
‘Broken Heart’

Brianna "Bri" Henderson has always had a love life that sucks. She thought that she would never find true love. But that all changed when Brianna met Mathew "Matt" Robinson, or so she thought. He too broke Brianna's heart, just like her past boyfriends had done, but Matthew's betrayal hurt her like no other as Brianna found him doing the unthinkable. No longer able to tolerate his presence after her discovery of his disgusting deeds, her best friend, Amelia "Amy" Ross, lets Brianna stay at her place. But what Brianna doesn't know is that Amelia shares her two-bedroom apartment with not only her boyfriend, Justin "J" Williams, but also with her brother, Alexander "Alex" Ross and Alex's best mate, Tyler "Ty" Jones . When Brianna arrives, things just get complicated. When Brianna stays at Amelia's apartment, will her broken heart start to heal? Or will she be forever broken? Will she still believe in love after all of the heartbreak she's suffered? Will Brianna ever get her happily ever after? Read to discover the answers to these questions that ultimately decide Brianna's fate and to ride the rollercoaster that is Brianna's life.

ChocoholicBooks · Teenager
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2 Chs

1: 1st Anniversary

Brianna's P.O.V

I woke up before Matt today, as usual. I lay beside him, just admiring his features. Gosh, I was so lucky to have him. He was the whole package; the looks, the brains and was caring, loving and loyal towards me. What more could I ask for?

We both had been living together for about five months now and it had been an absolute dream! After he asked me out, we dated for six and a half months, then we moved in together. I know it may seem that we rushed and moved way too fast with our relationship, but it didn't seem like that to me; I knew that I was falling for him, and fast, and I didn't mind one bit because, deep down, I knew he was the one for me.

I absolutely loved him!! But he didn't know that. I didn't tell him yet, but I had known the depth of my feelings for him for quite some time now. I was just waiting for the right time to confess my feelings. And what better time to tell him "I love you" than on our one year anniversary?! I can't believe that a year ago, on this very day, we met each other for the very first time!! Gosh, time flies by.

I would have stayed in bed with him for longer, until he awoke and then we would have cuddled for a bit, but I had a few errands to attend to today, so I dragged myself out of bed, showered, got dressed, and put on some makeup - just a little to give me a natural look.

When I entered our bedroom again, he was lying awake in bed. "Morning, babe. Where were you?" Matt spoke in his husky, morning voice when I came into his view.

"Good morning! I was just getting ready because I've got some errands to run. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten what day today is. It's our first anniversary of when we first met! I can't believe that it's already been a year since I've met you. It feels like it was just yesterday! It's been the best year of my life! So much has changed since you came into my life. You asked me out, we started dating and then we moved in together. I've got you your gift already but I've hidden it. You can have it when I come back. I want us to open our presents together!" I exclaimed, full of excitement.

"Yeah, babe, it was a great year for me too. Oh, and there's no need to rush back. Take all the time you need, yeah? I'll start to get ready while you're gone so we can go out after breakfast. Actually, why don't we eat out for breakfast today, considering the special occasion? How's that, baby?" Matt said, whilst reaching for his phone.

"Sounds like a plan! Thanks for being so understanding, Matt. I can't wait!!" I replied with excitement.

"Me too, babe. You should better get going now though, yeah?" Matt reminded me, looking up from his phone.

"Oh, yeah. See you in a bit. Bye." I said, kissing his check goodbye, then leaving our bedroom to make my way to the front door.

"Bye, babe" came his reply, just as I was leaving our apartment. I pulled the front door closed, locked it, and made my way through the hallway to the elevators and pressed the button to call for one. I waited patiently for it to arrive since I knew it could take a while, considering that our apartment was on the top floor. The elevator finally arrived and I stepped in, then pushed the button for the lobby.

Matt and I had chosen our apartment together when he had asked me to move in with him. We went apartment-hunting the very next day. That's when we stumbled upon this place. We both loved it instantly. The neighbourhood was friendly too, which was great. And the bonus: it had a great view of New York City's skyline!

We've been living here for five months now, and I can honestly say, they've flown by. There were some downsides to it as well though, like the rent was quite expensive since it was quite close to central NYC, but we both worked so we managed just fine. Overall though, I absolutely loved it!!

When the elevator doors opened, I waked out, greeted the receptionist, Liz, and the security guard, Tony, "Good Morning". They both were very kind and friendly, as well as the other staff, so when we moved into this building, it didn't take long for us to warm up to them. They seemed like nice people.

I didn't have to go too far so I decided to just walk. It would save me a taxi fare and I would get more steps logged onto my fitness tracker, so it was a win-win.

My errands wouldn't take too long, I figured; only about an hour or so. I only had to go to the bank because I had some bills due. I also had to discuss what the terms of opening a new business account would be.

You must've been wondering about my job. No, I didn't work in the business sector, even though business had always been my true passion; I've always wanted to make it big one day in the business world - be known worldwide, own a billion-dollar company and have all the luxuries I could ever want (a private jet, a huge mansion worth millions, the latest cars, designer clothing and diamond jewellery, just to name a few). That would be my dream life. But, realistically speaking, that was so not gonna happen, no matter how much I wanted it to.

I actually worked in the medical field, as a psychologist. Human biology had always been of great interest to me, especially the human mind, so I decided to adopt my interest as my career.

This was my career plan; I would work in the medical field and keep my medical career as a backbone, and then eventually start to built up a business of my own as a side hustle at first, and, if/ when my business became successful, I could leave my medical career to pursue with my business career full time. At least, this way, if the business were to fail or not do as well as I'd hoped, I would still have my medical career to fall back onto and continue with.

After leaving the bank, I went to buy some groceries from Walmart. I figured that since I was already out, I could do grocery shopping as well: kill two birds with one stone, you know?

I bought, fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, juice, eggs, bacon, sweets, crisps, ice-cream, noodles, and frozen foods. Oh, and I made sure to buy lots of chocolate (and other chocolate-flavoured treats) since it had always been my guilty pleasure. "Life without chocolate is no life at all." That was my motto for life. True, right?