth Manipulation (Can use earth magic), Electricity Manipulation (Can use lightning magic), Light Manipulation (Can use light magic), Darkness Manipulation (Can use dark magic[21]), Gravity Manipulation (Can use gravity magic), Mind Manipulation (Sympathy Magic can perform mental attacks), Forcefield Creation (Has defensive magic that automatically activates against malicious attacks[23]), Power Nullification (Automatically negates any hostile magic used against him[24]), Accelerated Development (Shiro gave him the ability to grow faster than normal[25]), Supernatural Luck (Shiro's blessing grants him enormous luck that causes miracles to happen out of nowhere[26], such as Ein showing up at the exact moment he needed help), Dimensional Travel (Can travel between dimensions), Nigh-Absolute Willpower (Kaito felt Isis's magic power of death, and yet still tried to get along with her, desperately tried to adapt, even while exposed to her magic power for a reasonable amount of time. Despite Kuro's attempts to make him fear her, Kaito never got scared of her nor rejected her[8]), Durability Negation, Causality Manipulation, Power Nullification and Pain Manipulation (His blessing granted to him by Shiro lets him nullify the defenses of his opponents, hence why he can somewhat harm people far superior to him[29]. His hammer pierces through all magical and physical defenses, nullifies law of causality interference and spatial warps, forcibly determining the outcome of hitting the target once swung, deals no damage but causes intense pain, and this works on people who don't feel pain), With Help Me Shiro he has: Black Hole Creation (Can create black holes that consume the entire cosmos), Plot Manipulation (The Epilogue has the ability to bring the end itself. When the book is closed, the story comes to an end. When the curtain is pulled down, the stage is over. You may go back to the start again, but it will be the reader who decides whether your story is opened again), Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; Can kill Eden), Regeneration (High-Godly), Resistance Negation (Not a single person nor thing can resist their end, no matter what means they use, or what abilities they have), and Enhanced Causality Manipulation (Gods such as Eden can alter the past to make attacks not hit, and time travel, however against The Epilogue, it would be meaningless to alter the past or run away from it. This extends even to the fully awakened power of Kuro's Prologue, which lets the user stand at the beginning of everything, and thus in every action the user would have the first move), Encompassing ( Power to able to surpassed everything, except epilogue), Etc.


Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Resistant to mental interference[31]), Illusion Creation (Illusion magic doesn't work on him[23]), Disease Manipulation (Shiro's blessing prevents him from getting diseases[32]), Poison Manipulation (Can't get drunk[33]), Spatial Manipulation (Resistant to spatial abilities[34]), Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2;Fate's authority which can manipulate fate and probability doesn't work on him[35]. The authorities of Gods are higher than magic, as it gives them control over the very concept that they govern[36]. Even if their opponent is far stronger than them, an authority will always be superior to their magic, as authorities are the rules themselves[36]. Authorities are reproductions of Shallow Vernal's power, who is the God of the world, and the highest power in the world, the absolute rules[36]), Heat Manipulation (Shiro's blessing prevents him from feeling cold[37] and heat[38]. He can even swim in magma), Empathic Manipulation (Charm abilities don't work on him[40]), Fear Manipulation and Death Manipulation (Adapted to Isis magic power of death that causes fear, and death if she is touched), Perception Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Biological Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Power Nullification, and Causality Manipulation (Is blessed by Shiro, just like the Gods who are wearing Shiro's power like a membrane and are resistant to any kind of status effects), Plot Nullification, Erasure Existence Nullification, End Nullification( Cannot die no matter the circumstances, even the realm of Authorship that is beyond stories, realities and fiction cannot erase him from Existence.) ETC.


Necklace: A necklace give to him by Kuro. It is equipped with search magic to let him find others, but also has detection magic to let Kuro know where he is, and is able to deploy a barrier upon sensing hostility.

Eden's Feathers: The feathers of Eden, they allow him to summon her, whenever he needs to.

Shiro's Crystal: A Crystal given to him by Shiro during the Sacred Tree festival. Since it's of Shiro's creation, the concept of purity doesn't apply to it, and its effect is that it can instantly heal the user's injury, preventing him from dying from normal means, with the of exception to Kuro's powers.

Glasses: An item made by Shiro, it lets the user perceive things up to 10x the speed of light.

Piko Piko Hammer: A hammer created by Shiro, which pierces through all magical and physical defenses, nullifies law of causality interference and spatial warps, forcibly determining the outcome of hitting the target once swung, deals no damage but causes intense pain, and this works on people who don't feel pain.

Knife of the almighty: A weapon given to him by Makina, it possesses all the abilities she can imagine as being a weapon's ability. Even if it copied the original one stills surpassed it due to encompassing ability. Even if it user's lost it, it will returned back to the user in an instant.

Intelligence: Gifted, after the last 50 years he has been grinding knowledge to the point he was able to understand people emotions and their plans faster( but was unable to know his wives' plans) and how to use his power faster , and able to play board game in a professional manner.

Issei's Bio

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Age: 17

Race: Reincarnated Devil (Low-Class), Former Human

Title: Red Dragon Emperor, The Pervert, Leader of the Perverted Trio, Incarnation of lust,


Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Aura, Flight, Longevity, Summoning, Transformation, Teleportation, Energy Projection, Enhanced Senses, Forcefield Creation, Fire Manipulation, Speed Amplification, Extrasensory Perception, Holy Manipulation and Purification , with Ascalon, Resurrection of others through Evil Pieces, Power Bestowal (Can transfer his power to other objects and people ), Cloth Manipulation (Can instantly destroy a female's clothes and "strip" techniques used on them [4]), Statistics Amplification (Can continuously double his power with the Boosted Gear [5]), Non-Physical Interaction (Characters in the series can interact with spirits which are stated to lack physical form [6]), Resistance to Mind Control [11], Fire and Heat[12], Magic (In a partially transformed state; dragon scales have resistance to magical attacks [13]), , Memory Manipulation (Retained his memories of Raynare after she wiped the memories of everyone who knew about herself in human disguise), Time Stop (Forbidden Balor View was ineffective on him because of Ddraig [15])


Kaito: The Novel's most female character, Heroines/Wife( Check the wiki because he have to much....), Gabriel, Artemis, Tiamat, Koneko, Kuroka, Amaterasu....ETC ( Vote for recommendations)

Issei: Rias, Akeno, Irina, Xenovia, Ravel (Not sure), ETC ( Vote for recommendations)

{A/N: Don't blame for my bad romance writing because this loner her is still single so I have no experience.... ;-;}

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