
| The Magic That Tangles Your Eyes |

Derek returned where he was happy; A scene of peace and tranquility. But he feared the female figure That he believed that he would accompany him for life. You will find light and darkness Between sadness and joys, Since the tender Elizabeth Appears in your life Giving reason to all his actions And give him a non-spontaneous affection. Get over your past and be happy again? o Let it consume it completely his dark past, with his accompanying bad deeds?

Profundidad06 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: A laugh in the dark.


For as long as I can remember, there must have been few times I enjoyed sleeping until lunchtime. Obviously there is a slight change; one, Elvira is not there and two, there is no homemade dish waiting to be eaten.

I tried to put my memories on the side of the bed and start my morning routine. What does it consist of? Ok, it is simply based on cleaning myself, preparing something to eat and doing some exercise. I'm not a very well-sculpted physique guy, who seems unreal or shows that I spend more hours in a gym than in my own home, but, I admit, I like to stay fit and healthy.

My free time, which is technically 70% of the day, is about practicing my religion in a concrete way ... Then eating, again, and sleeping like a baby.

My rituals the day after, after seeing Elizabeth for the first time, were interrupted by the desire to want to know more about her. I was not a wise man in detective stuff and everything that the job entails, but whenever I set my mind to something, I usually get it done quickly.

The only very necessary detail that was complicating my plan was just knowing her name and what she was like physically. I know that with a surname it would be much easier, but I must pity the little information I have.

I started my search on Instagram, as it is the application most used by young people today... No results obtained.

I led the search to Facebook, an application popular with anyone… No person looked like her.

- What a mysterious person you are, my dear Elizabeth.

I sighed, depressed for not getting what I wanted.

- Witches of the West! Your face is a fiasco -said when entering Rome, a very good friend.

- With this I came into the world, do not complain -do not avoid answering.

His steps were swift, until he was faced with the homicidal test.

- And I was sure that you only masturbated with the memory of the late Dakota.

- Leave that in place -I answered loudly, making him jump with shock- and come here, I made some tea.

It must have been the same shock of the moment that made her return, to her place, to the mobile technological device. After a few minutes I had her glued to my side, watching carefully the movements she made while preparing the tea.

- Will I have to use my telekinesis to know what you mean to ask or will you say it bluntly? -I asked for.

- Who is this Elizabeth and why don't you let me look at your computer?

I sighed, thinking and mentally debating all the options I had.

- She's a girl and she lives near here -was the only thing I could answer.

- And you want to know more about her, right? -I question.

- Yes.

I felt that the syllables of this statement came out with great regret, knowing that it would provoke a clear response.

- I would not like there to be another Dakota, that's how it began ...

- It won't happen again, I promise you -I said, approaching-. I just considered her pretty.

- If it's only attraction, as you assure it, it will be quick to forget it -He sipped his tea- Trust me.

His gaze was fixed for several minutes on an old painting in the library. He told me about his unexpected visit, which for me was quite obvious; the witches of the West took Nick as an offering for the next service.

- I came in person to tell you, so go in person to say goodbye to your friend -she said authoritatively.

- Having Malik and Vanesa, he risks his life ...

- We're not all Derek Phillips -he confessed-. Not all of us want to see harmless people die.

My eyes started to itch, but I didn't plan on wasting another tear for the act I did.

- What's done is done -I said making a slight movement when I got up.

- Don't you even miss her? -she said in a whisper.

- Every day and 24 hours each of these.

Dakota was the most important thing in my life, there is no doubt about it, but, upon learning of the terrible act to which I would be subjected without question, she decided to take my place beforehand.

His family never knew what really happened and forced me to stay away from those people, because they believed I was responsible for that death. They accused me of having killed her and even raped her, because she had various marks around her vagina prone to a satanic style, part of the initiation ceremony to the offering, so that our dear servant knows the sex of the meat that we are teaching him.

Dakota's body was found decomposed 5 days after the ritual, due to my refusing to return it to her family. That's when I left him in the San Nicolas forest, a few kilometers from the police station that was handling the case and looking for the missing person. As for me, I had to change my entire identity; name, surname, address, look, etc., since I ran the risk of being found and doing everything, except tickling. After this, several believed that I myself culminated in suicide, due to my sudden disappearance.

- I thought so -he said, pulling me out of my dark memories-, that's why you're here.

- I didn't come back here for her -I denied.

- And I'm Santa Maria.

- Devils and devils, I knew you were one of those.

Laughter came out in unison and it was an amazing thing to do such an act of joy again, which only led to happy memories, on a huge red sofa, with a flamboyant blonde on my lap and her fingers gently pressing over my dead center and back. adds fun.

No, not again.

- Derek, she's fine, but you must rearrange your life, not inquire into the precocious past.

- For the first time in my life, I will agree with you and follow your orders.

- I must be in heaven with what I just heard -he scoffed.

- You enjoy my vulnerability, how arrogant you are -I didn't hold back.

- Arrogant mmm… no -he thought-, but a super gifted at taking advantage of opportunities.

- Go ahead, tell me what it is - accept.

- I am also human, mother and with very little time available, so let's save this curious conversation for another time.

- Sure, Mommy has to make dinner, chores around the house and take care of her adorable blessings.

- You are very wrong; I am a mother, not an employee -I clarify-. And, I remind you, I have a husband who is taking care of 50% of the housework.

- Let it be shared, but divorce.

- Exactly my dear Derek, watch and learn.

- I applaud you, Your Majesty.

He bowed farewell, followed by a strong hug. She did not want me to accompany her to the door, due to the silly idea that "I go in alone, out alone."

Incredible how far her feminine pride goes.

I watched the sunset for a few minutes through a nearby window, while I thought about my next escape. Escape that would not be discreet at all, because they always found the whereabouts that all my acquaintances carry.

- You should be afraid of those sons of bitches.

I must leave this place that in times past caused me so much peace and serenity.

Where I met the love of my life.

Again the memories overwhelmed my poor mind:

"- It's late, we should go in -I said for the third time, with the intention of making him go home-. You will freeze here silly.

- Don't you think winter sunsets are beautiful? -I ask, ignoring myself.

- Why are you so spontaneously perfect?

- Because I have this sunset in front of me and the person I love the most by my side.

- I love you so much more than any natural phenomenon.

- And I much more, so much so that I would be able to give you the entire galaxy, with its thousands of constellations, as beautiful as you."

- You still love me right? -do not avoid looking up and fix my gaze there, waiting for an answer.

In those minutes of deep silence, a song, which conspicuously caught my attention, played through the small speakers of my radio. And no, it wasn't just any song ...

"And if you have a minute, why don't we go

Talk about it somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything

So why…"

- And yes, it was the end of everything -I said while listening to Somewhere Only We Know by Keane, Dakota's favorite song.

It was the end of my everything - don't stop thinking.