

After Major accidentally destroyed the universe. He could change one thing for the next universe. He chose to remain with the people he cared about most. In this new reality, things weren't quite the same as they used to be. Everyone seemed more free to do what they wanted and the world gave off much a much more positive vibe. One thing that did change was that the once powerful character now found themselves rendered powerless, causing them to learn from the grounds up once again. The world may give off more positive energy than before, but where there is light, there is always darkness

alaagon · Urban
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14 Chs


Aureli voted herself as the squad leader for the operation. Of course she did. "Alright Maggots! If any one of you wastes the training we received, I'll have your eyes out." *Cricket noise* The rest of the group stood there like a lost school trip, dumbfounded at her leadership.

Jelly raised her hand. "Question."


"Can we go now? I'm bored."


And off they went. Galvinor used his AEnigma, Ignis Portalis, to create a portal to the Hell Plain, where Solomon Satan resided. In real time, only a week had passed since they started training, but they had come a long way, days and days of training. A few weeks spent training with the Gogis will get you further than a few years in a trick school.

Galvinor pointed to the portal in the air. "Through here, I can't get us any further. There's some sort of... Barrier, blocking us." Galvinor stepped through first and the others followed.

The Hell plane was dark and red, full of dead trees and cracked ground. A horrible but undenyingly fascinating sight. The group walked through the hell plane forest, struggling to see through the thick dead trees. They didn't have any leaves, but they did have an abnormal amount of branches that covered the area.

"Can anyone clear a path for us? Can't see squat in this fricking forest." Major glanced back at the group. "Anyone?"

Aureli brushed past him with an annoyed look on her face.

"You can do it yourself y'know. Pure laziness." She held her hand up in a finger gun position. From her fingertips, a white flare emerged. "Sonar Flare." A flicker of flames appeared in the centre and as the trick discipated, the trees in the surrounding area, went up in flames and disappeared in an instant. "Voila"

The group stared up at the massive castle like structure in the distance. It was huge, maybe twenty stories tall or higher, it had a spiked chamfered roof, that erected to many points, ironically like a church roof. There were many pillars and towers erecting from all sides and it was floating in the air, being lifted by a Barrier. It was placed on a removed chunk of terrain, like a sky island in a video game.

"That's our goal, any ideas on how to get past that damn barrier?" Nox stepped forward and looked at the rest of the group. "I mean we could just hit it, but somethimgs telling me that's all too simple of a task."

"Care to try it?"

The group walked up to the base of the barrier. Some of it erected to the floor, so it wasn't completely flying. Jelly walked up and touched it. It was a translucent grey colour and made silver ripples as her fingers touched its surface, like touching the surface of water. "It's warm. Like a bath."

"Doesn't seem to be changing much. Plan B then? Nox?" Major looked around to find the katana wielding man, who was standing prepared, sword at the ready.

Nox twirled the blade and struck the barrier with as much natural force as possible. The surface ripple and a droplet sprung out this time. It hit the ground behind them and started morphing, like it was a node in a larger system. It grew larger and larger still until it formed into a strange flying creature. Not too dissimilar from a teddy bear with wings.

The creature flapped it's way over to them, Nox was confused by the presence of the strange creature. As it got within a few metres of the group, it opened its mouth, revealing large, horrible sets of teeth, lined with blood. It let out a horrible screathing noise and came flying at the squad.

Maris lifted her arm forwards and a small swishing ball of water appeared in front of her palm. "Unsheathed Aqua." The small wisp of water formed a blade shape and whizzed towards the creature, decapitating it. With one swipe of his sword, Nox cut the thing in half for good measure. Its quartered body slumped and hit the ground.

Everyone bent down to assess the damage and also to find out what in hell it actually is. Moshi kicked one of the pieces over to reveal a flesh based body, almost human-like in a way. "Gross. This thing is strangely organic for something born of a droplet." Moshi, picked a piece up and studied it. "There are organs in this thing, but not the same ones as us as far as I can see. Strange thing indeed." He dropped the piece back on the floor and stood at the Barrier.

"Yo Moshi, you reckon that NaRoBu will have any effect?" Major had already activated his AEnigma before saying anything. His wings and Halo glowed and shone in the dark plains of Hell.

"Could work. No way of knowing unless we try at the end of the day." Moshi signalled the go-ahead and stood back. Major stepped forward, throwing a ball of white flames in his hands. He tossed it at the Barrier and it melted like hot iron, burning down to the floor. The droplets, started to Merge and form into a much larger centipede looking creature. It towered high above the group and stared down, looking at its prey. The barrier behind it started to close once more.

Major threw another white flaming ball at the creature, smacking it in the face, but causing no damage at all. "Not a trick huh? Interesting." Major backed up to where the others were standing. "Any ideas?"

Moshi pitched in with a theory. "Those droplets could actually be portals, transporting creatures when the barrier is broken, the larger the break, the larger the creature. It's actually a foolproof technique and executed to perfection." Moshi summoned his own AEnigma, called Dark Cloak. It sprouted from his wrists, a dark aura what winded and wrapped around him like bandages, forming a massive cloak and hood. As it reached his face, his brown hair turned jet black. "I have an idea. Major, you open the portal again and get everyone through, I'll finish this off and join you."

The others ran past him and Major blasted the portal once more, creating a wide gap. They all dodged and weaved past the centipede monster and ran through the gap in the portal, leaving Moshi behind. "Well then, best I get started."

As the portal was closing, the droplets from the opening now formed another large centipede that coiled up and loomed over Moshi. "Forgot about that." The two centipedes lashed out at him, they had spikes petruding from their cheeks which smacked the surface of the ground, denting the brown/red soil.

Moshi dodged and weaved the incoming attacks, jumping and dashing out of the incoming spike trajectory. His body started to split apart in Dark pieces, which swirled and formed behind one of the centipedes heads. Moshi held his hand out behind him and darkness swirled around his entire body. "Dark Wave." He thrust his arm and a stream of translucent, spay-like energy burst from his hand, pushing the centipedes head into the ground with much force. It knocked the beast out, but didn't kill it. It's armour was too tough.

Moshi landed and faced the second beast, which was preparing to pounce on him at any second. He held his hand out and a small black orb formed in his hand, it spun on its axis and a small darkness was swirling inside it. "Sensory Blindness." He fired the small orb and it shattered like glass when it made contact. The darkness seeped into the creatures skin and it lost all of its five senses.

The creature lashed out randomly and in a state of rage, thrashed its body frantically, trying desperately to regain its senses. Moshi found these new attacks more of a problem since he could no longer predict its actions and he may well have shot himself in the foot by using that trick.

"Oh well." He held his right hand out and the left side of his cloak started to wisp away and gather at the right side of his body. It formed a massive claw with knifelike fingertips. He leapt at the monster and swiped his claw at it, cutting it's neck into five clean pieces. "That's that." He walked over and ended the unconscious one aswell.

"Now then, how the hell am I getting through the barrier?"