

"Hey...hello, I hope everything is fine, although if you're listening to this audio, it probably is..."

"I wanted to tell you what your purpose is, as a person...and...uh..."

"If GAIA loses control of it..., you will be responsible for destroying HADES or any other threat..."

"And also...rebuild GAIA. Lis worked very hard on this last plan, but I must make sure. I have stopped receiving reports on how the Zero Dawn project is going, and I just received the news of her death."

"I think that's all...this message will be deleted in a few moments."

"Farewell,be better."

I slowly turned off the focus of my ear while smiling.

I approached a part of my room that now had a huge hologram.

I touched certain floating buttons until a screen appeared showing what the outside world looked like.

And it was terrifying, a mountain of smoke stretched from Mother to Meridian and kept going to another places.

GAIA PRIME has exploded, this indicates that Aloy has just been born, and that she and I share the same birthday.

"Happy birthday Isaac, daddy adores his little man..." I laughed a little at my own reference while lowering my gaze to the box from which I took the focus.

"Happy birthday, 5 years old it's the best moment of your life to start learning new things."

I finished reading the small letter written by Ted Faro, and it was certain that it was wrote from him from the moment the focus had a dark metallic color that only rich people used for credit cards in the past.

What opened up a sea of knowledge for me, obviously a focus from the FARO itself would be better and yes, its security is much greater than any other.

In comparison, a normal focus is an ordinary cell phone, and my focus is an FBI supercomputer.

Which is convenient knowing that Sylens will start learning from HADES a lot of things.

"This opens doors that I need to past trough quickly, and learning will be easier...photographic memory is something I also brought with me from my previous life."

Although remembering the hologram of ILLITHIA-09(one the people living there tried to scape) makes me think that taking control of this facility will be difficult.

"But nothing is impossible, and the proof of that is that I am alive in this place..."

I turned my head to see the focus and thought it would be best to stop talking to myself; after all, this thing could certainly even record what I see.

I got up from the large table and put on the focus that automatically stuck to my ear, and I took a small metallic piece with a hologram.

I should write a record of my daily activity.


/6 years, nothing, although they are starting to teach me more interesting things, most of which are connected to basic math along with algebra./

/I just learned that the android who takes care of the place is named Ananda (no last name), which makes everything more boring./

/7 years, mechanical engineering is a nightmare, it's almost as difficult as the magic behind cloning, only with more wires than DNA./

/7 years and 5 months, I have started studying the machines outside and I must admit... The rockbreaker and the ravager are beasts when it comes to speed, creating 2 square meter tunnels, and the ability to launch energy without needing to recharge is something incredible. A true feat of mechanics./

/9 years old and WOW, I didn't know that at this age they started teaching kids what the Internet is and how it works. The fact that they repeated to me several times that porn was bad gave me an idea of what they were trying to convey me of./

/13 years old, just today I finished my plan to take control of this place, I mostly need to create an AI good enough to sustain this place without help./

/15 years, I finished Daryl, good enough to take control of this place, now I must find the perfect opportunity./


I got up from the bathroom floor while watching the archaic railgun, sparks flying from it, but that's exactly what I need to shut down that annoying android.

I left the railgun on a countertop and took a shower like any other day.

After leaving the bathroom, I dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and loose pants, and I placed the small railgun on my wrist, hidden from view.

I had breakfast like any other day and before stepping out the door, I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

The door in front of me opened, and beside it stood the android.

Slowly, I walked beside her, and she automatically started directing me to the next study session. I raised my hand calmly and placed it on her shoulder.

"There is something wrong?[-[[-[?" The android's voice began to falter as the railgun started shooting sparks inside her rapidly.

The android's legs started to fail while I held its body with the other hand to prevent it from slipping out of my grip.

Finally, the android fell to the ground after the electric shutdown.

Quickly, I started running to the control room before the thing could send an alarm or anythinglike that, and I took a microchip in my hand.

I took the elevator down to level 11 where the control room was operational.

I started rummaging through it until I found an opening for the microchip.

After inserting it, red alarms started going off everywhere and the metal doors of the room closed abruptly.

I just sat there nervously as I watched Daryl overload the place with information and take on more and more responsibilities.

After 2 minutes, the alarms stopped, but Daryl was still taking control.

10 minutes, and finally the doors opened, and my mood quickly relaxed.

"I guess I'm incredible..." I said while sighing with relief, seeing that he only had an eighth of all the functions left.

After another 2 minutes, Daryl already had master control of the entire facility, and that was finally the final step to start my development.

"Creator, my analysis says that right now you're in a euphoric state with a lot of adrenaline, I recommend going to the medical room on level 9," The voice of a 12-year-old boy sounded in my focus, Daryl to be exact.

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling something called...victory," I said as I left the room and headed to the elevator.

I pressed the button for level 12, it was denied but in an instant Daryl gave me access, letting me go down.

When the door opened, a sight to smile at was revealed to me.

A place almost as big as a cauldron, filled with different types of automated machines, not the ones outside but those that transported materials and created different things.

"Daryl, I want you to create an armor crafting room."

"Where specifically?"

"Here," I pointed to one side of the elevator, "I want them to be the most advanced armors that can be created."

"I also want a place specifically for creating weapons to the left of the elevator, where I can load them without any effort," I said, pointing to the other side.

"A weapon like your railgun?"

"Yes, but an improved one that still fits on my wrist."

"Understood, the creation of both rooms will take around 3 months, during this time everything necessary for everyday use will be built."

"Good Daryl, now I want you to create the Omega acess, one where only I am authorized to enter and exit this facility," I said, emphasizing the 'only I' After all, maybe Aloy could enter,but this is my own secret base.


5 months

"Tell me, creator, what is the purpose of creating armor in that way," Daryl asked while I was running my hand over the dark metal helmet.

"It's an early version of the Shield-weaver...as the name suggests, it will create a kinetic shield like the one used by the shell-walker on its left claw."

I took the helmet in my hands; it was similar to the armor that Elisabeth Sobeck used to save humanity, just with the detail of a small opening in the right ear to fit the focus.

"My calculations say that armor of this caliber won't be effective."

"That's because I haven't finished, this is just a prototype, when I'm done... it will be unimaginably powerful..."

"I will use nanotechnology to create the helmet and the column," I said, dropping the helmet and looking to the other side of the room, at a metal column with the same design as the helmet.

I have no record of what that one is about.

I approached the column that was being finished by mechanical arms.

"It is designed to fully complement the armor, as it is impossible to have the shield active at all times... this column will use my nerve reactions to know which parts the shield should activate automatically."

"Through instantaneous nerve impulses?"

Daryl,for example: if I get shot in the chest, my brain would instinctively tense my pectorals, the spine would react and put a shield in that part of the body.

"Creator, but then every time you move a muscle, the shield will activate."

Something simple and very easy to understand, but it's only simple in practice.

"Yes, that's why I've also been improving the focus functionality," he lifted the helmet and aimed the opening to fit the helmet.

"This here will help to determine when and when not to react to those stimulus through brain waves, not just nerves."

"Does that mean you could manipulate it with just your mind?"

"Exactly," I replied to the voice of the little boy,while the child within me screamed with excitement at such progress.

I couldn't contain my big smile as I left the room to enter the weapons creation room.

"How's everything going?" I said, sitting inside an office that had a window to see the process of creating things.

En el escritorio frente a mi aparecieron planos y progreso de como se vería todo.

"La espada ultrasonica esta casi lista,aunque he encontrado formas de mejorar su batería para durar un mes completo sin recargarse."

"Quieres decirme el como de esto?" Dije mientras miraba como los brazos mecánicanicos trabajaban en la espada parecida a una katana,después de todo su función es cortar materia sin importar que tan fuerte es.

"La echo shell se prenderá en pequeños momentos para cuidar el uso que tiene,haciendo que la hoja vibre de una manera que es casi invisible al ojo humano de distinguir su movimiento."

"Quieres decirme que se prende y apaga rápidamente para conservar energía?"

"Si,es más sencillo dicho asi".

"Buen ojo."

Mi sonrisa se convirtió en una ganadora mientras pensaba en que tan buena seria mis armas en el futuro.

"Y que hay del cañón de riel menor?"

"Su fase de prueba ha terminado,su funcionamiento y rendimiento sin ningun problema,pero se sobrecarga después de 1000 disparos consecutivos."

"Alguna forma de arreglarlo?"

"No he encontrado ninguna opción," La voz de daryl sono decepcionada de si mismo,como el no ser útil le trajera tristeza.

"Recomiendo añadirle tres diferentes boquillas de disparo,para alternar después de la sobrecarga,así nunca parara hasta quedarse sin energía," Dije después de 3 minutos pensativo.

"Haré las pruebas inmediatamente,por favor espera unas horas.

"Bien,después de todo mi interés primario se encuentra en otra cosa..." Dije mientras una mirada sospechosamente malvada se crispaba en mi cara.

Toque unas cosas en el holograma de mi focus y pude ver una imagen,3 personas poniendo un trofeo hecho de metal en la nieve,y frente a ellos una anciana con una mirada orgullosa.

Obviamente esta es la prueba que hizo Aloy en el inicio del juego,que cabe aclarar que todavía falta un largo período de tiempo para que eso pase.

"Creador,como tienes esa foto?" Daryl pregunto con mucha curiosidad en su voz.

"La pequeña serpiente," Dije como si eso respondiera su pregunta.

"Ah!? Osea que si fue útil mi invento!?" La voz de daryl parecia la de un niño emocionado que brincaba de alegría.

"Si daryl,fue de mucho uso para las exploraciones de las tribus,paso desapercibida durante todo momento."

Esta "serpent" es una en forma,solo que hecha de un metal parecido a la de un stalker,la habilidad para camuflarse,y la función de tomar fotos,videos y audios además de una avanzada red para poder mandarlos a cualquier momento.

"Y como fue que arreglo el problema del procesador desgastando la batería?"

"Añadí una línea de comportamiento,cada vez que se empiece a tocar el límite,entrará dentro de una máquina y tomara la energía necesaria dentro de ella,o incluso descansar si es necesario," Dije resolviendo de manera práctica el problema que hizo a daryl una AI triste durante un largo tiempo.

"Usted tiene mucho ingenio Creador!"

"Gracias,pero el que debería recibir los aplausos eres tu,después de todo algo tan sencillo pero a la vez difícil es cosas que pocos podrían pensar."

"Estoy halagado creador..." Daryl dijo con una flustered voice.

"Ahora que me queda pendiente?"

"Su herramienta para controlar maquinas 'salvajes' ha sido completada."

"Bien,entregármela mañana y veré que hago con ella," Me levante del escritorio dejando que los brazos mecánicanicos trabajando hasta la noche.

On the desk in front of me appeared blueprints and progress of how everything would look.

The ultrasonic sword is almost ready, although I have found ways to improve its battery to last a full month without recharging.

"Do you want to tell me how this works?" I said while watching the mechanical arms work on the sword resembling a katana, after all, its function is to cut through matter no matter how strong it is.

The echo shell will turn on for brief moments to manage its usage, causing the blade to vibrate in a way that is almost invisible to the human eye to distinguish its movement.

"Are you telling me that it turns on and off quickly to save energy?"

Yes, it's simpler said that way.

"Good eye."

My smile turned into a winner as I thought about how good my weapons would be in the future.

And what about the smaller rail cannon?

Its testing phase has ended, its operation and performance without any problems, but it overheats after 1000 consecutive shots.

Any way to fix it?

"I haven't found any option," Daryl's voice sounded disappointed in himself, as if not being useful brought him sadness.

"I recommend adding three different firing nozzles, to alternate after the overload, so it will never stop until it runs out of energy," I said after 3 minutes of thoughtful consideration.

"I will do the tests immediately, please wait a few hours."

"Well, after all, my primary interest lies in something else..." I said as a suspiciously wicked look twisted on my face.

I touched a few things on the hologram of my focus and I could see an image, 3 people placing a metal trophy in the snow, and in front of them an elderly woman with a proud look.

Obviously, this is the trial that Aloy did at the beginning of the game, which should be noted that there is still a long period of time before that happens.

"Creator, how do you have that photo?" Daryl asked with a lot of curiosity in his voice.

"The little snake," I said as if that answered his question.

Ah!? So my invention was useful, huh? Daryl's voice sounded like that of an excited child jumping for joy.

Yes, Daryl, it was very useful for the tribes' explorations, it went unnoticed the entire time.

This "serpent" is one in shape, only made of a metal similar to that of a stalker, with the ability to camouflage, and the function to take photos, videos, and audio, in addition to an advanced network to send them at any moment.

"And how did you fix the problem of the processor draining the battery?"

"I added a line of behavior, whenever the limit is about to be reached, it will enter a machine and take the necessary energy from it, or even rest if needed," I said, practically solving the problem that had made Daryl a sad AI for a long time.

"You have a lot of ingenuity, Creator!"

"Thank you, but the one who should receive the applause is you. After all, something so simple yet so difficult is something few could think of."

"I'm flattered, creator..." Daryl said with a flustered voice.

"Now, what do I have left to do?"

"Your tool for controlling 'wild' machines has been completed."

"Fine, deliver it to me tomorrow and I'll see what I do with it," I got up from the desk, letting the mechanical arms work until nightfall.

"By the way, start mass production of the snakes, I want at least 1000 of them, to gather what you think is important information from the entire region,but please dont get any closer to any type of ancient place."

"OK creator"

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