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Zack_Min · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs


Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

"Why am I doing this?" With a tired look, Shizune looked at the pair on the battlefield.

They both had a fiery aura about them.

"You better start packing brat, I'll kick you out of the village at least!"

"Nooo, you better get ready to change clan Big Sister Tsunade, after this you'll be called Tsunade Uchiha!"

"Try it if you have the balls!"

"Taste me!"

Shizune just shook her head at this.

"Are you ready?" Raising her hand Shizune looked at them, she was brefereeing this.

"More than ready, those tits are calling me!"

"Get ready, for a few broken bones brat!"

The aura growing with each verbal exchange, Shizune just sighed at the perverts.


They both ran as Shizune started the battle.

"He has!"

"He has!"

Clenching her fist Tsunade threw a punch, Yuki is also not far behind and threw a punch.


Both fists collided, thus creating a strong pressure.


Shizune was suprised by such an exchange. Neither one of them moved an inch.

"Not bad! You're learning fast!" With a fierce smile, Tsunade praised Yuki.

"It would be a waste not to learn, if I have a beautiful Big Sister like you, Tsu-na-de"

Emphasizing her name, Yuki smiled back at Tsunade, a vein throbbing on Tsunade's forehead.

"Don't underestimate me brat! Even if you match my strength, you don't have strength, you don't have my stamina!"

Breaking the first blow, they both launched a kick.


Again both kicks collided, creating strong winds.

"He has!"

"He has!"

*boom, boom, boom

Throwing punch, fists colkiding, strong gusts of wind, made Shizune close her eyes for a second.

(Are they even?!)

*Boom, Boom, Boom

It was the same Taijutsu, no matter where Tsunade hit, Yuki hit the same place, they were in sync.

*boom, boom

Several successions of blows were thrown, Tsunade taking the lead as Yuki pounded with his fists.

Both were evenly matched in strength and speed, neither could take advantage of the other.


A small crater was created as Tsunade hit the ground.

Yuki quickly jumped up and took their distance, although they seemed evenly matched, this was not so.

(She increased her strength!)

It's like she said, Tsunade was increasing her strength with every hit.

(I can't keep up with her!)

"What's wrong? You don't want to take me as your girlfriend? You give up brat?" Tsunade didn't miis this opportunity to taunt Yuki, she was suprised at how quickly he had been learning the 'Strength of a hundred' and Fuenjutsu.

Tsunade had to admit, Yuki was a battle genius, he was like a sponge absorbing all her knowledge.

"Good! You asked for it Big Sister, don't worry, I'll take care of those tits carressing every day"

With a thought, his right eyes changed, turning crimson.

(here it comes... the Sharingan)

Tsunade turned serious as well, she knew the brat was capable.

(If I can't with Taijutsu... Let's try Ninjutsu)

"Hyoton: Kōri no sutairu" With a quick succession of hands, Yuki slammed his fists into the ground. Quickly the terrain changed and multiply sheets of ice came out.

"Hum! Your little crystals are nothing before the force"

Hitting the ground, Tsunade destroyed the Ninjutsu very easily, however Yuki smiled at this.

Jumping up, he quickly prepared his next Ninjutsu.

"Hyoton: Aisusupaiku" Dozens of spikes of ice materialized, falling towards Tsunade at high speed.

With no chance to dodge, spikes of ice pierced through Tsunade's body, or so it seemed.



Tsunade's body was replaced by a log of wood.

"He has"

Falling from the sky, Yuki received Tsunade's punch, his body hurtling towards the ground, shattering the earth from the impact.


"Eh? Is that all? How boring~ and here I am thinking that I would finally have a boyfriend"

With a smile, Tsunade approached Yuki, she knew that this blow would at least knock the brat unconscious.


However, she quickly noticed an abnormality, her arm was frozen, looking quickly at Yuki, her eyes widened.

(Ice clone!)


Two arms came out of the ground and grabbed her legs.

"Raiton: Denki Kiji"

A powerful electricity coursed through Tsunade's body.

"Kya?!" This Jutsu was very powerful for the human body, after all it was a Jutsu that directly used the blood of the body, as a conductor, thus destroying the tissued and muscles in the process, Yuki knew it mp a strong conductor of electricity.

This Jutsu was the perfect counter for a Taijutsu user, it was the nemesis for those who use brute force.

(It hurts like hell!)

"Do not underestimate me!"

Stomping hard, Tsunade broke free of hus grasp, the ground around her cracking, pinning Yuki to the ground.

"Huh? Another clone!"

Tsunade's leg froze, hitting Yuki's clone.

"As expected of Big Sister Tsunade, that wasn't enough to stop you, but... we're just getting started!" With a quick succession of hands, Yuki released his other Jutsu.

"Hyoton: Kōri no raion" Rising from the ground, a huge ice Lion materialized, measuring 3 meters tall and 7 meters long.


His long mane and his fangs, characterized the king of the jungle, he looked different from a normal lion, apart from his mane, his body, was like metallic structures, thus creating an exoskeleton around him.

With a mental command, the lion charged at Tsunade.

"I told you! Your little crystals are useless against the force"

Her fist amplified with chakra, Tsunade struck at the lion, a smirk forming on her face, hoping to shatter this fragile crystal.

"Hey?" Her smile soon froze though, the lion didn't break as she expected, rather it took her blow and bared it's teeth.

Jumping quickly Tsunade looked at Yuki who was looking at her with a smile on his face.

"You didn't think I would waste my Chakra on a useless Jutsu did you"

"You brat...!"

The lion continued to charge at Tsunade as she dodged and punched, but no matter how hard she hit, the lion was unharmed.

"It's useless Big Sister Tsunade, my little one here, I made it especially for you, he will absorb every physical attack you have"

Yuki knew that any attack based on ice would shatter like glass before Tsunade's brute force, that's why he came up with an idea, for a year, he thought of creating a technique that would be unique and special to Tsunade.

After several attempts and with the help of Rasiel, Zafkiel and the Sharingan.

In the end he was able to create a lion that absorbs the impact. It was all in the lion's design, his exoskeleton allowed him to absorb most force impacts, while having a small layer of ice, which directed the force of the impact towards the ground, that is as long as he was on the ground, the lion was invincible.

(This brat!)

Tsunade had a headache from this, the lion continued to harass her, whenever she hit the lion she attacked harder, the lion's speed was also high as she couldn't get rid of him.

Looking at Yuki's smirk, Tsunade clenched her fists and decided she had to teach him a lesson.

(Let's see how much longer you can keep smiling!)

Biting her thumb, Tsunade made a succession of hands, she jumped back putting her hand on the ground, several black lines spread out.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"


A large amount of smoke billowed out, Yuki's smile froze, he looked up and couldn't help but swear how unfair Tsunade was.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Only 123 Chapters are Translated and I'm going to stop translating this novel.
