
{As The Primordial Origin Dragon God in Tensura}

Shiro Yamamoto, a regular Otaku who has quite a nice life, gets killed in an impulsive attempt to save a young girl from being hit by a car. Results? He died. But when he heard a mechanical voice inside his very being, he realized what that voice was, and boy oh boy... P.S.: I don't own any of the characters except for the OCs.

VAITAS · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

{Chapter 1}:[A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings]


Tapestry woven with intricate, fateful threads.

As known throughout creation, the flutter of a butterfly's wings might set off a chain of events leading to profound consequences.

It's a curious analogy, fitting for the phenomenon known as the butterfly effect—where even the smallest actions can alter destinies.

My name is Yamamoto Shiro, an ordinary otaku with an extraordinary social life. I had a beautiful girlfriend, a great best friend named Yuuto, and a circle of amazing friends. Betrayal was a foreign concept in my life, and at eighteen years old, I was a first-year university student studying agricultural engineering, enjoying a happy existence with loving parents and an eight-year-old sister, free from major drama.

Today marked the release of the final episode of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Season 2 Part 2. I decided to watch it on my way home, drowning out the city noise with earphones. As the episode concluded, I murmured to myself, "Even though I've read the web novel and manga, the anime just hits differently."

Lost in thought, I collided with someone at an intersection.

"I'm really sorry," I apologized reflexively.

"No worries," the other person replied.

It was Yuuto, my best friend.

Chuckling at the coincidence, we walked together towards my home, where I had invited him for dinner.

Our casual banter was abruptly interrupted by screeching tires and the sickening crunch of metal. We turned to witness a horrifying scene—a car swerving uncontrollably towards a young girl, barely eight years old.

The driver's panicked attempt to brake only worsened the situation, causing a collision that sent the vehicle careening towards the helpless child.Instinct took over.

Without hesitation, driven by a surge of protectiveness akin to that for my little sister, I sprinted towards the girl.

"RUN TO THE SIDE, QUICK!" I shouted, shoving her away from the car's path as it skidded sideways towards us.

"SHIRO, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Yuuto's frantic voice barely registered as I focused on shielding the girl from harm.

Pushing her to safety, I realized too late that I had placed myself directly in the deadly position the girl once was in....

In the car's trajectory.

The impact was instantaneous.

Bones snapped, and excruciating pain enveloped me.

In those agonizing moments before consciousness slipped away, I felt a strange sensation—a blend of searing heat and numbing cold that defied description.

'Why must the human body not have any long term resistance to anything...'

Then, a voice echoed within my mind.

[Request heard...]

[Request granted]

It intoned.

[Intrinsic skill—{Omni-Resistance} has been granted.]

The pain faded into a strange comfort, leaving me strangely detached from my physical injuries.

That voice...

So very familiar...

Could it possibly be...

Let's see...

'I request upon existence the {Kings of Sin}'

{Request heard...}

{Processing request...}

{Request accepted.}

{Request granted.}

{Ultimate Skills that have been acquired are:

[Prideful King: Lucifer]

[Wrathful King: Satanael]

[Gluttonous King: Beelzebub]

[Envious King: Leviathan]

[Slothful King: Bel-Phegor]

[Lustful King: Asmodius]

[Greedy King: Mammon]

I feel... different.

Like my very existence is changing.

Each skill carried echoes of ancient myths and legends, empowering me with their unique attributes and abilities.

[*Prideful King Lucifer*] granted me mastery over pride itself, empowering my spirit with unyielding confidence in the face of adversity.

[*Wrathful King Satanael*] imbued me with the fury of righteous anger, harnessing destructive power against injustice.

[*Gluttonous King Beelzebub*] bestowed upon me an insatiable appetite for knowledge and experiences, fueling my thirst for understanding.

[*Envious King Leviathan*] endowed me with the cunning of envy, the ability to perceive weaknesses in others and exploit them for strategic advantage.

[*Slothful King Bel-Phegor*] granted me the patience to wait for the perfect moment to act, conserving my energy until the decisive strike.

[*Lustful King Asmodius*] gifted me with allure and charm, wielding seductive influence over others to bend them to my will.

[*Greedy King Mammon*] enriched me with the wealth of resourcefulness, enabling me to accumulate and manage assets effectively for any endeavor.


Let us continue.

'I request the ever pure {Virtue Kings}'

{Request heard...}

{Processing request...}

{Request accepted.}

{Request granted.}

{Ultimate Skills that have been acquired are:

[Justice King: Michael]

[Patience King: Gabriel]

[Wisdom King: Raphael]

[Purity King: Metatron]

[Hopeful King: Sariel]

[Charity King: Raguel]

[Covenant King: Uriel]}

And once again...

That feeling of change.

[*Justice King Michael*] instilled in me the valor to uphold righteousness and dispense fair judgment without fear or favor.

[*Patience King Gabriel*] bestowed me with the forbearance to endure trials and tribulations with unwavering resolve, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

[*Wisdom King Raphael*] imbued me with profound insight and understanding, allowing me to perceive truths hidden from ordinary perception and guide others with sagacious counsel.

[*Purity King Metatron*] purified my spirit, shielding me from malevolent influences and granting me the clarity of purpose in all endeavors.

[*Hopeful King Sariel*] infused me with optimism and inspiration, illuminating the path forward with unwavering faith in brighter tomorrows.

[*Charity King Raguel*] endowed me with compassion and empathy, guiding me to aid those in need and foster goodwill among all beings.

[*Covenant King Uriel*] forged unbreakable bonds of loyalty and trust, uniting allies and securing alliances with steadfast commitment to shared goals and ideals.

So it seems that other then the Skills themselves, my very essence is being adjusted and changed to be compatible with the skills...

So let's continue this fascinating experience.

'I request True knowledge of all that was, is and will be.'

{Request heard...}

{Processing request...}

{Request accepted.}

{Request granted.}

{[Information God: Akashic] has been granted.}

How very intriguing.

'The True Dragons shall be my strength'

{Request heard...}

{Processing request...}

{Request accepted.}

{Request granted.}

{Ultimate Skills granted:

[Scorche Dragon Velgrind]

[Frost Dragon Velzard]

[Storm Dragon Veldora]





{Stabilizing soul of the individual Shiro...}

{Stabilization successful.}

[Star Dragon God: Veldananva]...

Has been acquired.}


I only felt it for a spit second when my soul... destabilized apparently... but that pain cannot be described with mere words.

{Notice, [Wisdom King: Raphael] wishes to take over, does individual Shiro accept?}

Request accepted.

{Raphael has scanned all Skills.

Raphael requests assistance from Information God Akashic.}

Request accepted.

{Combining all seven Sin Kings...}

{Primordial Skill: [God of Death Thanatos] was created.}

{Combining all seven Virtue Kings...}

{Primordial Skill: [God of Life Brahma] was created.}

{Analysing Dragon Skills...}

{[Creation Dragon God Asgorath] was created}

{Combining [Wisdom King: Raphael] and I[nformation God: Akashic]...}

{Primordial Skill: [Goddess of Wisdom Athena] was created.}



[Yes Master?]

WOW!!!*ahem* Does Thanatos have all of the abilities that would derive from the sin series like Void God Azathoth?

[Answer: Yes Master, it is indeed the case, and it also includes skills like Illusion King Mephisto and so on and so forth. And it is the same for the virtue series.]

Great! Now, my last request is to have a body that can absolutely adapt to everything, evolve infinitely, and produces an infinite amount of Primordial Energy.

{Request heard...}

{Creating physical body...}

{Upgrading according to the request...}


{Transporting Astral form to the new physical form... Success.}

{Have nice life Individual Shiro.}

Thank you, Voice of the World.

Now, I am assuming that I will be in Tensura.

But the question is, where in the time-line?

And depending on the time-line, my soon to be race and the characters, the place where might reincarnate in might be my doom since I don't know how to use any of my powers.

Oh well, if anything I'll activate [Auto-Battle Mode] from Sub-Skill {Raphael}, and I'm about to find out.


Hey Guys!!!

How are you all doing today?

So as you can see this is the rewrite I promised.

I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Have a great Day!

VAITAScreators' thoughts