

When the world is near to the end, the true nature of humans come up. That's what the creators of this world have wanted to test, what if everyone had to die for a number of people to win? What would they do? Kill or Save? Rule or Salvage? Destroy or Create? The end of the world is Now. tests by the creators at every mile. Games where one needs to die.

_The_Reaper_ · Fantasie
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6 Chs

The First Death Witnessed; Day 1

*The following series is a work of fiction.

Any resemblance to real individuals or entities are coincidental.

This series cantains dark themes.

viewer discretion is advised.

Please do not read this series if you have a history of anxiety or depression.*


Day 1,

Rhode Islands,

"Oi KAI! You saw that right, pack your money, clothes, and let's go"


I went to Kai's house the first with a small backpack filled with money and some clothes as he was the only friend who lived near me, to top it off he doesn't have parents.

It's not a good thing to say this but we had to walk all the way from now on and it was noon already.

"Done, but you are really sensitive huh?"

"Shut your mouth and make your legs move,

We have to move 6 miles which would take nearly 3-4 hours on foot"


"I said shut up, Let's go to the airport first, we can make our way to my parents"

{7 miles or longer; walking this distance would probably give us a clue on what would it be like}

"... You really want me killed"

It was not a joke, walking six miles, takes a lot,

But there was company for us,

A lot of people were walking to the airport as well, some were even using vehicles to reach...

But something seemed wrong..?

Where were the army and police...?

Even calling emergency numbers didn't work... why?

Reaching the airport took us 4 and a half hours,

it seemed reasonable as we took a lot of breaks,

"Dude you hanging there? You collapsed on the sight of the airport"

"Shut up Kai"

Who would walk 6 miles with no breaks AND hasn't walked this long before?

The only person who we met on the way here was an old man with a big physique who had a vehicle.

This man was a genius, he had a brick hold the vehicle's pedal on both 'accelerate' and 'break' pedals but lifted the brick on brakes lightly making the car move on the speed he was walking,

It was more like a truck? But it had seats at the back too.

It was nearly 21'o clock now,

Food wasn't a problem, the airport stalls were costly but we could afford it.

Slowly, but surely the time went on to 23:59,

At exactly 0:00 we'll see if what 'adam' said was true,


A Shrieking sound passed through the long halls,

The woman who cried out was disappearing,

Her hands invisible, her shrieking becoming fainter and fainter,

Her children begging her to say what was happening while crying,

And in a minute or so,

Only three drops of red liquid stayed in the air,

No-one dared to touch them except the little girl who was 10,

And the boy who was 5 or so,

touched the red droplets,

On touch they fainted,

Was it poison? No-one had the time or the courage to test.

But the old man, who I met on the road,

Walked towards the kids and checked Their breathing, immediately sighed in relief and his face looked a little sad yet smiled brightly towards the kids;

They were sleeping, as if nothing happened,

Just Their tears on Their innocent face made us guilty,

Guilty that we had done nothing while she disappeared to thin air with no sign as her children watched her scream in agony and fear.

Kai and I were both scared and watched while shivering,

It wasn't normal for us to see someone 'die' Infront of Their children,

yet again 'Adam's voice made its way to a speaker but this time it was different,

"As the game had been boring so far,

Not many died today but it needs to be with more quests to be more fun for a watcher right?

So from now on, whoever stays in the following states,

Die too,"

The word 'die' made the people in the airport as far as John could see from where he sat in the middle of the airport; jump, and complain.

The noise was deafening,

I couldn't hear what 'adam' was saying,

And at a pinch,

"This includes the noisy as19, Rhode island"

The deafening noise became sheer silence in mere seconds,

Even a pin falling would echo through the whole airport.

Just as I was about to stand up,

Kai whispered,

"Aren't you s-scared man?"

This guy doesn't have a damn clue,

If I had the chance,

I would scream till I no longer could.


Reader's notes: if you have any questions comment them down bellow, I'll answer them AS LONG as they aren't spoilers.


Character Notes:


a student of the same middle school that John went before, he is an orphan who works at a part-time job to pay for the bills.

Closest and the only friend of John,

Traits: 1) Carefree

2) short tempered

3) has a soft spot for children and kittens or puppies

cons: 1) becomes Scared when he witnesses something and accepts it to be true

2)Mood changes in a tick

Born at: March 30th

Zodiac sign: Aries

Favorites: 1) drawing

2) action manga/ movies

Looks: is good looking but doesn't maintain his dressing style. (wears anything that comes in his hand like John)



this chapter took a little while to make but it's done!

Hope you enjoy it!

If you have any questions, comment down below, I'll respond to each one of them!

oh before I go add this book to library if you liked it, you will be notified of my next chapter as soon as I release it!

and as always, thank you for reading!

_The_Reaper_creators' thoughts