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a person who is very attractive but who is irresponsible in emotional relationships.


Her nails as black as night for today was a special occasion, she needed everything to go perfectly, A man who had fallen to her feet decided to "sweep' her away for a blissful night. In his mind, he was going to offer her the perfect gift, his heart and he wants her hand in marriage. Orphilio knew this was the night she would seal the deal and leave him heartbroken. She almost felt pity for the poor man who crossed her path, but at the same time, it gave her satisfaction to know she was the one in control. That she could make him beg on his knees and provide her with whatever she wanted. She never wanted a relationship but who could say no to his bank account.

Orphilia knew what type of woman she was, the way society would have judged her is what she feared the most. She was always about appearance, ladylike on the outside but a heartbreaker on the inside. For beauty only went one way in her mind that nothing on the inside mattered. Her beauty is everything she needed; her body and mind were what she used to lure men in and soak up everything they ever had. Looking down at the city in her condo she felt like she was on top of the world. Wearing her long red mermaid dress that hugged her curves viciously. The slit that went all the way up to her thigh showing everything and nothing at all. She knew to leave things to the mind, to let people imagine what layed underneath. Seduction was her game and she played it well. Sipping on a glass of red wine while twirling her finger through her long white hair. Waiting for her car to arrive to take her to her destination, she has left with her mind nothing to do but think. Almost at the end of her glass, she heard a ding coming from the other side of the room. Walking over to the kitchen counter where she left her belonging she picked up her phone and received a text message. For Daniel was outside waiting for her. She smirked while reading his message knowing that later on tonight she would never have to hear from him again. Picking up her bags she walked out the door. Ready for the excitement that was yet to come