
| The Magic That Tangles Your Eyes |

Derek returned where he was happy; A scene of peace and tranquility. But he feared the female figure That he believed that he would accompany him for life. You will find light and darkness Between sadness and joys, Since the tender Elizabeth Appears in your life Giving reason to all his actions And give him a non-spontaneous affection. Get over your past and be happy again? o Let it consume it completely his dark past, with his accompanying bad deeds?

Profundidad06 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Beginning of the new era?


I started my routine morning with a cup of coffee in my left hand and the newspaper spread out on star table. My mind was distracted by the thousands of advertisements and letters from authors, which the latter possessed, which I did not lend to my mobile phone vibrating strongly and playing a brief introductory sound to alert me. Knowing who it could be, I decided not to pay attention and let it continue its course.

Again I was in a temporary beginning, because at some point it will culminate in an extraordinary way, causing pure comfort for my deplorable anatomy and a feeling of habit for my cold movements.

- Again? -Do not avoid saying out loud.

My cell phone started vibrating for the fourth time this morning. I didn't even want to flinch to attend to him. I didn't want to hear his slippery voice. She wanted no part of his horrible plans. And he continued his course of calls, until he left 36 lost in my telephone recorder.

This becomes hateful and pathetic.

Messages took their place after an hour of waiting, asking in each of them to meet her pleading gaze and curvaceous body. Of course, it was all normal and tedious for our dear Katherine Paz. Although her ancestral name or her last name, whatever you want to call it, causes a certain tranquility, let me tell you that it is a complete trap and cruelty before the true word plus its emblematic meaning.

Okay Derek, it's your turn.

I dialed his number and my mind kept reminding me of the evil I was about to commit. He answered on the second phone ring.

- For God's sake, I thought you'd never answer me -she said satisfied before returning one of the thousands of calls -. It is always a pleasure.

"Don't play dumb, dear Katherine, and tell me what your wishes are this time," I said, avoiding any kind of detour.

There was a little interference from the other side, followed by a small silent thought.

- A few days ago I found out about Dakota...

"You don't want to give me any kind of condolences," she interrupted.

- You're right, I would do it more out of morality than for any other reason -another brief silence was present-. But hey, I was just calling to give you my condolences.

- Did you really call just for that or do your sexual desires not allow you to speak? she asked.

- I thought you wouldn't find it opportune.

- I did not know that now you care so much about me.

- I'll give you all the address in writing and I hope you'll be punctual this time -said this, I finish the communication.

The messages with the reservation of the place and the predisposed time arrived in a while.

Do not confuse my actions and thoughts; Katherine is just a release, an easy outlet for emotions and a way to kill time. She is of no use to me for future plans, of this I am more than sure.

Elizabeth would be my beautiful start; of a healthy, different and impressive life in several senses. She would be my one way ticket to a magnificent island, with trees around her and flowers of various colors. She could become my downfall, but she could also save me at the top of a cliff. But now I only have at my disposal a woman soaked in flowered hormones and a hotel room for two hours.

Reviewing Kathy's reservation, I immediately knew the evil she was going to revive, but I don't think it's wrong to dig up a dead man with his poor heart still beating.

I ended up getting ready on time, with a thousand thoughts in my mind and wanting to force myself to say no to all this darkness that surrounds me. He wasn't very handsome or groomed, but I think he could survive a night dressed like this. I put on L'HOMME cologne (a Christmas present), got ready at the door and left that house moving the keys with one hand, with an erotic thought in my head and sighing heavily with every step I took.

I wanted to take longer than indicated so as not to please Katherine so much, but I could only think of one place to go. Without even being able to control my mind, my movements took heed in an omniscient way and made way for a place I promised never to approach.

It was cold enough, but the air inside such a gloomy place felt like dry ice running through the branches. It was obvious that I would not find people at this time of night in this place so fearsome for many, but to me it was such a quiet and particular place; sometimes a cemetery is better cared for than any park or public square.

I don't believe in death, but I don't believe that there is life after it either, I simply trust that she could be in a place with a lot of light and tranquility. Just that, nothing more than that.

My skin began to bristle, my steps became shorter and slower, my eyes repressed tears, my hands trembled and my tongue did not want to make any kind of sound. So, I pose my body in front of a greenish plaque, with your names and image on it.

"Hello love," my trembling voice blurted out. I finally came.

Collect everything in two seconds: breakfasts, hugs, kisses, her caresses, her waking up and finding her next to me with hers, two eyes of hers still closed, a messy hair and half of her face drooling. Everything around me was so her, that it was impossible for me to get away from something so shiny and significant.

- You were everything I needed in this life to be happy and you left me in the gloom and darkness, you're playing dirty again -I let out a sob accompanied by a suppressed laugh-. It's not consistent and fair, but come to dinner tomorrow, I'll make the pizzas the way only you like them.

I caressed that image as if I were doing it with my heart instead of using my hands and, without being able to control it, thousands of tears began to roll down my cheeks.

- I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have lost you -I tried to normalize my voice, but my head wouldn't allow it.

My cell phone began to vibrate, giving me a clear sign of goodbye.

- I'll meet Katherine. I know you didn't love her that much, but -I seriously thought about what she would say-... it will be temporary; there is another girl and her name is Elizabeth.

A strong breeze shook the branches above the monument.

- I will consider that as a hug and not a slap.

And I fell back into reality; he was sitting on a grave, where Dakota's remains are entombed, and it was all quick, horrible, and undeserved.

- I will sound hard face, but protect me beautiful -my muscles began to activate to keep me standing -. I love you and let you go so you can find happiness.

Then I turned around and forced my feet to start the hardest walk of my life.

All of me was silent, maybe that allowed me to hear someone else in here. I stopped and saw that it was a female silhouette; her steps were not fast and she was in a very good mood.

They missed one, dear madhouse.

Determined to continue my sad walk, I heard a sweet and all too familiar voice. As I got closer, I saw that it was Elizabeth. I tried to position myself in a place close to where she was, so I could see who she was addressing with such enthusiasm.

- White mouse! Guess what? My aunt let me have the night off," she cried, radiating happiness. Let's celebrate!

Immediately afterwards, I take out of her bag a bottle of cheap whiskey, which I suppose she stole from her aunt.

- I stole it from my aunt, but you shh.

He was right.

-Daki, this will be the last time I'll come -she took a sip of her drink-, it's the best for me. I can't control my mind in my studies because of you and... a nice boy.


- I mean, I don't like it or anything like that, but SHIT -laugh- it's very cute. But I guess I'm not the one he likes, since he only saw me once and then never showed up.

Destiny Derek, destiny.

- I don't understand why we are the most sentimental sex, it's a real piece of garbage -he shrieked between murmurs-. Of course she could talk to him, but can you imagine what that would be like?

Hello. Hello. I like you. You to me. We married? Of course. Bla bla bla.

- But I'm also scared. Afraid they would do the same to me.

Pass word.

- Damn the bastard who did this to you. I promise you, as your best friend, to find him and strangle him with these two hands, until both of her eyes see no light -she said crying.

In my mind I was already running from this country; getting false documents again and taking the first plane. But I was behind a tree, listening to a young woman cry for her dead best friend and choking back tears with the help of my closed throat.

"How about I ask for her number?" Would it be wrong for me to take the initiative? she asks with her gaze fixed on the bottle with stolen content.

By God, of course not.

- I'll take your advice, friend, but I have to go now if I don't want to get slapped.

She got up from the grave where I used to take place and I waited patiently for her to arrange her things, say goodbye to her best friend and leave. That she was never coming back was a farce bigger than her and that she had said it because her heart and mind were taken over by alcohol.

I had to breathe so many times in a row to fully understand what just happened.

She was white rat.

Determined to truly leave now, I set off on my way to a hotel that I didn't feel like going anywhere near or seeing the female figure I was meeting.

The journey went much faster than I had planned, and as I entered a dimly lit room, I saw a subdued woman in a red lace ensemble.

"I consider that look as a like," she said mischievously, lying down and leaving a splendid body before the human gaze.

Ok, as much as I hated this woman, she is the bane of any man with eyes, as well as her greatest sexual desire or fantasy.

- I like to see you without him.

And so began a night with more emotions than pleasure...

Ok... Hello matecitos! (Possibly with that they know of my nationality). I know, I was missing a lot and I owe you many chapters... But I come to pay my debt to all of you and I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do <3 Always thanking you for your patience and follow-up. Greetings and virtual hugs babys C: